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Game of June 13, 2011 at 16:57, 10 players
1. pero -446
2. narisa -498
3. margalang -558

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abefgir   H4    28    28   fibre
 2. ?aaekpu   G8    68    96   pukatea
 3. eglnort  11E    32   128   trangle
 4. ?cdesxy   5B    90   218   dyslexic
 5. eimnsvw  15G    46   264   swive
 6. aginosu   J1    31   295   agons
 7. adimotw   1H    42   337   miaow
 8. cempsty  L12    37   374   ympt
 9. adlnort   4A    26   400   dona
10. ahiilot   3B    36   436   halo
11. aaefrrs   L1    80   516   warfares
12. adeejot   8J    42   558   jested
13. adehilr   O8    95   653   dihedral
14. eegintv   1H    42   695   miaowing
15. ceiiino   B2    26   721   chode
16. ablnotu   A6    84   805   butanol
17. ioortuv  M10    27   832   vrou
18. einootz  F11    67   899   ritz
19. einoqtu   N4    34   933   toque
20. eeiiino  N11    29   962   onie

Remaining tiles: eii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6245 Filepero        1 20:30  -446  516     1.6245 pero        1 20:30  -446  516 
  2.4527 Filenarisa      1 21:37  -498  464     2.6214 sunshine12  0 22:30  -591  371 
  3.5965 Filemargalang   1 17:01  -558  404            Group: novice
  4.6214 Filesunshine12  0 22:30  -591  371     1.5965 margalang   1 17:01  -558  404 
  5.3886 Filetonikay     1 19:09  -613  349            Group: not rated
  6.3750 Filepaulineasb  1 22:40  -653  309     1.4527 narisa      1 21:37  -498  464 
  7.3137 Filecailah      1 18:01  -715  247     2.3886 tonikay     1 19:09  -613  349 
  8.3368 FileLosh        0  2:29  -932   30     3.3750 paulineasb  1 22:40  -653  309 
  9.  -  Filebrad115     0  1:56  -950   12     4.3137 cailah      1 18:01  -715  247 
 10.  -  Filecolmic      0  0:19  -954    8     5.3368 Losh        0  2:29  -932   30 
                                             6.  -  brad115     0  1:56  -950   12 
                                             7.  -  colmic      0  0:19  -954    8 

On 1st draw, FIBRE H4 28 --- FIBRE a threadlike cell or filament [n]
Other tops: BRIEF H8 28, FIBER H4 28
Other moves: BRIEF H4 26, GRIEF H8 26, FERIA H4 24, BAGIE H4 22, BARGE H4 22
FIBER H4 28 narisa
FIBRE H4 28 pero
BRIEF H8 28 cailah
BEGAR H4 22 tonikay

On 2nd draw, PUKA(T)EA G8 68 --- PUKATEA a New Zealand tree with excellent timber [n]
Other moves: P(I)KAU G3 31, KA(N)AE I3 27, K(O)AP G5 26, PAKE(H)A G1 26, PA(R)BAKE 6E 26
PEAK(S) 9D 25 pero
B(R)EAKUP 6H 22 cailah
FAKE(R) 4H 22 paulineasb, narisa
K(E)EP G2 18 tonikay

On 3rd draw, TRANGLE 11E 32 --- TRANGLE a diminutive of the fesse (heraldry) [n]
Other tops: GENITOR 5E 32
Other moves: GENRO H11 30, GONER H11 30, LONGE H11 30, RETINOL 5E 28, LENTO H11 26
IGNORE 5H 14 cailah
LONGER 13C 14 pero, paulineasb
GLARE 11E 12 narisa
TOKE 10E 10 tonikay

On 4th draw, DYS(L)EXIC 5B 90 --- DYSLEXIC one who is affected with dyslexia [n]
Other moves: DYSLEX(I)C J8 72, (P)YXIDES 5E 68, EXCID(E)S 5E 64, EXCIS(E)D 5E 64, (E)XCIDES 5E 64
SEXY 15G 55 tonikay, narisa, pero
SEXY 13F 18 paulineasb
SEXY K10 14 cailah

On 5th draw, SWIVE 15G 46 --- SWIVE to copulate with [v]
Other moves: SMEW 15G 40, SWIM 15G 40, SWIVE J5 40, SWIM J5 38, VIMS J2 38
SWIM 15G 40 narisa, margalang, pero
SEWN 15G 34 tonikay
VIEWS D1 30 paulineasb
NIB 6F 20 sunshine12
SWINES D5 10 cailah

On 6th draw, AGONS J1 31 --- AGON the dramatic conflict between the main characters in a Greek play [n]
Other tops: AGIOS J1 31
Other moves: GANS J2 30, GAUS J2 30, GINS J2 30, GIOS J2 30, GNUS J2 30
GINS J2 30 margalang
GAINS J1 29 sunshine12
GINS L12 25 narisa
GAS J3 25 tonikay
NIB 6F 20 pero
ASSIGN D4 18 paulineasb

On 7th draw, MIAOW 1H 42 --- MIAOW to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: DIATOM 6A 40, DOMATIA 1D 36, WAID L12 35, WOAD L12 35, AMID L12 33
WOX G3 22 sunshine12
WAIT 14K 19 margalang
MOAT 1H 18 narisa
MEADOW 13F 14 cailah
WAD 1I 7 paulineasb
MAD 1I 6 tonikay

On 8th draw, YMPT L12 37 --- YMPE to graft [v]
Other tops: MYCS L12 37
Other moves: COTYPES 3I 34, EMPTY 12K 34, STYMY C3 34, CYST L12 33, EMYS L12 33
MY F13 32 pero
PETS L12 27 narisa, margalang
STY L11 21 sunshine12
PESTY C1 20 tonikay, paulineasb
EMPTY 13G 15 cailah
WEST L1 14 Losh

On 9th draw, DONA 4A 26 --- DONA a Spanish lady [n]
Other moves: DORMANT 13I 24, TARDYON C1 24, DOLMAN 13I 22, DRYLOT C3 22, AROYNT C2 20
WORLD L1 18 pero
LOX G3 16 sunshine12
WAND L1 16 Losh
LANDS D1 14 narisa
OX G4 14 margalang
TANG I8 11 tonikay
ADORN B4 8 cailah
SNORT D5 6 paulineasb

On 10th draw, HALO 3B 36 --- HALO to form a halo (a ring of light) [v]
Other tops: HALT 3B 36, HOLT 3B 36
Other moves: LATHI 3B 35, LOATH 3B 35, LOTAH 3B 35, HAT 3B 34, HOA 3B 34
HALT 3B 36 margalang
AH F13 28 pero
OH 6E 27 sunshine12
HOLD A1 24 narisa
MAIL 13L 12 paulineasb
THAT E11 7 cailah
WAT L1 6 tonikay

On 11th draw, WARFARES L1 80 --- WARFARE the act of engaging in war [n] --- WARFARE to wage war [v]
Other moves: SEAFARER 13A 72, FARSE D8 33, FARMERS 13I 32, FRAMERS 13I 32, AAS M13 31
FARMERS 13I 32 pero
WARFARES L1 30 cailah
SAFER M1 27 narisa, margalang
SHODER B2 24 paulineasb
AS 2A 20 sunshine12
USER 9G 16 tonikay

On 12th draw, JESTED 8J 42 --- JEST to joke [v]
Other moves: AJEE M10 35, JEE M11 33, JOE M11 33, SJOE 8L 33, SOJA 8L 33
JESTED 8J 42 tonikay
JOE M11 33 margalang, sunshine12
RAJ 6L 26 pero
READ F11 19 cailah
JAG I9 19 narisa
JET E9 10 paulineasb

On 13th draw, DIHEDRAL O8 95 --- DIHEDRAL the angle between two planes [n]
Other moves: DIHEDRAL O4 65, HEAD M2 33, HARMED 13I 32, HARMEL 13I 30, HEAL M2 30
HEAD M2 33 pero
HARMED 13I 32 narisa
EH F13 28 margalang, sunshine12
HAE 2F 18 tonikay
JAILER J8 15 cailah
LASHED D3 12 paulineasb

On 14th draw, MIAOWING 1H 42 --- MIAOW to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: GENEVA 14B 36, VEGIE 12A 28, VENGE 12A 28, VEGETE N7 27, VENTIGE N2 26
VEE M11 25 pero
NIB 6F 20 sunshine12
GIVE 12B 18 margalang, paulineasb
TIME 13J 12 narisa
VENTIGE E8 11 cailah
GIVEN 13D 9 tonikay

On 15th draw, CHODE B2 26 --- CHIDE to scold [v]
Other moves: COORIE 3I 22, NIECE F3 21, CIMIER 13J 20, COX G3 20, NIB 6F 20
CON 9I 19 pero
NIX G3 16 paulineasb
NICE 12B 14 margalang
CH 10N 13 sunshine12
RICE 3L 12 narisa, brad115
CINE 13D 6 tonikay

On 16th draw, BUTANOL A6 84 --- BUTANOL a flammable alcohol [n]
Other moves: ABOUT N10 38, BUNTAL A6 28, TULBAN A6 26, BALUN A6 25, BANTU A6 25
BLUNT A6 25 pero
AB F13 22 sunshine12
BOAT A6 22 margalang
BOX G3 20 narisa
NOTABLE 13A 18 paulineasb
ABOUT E7 7 cailah
ABLE 13D 6 tonikay

On 17th draw, VROU M10 27 --- VROU a Dutch woman [n]
Other moves: VOX G3 22, VOR 9I 21, RIB 6F 20, RUB 6F 20, TOCO I3 20
VOR 9I 21 sunshine12
RIB 6F 20 margalang
REV F4 14 pero
VERT F4 9 cailah
ROVE N5 9 narisa
VOTER 13D 8 tonikay
LOOT 12A 8 paulineasb

On 18th draw, RITZ F11 67 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other moves: ENTOZOA 14A 36, ZOO 2F 36, TOZIE N4 34, ZEX G3 34, TREZ 6K 33
ZOO 2F 36 margalang
ZEX G3 34 pero
ZEE N6 32 narisa
ZA 14F 31 sunshine12
OZONE N4 16 paulineasb
ZOOT E8 13 tonikay
NOON N1 8 cailah

On 19th draw, TOQUE N4 34 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: UNITE N11 33, QUIETEN 13B 32, QUINTET 13B 32, QUINTE 13B 30, ONIE N11 29
TOQUE N4 34 paulineasb
QUOTE 13C 28 sunshine12
QUITE 13C 28 narisa, margalang, pero
QUIT E8 13 tonikay
REIN 3L 8 cailah

On 20th draw, ONIE N11 29 --- ONIE any (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: NIE N12 24, NIB 6F 20, NICE I3 20, EXO G4 19, NEF 4F 17
NIB 6F 20 pero, sunshine12
NO 9I 12 margalang
QI 6N 11 tonikay
FETE 4L 8 colmic, cailah
ON O4 8 narisa
NINE 10A 6 paulineasb

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