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Game of June 13, 2011 at 10:08, 7 players
1. yab -420
2. remij -688
3. annelhynz -758

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cdegls   H4    76    76   cudgels
 2. einosuy   4H    22    98   coneys
 3. demnotw   9F    67   165   meltdown
 4. ?aafiiz   3I    57   222   zarf
 5. adeipsx   N9    59   281   spadix
 6. cfnoruy  10B    39   320   corny
 7. eklortt  M11    44   364   toker
 8. beghstu   C7    86   450   besought
 9. aeehior   2I    42   492   ahi
10. aeinprv   8A    42   534   preve
11. adefjno   L7    41   575   fawned
12. aaeeirt   J6    63   638   eradiate
13. abejllm  15H    54   692   jamber
14. eilorrw   1D    52   744   worrel
15. iilnotu  O13    26   770   not
16. aegilot   1K    24   794   logia
17. iilotuv  12A    26   820   vigil
18. eiinqtu   E3    30   850   quinte

Remaining tiles: aeiiouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6465 Fileyab         2 17:26  -420  430     1.6465 yab         2 17:26  -420  430 
  2.4091 Fileremij       0  7:33  -688  162            Group: not rated
  3.4883 Fileannelhynz   0  6:41  -758   92     1.4091 remij       0  7:33  -688  162 
  4.  -  Filemarshjules  0  5:04  -794   56     2.4883 annelhynz   0  6:41  -758   92 
  5.4442 FileLucylulu    0  1:21  -810   40     3.  -  marshjules  0  5:04  -794   56 
  6.3117 FileZEHAVARON   0  2:17  -815   35     4.4442 Lucylulu    0  1:21  -810   40 
  7.  -  Filecailah      0  3:10  -822   28     5.3117 ZEHAVARON   0  2:17  -815   35 
                                             6.  -  cailah      0  3:10  -822   28 

On 1st draw, C(U)DGELS H4 76 --- CUDGEL to beat with a heavy club [v]
Other moves: C(U)DGELS H2 74, C(U)DGELS H6 72, C(U)DGELS H7 72, C(U)DGELS H8 72, C(U)DGELS H3 70
SC(A)LED H7 20 remij
SLEDG(E) H4 16 marshjules

On 2nd draw, CONEYS 4H 22 --- CONEY a rabbit [n]
Other moves: CONEY 4H 20, COSEY 4H 20, SNIDEY 6E 20, YONIC 4D 20, NOSEYS 10F 19
YES 10F 14 remij
YOUNG 7D 10 marshjules
NOISES 10C 8 cailah

On 3rd draw, MELTDOWN 9F 67 --- MELTDOWN the melting of the core of a nuclear reactor [n]
Other moves: OWNED 3J 34, MEOW 5K 33, MOTED 5K 31, MOWN 3I 31, MEOW 3L 29
DOWN 6H 16 remij
DEMOTE 8G 10 cailah
MOLTEN 9F 10 marshjules

On 4th draw, ZA(R)F 3I 57 --- ZARF a metal holder for a coffee cup [n]
Other tops: ZIF(F) 3I 57, ZI(F)F 3I 57
Other moves: (B)AIZA 8K 51, ZA(P) 3I 45, ZI(N) 3I 45, ZI(P) 3I 45, ZI(T) 3I 45
ZIN(E) J2 32 annelhynz
ZI(T)S M1 24 remij
(B)AIZA 10B 21 yab

On 5th draw, SPADIX N9 59 --- SPADIX a flower cluster [n]
Other moves: PASSED M1 50, P*SS*D M1 50, DASSIE M1 46, PASSE M1 46, PASS M1 44
SPADIX N9 59 yab
WAXED L9 32 remij
AXE 10M 28 annelhynz
SPADED 6E 20 marshjules
SPAM F6 10 cailah

On 6th draw, CORNY 10B 39 --- CORNY trite [adj]
Other tops: CRONY 10B 39, CURNY 10B 39
Other moves: ROUNCY 10A 36, UNCOY 10B 35, FURY 10C 33, CONY 10C 32, CORY 10C 32
FUN O13 32 yab
COXY 14L 16 remij
OY M14 14 annelhynz

On 7th draw, TOKER M11 44 --- TOKER one that tokes [n]
Other moves: LOKE M11 42, TOKE M11 42, KETOL M11 40, KETO M11 38, OKE M12 38
WOKE L9 22 remij
KANE J2 18 yab
ROKER D10 18 annelhynz

On 8th draw, BESOUGHT C7 86 --- BESEECH to implore [v]
Other moves: BESOUGHT K6 78, TUSSEH M1 50, GUSSET M1 46, HUSS M1 46, BUSS M1 44
BUSHER 15H 36 yab
HODS 12L 18 remij

On 9th draw, AHI 2I 42 --- AHI a Hawaiian fish (yellowfin tuna or bigeye) [n]
Other moves: RAH 2H 40, AH 2I 39, HOARIER 15G 33, WHIR L9 31, HEARER 15H 30
HOARIER 15G 33 yab

On 10th draw, PREVE 8A 42 --- PREVE to prove [v]
Other moves: VIPER 1K 39, NAEVE 8A 36, NAEVI 8A 36, NIEVE 8A 36, RIEVE 8A 36
VAINER 15H 30 yab

On 11th draw, FAWNED L7 41 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other moves: DOF O13 39, FOE O13 38, FON O13 38, FONDA 1K 36, JADED 6F 34
JADED 6F 34 yab

On 12th draw, ERADIATE J6 63 --- ERADIATE to shoot out like a ray of light [v]
Other moves: TEARIER 15G 24, AERIER 15H 21, ARTIER 15H 21, ETRIER 15H 21, IRATER 15H 21
TERAI 1K 21 yab

On 13th draw, JAMBER 15H 54 --- JAMBER armor for the legs below the knees [n]
Other moves: EMBALL 1D 46, JELL 1F 46, JAMBE I11 37, JAMB I11 36, JAMBEE E3 34
JAMBE E4 32 yab

On 14th draw, WORREL 1D 52 --- WORREL a monitor lizard [n]
Other moves: ROWEL 1E 37, ROW O13 35, WEIL 1F 34, WIEL 1F 34, WIRER 1K 33
ROWEL 1E 37 yab

On 15th draw, NOT O13 26 --- NOT in no way [adv]
Other tops: TON O13 26, VIRTU D8 26
Other moves: TON O11 22, NO O13 19, TO O13 19, ON O12 17, INTUIT 14A 16
UNTO 2A 13 yab

On 16th draw, LOGIA 1K 24 --- LOGION a saying attributed to Jesus [n]
Other tops: LEGATOR B2 24, LEGIT 1K 24, LOGIE 1K 24, TOGAE 1K 24
Other moves: TELIA 1K 21, TELOI 1K 21, TOILE 1K 21, GIGLET 12A 20, GIGLOT 12A 20
TOGAE 1K 24 yab

On 17th draw, VIGIL 12A 26 --- VIGIL a period of watchfulness maintained during normal sleeping hours [n]
Other tops: VIRTU D8 26
Other moves: LIVOR B4 20, OUTVIE E3 18, VALETA 11I 18, VOLUTE E3 18, VOR B6 18
LOVE 13G 12 Lucylulu
VOTE 13G 12 yab

On 18th draw, QUINTE E3 30 --- QUINTE an attacking fencing position [n]
Other tops: EQUINE E3 30, QUINIE E3 30
Other moves: INQUIET 13E 29, QUINE E4 28, QUITE E4 28, QUEEN 13G 25, QUIET 13G 25
QUITE E4 28 Lucylulu, yab

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