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Game sheet of Losh (file), Game of June 13, 2011 at 10:52

Word find
Word played
1 ACGIMNS             MAGICS H8 28 28  
2 ?AINOPU POIS(O)N 13E 8 -64 8 5/6 ACUPOIN(T) 12G 72 100 5/6
3 ?BEIORT             ORBIE(S)T O7 85 185 6/6
4 DKLOORU             DOOK N7 44 229 7/7
5 ADINRTV             VIANDS 13C 29 258 7/7
6 ACEHNOR             CANEPHOR J8 69 327 8/8
7 EGNRSUW             RUNGS M6 32 359 8/8
8 ADEORRT             AERODART E8 68 427 8/8
9 AEIIMTY             RIMAYE 15J 42 469 8/8
10 ADERSTV             STARVED D2 81 550 8/8
11 EEHLQWY             ETHYL 15D 36 586 8/8
12 BEGNOOZ             BEZ G7 52 638 8/8
13 EGILNOU             HONE 13J 22 660 8/8
14 EINSTTW             TWITTENS 3A 74 734 8/8
15 AGILTUX             XIS H1 30 764 8/8
16 AAFILOU             FAIL 2F 30 794 8/8
17 AFGIQTU             FAQUIR 6H 38 832 8/8
18 GILOPUW             PUTLOG A1 30 862 8/8
19 EEIJLTW             EWT 11J 27 889 8/8

Total: 8/889 or -881 for 0.899%
Rank: -

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