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Game of June 13, 2011 at 00:09, 6 players
1. sunshine12 -431
2. bobadamdan -479
3. narisa -680

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deefov   H8    84    84   overfed
 2. aceinsy  14A    82   166   cyanised
 3. adhlnuy  15A    58   224   hay
 4. ijnoost  13C    50   274   jot
 5. ?beklov  11E   110   384   overbulk
 6. aelqsst   J9    37   421   squeals
 7. abfgnor  12L    28   449   afro
 8. egilrtx  O12    33   482   oxer
 9. aeiintu  13J    25   507   anta
10. eilnotu   N5    62   569   outliner
11. cdeghim   O1    50   619   miche
12. aabiprt   8L    27   646   pila
13. dioprst   G2    65   711   tripods
14. agiltwz   F6    65   776   za
15. egloouw  N14    22   798   we
16. agioruw   E5    31   829   raw
17. adilnnt   D1    31   860   tindal
18. eegimru   L4    22   882   guimpe
19. begiort   C2    29   911   biog
20. eginrtu   I2    64   975   trueing

Remaining tiles: denoru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6201 Filesunshine12  6 16:52  -431  544     1.6201 sunshine12  6 16:52  -431  544 
  2.6468 Filebobadamdan  4 23:17  -479  496     2.6468 bobadamdan  4 23:17  -479  496 
  3.4297 Filenarisa      1 17:41  -680  295            Group: novice
  4.  -  Filemitiarjuk   0  8:24  -894   81     1.5384 Bez         0  3:24  -927   48 
  5.2967 Filecennet77    0  7:01  -916   59            Group: not rated
  6.5384 FileBez         0  3:24  -927   48     1.4297 narisa      1 17:41  -680  295 
                                             2.  -  mitiarjuk   0  8:24  -894   81 
                                             3.2967 cennet77    0  7:01  -916   59 

On 1st draw, OVE(R)FED H8 84 --- OVERFEED to feed too much [v]
Other tops: OVE(R)FED H3 84
Other moves: OVE(R)FED H6 80, OVE(R)FED H2 78, OVE(R)FED H4 78, OVE(R)FED H7 78, OVE(R)FED H5 76
FEVE(R) H4 28 bobadamdan, sunshine12
FEED H8 16 narisa

On 2nd draw, CYANISED 14A 82 --- CYANISE to turn into cyanide [v]
Other moves: CYANISE I2 69, CYANIDES 14C 68, CASEFY 12D 28, EYAS G12 28, CYANISE 13B 26
FANCY 12H 26 narisa
YAE G13 22 sunshine12
DAYS 14H 16 bobadamdan

On 3rd draw, HAY 15A 58 --- HAY to convert into hay (grass, cut and dried for fodder) [v]
Other moves: HULA 15A 55, LYNCH A11 51, HAD 15A 50, YUCH A12 48, HAN 15A 46
HAY 15A 58 sunshine12
LAUNCH A10 36 bobadamdan
LUNCH A11 33 narisa

On 4th draw, JOT 13C 50 --- JOT to write down quickly [v]
Other moves: JO 13C 46, JINNS D11 37, JOINS D11 37, JINS D12 35, JOINS F10 28
JOT 13C 50 sunshine12, bobadamdan
JOES 10F 27 narisa

On 5th draw, OVE(R)B(U)LK 11E 110 --- OVERBULK to oppress by bulk [v]
Other moves: BELOVE(D) 13G 37, BELOVE(S) 13G 37, EVOKE(D) 13H 32, EVOKE(R) 13H 32, EVOKE(S) 13H 32
FLO(C)K 12H 22 bobadamdan
FL(U)KE 12H 22 sunshine12
LEEK 10G 18 narisa

On 6th draw, SQ(U)EALS J9 37 --- SQUEAL to utter a sharp, shrill cry [v]
Other moves: EQ(U)ALS J9 36, Q(U)ESTS J10 36, SQ(U)ATS J9 36, SQ(U)EAL J9 36, LASQ(U)ES J7 35
SQ(U)EALS J9 37 sunshine12
Q(U)ESTS J10 36 bobadamdan, narisa

On 7th draw, AFRO 12L 28 --- AFRO a thick curly African hairstyle [n]
Other moves: BEFANA 13G 25, AGON 12L 24, ARF 12L 24, KOBAN L11 24, KRANG L11 24
AB 12L 20 sunshine12
BEGAR 13G 20 bobadamdan

On 8th draw, OXER O12 33 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other moves: FIXT M12 28, FLEX M12 28, FLIX M12 28, EXALT 13H 27, FIX M12 26
OXER O12 33 sunshine12, bobadamdan, narisa

On 9th draw, ANTA 13J 25 --- ANTA a pilaster formed at the termination of a wall [n]
Other tops: ANTE 13J 25, IRATE N11 25, URATE N11 25, URENA N11 25
Other moves: RATE N12 23, RATU N12 23, ARET N11 21, EA 13L 21, TA 13L 21
IRATE N11 25 bobadamdan
FINE M12 14 narisa
KAT L11 7 sunshine12

On 10th draw, OUTLINER N5 62 --- OUTLINER one that outlines [n]
Other moves: ELUTION G2 61, ELUTION I2 61, OUTLINE I2 61, LOIN 14J 20, LUIT 14J 20
TOIL K8 17 bobadamdan
LUNCH A11 11 narisa
LOVE F9 9 sunshine12
STOLEN 9J 7 mitiarjuk

On 11th draw, MICHE O1 50 --- MICHE to play truant [v]
Other moves: CHIME O1 47, CHILD 8K 45, CHILE 8K 42, CHIDE O1 41, HEID O6 40
CHILD 8K 45 mitiarjuk
CHILE 8K 42 sunshine12
MILE 8L 27 narisa
HE N14 22 bobadamdan

On 12th draw, PILA 8L 27 --- PILUM a heavy javelin [n]
Other moves: TABLA 8K 24, AB 14L 20, AB N1 20, ARABIC 3J 20, LAIR 14J 20
BRAT M2 15 bobadamdan
BAT M3 13 sunshine12
PRAM 1L 11 narisa
APART 7J 8 mitiarjuk

On 13th draw, TRIPODS G2 65 --- TRIPOD a stand having three legs [n]
Other tops: TORPIDS G2 65, TORPIDS I2 65, TRIPODS I2 65
Other moves: DISPORT G2 64, SPIE 14L 28, PONS D12 25, DONS D12 23, STROUD 6J 23
TONS D12 21 bobadamdan
PROD M2 18 sunshine12
DROPS L5 8 mitiarjuk
SPOD 8F 7 cennet77

On 14th draw, ZA F6 65 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZA H1 35, ZATI 10B 35, WAIL F6 34, WAIT F6 34, WAZIR 3C 34
ZA F6 65 sunshine12
ZA H1 35 bobadamdan
ZIP 5E 28 narisa
W*G 6F 15 cennet77
ZIT 4F 13 mitiarjuk

On 15th draw, WE N14 22 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other tops: GLOW M2 22, WO N14 22, WOE H1 22
Other moves: WEE 14M 21, WOE 14M 21, GLOWER 3B 20, WOOLIE 4C 20, GUILE M6 19
WOE H1 22 bobadamdan, sunshine12
GEE 14M 15 narisa

On 16th draw, RAW E5 31 --- RAW a sore or irritated spot [n] --- RAW uncooked [adj]
Other tops: WAG E5 31
Other moves: WAR E5 28, RAGI E5 27, GARI E5 26, GUAR E4 26, RAG E5 25
GROW M2 22 bobadamdan
WO H1 17 sunshine12
TWIG 2G 12 cennet77

On 17th draw, TINDAL D1 31 --- TINDAL a petty officer [n]
Other moves: DAN H4 28, DIN H4 28, DITAL D2 27, NIDAL D2 27, TIDAL D2 27
LAID M2 14 bobadamdan
RAWN E5 7 sunshine12
RAID 3G 6 cennet77

On 18th draw, GUIMPE L4 22 --- GUIMPE a short blouse [n]
Other moves: GERM M3 21, MEE C2 21, MURTI 1A 21, EM N1 20, EME C1 20
MEE C2 21 bobadamdan
MEET 1A 18 sunshine12
GRIME 3F 11 cennet77
GRIM 1L 9 Bez

On 19th draw, BIOG C2 29 --- BIOG a biography [n]
Other moves: BOET H1 28, BOET C2 26, BETTOR 1A 24, BITTER 1A 24, BITTOR 1A 24
BOET H1 28 sunshine12, bobadamdan
BRIG 2B 14 Bez
TIGER 2G 8 cennet77

On 20th draw, TRUEING I2 64 --- TRUE to bring to conformity with a standard or requirement [v]
Other moves: UTTERING 2F 63, REIGN 8A 31, GREIN 8A 28, GIEN H1 25, RUTIN 8A 25
GREIN 8A 28 sunshine12
GIEN H1 25 Bez
UTTERING 2F 13 bobadamdan

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