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Game sheet of rn.roselle (file), Game of June 14, 2011 at 18:32

Word find
Word played
1 ?CEEEIU             ECU(R)IE H3 20 20  
2 ABELOST             OBSTACLE 4C 74 94  
3 ADIOPXY             OXY G6 44 138  
4 DEILNNR             LINTED F1 20 158  
5 ?EEGIOV             VELIGE(R) 1D 42 200  
6 ADENSST             SENSATED J3 65 265  
7 AEGINOR             ORIGANE K8 73 338  
8 AEIORSW             SWARE 15K 45 383  
9 BELOORT             BOLTER N10 28 411  
10 ELOPRTZ             POTZER O6 57 468  
11 CDEHLOR             COHOLDER C3 82 550  
12 AINRTVY             VANITY L3 42 592  
13 FNOOQTU             OUTSWARE 15H 33 625  
14 IJOPRUU             JUDO 8A 39 664  
15 AAAGIKM KAM 12J 18 -21 18 2/6 KAAMA M11 39 703 9/9
16 DGHINRU UH B5 31   49 1/6       734 8/9
17 AFIPQRW AFT J13 29 -19 78 1/6 WAQF F8 48 782 7/9
18 ADIIIMR ID E11 16 -18 94 1/5 MARID A1 34 816 7/9
19 FGIINNP FIG 14F 18 -8 112 3/6 FIFING 11D 26 842 7/9

Total: 112/842 or -730 for 13.30%
Rank: 6456

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