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Game of June 14, 2011 at 00:00, 6 players
1. lastlea -493
2. gmills0 -543
3. Lucylulu -562

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegloqt   H6    24    24   qat
 2. acdgimt   I6    28    52   igad
 3. ?ainrru   G7    64   116   murrain
 4. ?gilooo  11A    66   182   oogonial
 5. aalnost  13C    68   250   sonantal
 6. dorttuy   A8    39   289   duroy
 7. afiinos   E4    70   359   sainfoin
 8. nottuwz   6D    35   394   wiz
 9. acemtvy  14D    35   429   may
10. ioprrtv   D1    20   449   rivo
11. celnotv  15E    30   479   telco
12. bceehsv   2A    46   525   seviche
13. deinstu   1G    80   605   dunites
14. aeelmtw   3F    29   634   aweel
15. aefiknp   4H    37   671   faine
16. beiprtx  12J    38   709   extirp
17. bbegort  11J    39   748   boet
18. beeghnp  O12    30   778   pegh
19. deekmpr   M1    41   819   smerked

Remaining tiles: bjnpu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6253 Filelastlea     0 20:11  -493  326     1.6253 lastlea     0 20:11  -493  326 
  2.3352 Filegmills0     1 21:37  -543  276     2.6743 mylover81   1  2:47  -687  132 
  3.4442 FileLucylulu    0 17:46  -562  257            Group: not rated
  4.4752 FileHANITRA     0 15:33  -610  209     1.3352 gmills0     1 21:37  -543  276 
  5.6743 Filemylover81   1  2:47  -687  132     2.4442 Lucylulu    0 17:46  -562  257 
  6.  -  FileTracyann    0  1:02  -813    6     3.4752 HANITRA     0 15:33  -610  209 
                                             4.  -  Tracyann    0  1:02  -813    6 

On 1st draw, QAT H6 24 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QAT H7 24, QAT H8 24
Other moves: GELATO H4 18, GELATO H3 16, GELATO H7 16, GELATO H8 16, GLOAT H4 16
GLOAT H4 16 Lucylulu
GLOAT H8 14 gmills0

On 2nd draw, IGAD I6 28 --- IGAD a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: DIM I5 27, AIM I5 26, ACID I4 25, AMID I4 25, CAID I4 25
MAGIC 7G 15 Lucylulu
ADMIT 7H 10 gmills0

On 3rd draw, (M)URRAIN G7 64 --- MURRAIN a disease of cattle [n]
Other moves: URINAR(Y) G8 61, (S)ARIN J6 27, (S)ARI J6 24, (S)AI J6 20, (S)AN J6 20
DRAIN(E)R 9I 8 gmills0
DRAIN 9I 7 Lucylulu
AGAIN 7H 6 Tracyann
(H)AG 7G 3 lastlea

On 4th draw, OOGO(N)IAL 11A 66 --- OOGONIAL pertaining to an oogonium [adj] --- OOGONIUM a female sexual organ in certain algae and fungi [adj]
Other tops: OOGONI(A)L 13C 66
Other moves: OOLOGI(C) J9 64, OINOLOG(Y) 13E 59, GOOL(D) H11 26, GOOL(S) H11 26, GOOL(Y) H11 26
IGLOO(S) J1 21 lastlea
LAGOO(N) 11F 12 Lucylulu
IGLOO 12G 8 gmills0

On 5th draw, SONANTAL 13C 68 --- SONANT a sound uttered with vibration of the vocal cords [adj] --- SONANTAL pertaining to a sonant [adj]
Other moves: SONANTAL 13E 59, SONA(N)TAL E7 57, ALANTS J1 24, NASIAL 12D 24, TALONS J1 24
STOOL A8 18 lastlea
GAST C11 10 Lucylulu
SLOAN B9 7 gmills0

On 6th draw, DUROY A8 39 --- DUROY a coarse woollen fabric [n]
Other moves: TROY 14C 34, DOY 14D 33, TRYOUT A8 30, YU 10B 29, OY 10A 28
TOY H13 18 HANITRA, Lucylulu, lastlea
TROUT A9 6 gmills0

On 7th draw, SAINFOI(N) E4 70 --- SAINFOIN a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: FAINS J2 32, FANOS J2 32, FINIS J2 32, FINOS J2 32, FOINS J2 32
FINIS J2 32 lastlea
FOILS J10 18 gmills0

On 8th draw, WIZ 6D 35 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other moves: AZO F13 32, NOW 14D 31, OW 14E 28, UNSTOW 4C 26, ZO D3 26
ZOO 9C 22 Lucylulu
TOWNS 4A 18 gmills0
ZA 5D 11 lastlea

On 9th draw, MAY 14D 35 --- MAY to gather flowers in the spring [v] --- MAY used as an auxiliary to express permission [v]
Other moves: CYMA D1 32, CYME D1 32, YAM 14D 31, CYMAS 4A 30, CYMES 4A 30
CAVES 4A 26 Lucylulu, gmills0

On 10th draw, RIVO D1 20 --- RIVO a drinking cry [interj]
Other tops: PORTS 4A 20, VROT B6 20
Other moves: RIPOST 4A 18, RIVOS 4A 18, TOPI D1 18, PIVOT B5 17, RITZ F3 17
PORTS 4A 20 gmills0
POST 4C 12 Lucylulu

On 11th draw, TELCO 15E 30 --- TELCO a telecommunications company [n]
Other moves: REVOLT 1D 27, NOVICE 2A 26, CRONET 1C 24, EVICT 2B 24, EVO 15F 24
REVOLT 1D 27 lastlea
VIOLENT 2C 12 gmills0

On 12th draw, SEVICHE 2A 46 --- SEVICHE a dish of raw fish [n]
Other moves: BREECH 1C 39, SEICHE 2B 38, H*B*S J2 34, BREVES 1C 33, CREESH 1C 33
BREECH 1C 39 lastlea, gmills0, HANITRA
HEEL J10 15 Lucylulu

On 13th draw, DUNITES 1G 80 --- DUNITE an igneous rock [n]
Other tops: DISTUNE 1G 80
Other moves: DISTUNE 14I 78, DISTUNE 3G 77, DUNITES 3G 77, USED H1 37, INTUSE J2 28
STEIN 1F 22 lastlea
DIETS 9I 7 gmills0

On 14th draw, AWEEL 3F 29 --- AWEEL well [interj]
Other moves: AWEE 3F 28, WAME 3G 27, ATWEEL 14J 26, AW 1A 26, AWE 3F 26
SWEET M1 16 gmills0

On 15th draw, FAINE 4H 37 --- FAINE to feign [v]
Other moves: KENAF 12I 32, KAIF 12I 30, FAIK 12I 29, FAIK 4I 29, FAKE 12I 29
KAIN B6 23 lastlea
SPIKE M1 22 gmills0
ASK A1 21 Lucylulu

On 16th draw, EXTIRP 12J 38 --- EXTIRP to root out [v]
Other moves: TEX 5J 36, EXIT 2K 35, EXIT 5K 35, PREX M3 35, EX 5K 31
TEX 5J 36 mylover81
EXIT 5K 35 lastlea
SIXER A2 20 Lucylulu
EXPERT L1 15 gmills0

On 17th draw, BOET 11J 39 --- BOET a brother, or a buddy (South African) [n]
Other moves: BEBOP O8 33, GOE 11J 32, BE 11J 31, BO 11J 31, BEROB N10 30
BOET 11J 39 mylover81
TOE 11J 29 lastlea
PROB O12 24 Lucylulu
BRIBE M10 18 gmills0

On 18th draw, PEGH O12 30 --- PEGH to pant [v]
Other tops: PEH 5J 30
Other moves: HETING M9 28, BEEP 5J 27, EH 1A 26, PEE 13M 26, BETING M9 24
PEE 13M 26 mylover81
PEEP O12 24 Lucylulu, lastlea
PEN L3 5 gmills0

On 19th draw, SMERKED M1 41 --- SMERK to smile in a smug manner [v]
Other moves: KREEP M3 37, PERKED 5J 37, PERMED 5J 33, PREMED M3 33, PEEK 5J 31
PEEK 5J 31 mylover81
DEEP 5J 24 lastlea
PERKED L3 15 Lucylulu
DEEM 9I 7 gmills0

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