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Game of June 13, 2011 at 21:37, 5 players
1. sunshine12 -414
2. Andy1990 -661
3. ceosickey -856

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egiortu   H4    70    70   goutier
 2. ehiioos   G7    28    98   soho
 3. ceflntu  F10    33   131   fluent
 4. abejmtw   I9    39   170   weamb
 5. aadeeer  15B    27   197   aerated
 6. ?eirrst  14I    79   276   stirres
 7. aelppsw   M9    36   312   wappers
 8. ?deeein   O8   122   434   neediest
 9. adiiotz  14A    50   484   dzo
10. almnquv   N6    34   518   qua
11. abgimot   5K    29   547   boma
12. eilnrvy  13C    42   589   veney
13. gilloos   O1    30   619   gills
14. aehjrty   4J    48   667   haj
15. ailnrtu   A8    27   694   unitard
16. deilnot   M1    30   724   denim
17. glnoooy   B3    71   795   noology
18. aciirtx  J10    58   853   xi
19. acirttv   D6    78   931   tractive

Remaining tiles: cfik

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6220 Filesunshine12  4 15:10  -414  517     1.6220 sunshine12  4 15:10  -414  517 
  2.4485 FileAndy1990    1 20:05  -661  270     2.6657 ceosickey   0  5:14  -856   75 
  3.6657 Fileceosickey   0  5:14  -856   75            Group: not rated
  4.  -  Filelaracm      0  8:56  -878   53     1.4485 Andy1990    1 20:05  -661  270 
  5.  -  Filedoracla15   0  1:26  -926    5     2.  -  laracm      0  8:56  -878   53 
                                             3.  -  doracla15   0  1:26  -926    5 

On 1st draw, GOUTIER H4 70 --- GOUTY affected with gout [adj]
Other moves: GOUTIER H2 68, GOUTIER H3 68, GOUTIER H6 68, GOUTIER H7 68, GOUTIER H8 68

On 2nd draw, SOHO G7 28 --- SOHO a huntsman's halloo [interj]
Other moves: HOISE G5 25, ISH G7 25, ISH I7 25, OOH I7 25, SOH G7 25
HOES G9 22 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, FLUENT F10 33 --- FLUENT spoken or written with effortless ease [adj] --- FLUENT the variable quantity in calculus [n]
Other moves: FLUTE F10 32, CLEFT F10 29, FELT F10 29, FENT F10 29, FLUE F10 29
FUN F10 28 sunshine12

On 4th draw, WEAMB I9 39 --- WEAMB the womb [n]
Other moves: JAMBEE 13B 36, WEMB I9 35, JAMBEE 13A 34, WAME I9 33, JAMBE 13B 32
TAJ 15F 30 sunshine12
TAME 15F 18 Andy1990

On 5th draw, AERATED 15B 27 --- AERATE to supply with air [v]
Other tops: EARD H12 27
Other moves: DATER 15D 24, DETER 15D 24, AREAE E7 22, RATED 15D 21, TEARED 15F 21
DATER 15D 24 Andy1990
TREAD 15F 18 sunshine12
DEER 13D 6 laracm

On 6th draw, STIRRE(S) 14I 79 --- STIRRE to bolt [v]
Other tops: SERR(A)TI 14I 79, STIRRE(D) 14I 79, STIRRE(R) 14I 79, STIR(R)ER 14I 79, STI(R)RER 14I 79, STRI(D)ER 14I 79, STRI(K)ER 14I 79, STRI(P)ER 14I 79, STRI(V)ER 14I 79
Other moves: ERRO(R)IST 5E 78, ER(R)ORIST 5E 78, E(R)RORIST 5E 78, I(N)TRORSE 5D 78, TERROI(R)S 5D 78
STIR(R)ER 14I 29 sunshine12
FORES 10F 10 Andy1990
AIR 11I 6 laracm

On 7th draw, WAPPERS M9 36 --- WAPPER to blink [v]
Other tops: SWAPPER M8 36, WA(S)P O12 36
Other moves: WAPPER M9 34, SAPPLE(S) O8 33, SWEAT J10 33, SLAE J9 32, SWAPPER L8 30
WA(S)P O12 36 sunshine12
APPLES 11I 20 Andy1990
APPLE(S) O9 10 laracm

On 8th draw, NEEDIE(S)(T) O8 122 --- NEEDY in a state of poverty [adj]
Other moves: NE(R)EIDE(S) O7 77, (R)EDENIE(S) O7 74, ENDEI(X)E(S) O7 71, DE(S)IGNEE 4D 68, NEED(L)IER D8 68
(S)ED 8M 23 sunshine12
NEED N7 21 ceosickey
(R)EEDING 4B 16 Andy1990
IDEA B12 10 laracm
STEN 7G 5 doracla15

On 9th draw, DZO 14A 50 --- DZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZOA 14B 50
Other moves: AZO 14A 48, ZA 14B 46, ZO 14B 46, AZOTED 13B 36, DIAZO L7 36
ZOA 14B 50 sunshine12
ZED 13E 15 Andy1990
ZOO 5G 12 laracm

On 10th draw, QUA N6 34 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUEME 13K 33, MAQUI K10 32, MAVEN 13C 32, QUAIL K11 28, QUAI K11 26
QUA N6 34 sunshine12
QUALM 12E 17 Andy1990
VIA K13 6 laracm

On 11th draw, BOMA 5K 29 --- BOMA a fenced enclosure [n]
Other tops: BIMA 5K 29
Other moves: BIGA 5K 27, BIOTA 5J 27, TOMIA 5J 27, MABE 13C 26, MOBE 13C 26
TAI O4 15 sunshine12
QI 6N 11 Andy1990

On 12th draw, VENEY 13C 42 --- VENEY the chosen location for an event [n]
Other moves: INLY J8 34, YE N10 33, LOVEY L4 30, RENEY 13C 30, RILEY 13C 30
YE N10 33 sunshine12
ONLY L5 11 Andy1990

On 13th draw, GILLS O1 30 --- GILL to catch fish with a gill (a type of net) [v]
Other tops: GOOLS O1 30, LOGOS O1 30
Other moves: GIGOLO 4H 28, GOO N10 27, GOS N10 27, LILOS O1 27, OLIOS O1 27
GILLS O1 30 sunshine12
LOGOS O1 30 Andy1990

On 14th draw, HAJ 4J 48 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: YAH N10 45, YEH N10 45, RAJ 4J 42, TAJ 4J 42, JA 4L 40
JA 4L 40 sunshine12
JOY L4 26 Andy1990

On 15th draw, UNITARD A8 27 --- UNITARD a leotard that also covers the legs [n]
Other moves: TRIM M2 26, AIM M3 24, NIM M3 24, RIM M3 24, INHAUL J2 23
RAT 6J 20 sunshine12
URALITE D7 16 ceosickey
RATE D10 8 Andy1990

On 16th draw, DENIM M1 30 --- DENIM a durable fabric [n]
Other moves: DIM M3 26, LEONE N10 26, LINTED B5 24, NIM M3 24, OINTED B5 24
NOTED B6 23 sunshine12
DOTH J1 10 Andy1990
DOLING 1J 9 ceosickey
AD 11I 3 laracm

On 17th draw, NOOLOGY B3 71 --- NOOLOGY the science of the intellect [n]
Other moves: ONLY J8 34, YO N10 33, G*Y 6J 29, GOO N10 27, LOY 6J 26
YO N10 33 sunshine12
G*Y 6J 29 ceosickey
AYE 10M 14 Andy1990

On 18th draw, XI J10 58 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: RAX C5 39, TAXI C2 37, AX C6 36, ARCTIID 1G 33, RAX C2 33
TAXI C2 37 sunshine12
NIX 3B 20 Andy1990

On 19th draw, TRACTIVE D6 78 --- TRACTION the act of pulling or drawing over a surface [adj] --- TRACTIVE relating to traction [adj]
Other moves: TRACTIVE 2F 67, CHAV J3 30, VAR 6J 29, VAT 6J 29, CAR 6J 26
CARVE D9 20 Andy1990
CAR C2 16 sunshine12

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