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Game of June 13, 2011 at 17:45, 9 players
1. margalang -418
2. pero -490
3. jimbo -589

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aghmqu   H4    56    56   quaigh
 2. aeinrrt   4H    30    86   qintar
 3. iilnops   8A    86   172   spoiling
 4. abeiory   E5    48   220   boilery
 5. aegjort   F2    39   259   jager
 6. deeilot   K4    86   345   toileted
 7. ?deemrv   J8    88   433   removed
 8. acdnopu   8J    39   472   recoup
 9. eeflmst  10C    36   508   terfes
10. ehinors  13F    82   590   nosherie
11. afgotyz  12L    50   640   gazy
12. adelstx   G1    44   684   tax
13. cenosuv   N1    30   714   evos
14. aefikmt   1L    48   762   kief
15. adenotu  O10    30   792   noyade
16. adiltuw   H1    34   826   aw
17. allnotw  14B    31   857   tallow
18. abeiint   A1    83   940   bainites
19. cdmnruu  13A    24   964   cum

Remaining tiles: dnru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5971 Filemargalang   1 16:06  -418  546     1.6234 pero        2 16:54  -490  474 
  2.6234 Filepero        2 16:54  -490  474     2.6296 SuperH      4  9:02  -631  333 
  3.4187 Filejimbo       2 14:23  -589  375     3.6207 sunshine12  0 10:04  -711  253 
  4.6296 FileSuperH      4  9:02  -631  333     4.6184 cipka_616   1 10:43  -770  194 
  5.6207 Filesunshine12  0 10:04  -711  253            Group: novice
  6.6184 Filecipka_616   1 10:43  -770  194     1.5971 margalang   1 16:06  -418  546 
  7.3139 Filecailah      1 16:18  -778  186            Group: not rated
  8.4563 Filenarisa      0  3:18  -910   54     1.4187 jimbo       2 14:23  -589  375 
  9.  -  Filelaracm      0  3:17  -924   40     2.3139 cailah      1 16:18  -778  186 
                                             3.4563 narisa      0  3:18  -910   54 
                                             4.  -  laracm      0  3:17  -924   40 

On 1st draw, QUA(I)GH H4 56 --- QUAIGH a small drinking vessel [n]
Other tops: QUAH(O)G H4 56
Other moves: QUA(S)H H4 52, QUA(L)M H4 50, UM(I)AQ H8 50, QUAG(S) H4 48, QUA(I)GH H7 44
QUA(S)H H4 52 margalang
QUA(L)M H4 50 jimbo
QUAG(S) H4 48 pero
MA(S)H H8 16 cailah

On 2nd draw, QINTAR 4H 30 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: TRANQ 4D 28, RATINE I1 22, RETIA I5 22, RETINA I1 22, TENIA I5 22
TRAIN I1 19 margalang
TURNER 5G 12 pero
TERRA(I)N 7C 9 jimbo
NARRATE 6G 9 cailah

On 3rd draw, SPOILING 8A 86 --- SPOIL to impair the value or quality of [v]
Other moves: PIGNOLIS 8F 62, OPSIN N2 34, LIPOS 10D 32, PISO 10F 31, OPSIN 10F 30
SPOILING 8A 86 jimbo
PINS N1 28 margalang, pero
SHIP 9G 11 cailah

On 4th draw, BOILERY E5 48 --- BOILERY a place for boiling [n]
Other moves: YOB 5J 29, OBEY 5K 28, YARE 5J 27, YEBO 3L 27, YORE 5J 27
BRAYER M3 24 margalang
AY 9B 22 pero
BETRAY K2 22 jimbo
ROYAL E4 16 cailah

On 5th draw, JAGER F2 39 --- JAGER a German army marksman [n]
Other moves: JAI 7C 37, JAG 3L 35, JATO 3L 35, JEAT 3L 35, JOG 3L 35
JOG 3L 35 margalang
JOG D4 29 pero
GREAT M3 14 jimbo, cailah

On 6th draw, TOILETED K4 86 --- TOILET to dress and groom oneself [v]
Other moves: PETIOLED B8 76, LEPIDOTE B6 67, ENTOILED J3 65, TOILED 3I 29, TOILE 3I 25
TOILETED K4 86 jimbo
DOT G1 17 margalang
ODE 5K 17 pero
DEITY 11A 9 cailah

On 7th draw, REM(O)VED J8 88 --- REMOVE to transfer to another place [v]
Other moves: REM(O)VED L8 87, PREM(O)VED B8 84, M(A)RVERED M2 82, (P)REMOVED C4 70, REV(A)MPED B3 69
EVER(Y) 8K 33 pero, margalang
REM(O)VES A2 14 jimbo
REDEEM 10J 13 cailah

On 8th draw, RECOUP 8J 39 --- RECOUP to get back the equivalent of [v]
Other tops: REDCAP 8J 39
Other moves: REPAND 8J 36, PAND L8 30, PEACOD 13I 28, ADUNC D11 27, CAD L8 26
RECOUP 8J 39 cailah
POD G1 22 margalang
CANDY 11A 11 jimbo

On 9th draw, TERFES 10C 36 --- TERFE turf [n]
Other moves: FEMS N1 34, FRETSOME M3 34, MESEL N2 34, EFTS N1 30, ELFS N1 30
FEMS N1 34 margalang
FEST N2 30 jimbo
FEME 3L 27 SuperH
FEET 3L 23 pero
SPEEL B7 9 cailah

On 10th draw, NOSHERIE 13F 82 --- NOSHERIE a cafe [n]
Other moves: NOSHERIE 13C 76, HORDEINS 14G 74, HERISSON A4 65, HEROINES 13D 63, HERISSON A3 62
HENS N1 30 margalang
HERS N1 30 sunshine12
NOH J4 29 SuperH
HERO 3L 23 pero
HONORS M7 14 cailah
RHINOS A3 13 jimbo

On 11th draw, GAZY 12L 50 --- GAZY given to gazing [adj]
Other moves: FOZY 3L 47, GOATY 14B 47, GYOZA 14B 44, ZO 7M 44, ZAG 3L 41
ZO 7M 44 sunshine12, SuperH
SAZ H13 36 margalang
ZAP B6 34 pero
ZIT L12 24 jimbo

On 12th draw, TAX G1 44 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: LAX G1 44, SAX G1 44
Other moves: AX G2 43, SAX N4 42, SEX N4 42, AXES N1 38, LASED N2 36
TAX G1 44 SuperH
AXES N1 38 margalang
SEX H13 30 pero, sunshine12
XI 6J 25 cipka_616
QINTARS 4H 16 jimbo

On 13th draw, EVOS N1 30 --- EVO evening (Australian slang) [n]
Other tops: SOV N4 30, VOES N1 30
Other moves: CENS N1 28, CONS N1 28, COSE N2 28, CUES N1 28, ECOS N1 28
CONS N1 28 margalang, sunshine12
YENS O12 21 SuperH
CON D4 18 cipka_616

On 14th draw, KIEF 1L 48 --- KIEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other tops: KEEF 1L 48
Other moves: KEET 1L 39, MEEK 1L 39, FEET 1L 33, YIKE O12 33, KETMIA 14A 32
KIEF 1L 48 SuperH
KEEF 1L 48 pero
YIKE O12 33 sunshine12
FEET 1L 33 cipka_616, margalang
FEM 1M 24 narisa
TREF M3 18 cailah

On 15th draw, NOYADE O10 30 --- NOYADE an execution by drowning [n]
Other moves: TYNDE O11 27, TYNED O11 27, DEUTON D1 26, ATONED 14B 25, AUTOED 14B 25
YODE O12 24 sunshine12, pero
YEAD O12 24 narisa
YOND O12 24 cipka_616
YATE O12 21 margalang
SOD H13 12 SuperH
SNOUTED A8 9 cailah
DEAN J1 7 laracm

On 16th draw, AW H1 34 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: WILTJA 2B 32, TAW 9A 26, WRIT M3 24, AW 9B 23, ADZ N10 22
AW H1 34 margalang, pero, SuperH, cipka_616
TWIT 1G 21 laracm
DAW 14E 18 sunshine12
ADULTS A3 9 cailah

On 17th draw, TALLOW 14B 31 --- TALLOW to smear with tallow (a mixture of animal fats) [v]
Other moves: TAW 9A 26, TOW 9A 26, ENWALL D10 25, AW 9B 23, OW 9B 23
AW N14 21 SuperH
OW N14 21 cipka_616
WON D4 20 pero
SAW H13 18 margalang
WONT J2 17 sunshine12

On 18th draw, BAINITES A1 83 --- BAINITE a byproduct of steel treatment [n]
Other moves: TIBIA 15A 35, ABET 15E 31, TABI 15A 30, BEAN 15F 29, BEAT 15F 29
BENT 15F 29 cipka_616, pero, margalang
BEAN 15F 29 sunshine12, SuperH
BEAT C12 12 laracm

On 19th draw, CUM 13A 24 --- CUM together with [prep]
Other moves: CULM D12 22, CUD 13A 20, DRUM M3 20, MUD 13A 20, MUON 3L 20
CUM 13A 24 SuperH
MUD 13A 20 pero
NUR 15G 15 margalang
MI 6J 10 cipka_616
NUDE 15L 6 narisa

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