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Game sheet of Bez (file), Game of June 13, 2011 at 13:54

Word find
Word played
1 ?EHLLMS HELMS H4 28   28 1/6       28 1/6
2 ACEEGJR JAR I3 25 -5 53 1/6 HEJRA 4H 30 58 1/7
3 ?DEGNSU SURGED K2 16 -67 69 4/6 D(I)NGUSES 8A 83 141 2/7
4 ADLNOYZ JAZY J4 43   112 2/6 ZANY 3L   184 2/7
5 BEIMOSU BUYS O1 30 -47 142 2/5 JUMBOISE J4 77 261 2/8
6 AEGLNOV UNGLOVE E8 22 -50 164 2/7 LONGEVAL 6A 72 333 2/8
7 DIINTTU TIDING D1 18 -68 182 3/6 INTUITED 11D 86 419 2/8
8 ACDELOX OXY O1 39 -7 221 1/6 DEX 12J 46 465 2/8
9 ?AEIOQT QI 9I 21 -49 242 6/9 ANTIQ(U)E N2 70 535 2/9
10 ABEORTU BEER 8L 27 -10 269 4/7 ABYE O1 37 572 2/9
11 DEELPRT PEEL 8L 27 -15 296 6/8 PELTED O7 42 614 2/9
12 AEIORTW WIRE 13K 30 -9 326 2/8 TROWEL A1 39 653 2/9
13 AHIOOPR             POH 9E 27 680 2/9
14 ACEFGIV FIVE 13K 36   362 3/7       716 2/9
15 IKNORRT RINK D10 16 -14 378 7/8 KINO 12A 30 746 2/9
16 CGINORS SORTING F8 14 -25 392 8/8 COKING A10 39 785 4/9
17 AFILRWY             FLAWY 3E 42 827 4/9
18 AIIORRS FIRE E3 14 -11 406 7/8 ARRIS 14H 25 852 4/10
19 AACIRTU CARAT 15D 36   442 3/6       888 4/10

Total: 442/888 or -446 for 49.77%
Rank: 6276

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