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Game of June 13, 2011 at 18:31, 9 players
1. SuperH -402
2. kellybelly -409
3. cipka_616 -477

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ahilstu   H3    78    78   thulias
 2. ddegiin   4H    22   100   hiding
 3. aefnoos   N4    27   127   sofa
 4. aeeknor   8L    47   174   karo
 5. cdenoru   7C    65   239   decurion
 6. aeegoty   8A    33   272   ygoe
 7. ademors   5E    50   322   remudas
 8. abceiln   M7    37   359   balance
 9. ?aaeelu  14J    25   384   laurae
10. aeinoot  15H    25   409   nooit
11. eeiqtvw  O12    42   451   view
12. ?aeefir   A1    92   543   reaedify
13. einotvx   B1    46   589   exit
14. bdehotw   C1    45   634   both
15. eiilprv  12H    32   666   pelvic
16. eimnors  13C    79   745   mersion
17. ejprtyz  D12    60   805   jeez
18. aegqtwy   F5    37   842   equate
19. nprtuwy  15A    48   890   yutz

Remaining tiles: dgnprw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6311 FileSuperH      3 20:24  -402  488     1.7140 kellybelly  2 13:57  -409  481 
  2.7140 Filekellybelly  2 13:57  -409  481            Group: intermediate
  3.6185 Filecipka_616   0 20:53  -477  413     1.6311 SuperH      3 20:24  -402  488 
  4.6209 Filesunshine12  2 13:03  -547  343     2.6185 cipka_616   0 20:53  -477  413 
  5.4563 Filenarisa      0 12:03  -697  193     3.6209 sunshine12  2 13:03  -547  343 
  6.6559 Filemonthree    0  1:26  -820   70     4.6559 monthree    0  1:26  -820   70 
  7.3025 Filemanfred     0  5:49  -824   66            Group: novice
  8.5229 FileOasthouse1  0  1:20  -852   38     1.5229 Oasthouse1  0  1:20  -852   38 
  9.  -  Filelaracm      0  5:59  -857   33            Group: not rated
                                             1.4563 narisa      0 12:03  -697  193 
                                             2.3025 manfred     0  5:49  -824   66 
                                             3.  -  laracm      0  5:59  -857   33 

On 1st draw, THULIAS H3 78 --- THULIA an oxide of thulium [n]
Other tops: HALITUS H4 78
Other moves: HALITUS H2 72, HALITUS H3 72, HALITUS H6 72, HALITUS H7 72, HALITUS H8 72
HAILS H4 24 SuperH, sunshine12

On 2nd draw, HIDING 4H 22 --- HIDING a beating [n]
Other tops: HIDDEN 4H 22, HINGED 4H 22, TEDDING 3H 22
Other moves: DEIGN G7 20, DEIGN I7 20, GEDDIT 3C 20, HIDED 4H 20, HIEING 4H 20
TEDDING 3H 22 SuperH
HIDING 4H 22 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, SOFA N4 27 --- SOFA a long, upholstered seat [n]
Other tops: SAFE N4 27
Other moves: FANS N1 26, FENS N1 26, FOES N1 26, FONS N1 26, NEFS N1 26
FONS N1 26 sunshine12, kellybelly
FA 5K 22 cipka_616
OF I6 20 SuperH

On 4th draw, KARO 8L 47 --- KARO a New Zealand shrub [n]
Other tops: KARN 8L 47, KERN 8L 47, KERO 8L 47, KORA 8L 47, KORE 8L 47
Other moves: NERKA O5 36, RANKE O5 36, NARK 8L 35, NERK 8L 35, NORK 8L 35
KARN 8L 47 kellybelly
RANKE O5 36 sunshine12
REAK O5 33 cipka_616
KANE M7 25 SuperH

On 5th draw, DECURION 7C 65 --- DECURION a commander of a decury [n]
Other moves: CRUNODES 9A 63, COED G4 33, CRUNODE 5F 33, DECO G2 28, ACORNED M8 26
COD 9K 19 cipka_616
DANCER M7 17 SuperH
DACE M7 17 kellybelly

On 6th draw, YGOE 8A 33 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: YELT 6F 32, EYOT 8A 30, TYEE 8A 30, GAY 9K 26, G*Y 9K 26
GEAT 8A 24 kellybelly
CAGEY E7 22 cipka_616
YAE M7 20 SuperH

On 7th draw, REMUDAS 5E 50 --- REMUDA a herd of horses [n]
Other moves: AROUSED 5E 43, MOLDERS 6F 37, MOLDER 6F 36, DRAMS 9J 33, ADMIRES K1 32
DRAMS 9J 33 sunshine12
DAMS 9K 32 cipka_616, SuperH
MADE M7 19 kellybelly

On 8th draw, BALANCE M7 37 --- BALANCE to have equal weight or power [v]
Other moves: ALEC 6C 35, DOCIBLE C7 30, CABLE 4A 26, CEIBA 4A 26, BANGLE M1 25
CABLE 4A 26 SuperH
CAB 9K 23 sunshine12
CLINE 4A 22 kellybelly
CAB 4D 20 cipka_616

On 9th draw, LAU(R)AE 14J 25 --- LAURA a type of monastery [n]
Other moves: LU(T)EA 6B 24, ALU(R)E 14J 23, ELU(D)E 14J 23, LAU(R)A 14J 23, LEA(R)E 14J 23
LEA(S)E 14J 23 kellybelly, cipka_616, SuperH, sunshine12
DOLE C7 6 narisa

On 10th draw, NOOIT 15H 25 --- NOOIT (South Africa) expressing pleased or shocked surprise [interj]
Other moves: ATTONE 3G 22, TOONIE 15F 22, ANOETIC 12G 20, INSOFAR N2 20, ENTIA 15G 19
TOON 15H 16 SuperH
NEAT 15H 16 cipka_616, sunshine12
TEEN O12 15 kellybelly, narisa
AS 9G 3 laracm

On 11th draw, VIEW O12 42 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: WEET O12 33, WE N10 28, ETWEE O11 27, VIEW 4C 27, WE 15N 26
VIEW O12 42 kellybelly, SuperH
WEET O12 33 cipka_616, narisa
QI 3K 25 sunshine12
YETI A8 7 laracm

On 12th draw, REAE(D)IFY A1 92 --- REAEDIFY to rebuild [v]
Other moves: FE(T)ERITA 3B 79, FE(D)ARIE 14B 74, FI(L)AREE 14B 74, FREE(S)IA 14B 70, FRE(D)AINE 11G 70
FARE 6B 27 sunshine12
FRA(M)E 4A 24 kellybelly
FAR 6B 21 cipka_616
(D)EAF 6A 18 SuperH
FIRE(M)EN 11G 18 narisa
FEAR 10K 9 laracm

On 13th draw, EXIT B1 46 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other moves: EX B1 38, NIXE B2 38, XI B2 38, NIX B2 35, TEX B2 35
EXIT B1 46 sunshine12
EX B1 38 kellybelly, Oasthouse1
EX B2 31 SuperH, cipka_616
TOXIC 12I 28 narisa

On 14th draw, BOTH C1 45 --- BOTH being the two [adj]
Other moves: DOTH C1 42, WHO 6J 39, HOD C1 38, BOD C1 35, HOT C1 34
HO N10 28 sunshine12, kellybelly, SuperH, cipka_616
EXITED B1 26 narisa
AID 3A 8 laracm
TOWN H12 8 manfred

On 15th draw, PELVIC 12H 32 --- PELVIC a bone of the pelvis [n]
Other moves: PLIERS 9C 24, PLIE 9C 21, REPO O5 20, VIRELAI K9 20, PREVUE F3 19
PAVE 10L 17 SuperH, manfred
VIE 14F 16 kellybelly, cipka_616
PRIG M1 14 sunshine12
VIPER E1 10 narisa

On 16th draw, MERSION 13C 79 --- MERSION a dipping [n]
Other tops: MERINOS 13C 79
Other moves: MISENROLS 9F 78, MERSION 11C 74, NOM 6D 30, REM 6D 30, ROM 6D 30
SOM 6D 30 SuperH
MO N10 22 kellybelly
RISES K3 17 narisa
OMEN 13F 17 cipka_616
REBORN 1A 9 manfred

On 17th draw, JEEZ D12 60 --- JEEZ used as a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: JAZY 10L 43, JEEZ D11 40, PREZ B11 40, ZEP 12B 40, PREY 12A 38
ZEP 12B 40 kellybelly
PREZ D11 30 cipka_616
JEEP D11 26 narisa
REZ D12 24 SuperH

On 18th draw, EQUATE F5 37 --- EQUATE to be regarded as equal [v]
Other moves: QATS F10 33, WE N10 28, WEY B12 28, WYTE B10 28, YA N10 28
QATS F10 33 cipka_616, kellybelly
WART E11 25 monthree
WARE E11 25 SuperH
SWY F13 17 manfred
GAZE 15B 14 narisa
YES F11 6 laracm

On 19th draw, YUTZ 15A 48 --- YUTZ a stupid, foolish, or ineffectual person [n]
Other moves: PUTZ 15A 45, YU N10 28, PUNTY 3E 26, PURTY 3E 26, PUTTY 3E 26
YUTZ 15A 48 SuperH
PUTZ 15A 45 kellybelly, monthree
YAW 10L 17 cipka_616
GUY B8 15 manfred

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