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Game of June 12, 2011 at 17:58, 11 players
1. Ansuyah -329
2. pero -490
3. Rudi -502

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eejnrss   H4    40    40   jesse
 2. ?ehnnty   4H    36    76   johnny
 3. egilrvw   5D    28   104   review
 4. ?aegmmn   8H    89   193   engramme
 5. aefggot   N8    36   229   megafog
 6. adehirt   9B    77   306   airthed
 7. eikosuw  15L    48   354   wise
 8. abilopu   8A    36   390   bapu
 9. aefilnu   K7    70   460   fraulein
10. adilrst  13E    61   521   distrail
11. adeklot   3K    42   563   oaked
12. bcceorv   O1    33   596   codec
13. belnort  14A    27   623   breton
14. ailortu  L10    28   651   tallow
15. aeiopuz  A12    75   726   zobu
16. aeinoot  15C    33   759   toonie
17. adipruv  12A    30   789   zupa
18. diitvxy   2H    37   826   dixy
19. iilqrtv   1G    42   868   qi

Remaining tiles: ilrrtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7158 FileAnsuyah     2 13:38  -329  539     1.7158 Ansuyah     2 13:38  -329  539 
  2.  -  Filepero        1 20:25  -490  378            Group: intermediate
  3.3827 FileRudi        1 20:36  -502  366     1.6626 ceosickey   2  8:11  -633  235 
  4.5984 Filemargalang   2 14:42  -523  345     2.6074 dannyboy    1  3:54  -781   87 
  5.3863 Filetonikay     1 14:56  -599  269     3.6297 SuperH      1  0:33  -826   42 
  6.6626 Fileceosickey   2  8:11  -633  235     4.6746 mylover81   1  1:08  -828   40 
  7.4088 Fileremij       0 14:36  -638  230            Group: novice
  8.4675 FileHANITRA     0  9:58  -682  186     1.5984 margalang   2 14:42  -523  345 
  9.6074 Filedannyboy    1  3:54  -781   87            Group: not rated
 10.6297 FileSuperH      1  0:33  -826   42     1.  -  pero        1 20:25  -490  378 
 11.6746 Filemylover81   1  1:08  -828   40     2.3827 Rudi        1 20:36  -502  366 
                                             3.3863 tonikay     1 14:56  -599  269 
                                             4.4088 remij       0 14:36  -638  230 
                                             5.4675 HANITRA     0  9:58  -682  186 

On 1st draw, JESSE H4 40 --- JESSE to fasten straps to a hawk's legs [v]
Other tops: JEERS H4 40
Other moves: JEERS H8 26, JESSE H8 26, JEERS H5 24, JEERS H6 24, JEERS H7 24
JEERS H4 40 Ansuyah, pero, Rudi, mylover81, dannyboy
JEERS H8 26 remij

On 2nd draw, J(O)HNNY 4H 36 --- JOHNNY a sleeveless hospital gown [n]
Other moves: THEY I6 31, Y(S)HENT 9G 31, JENNY 4H 30, J(I)TNEY 4H 30, TH(E)Y I6 29
JENNY 4H 30 remij, Rudi, HANITRA
HEY I7 28 pero
HENNY I7 27 dannyboy
(S)HY 9H 24 Ansuyah

On 3rd draw, REVIEW 5D 28 --- REVIEW to view again [v] --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: VIEWER 5D 25, LIVYER M1 24, VELIGER 5C 23, WIVER 5E 23, GYVE M3 22
VIEWER 5D 25 Ansuyah
WIVER 5E 23 pero
WILY M1 20 dannyboy
WREN L1 11 Rudi
GIVES 7D 10 remij

On 4th draw, ENG(R)AMME 8H 89 --- ENGRAMME a deep-seated psychological impression [n]
Other moves: ENG(R)AMME 8A 86, ENGRAMM(A) D2 80, ENGRAMM(E) D2 80, ENGR(A)MMA D2 80, (E)NGRAMME D2 80
MAM 3M 28 pero
EM 3L 24 Ansuyah
GAMER(S) D1 20 Rudi
G(R)AVE F2 14 remij
GEM 8G 6 tonikay

On 5th draw, MEGAFOG N8 36 --- MEGAFOG a fog signal [n]
Other moves: FAGOT 4A 32, OAF 3K 32, AFT 3L 30, EFT 3L 30, FAG 3M 30
FAGGOT L7 22 tonikay, Rudi
MAGGOT M8 22 Ansuyah
FORGET D3 22 pero
GREAT D4 14 remij

On 6th draw, AIRTHED 9B 77 --- AIRTH to guide [v]
Other moves: TRIHEDRA D4 76, DEATHIER E4 74, T(R)IHEDRA K7 72, GRAITHED J8 67, DEATHIER O2 65
HIRED 4A 33 pero
HID O13 29 Ansuyah
HAD M13 27 margalang
HEARD D2 18 Rudi
HERD D3 16 tonikay
HIVE F3 12 remij

On 7th draw, WISE 15L 48 --- WISE having wisdom [adj] --- WISE to become aware or informed [v]
Other moves: SEIK 3J 43, SOUK 3J 43, KOW M11 41, OWSE 15L 39, EIKS 3K 38
WISE 15L 48 margalang
WOK O13 38 Ansuyah
OW 10A 26 pero
WAKES B8 22 Rudi
KIS 10A 15 tonikay
WEEK E4 11 remij

On 8th draw, BAPU 8A 36 --- BAPU spiritual father [n]
Other moves: BAPU C3 31, BLIP C2 31, BOP M11 31, ABOULIA B9 30, BAP C3 29
BLIP C2 31 Ansuyah
BAP 3M 28 margalang
BOA 3I 25 tonikay
PA 3I 22 pero
BLOW L12 18 Rudi
BAP B8 13 remij

On 9th draw, F(R)AULEIN K7 70 --- FRAULEIN a German governess [n]
Other moves: AUF 3K 32, AIMFUL M6 30, EF 3L 28, FAE 3M 28, FAN 3M 28
FAN 3M 28 margalang
FILE 4A 26 pero
FINER D1 24 Ansuyah
FLAY M1 20 Rudi
FAY M2 18 remij
NAE 3I 17 tonikay

On 10th draw, DISTRAIL 13E 61 --- DISTRAIL an airplane's clear wake through cloud [n]
Other moves: AARTIS L7 27, ADIT M10 25, DAHS J2 25, ALTARS L8 24, LAPIDIST C6 24
START E8 19 margalang
TIRADES 12F 18 Ansuyah
DAY M2 14 remij
TRIADS E9 14 Rudi
ST E8 11 tonikay

On 11th draw, OAKED 3K 42 --- OAKED (of wine) stored for a time in oak barrels before bottling [adj]
Other moves: TALKED 14A 40, AKED 3L 38, LAKED 14B 38, OAKED 14B 38, TOKED 14B 38
OAKED 14B 38 Ansuyah
LAKED 12B 26 pero
TAK H13 21 margalang
KAY M2 20 remij
KEY M2 20 Rudi
KOA 12F 19 tonikay

On 12th draw, CODEC O1 33 --- CODEC an integrated circuit [n]
Other moves: BEVOR 4A 32, COVER 4A 32, BOCCE 12A 31, COVE 4A 28, CODER O1 27
COVER 4A 32 ceosickey
CODER O1 27 Ansuyah, pero, HANITRA
VOTER H11 27 margalang
BED O1 18 Rudi, remij, tonikay

On 13th draw, BRETON 14A 27 --- BRETON a type of hat [n]
Other moves: BELON 4A 26, BETON 4A 26, BONER 4A 26, BELON 14B 25, BETON 14B 25
BONER 4A 26 pero, ceosickey
BETON 14B 25 Ansuyah
NOTER H11 18 margalang
BED E11 12 remij, Rudi
BELT 2H 11 tonikay

On 14th draw, TALLOW L10 28 --- TALLOW to smear with tallow (a mixture of animal fats) [v]
Other moves: ALLOW L11 24, AULOI 12D 24, TURBO A11 24, ATRIAL L8 22, LOBI A12 21
TUBA A12 21 Rudi, Ansuyah
RITUAL 12A 21 ceosickey
TOTAL H11 18 margalang
ROT 15C 13 pero
BA A14 12 tonikay
LOB A12 6 remij

On 15th draw, ZOBU A12 75 --- ZOBU a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZEBU A12 75
Other moves: ZUPA 4A 54, ZOEA 4A 50, ZUPA C3 45, ZAP C3 43, ZEP C3 43
ZEBU A12 75 ceosickey
AZO 4B 28 Ansuyah
ZONE K2 26 Rudi
ZEE C13 24 pero, tonikay
TOP H13 15 margalang

On 16th draw, TOONIE 15C 33 --- TOONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin [n]
Other moves: ZOOEA 12A 32, ZATI 12A 26, ZEIN 12A 26, ZETA 12A 26, ZINE 12A 26
ZOOT 12A 26 Rudi
ZONE 12A 26 margalang, HANITRA, Ansuyah
ENTIA 15E 22 ceosickey
TAN O11 14 pero
TANE 2I 12 tonikay

On 17th draw, ZUPA 12A 30 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other moves: DRAP C2 29, DRIP C2 29, DAP C3 27, DIP C3 27, DUP C3 27
DRIP C2 29 Ansuyah
VAPID 2G 17 ceosickey
POND K2 14 margalang
VIPER E2 10 tonikay
LAVA 11K 7 Rudi

On 18th draw, DIXY 2H 37 --- DIXY a camp-kettle [n]
Other tops: YEX 9M 37
Other moves: DIXIT 2H 35, DIXY 11D 33, DIXI 2H 31, DIXIT 11D 29, XI 2J 28
XI 2J 28 Ansuyah
TONY K2 14 margalang
PIX C8 12 Rudi
EX E5 9 tonikay

On 19th draw, QI 1G 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VRIL 1F 32, IT 5K 21, LIRI 1E 21, TI 5K 21, LIT 1G 20
QI 1G 42 Ansuyah, ceosickey, tonikay, margalang, SuperH
PIET C12 12 remij
ID H1 9 Rudi

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