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Game of June 14, 2011 at 07:45, 7 players
1. jimbo -573
2. remij -588
3. kellybelly -621

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eimoprw   H8    86    86   impower
 2. aiinort   I6    21   107   ration
 3. dehnorv  J10    43   150   hoved
 4. aafiiks  15D    96   246   kaifs
 5. adelqrs  F14    31   277   qi
 6. ?deoors   5E    85   362   fordoes
 7. adfiirs   6H    30   392   arf
 8. abeegnt   H1    27   419   agenda
 9. ?aenntw   F1    64   483   wantoner
10. aeelptx   4K    32   515   expat
11. aceilnu   1H    83   598   acauline
12. eghiltu   8A    36   634   lither
13. aciloor   3J    36   670   crool
14. aeiorsu   C6    70   740   outraise
15. bdeensv   O3    35   775   steven
16. adgittu  B10    27   802   aguti
17. dilmrtu  A12    40   842   muti
18. bdejlry   B2    51   893   derby
19. bdgijyz   A1    43   936   jib

Remaining tiles: dglyz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.4226 Filejimbo       0 23:04  -573  363     1.7116 kellybelly  1 13:16  -621  315 
  2.4111 Fileremij       1 17:36  -588  348            Group: intermediate
  3.7116 Filekellybelly  1 13:16  -621  315     1.6749 mylover81   1 13:48  -720  216 
  4.6749 Filemylover81   1 13:48  -720  216            Group: novice
  5.4481 FileLucylulu    1  8:34  -763  173     1.5973 margalang   0  1:40  -911   25 
  6.3234 FileGlecyl      0  3:15  -903   33            Group: not rated
  7.5973 Filemargalang   0  1:40  -911   25     1.4226 jimbo       0 23:04  -573  363 
                                             2.4111 remij       1 17:36  -588  348 
                                             3.4481 Lucylulu    1  8:34  -763  173 
                                             4.3234 Glecyl      0  3:15  -903   33 

On 1st draw, IMPOWER H8 86 --- IMPOWER to authorize [v]
Other moves: IMPOWER H2 84, IMPOWER H3 84, IMPOWER H4 80, IMPOWER H6 80, IMPOWER H7 80
POWER H4 26 Lucylulu, Glecyl
MOPER H4 24 remij
POWER H8 22 jimbo

On 2nd draw, RATION I6 21 --- RATION to distribute in fixed portions [v]
Other moves: WAITRON 12H 20, IRON I10 19, NAOI I8 18, NOIR I8 18, RATIO I6 18
PAINT 10H 9 remij
TRAIN 14G 7 Glecyl
TOWN 12F 7 Lucylulu
INTER 13E 7 jimbo

On 3rd draw, HOVED J10 43 --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other moves: HONED J10 40, HOVEN J10 40, HOVER J10 40, RHONE J9 40, HORNED J10 39
ROVER 14H 16 remij
VENDOR 13G 15 Lucylulu
HOVER 6E 13 jimbo

On 4th draw, KAIFS 15D 96 --- KAIF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: FAIKS 15D 93, FISK 15F 78, KAFS 15E 78, KIFS 15E 78, KAAS 15E 69
ASK 15G 66 jimbo
IMPOWERS H8 45 remij
FAKE 13E 16 Lucylulu

On 5th draw, QI F14 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MISDEAL 9H 24, MISLEAD 9H 24, MISLED 9H 24, MISREAD 9H 24, VALSED 12J 24
QI F14 31 Lucylulu, remij
MISER 9H 20 jimbo

On 6th draw, (F)ORDOES 5E 85 --- FORDO to destroy [v]
Other moves: DOO(F)ERS J2 72, DOO(Z)ERS J2 72, DOO(F)ERS 5G 71, DOO(F)ERS 5H 71, DOO(Z)ERS 5G 71
MISER 9H 20 jimbo
DORK D12 18 Lucylulu
DOORS 6F 12 remij

On 7th draw, ARF 6H 30 --- ARF a barking sound [n]
Other moves: VIFDAS 12J 28, FARDS 4J 25, FRISK D11 24, VIFDA 12J 24, VISARD 12J 24
SHOVED J9 18 jimbo
FRAE J2 15 remij

On 8th draw, AGENDA H1 27 --- AGENDA a list of things to be done [n]
Other moves: BEATEN 4A 25, BEGNAW 12C 24, NEGATE 4J 24, GAB 6D 23, NAB 6D 22
TAB 6D 22 kellybelly
BEAK D12 20 remij, Lucylulu
GENTS K1 6 jimbo

On 9th draw, WANTONE(R) F1 64 --- WANTONER one that wantons [n]
Other tops: WANTONE(D) F1 64
Other moves: NA(V)EW 6B 31, ANEW 6C 29, A(L)EW 6C 28, A(N)EW 6C 28, A(R)EW 6C 28
NAW 6D 28 kellybelly
NEW 6D 28 mylover81
TWEAK D11 24 Lucylulu
W*NK D12 22 remij
WAGE(S) 2F 16 jimbo

On 10th draw, EXPAT 4K 32 --- EXPAT someone who lives abroad, an expatriate [n]
Other tops: EXPEL 4K 32, TELEX 4J 32
Other moves: LEAPE(R) 8A 30, EXPAT E8 29, EXPEL E8 29, APEX 4K 28, EXALT 4K 28
VEXT 12J 28 remij
PLATE(R) 8A 24 kellybelly
AXLE 4K 24 mylover81
AXLE 1H 11 jimbo

On 11th draw, ACAULINE 1H 83 --- ACAULINE having no stem [adj]
Other moves: ACAULINE N2 74, ACAULINE N4 64, UNCLEW 1A 36, LANCE(R) 8A 30, AUNE 3L 29
CLINK D11 22 kellybelly
LUCK D12 20 remij
CANT O1 18 jimbo
CLAP M1 16 Lucylulu

On 12th draw, LITHE(R) 8A 36 --- LITHE bending easily [adj]
Other moves: UPLIGHT M3 32, THULITE O4 30, TEUGH O4 27, TIGHT O4 27, LEU 3K 26
TIGHT O4 27 kellybelly
TILTH O4 24 jimbo
VEG 12J 14 remij

On 13th draw, CROOL 3J 36 --- CROOL (Australian slang) to spoil e.g. chances [v]
Other moves: HAIRLOCK D8 34, EROTICAL O1 30, LOO 3K 26, ROO 3K 26, CHORIAL D7 24
LOO 3K 26 kellybelly
TAILOR O4 18 mylover81
OPAL M3 12 jimbo
TOOL C8 5 remij

On 14th draw, OUTRAISE C6 70 --- OUTRAISE to surpass in raising [v]
Other moves: SAUTOIRE C5 60, STOURIE O3 29, AIRS 9C 26, EARS 9C 26, OARS 9C 26
EARS 9C 26 kellybelly
MISER 9H 20 jimbo
TRUES O4 15 remij
STIRE O3 13 mylover81

On 15th draw, STEVEN O3 35 --- STEVEN a voice [n]
Other moves: EVENED 13H 28, DREES 9B 27, SNEED B2 27, BEEVES E7 26, DEEVS B2 26
REDS 9C 24 kellybelly
REES 9C 22 mylover81
VANES 10B 18 remij
TENDS O4 18 jimbo

On 16th draw, AGUTI B10 27 --- AGUTI a burrowing rodent [n]
Other moves: DAUT B10 22, ADIT D10 21, AGUTI B2 20, AUDIT B2 20, GAD 14A 20
GAD 14A 20 kellybelly
TAD 14A 18 jimbo
DA B10 16 mylover81
GOD 6B 9 remij

On 17th draw, MUTI A12 40 --- MUTI a South African traditional medicine [n]
Other moves: MURID B2 31, TUMID B2 31, DEMERIT 13G 30, LURID B2 27, TRILD B2 27
DRUM B3 23 kellybelly, mylover81
MI A14 16 remij
LID 14A 14 jimbo

On 18th draw, DERBY B2 51 --- DERBY a type of hat [n]
Other moves: REDLY B2 47, BYRLED B1 39, BLEY B3 30, BREY B3 30, BEY B4 29
BREY B3 30 kellybelly
JOY 6B 29 remij
BEY B4 29 mylover81
OUTRAISED C6 14 jimbo

On 19th draw, JIB A1 43 --- JIB to refuse to proceed further [v]
Other moves: VIZY 12J 38, MUSJID 12A 32, ZONOID 11G 32, BEZ 3A 28, BEZ 7E 28
JIB A1 43 kellybelly, mylover81
ZED 3A 26 jimbo
ZIT 4D 25 margalang

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