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Game of June 13, 2011 at 23:12, 4 players
1. sunshine12 -514
2. lastlea -592
3. tonikay -706

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aailnot   H8    66    66   ailanto
 2. efirrtw   I7    28    94   refit
 3. dhiotwx  11H    32   126   atwixt
 4. acegino   J1    68   194   coinage
 5. ?aelnsy   1H   167   361   secantly
 6. ceejnrs  15D    84   445   jeers
 7. ?efgksv  10K    35   480   keefs
 8. aeirstu  14H    70   550   outraise
 9. aceeitu   O6    30   580   cutesie
10. deglnor  12K    32   612   do
11. degmopw   3I    36   648   wimped
12. ailorty   G2    68   716   orality
13. dhhimno  15M    43   759   ohm
14. eilnoqr   F6    64   823   qi
15. abdhnru   F2    35   858   hub
16. bdeglov   K5    31   889   dove
17. abdoprz   L3    41   930   poz
18. abenprv   E3    26   956   pav
19. abeglru   E7    75  1031   blaguer
20. aginnor   8A    21  1052   argil

Remaining tiles: dnnno

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6242 Filesunshine12  4 14:18  -514  538     1.6242 sunshine12  4 14:18  -514  538 
  2.6250 Filelastlea     2 21:36  -592  460     2.6250 lastlea     2 21:36  -592  460 
  3.3888 Filetonikay     1 16:04  -706  346            Group: not rated
  4.3267 Filegmills0     0  8:40  -961   91     1.3888 tonikay     1 16:04  -706  346 
                                             2.3267 gmills0     0  8:40  -961   91 

On 1st draw, AILANTO H8 66 --- AILANTO an Asiatic tree [n]
Other moves: AILANTO H5 64, ALATION H5 64, ANTLIA H3 14, ANTLIA H4 14, ANTLIA H7 14
TALON H4 12 tonikay, lastlea

On 2nd draw, REFIT I7 28 --- REFIT to prepare and equip for additional use [v]
Other moves: FIRE I9 26, TREIF I5 24, WAFTER 11G 24, FIE I9 23, FIR I9 23

On 3rd draw, ATWIXT 11H 32 --- ATWIXT betwixt [adv]
Other moves: TOXIN 12D 24, TWIXT 13D 23, OX I13 22, WHOOT 14F 21, DHOOTI 14E 20
OX I13 22 tonikay
TOXOID 14G 16 lastlea

On 4th draw, COINAGE J1 68 --- COINAGE the act of making coins [n]
Other moves: ENIAC 12J 41, COAXING L8 40, AXENIC L10 36, AXONIC L10 36, EXONIC L10 36
COAXING L8 40 lastlea
GOT 13F 5 tonikay

On 5th draw, SECAN(T)LY 1H 167 --- SECANTLY in an intersecting manner [adv]
Other moves: S(T)ANYEL 15H 113, AN(A)LYSE 15C 104, A(D)ENYLS 15B 104, LYNA(G)ES 15B 104, (A)NALYSE 15C 104
LACEY 1H 42 sunshine12
SEXY L9 28 tonikay

On 6th draw, JEERS 15D 84 --- JEER to mock [v]
Other moves: JEES 15E 57, CERES 15D 54, CREES 15D 54, CERNES 15C 51, SCERNE 15H 51
JEERS 15D 84 lastlea, sunshine12
JOE 14G 10 tonikay

On 7th draw, K(E)EFS 10K 35 --- KEEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other tops: KE(E)FS 10K 35
Other moves: KEN(A)FS 4H 34, KE(E)F 10K 34, KIEFS 3I 34, KIEV(E)S 3I 34, KI(E)VES 3I 34
FIVES 3I 30 sunshine12
K(O)S 10K 22 tonikay

On 8th draw, OUTRAISE 14H 70 --- OUTRAISE to surpass in raising [v]
Other moves: RUINATES 4G 68, TAURINES 4E 68, URANITES 4G 68, URINATES 4G 68, STRIA 9K 33
STAIRS O10 21 sunshine12
STRIAE O10 21 lastlea
RUNS 12F 13 tonikay

On 9th draw, CUTESIE O6 30 --- CUTESIE cutesy [adj]
Other moves: LUETIC N1 28, CUESTA O7 27, ETIC K4 26, ACUTES O5 24, CASTE O8 24
CUTIES O5 24 sunshine12
CITES O6 21 lastlea
TEE O13 9 tonikay

On 10th draw, DO 12K 32 --- DO the first tone of the diatonic musical scale [n] --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other moves: NO 12K 29, ENOL 15L 28, DOGE K5 25, DREE 9L 25, NOD 15M 25
NOD 15M 25 sunshine12
(T)ONG M1 8 lastlea
GORE E12 5 tonikay

On 11th draw, WIMPED 3I 36 --- WIMP to act like a wimp, as in the phrase to wimp out [v]
Other moves: DOM 15M 35, DOWP K5 35, W*P K5 34, GOWD K5 33, MOW K5 33
DOM 15M 35 sunshine12
DAW 5I 14 lastlea

On 12th draw, ORALITY G2 68 --- ORALITY the state of being produced orally [n]
Other moves: ORALITY 13C 39, MAYO K3 33, PALTRY L3 30, PARITY L3 30, PARTLY L3 30
PALTRY L3 30 lastlea
PAYOR L3 20 tonikay
TRAY G5 14 sunshine12

On 13th draw, OHM 15M 43 --- OHM a unit of electrical resistance [n]
Other moves: DOH 15M 41, HM 15N 38, HOH F2 37, HOH K5 37, NOH 15M 37
DOH 15M 41 sunshine12
HI F6 28 tonikay

On 14th draw, QI F6 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 6F 31, MERINO K3 28, MOLINE K3 28, MELON K3 26, MONIE K3 26
QI F6 64 tonikay, sunshine12, lastlea
LINT 7D 4 gmills0

On 15th draw, HUB F2 35 --- HUB the center of a wheel [n]
Other tops: BUHR K5 35
Other moves: HUB K5 34, HAD F2 33, PURDAH L3 32, BAH F2 31, HAN F2 31
HUB F2 35 sunshine12
HAD F2 33 lastlea
HA H4 20 tonikay
BAND 5I 14 gmills0

On 16th draw, DOVE K5 31 --- DOVE a bird of the pigeon family [n] --- DOVE to stun [v]
Other moves: BODE K5 29, GOV K5 29, BOD K5 27, BOG K5 27, LOVE K5 27
GLOVED E7 26 lastlea
GLOBED E7 24 sunshine12
GLOVE E11 18 gmills0
GLOVE F11 17 tonikay

On 17th draw, POZ L3 41 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: POZ E3 38, BRAZE F11 36, ADOZE F11 35, ZOA E2 35, ADZE F12 34
DOZE F12 34 lastlea
AZO E1 30 sunshine12
ZAP E7 26 tonikay
PROBE E11 18 gmills0

On 18th draw, PAV E3 26 --- PAV short form of pavlova, a sweet meringue [n]
Other tops: BENJ D12 26
Other moves: BRAVE E7 25, PAREV E7 25, PAREVE F10 25, PARVE E7 25, PAVEN E7 25
BRAVE E7 25 sunshine12
PAREVE F10 25 lastlea
BRAVE F11 18 tonikay
VANE F12 9 gmills0

On 19th draw, BLAGUER E7 75 --- BLAGUER one who talks pretentious nonsense [n]
Other moves: BA 13M 24, BELUGA E7 23, BLAGUE E7 23, BUGLER E7 23, BULGER E7 23
BA 13M 24 lastlea
BURGLE E7 23 sunshine12
BABA 4D 16 tonikay
LEAGUE E10 14 gmills0

On 20th draw, ARGIL 8A 21 --- ARGIL a potter's clay [n]
Other tops: ARGOL 8A 21, GNARL 8A 21, GORAL 8A 21, GRAIL 8A 21, RIGOL 8A 21
Other moves: GI 13M 20, IGNORANT 13A 20, ANNO D10 19, GINN F9 19, GIRN F9 19
GRAIL 8A 21 sunshine12
RANGE 12A 14 gmills0
IN F10 11 tonikay
LAD N1 8 lastlea

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