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Game of June 14, 2011 at 17:49, 10 players
1. SuperH -391
2. margalang -554
3. remij -579

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeilmw   H4    28    28   wimple
 2. deefnsu   8B    63    91   needfuls
 3. abehitx   5E    76   167   exhibit
 4. ?diostv  10H    82   249   doviest
 5. aaeilsv   N7    72   321   aestival
 6. cdefior   B7    82   403   inforced
 7. dehimor   A1    96   499   heirdom
 8. lnoptwy   O4    47   546   poynt
 9. aaegloy   C7    33   579   gey
10. alnoprs   L4    90   669   psoralen
11. acelotu  12B    24   693   cacolet
12. einoruw   2A    34   727   erenow
13. aagiort   1D    32   759   agora
14. aeirttz  11E    50   809   zea
15. abittuu  10D    34   843   tab
16. aegikuu  M13    30   873   keg
17. eijnntu   4C    33   906   jute
18. ainqruu   J2    36   942   quair

Remaining tiles: iiinnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6300 FileSuperH      0 13:09  -391  551     1.6300 SuperH      0 13:09  -391  551 
  2.6021 Filemargalang   1 10:16  -554  388     2.6021 margalang   1 10:16  -554  388 
  3.4105 Fileremij       0 21:06  -579  363     3.6282 pero        0  9:52  -647  295 
  4.6282 Filepero        0  9:52  -647  295            Group: novice
  5.3079 Filecailah      0 18:30  -760  182     1.5756 Faeythe     0  2:33  -873   69 
  6.4787 Filemj880       0  7:22  -773  169     2.5075 worsie      0  0:53  -931   11 
  7.5756 FileFaeythe     0  2:33  -873   69            Group: not rated
  8.4589 Filenarisa      0  1:38  -921   21     1.4105 remij       0 21:06  -579  363 
  9.  -  Filegray32      0  1:50  -928   14     2.3079 cailah      0 18:30  -760  182 
 10.5075 Fileworsie      0  0:53  -931   11     3.4787 mj880       0  7:22  -773  169 
                                             4.4589 narisa      0  1:38  -921   21 
                                             5.  -  gray32      0  1:50  -928   14 

On 1st draw, WIM(P)LE H4 28 --- WIMPLE to pleat [v]
Other tops: MIL(D)EW H7 28, WIM(B)LE H4 28
Other moves: EM(M)EW H8 26, E(M)MEW H8 26, E(N)MEW H8 26, IM(M)EW H8 26, I(M)MEW H8 26
W(H)EEL H4 22 remij
W(H)ILE H4 22 pero
W(H)EEL H8 16 cailah
WE(B) H7 10 mj880

On 2nd draw, NEEDFULS 8B 63 --- NEEDFUL something that is needed [n]
Other tops: UNSELFED 8D 63
Other moves: DEFINES 5E 44, FUSED 10F 32, DEFUSE 10H 30, DEFUSE 10D 29, FUSEE 10F 29
FUSED 10F 32 pero, SuperH
FUMED 6F 23 remij
DEFENSE 9B 13 cailah

On 3rd draw, EXHIBIT 5E 76 --- EXHIBIT to present for public viewing [v]
Other moves: EX(P)AT 7F 45, HEX 9A 40, AXE 9B 39, BEMIXT 6F 39, BEMIX 6F 38
HEX 9A 40 Faeythe
BEMIX 6F 38 remij
TAX 9A 37 pero
EX 9B 36 mj880, SuperH
FIX F8 29 cailah

On 4th draw, DOVI(E)ST 10H 82 --- DOVIE stupid [adj]
Other moves: (P)OSTDIVE C1 80, DOVI(E)ST 10C 73, (P)OSTDIV(E) 7H 65, VOIDS L1 46, VO(I)DS L1 44
VOIDS L1 46 pero, SuperH
V(E)XT F3 15 remij
ST(U)DIO I8 11 Faeythe
VOT(E)D K3 8 cailah

On 5th draw, AESTIVAL N7 72 --- AESTIVAL of summer [adj]
Other moves: SALIVATE N4 63, VALISE L1 46, VAILS L1 44, VALES L1 44, VALIS L1 44
VALES L1 44 SuperH
VAILS L1 44 pero
LAS L3 26 mj880
SLAVES M10 18 Faeythe
NAVEL B8 16 remij
LEAVES C4 14 cailah
SAVE M10 14 gray32

On 6th draw, INFORCED B7 82 --- INFORCE to compel [v]
Other moves: CODIFIER K7 78, CONFIDER B6 72, COIFED O3 50, FIORD O4 50, FIRED O4 50
FIRED O4 50 SuperH
FEED 8L 36 margalang
EF O7 32 pero
REEF 8L 24 remij
FREED C5 12 cailah

On 7th draw, HEIRDOM A1 96 --- HEIRDOM heirship [n]
Other tops: HEIRDOM O1 96
Other moves: HEIRDOM M1 89, CHROMIDE 12B 86, HOMED O4 56, DIRHEM O3 53, HORME O4 52
HOMED O4 56 SuperH, pero
HEED 8L 36 margalang
HOME 4C 31 mj880
REINFORCED B5 18 remij
M(E)ED L9 12 cailah

On 8th draw, POYNT O4 47 --- POYNT to point [v]
Other moves: POWNY M3 43, POYNT O5 43, TOWNLY M2 41, YOWL O5 41, NOWTY M3 39
PLEW 8L 36 margalang
WEY 8M 27 remij

On 9th draw, GEY C7 33 --- GEY great [adj] --- GEY very [adv]
Other tops: ALEYE C6 33
Other moves: AGLEY C5 32, GLEY C6 31, LEAVY 12K 30, LEY C7 29, YAG A13 29
YAG A13 29 margalang
YAE A13 26 pero
YAE O13 25 SuperH
LAY O13 22 mj880
GAY 13M 14 remij

On 10th draw, PSORAL(E)N L4 90 --- PSORALEN a drug used to treat psoriasis [n]
Other moves: PROLANS M2 77, PROLANS M1 74, PERSONAL 13A 72, PLASTRON K1 60, PLANS L1 40
PLANS L1 40 SuperH, margalang
EXHIBITS 5E 20 remij
LA M13 10 mj880
POR(E)S L7 7 cailah

On 11th draw, CACOLET 12B 24 --- CACOLET a pair of baskets on a pack animal or bicycle [n]
Other moves: CATE 4C 23, COTE 4C 23, CUTE 4C 23, OCTA 4C 23, ELOCUTE 2A 22
CUTE 4C 23 margalang
COLE M1 16 SuperH
TE 4E 13 mj880
COX F3 12 remij
ELUDE E5 6 cailah

On 12th draw, ERENOW 2A 34 --- ERENOW before this time [adv]
Other moves: WEROS M6 28, OWE 4D 26, RIEM 6E 26, WEN 11E 26, WEN A13 26
WON A13 26 SuperH
WON O13 25 margalang
TWIN H12 21 mj880
TROW H12 21 narisa
LOW F12 14 remij
RENEW G11 9 cailah

On 13th draw, AGORA 1D 32 --- AGORA a market-place in ancient Greece [n] --- AGORA a monetary unit of Israel [n]
Other moves: GATOR 1E 26, TAIGA 1E 25, AGITA 1F 23, AGORA 1F 23, AGRIA 1F 23
GATOR 1E 26 SuperH
GOAT 1E 23 margalang
TORT H12 12 remij
TEA E4 3 cailah

On 14th draw, ZEA 11E 50 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZEA M13 48, ZA 11E 46, ZA M13 46, REZ A13 41, RIZ A13 41
ZA 11E 46 margalang, SuperH
FEZ F8 35 cailah
ZILA F10 33 remij

On 15th draw, TAB 10D 34 --- TAB to provide with an identifying mark [v]
Other moves: AB 10E 33, TUBA 4C 25, BAT 10D 24, TAB 3C 23, BAT A13 22
TUBA 4C 25 SuperH
BAT A13 22 margalang
BELT F10 12 remij

On 16th draw, KEG M13 30 --- KEG a small barrel [n] --- KEG to store in a keg (a small barrel) [v]
Other moves: KAE M13 28, KAI M13 28, KAIE K8 28, KEA M13 28, EIK A13 26
KA M13 26 SuperH
TAKE H12 24 margalang, remij
XI F5 11 worsie
TAG H12 4 cailah

On 17th draw, JUTE 4C 33 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other moves: JUTE M1 26, JEU 6D 25, NINE 3C 25, NITE 3C 25, TINE 3C 25
JUTE 4C 33 margalang
JET 13A 24 SuperH, remij
VENT J10 7 cailah

On 18th draw, QUAIR J2 36 --- QUAIR a twentieth part of a ream [n]
Other moves: QUAI J2 33, QUAI M1 30, QUA M2 28, QI M3 26, AMIN 6G 21
QUAI J2 33 SuperH
QUIN J3 15 margalang
QUAG 15J 15 remij
RUT K3 7 cailah

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