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Game of June 14, 2011 at 10:47, 6 players
1. yab -340
2. margalang -469
3. annelhynz -556

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiijlr   H4    40    40   jilgie
 2. ?gillty   5C    72   112   glitzily
 3. aaeiruv   4A    29   141   viae
 4. adffhos   6B    36   177   haff
 5. aeikmrs   4H    43   220   jakes
 6. aeimotw   A1    33   253   waive
 7. belnost  10C    74   327   noblest
 8. adnotuy  11A    37   364   toady
 9. dehmnor   A8    45   409   northed
10. deioors   1A    92   501   woodsier
11. adnnotz  12A    31   532   hond
12. acegpst   3I    42   574   aspect
13. aegntuu   2I    27   601   tea
14. bcimrru   1K    44   645   crumb
15. einortu   N1    22   667   mottier
16. agnoruz  11I    30   697   azurn
17. egginqw  14A    30   727   dewing
18. aemoqvx   O7    41   768   exam
19. ginoqru  12F    29   797   quino

Remaining tiles: gpruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6491 Fileyab         3 24:40  -340  457     1.6491 yab         3 24:40  -340  457 
  2.5988 Filemargalang   1 17:25  -469  328     2.6238 miaanne     0  3:39  -737   60 
  3.4914 Fileannelhynz   1 12:49  -556  241            Group: novice
  4.4474 FileLucylulu    0  7:27  -694  103     1.5988 margalang   1 17:25  -469  328 
  5.6238 Filemiaanne     0  3:39  -737   60            Group: not rated
  6.3388 FileLosh        0  0:58  -791    6     1.4914 annelhynz   1 12:49  -556  241 
                                             2.4474 Lucylulu    0  7:27  -694  103 
                                             3.3388 Losh        0  0:58  -791    6 

On 1st draw, JIL(G)IE H4 40 --- JILGIE a yabby (a freshwater crayfish) [n]
Other tops: JER(B)IL H4 40, JIL(T)ER H4 40, JIR(B)LE H4 40, JI(V)IER H4 40, J(A)ILER H4 40
Other moves: JERI(D) H4 38, JIR(R)E H4 38, JI(B)ER H4 38, JI(R)RE H4 38, JI(V)ER H4 38
JIL(T)ER H4 40 yab
J(A)ILER H4 40 annelhynz

On 2nd draw, GLIT(Z)ILY 5C 72 --- GLITZILY in a showy manner [adv]
Other tops: GLIT(Z)ILY 5F 72, G(U)ILTILY 5C 72, G(U)ILTILY 5F 72
Other moves: LEG(A)LITY 9G 65, LIG(H)TLY I9 65, GLIT(Z)ILY 8C 62, GLIT(Z)ILY 8F 62, G(U)ILTILY 8F 62
(S)TILLY 10H 22 yab
Y(E)T G9 18 margalang
L(A)Y 6H 13 annelhynz

On 3rd draw, VIAE 4A 29 --- VIA a way [n]
Other moves: VIRAL D1 24, UVAE 4A 23, VAGUER C3 22, VALI I3 22, VELARIA D3 22
AVAIL D1 18 margalang
VERY J2 18 yab
VARY J2 18 miaanne

On 4th draw, HAFF 6B 36 --- HAFF a seaside lagoon [n]
Other moves: HAFFS 10D 35, DAFFS 10D 33, DOFFS 10D 33, AHS 3B 31, FASH 10F 31
OFF I7 30 miaanne
HAS 10F 27 margalang
OFFS 4J 25 yab

On 5th draw, JAKES 4H 43 --- JAKES an outhouse [n]
Other moves: JAMES 4H 37, KARTS F2 37, KASME 10F 36, SKIVE A1 36, KERMAS 4J 35
KARTS F2 37 margalang
MAKES 10D 34 yab

On 6th draw, WAIVE A1 33 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other moves: AMOVE A1 30, MIAOW 3K 26, WAME 3K 25, MEOW 3K 24, MIAOW G9 24
WAIVE A1 33 yab
MITE 3K 18 margalang
KYE J4 12 miaanne
WIT 8G 6 Losh

On 7th draw, NOBLEST 10C 74 --- NOBLE possessing qualities of excellence [adj]
Other moves: NOBLEST G9 64, NOBLEST I9 64, BELTS F2 31, BENTS F2 31, BLETS F2 31
BOLTS F2 31 margalang
BONES G9 18 annelhynz
NOBLEST I9 14 yab

On 8th draw, TOADY 11A 37 --- TOADY to engage in servile flattering [v]
Other moves: TODY 11B 35, ATONY 11A 34, YAD 11E 33, YOD 11E 33, TONY 11B 32

On 9th draw, NORTHED A8 45 --- NORTH to head northwards [v]
Other tops: MONETH A7 45
Other moves: MONTH A8 42, THERM A11 42, DEHORN 12D 40, DERTH A8 39, DOETH A8 39
THERM A11 42 yab
MONTH A8 42 annelhynz

On 10th draw, WOODSIER 1A 92 --- WOODSY relating to the forest [adj]
Other moves: ODORISE 11I 68, OROIDES 11I 68, (G)OODSIRE 7H 60, DEROS 12D 32, HIED 12A 31
ES 12D 20 yab
DIE B13 17 annelhynz

On 11th draw, HOND 12A 31 --- HOND same as hand [n]
Other moves: ADZ 11I 28, ADZ 3L 28, AZON 11I 28, AZON 3L 28, AZO 11I 26
AZON 3L 28 yab
DAN 14A 8 margalang

On 12th draw, ASPECT 3I 42 --- ASPECT appearance of something to the eye or mind [n] --- ASPECT to look at [v]
Other moves: ASPECT 13C 40, SPACE 3C 39, SPATE 3C 35, SPEAT 3C 35, SPEC 3C 35
ASPECT 13C 40 yab
PEACE 9G 23 annelhynz
SEAT 3J 22 margalang

On 13th draw, TEA 2I 27 --- TEA a beverage made by infusing dried leaves in boiling water [n] --- TEA to drink a beverage made with tea leaves and boiling water [v]
Other moves: EAT 2J 26, EA 2J 22, TE 2I 21, TUTENAG N1 20, GUTTAE N1 18
TEEN 9G 12 annelhynz
DUNG 14A 12 Lucylulu
GATE N1 10 margalang
AG 2N 10 yab

On 14th draw, CRUMB 1K 44 --- CRUMB to break into crumbs (small pieces) [v]
Other moves: UMBER G7 26, ABRI 2A 25, AMI 2A 20, AMU 2A 20, MEU 9G 19
CRUMB 1K 44 margalang
DUMB 14A 18 Lucylulu
ME G9 14 annelhynz
MES L2 11 yab

On 15th draw, MOTTIER N1 22 --- MOTTY containing motes [adj]
Other moves: ARIOT 2A 21, AUREI 2A 21, DOURINE 14A 20, MITTEN N1 20, MOTIER N1 20
MUTTON N1 20 Lucylulu
MUTINE N1 20 yab
DONUT 14A 12 margalang

On 16th draw, AZURN 11I 30 --- AZURN of the colour of azure [adj]
Other moves: AZON 11I 28, AZO 11I 26, DZO 14A 26, GRENZ G8 22, DRAGON 14A 20
AZON M7 18 yab
ZA(G) 7F 12 Lucylulu
OR B14 10 margalang

On 17th draw, DEWING 14A 30 --- DEW to wet with dew (condensed moisture) [v]
Other moves: WEEING 9G 28, WINGE M9 26, IGG 3A 25, WEEN 9G 25, AWE 2A 24
NEW O6 22 yab
WEE G9 19 margalang
QUIN K10 13 Lucylulu
QI 5M 11 annelhynz

On 18th draw, EXAM O7 41 --- EXAM an examination [n]
Other moves: AXE 2A 40, EXAM 12H 39, AX 2A 36, OX B1 36, MOXA 12G 35
EXAM O7 41 yab
AXE 2A 40 margalang
EX O7 29 annelhynz
SEX E1 10 Lucylulu

On 19th draw, QUINO 12F 29 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: QUIRING 8D 27, QI 12H 24, GIRON 12G 23, QUA 9M 22, GON 12I 21
QUA 9M 22 annelhynz
ION 12I 19 yab
ZING J11 18 Lucylulu
QUIN M8 14 margalang

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