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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of June 14, 2011 at 18:32

Word find
Word played
1 ?CEEEIU CUE(D) H6 10 -10 10 5/5 ECU(R)IE H3 20 20 5/5
2 ABELOST BLOATS 9C 20 -54 30 2/5 OBSTACLE 4C 74 94 3/5
3 ADIOPXY EPOXY 8H 21 -23 51 5/5 OXY G6 44 138 5/5
4 DEILNNR BLINDER D4 12 -8 63 4/4 LINTED F1 20 158 4/5
5 ?EEGIOV             VELIGE(R) 1D 42 200 5/5
6 ADENSST             SENSATED J3 65 265 5/6
7 AEGINOR             ORIGANE K8 73 338 5/6
8 AEIORSW             SWARE 15K 45 383 5/6
9 BELOORT             BOLTER N10 28 411 5/7
10 ELOPRTZ             POTZER O6 57 468 5/7
11 CDEHLOR             COHOLDER C3 82 550 7/7
12 AINRTVY             VANITY L3 42 592 7/7
13 FNOOQTU             OUTSWARE 15H 33 625 7/7
14 IJOPRUU             JUDO 8A 39 664 7/8
15 AAAGIKM             KAAMA M11 39 703 7/9
16 DGHINRU             UH B5 31 734 7/9
17 AFIPQRW             WAQF F8 48 782 8/9
18 ADIIIMR             MARID A1 34 816 8/9
19 FGIINNP             FIFING 11D 26 842 8/9

Total: 63/842 or -779 for 7.482%
Rank: -

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