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Game of June 12, 2011 at 13:11, 12 players
1. blue.sand -339
2. Bez -461
3. naomiari -464

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceiosvy   H8    36    36   coveys
 2. aenqrtw  13C    50    86   tranqs
 3. aglntuz  11D    32   118   glazen
 4. ?enoptu   8A    86   204   unpoetic
 5. ?aejkrs   B6    42   246   jansky
 6. abeenrt   E1    70   316   tenebrae
 7. dlopstu   9H    63   379   outplods
 8. dgloors   O4    30   409   droogs
 9. aenostv   L7    74   483   volantes
10. aehiioy   D1    42   525   ahoy
11. deefmnw   F2    40   565   mew
12. acegrtx  M12    38   603   ax
13. ehilorw  14J    42   645   wiser
14. adeloru  15D    82   727   roulade
15. begiimn  A11    31   758   nimbi
16. adefilu   C1    39   797   fad
17. ceiilrt  15M    22   819   lei
18. cghiiiu   N6    28   847   hi
19. eeefgtu  10E    28   875   ef
20. egiirtu   K9    21   896   ptui
21. ceegiir   4I    22   918   grieced

Remaining tiles: ii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6703 Fileblue.sand   3 14:32  -339  579     1.6703 blue.sand   3 14:32  -339  579 
  2.5373 FileBez         1 22:46  -461  457     2.6192 sunshine12  3 12:17  -553  365 
  3.4843 Filenaomiari    1 26:57  -464  454     3.6276 SuperH      1  4:04  -861   57 
  4.5889 Fileksong       2 18:50  -539  379            Group: novice
  5.4416 FileLucylulu    0 22:05  -547  371     1.5373 Bez         1 22:46  -461  457 
  6.6192 Filesunshine12  3 12:17  -553  365     2.5889 ksong       2 18:50  -539  379 
  7.4088 Filejimbo       0 24:25  -554  364            Group: not rated
  8.4238 FileGrace_Tjie  0 17:33  -558  360     1.4843 naomiari    1 26:57  -464  454 
  9.4083 Fileremij       0 13:58  -642  276     2.4416 Lucylulu    0 22:05  -547  371 
 10.4862 Fileannelhynz   0  7:40  -786  132     3.4088 jimbo       0 24:25  -554  364 
 11.  -  Filewordgame    1  9:13  -807  111     4.4238 Grace_Tjie  0 17:33  -558  360 
 12.6276 FileSuperH      1  4:04  -861   57     5.4083 remij       0 13:58  -642  276 
                                             6.4862 annelhynz   0  7:40  -786  132 
                                             7.  -  wordgame    1  9:13  -807  111 

On 1st draw, COVEYS H8 36 --- COVEY a flock of birds [n]
Other moves: COVEY H8 34, COVEYS H4 34, COVEY H4 32, COVEYS H3 30, COVEYS H7 30
COVEY H8 34 remij
COVEYS H4 34 Bez
VOICES H4 30 naomiari, blue.sand, Lucylulu
COVEYS H5 28 jimbo
VICES H8 22 Grace_Tjie
VICES H7 20 wordgame

On 2nd draw, TRANQS 13C 50 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: QWERTY 12C 42, TAWERY 12C 24, TAWNEY 12C 24, WATERY 12C 24, YAWNER 12H 24
WATERY 12C 24 Bez
WARTY 12D 22 blue.sand
WANTERS 13B 22 jimbo
WAVER 10F 21 naomiari, wordgame
WARE 11E 14 Grace_Tjie
CREW 8H 9 remij
STRAW 13H 9 Lucylulu

On 3rd draw, GLAZEN 11D 32 --- GLAZEN glassy [adj]
Other moves: GAUZE 11D 30, GAZAL E10 30, GLAZE 11D 30, ZELANT 11G 30, AZURN D10 28
GLAZEN 11D 32 wordgame
GAZE 11E 28 Grace_Tjie
ZA 12E 24 blue.sand
ZONA 9G 24 remij
ZOA 9G 23 naomiari, Bez
TANGLE 11C 14 jimbo

On 4th draw, UNPOET(I)C 8A 86 --- POETIC pertaining to poetry [adj] --- UNPOETIC not poetic [adj]
Other moves: POUNCET(S) 8D 64, PUTC(H)EON 8E 62, (Q)UEP 10C 26, PE(S)O 12A 25, (S)PONGER D7 24
O(I) 14F 17 naomiari
PA(I)NT F10 14 remij
VOTE 10H 11 blue.sand
GORE D11 10 Bez
POC(K)ET 8F 9 wordgame
COUP(L)E 8H 9 jimbo
OPEN 9H 9 Lucylulu

On 5th draw, JANSK(Y) B6 42 --- JANSKY the unit of strength of radio wave emission [n]
Other tops: JAT(A)KA F6 42, J(A)TAKA F6 42
Other moves: JA(U)K 7D 41, S(T)ARKEN B2 40, JANKERS B6 36, JANKER B6 35, JANKER(S) B6 35
JAKES E5 32 naomiari
J(O)KER E5 30 Bez, blue.sand
JETS F6 27 Grace_Tjie
JET F6 26 Lucylulu
JU(N)KERS A7 18 wordgame, jimbo
JAPS C6 15 remij

On 6th draw, TENEBRAE E1 70 --- TENEBRAE a religious service [n]
Other moves: BEARE A11 27, BENET A11 27, BERET A11 27, BRANT A11 27, BRENT A11 27
BRANT A11 27 blue.sand
BARP C5 21 sunshine12
BERATE E3 16 Bez
BA C5 13 naomiari
JAB 6B 12 remij, Lucylulu
BARE E5 12 Grace_Tjie
JEER 6B 11 wordgame
BENT F5 8 jimbo

On 7th draw, OUTPLODS 9H 63 --- OUTPLOD to surpass in plodding [v]
Other moves: SPOD D1 31, SPUD D1 31, STOPT 1A 30, SOUP D1 29, STOP D1 29
SPOUT 1A 24 jimbo
STOUP 1D 24 sunshine12
POD D2 24 blue.sand
TOPS 1E 18 Grace_Tjie, remij, naomiari, ksong
TOLD 1E 15 Bez

On 8th draw, DROOGS O4 30 --- DROOG a gang-member [n]
Other tops: GODSOS O4 30, GOOLDS O4 30
Other moves: DOLORS O4 27, DROOLS O4 27, ODORS A11 25, DOO 8M 24, GODSOS O6 24
DROOLS O4 27 ksong, jimbo
GOO 8M 24 blue.sand
GLOST 1A 21 remij
STOOD 1D 21 sunshine12
GOLDS O5 21 naomiari
GLOSS O5 18 Bez
GLOSS O6 18 Lucylulu
LOGS O6 15 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, VOLANTES L7 74 --- VOLANTE a two-wheeled horse vehicle [n]
Other moves: ADVENTS N8 41, AVENS A11 37, OVATE A11 37, OVENS A11 37, SEA 12B 33
ADVENTS N8 41 Lucylulu
OVENS A11 37 blue.sand, sunshine12
STOVE 1D 27 annelhynz, remij
STAVE 1D 27 ksong
VETOES 2A 22 jimbo
PAVES K9 20 Bez, naomiari

On 10th draw, AHOY D1 42 --- AHOY used in hailing a ship or person [interj]
Other moves: HIYA D2 41, HOYA D2 41, HOSEY 14J 38, HYE F2 37, YEAH M11 36
AHOY D1 42 blue.sand
THEY 1E 30 Lucylulu, remij, Bez, Grace_Tjie, jimbo, annelhynz
AY 14E 28 sunshine12
EH 10E 28 ksong
SHY 14L 18 naomiari

On 11th draw, MEW F2 40 --- MEW a place of retirement or concealment [n] --- MEW to confine (one pl MEAWES) [v]
Other tops: WEN F2 40
Other moves: MATWEED 1C 39, MENE F2 39, MEWED A11 39, EWE F1 37, FEW C3 36
MEW F2 40 ksong
MEWED A11 39 Bez
FEW C3 36 blue.sand
DEFAT 1A 27 Lucylulu, naomiari
DEFEND 4J 22 jimbo
WEED 4L 16 remij, Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, AX M12 38 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX M12 38
Other moves: CAG C1 36, CAR C1 32, CAT C1 32, EXACT J5 30, RAG C1 30
EX M12 38 sunshine12, naomiari
AX M12 38 blue.sand, Bez, ksong
AXES 14I 27 Lucylulu
AXE 14A 22 annelhynz
SEXT 14L 22 remij
SEX 14L 20 Grace_Tjie
EXTRACT J3 18 jimbo

On 13th draw, WISER 14J 42 --- WISE having wisdom [adj]
Other tops: HOSEL 14J 42, HOSER 14J 42
Other moves: OWLER A11 37, OWRIE A11 37, BLOWIER 5E 33, PLIER K9 33, WHEAT 1A 33
OWLER A11 37 blue.sand
WHEAT 1A 33 Lucylulu, sunshine12, Grace_Tjie, naomiari
WHORLED 4I 28 jimbo
EH 10E 28 ksong
HOW K13 24 annelhynz
SEW 14L 22 remij
OWES 14I 15 Bez

On 14th draw, ROULADE 15D 82 --- ROULADE a rolled up cake with a filling [n]
Other moves: RELOAD N1 34, ALOED N2 32, ALOUD N2 32, OREAD N2 32, AUDIO K11 30
ALOUD N2 32 blue.sand
DEL 15M 26 naomiari
RULED 15G 26 Bez
DROLE 15F 23 sunshine12
ADORE 15F 23 ksong
DARE 15G 20 Grace_Tjie
DREAD 4K 14 Lucylulu
DO C5 12 annelhynz
RED 15I 12 remij
ALONE 3B 10 jimbo

On 15th draw, NIMBI A11 31 --- NIMBUS a luminous cloud [n]
Other moves: BEGIN A11 30, BEING A11 30, BINGE A11 30, MINGE A11 30, BEGAT 1A 24
BEGIN A11 30 blue.sand
BEGAT 1A 24 naomiari, sunshine12
BINGED 4J 20 jimbo, ksong
MIEN N3 17 annelhynz
MIND 4L 14 Grace_Tjie
BEND 4L 14 Lucylulu

On 16th draw, FAD C1 39 --- FAD a practice or interest that enjoys brief popularity [n]
Other moves: FLIED N2 38, AFIELD N2 36, DEF 15M 35, ELIAD N2 32, LAD C1 30
FLIED N2 38 ksong
DEF 15M 35 blue.sand
DEFAT 1A 27 naomiari
FAILED 4J 20 Bez
FLIED 4K 18 Lucylulu
EF 15N 17 sunshine12
RIFLED 6E 16 jimbo
FLIER 5K 16 Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, LEI 15M 22 --- LEI a garland of flowers [n]
Other tops: LET 15M 22
Other moves: PLIE K9 21, ICTERID 4I 20, CITIED 4J 18, CLERID 4J 18, TRICED 4J 18
CRIED 4K 16 ksong
CITED 4K 16 blue.sand
LICE N1 15 Bez
IT B14 14 sunshine12
CRED 4L 14 jimbo
ICED 4L 14 Grace_Tjie
TRICE 6D 9 Lucylulu
TACT 12L 7 naomiari

On 18th draw, HI N6 28 --- HI used as a greeting [interj]
Other tops: UH N5 28
Other moves: PHI C8 27, PHI K9 25, UGH N5 25, CHID 4L 20, CHI N2 19
UH N5 28 blue.sand
HI N6 28 sunshine12
UGH N5 25 ksong
CHID 4L 20 Bez
CHI N2 19 Grace_Tjie
HI K13 18 naomiari
CHIT J6 15 Lucylulu
RUG 6E 6 jimbo

On 19th draw, EF 10E 28 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other moves: EF B14 23, FEET M3 20, FETED 4K 18, FEUED 4K 18, FETE N1 17
EF 10E 28 sunshine12, SuperH
EF B14 23 ksong, naomiari
FEET M3 20 blue.sand
FETED 4K 18 Bez
FEED 4L 16 Grace_Tjie
JEER 6B 11 Lucylulu
GREET 6D 8 jimbo

On 20th draw, PTUI K9 21 --- PTUI used to express the sound of spitting [interj]
Other moves: TIGER M2 18, GEIT M3 16, GERT M3 16, GIRT M3 16, GIRTED 4J 16
GRIT M3 16 blue.sand
IT B14 14 sunshine12
ET B14 14 SuperH
GRUE N1 13 ksong
GRID 4L 12 Grace_Tjie, naomiari
TRIED 4K 12 Lucylulu
RITE N1 11 Bez
TAG 12L 4 jimbo

On 21th draw, GRIECED 4I 22 --- GRIECED in heraldry, placed upon steps [adj]
Other moves: GRICED 4J 20, ICIER M2 20, ICER M3 18, CERITE J5 17, RECITE J5 17
GRICED 4J 20 blue.sand
CREED 4K 16 Bez, Lucylulu
RICED 4K 16 jimbo
RICE N1 15 sunshine12, ksong, SuperH
ICED 4L 14 Grace_Tjie
DIE N9 6 naomiari

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