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Game of June 15, 2011 at 04:25, 7 players
1. kellybelly -423
2. slebbarc -489
3. johnny55 -542

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeiosy   H8    26    26   daisy
 2. ?cemnno   G7    81   107   contemn
 3. abfinrw   I7    34   141   fawn
 4. aeeghir   J1    72   213   hireage
 5. ?agstuy   1F    51   264   haughty
 6. aeglnsu   5E    86   350   leguaans
 7. eiklort  J10    39   389   kirtle
 8. bdfortu  15H    42   431   boeuf
 9. adeloov   3G    78   509   overload
10. aeirttz   4A    50   559   zaire
11. aceehtw   A1    54   613   chez
12. jorsttu   O1    49   662   just
13. abenotx  11A    34   696   teaboxes
14. eeimnor   B2    38   734   inarm
15. deinoqs  C10    30   764   qadis
16. aiooprt   A9    30   794   patriot
17. eilptvw   D9    35   829   vibe
18. eeinotw  B13    26   855   woe
19. deilort   L5    70   925   stolider

Remaining tiles: np

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7106 Filekellybelly  3 17:54  -423  502     1.7106 kellybelly  3 17:54  -423  502 
  2.5215 Fileslebbarc    2 14:52  -489  436            Group: novice
  3.4629 Filejohnny55    1 18:34  -542  383     1.5215 slebbarc    2 14:52  -489  436 
  4.5749 FileFaeythe     1 15:37  -611  314     2.5749 Faeythe     1 15:37  -611  314 
  5.4506 FileLucylulu    0  3:21  -820  105            Group: not rated
  6.4337 Filelyndyloo    1  1:21  -822  103     1.4629 johnny55    1 18:34  -542  383 
  7.4941 Fileannelhynz   0  2:25  -856   69     2.4506 Lucylulu    0  3:21  -820  105 
                                             3.4337 lyndyloo    1  1:21  -822  103 
                                             4.4941 annelhynz   0  2:25  -856   69 

On 1st draw, DAISY H8 26 --- DAISY a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: YEADS H4 26
Other moves: DAISY H4 22, SAYED H8 22, SAYID H8 22, SAYED H4 20, SAYID H4 20
DAISY H8 26 slebbarc, johnny55, kellybelly

On 2nd draw, CON(T)EMN G7 81 --- CONTEMN to scorn [v]
Other tops: CON(D)EMN G7 81
Other moves: NEOMYC(I)N 12D 78, CON(D)EMN I4 75, CON(T)EMN I4 75, CON(D)EMNS 11A 72, CON(T)EMNS 11A 72
CONS(U)ME 11E 40 slebbarc
COME(L)Y 12C 24 kellybelly
YEOM(A)N 12H 20 Faeythe
MONEY 12D 20 johnny55

On 3rd draw, FAWN I7 34 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other moves: BAWN I7 32, BRAWN I6 31, FAW I7 31, BRAW I6 28, INFAMY 12C 28
FAWN I7 34 kellybelly
FAW I7 31 Faeythe
BARMY 12D 24 johnny55
FIBRES 11C 22 slebbarc

On 4th draw, HIREAGE J1 72 --- HIREAGE the fee for hiring something [n]
Other moves: GERAH J10 29, HIRAGE J2 27, HEGIRA J2 25, GERAH J4 24, HEARIE J2 24
GRIMY 12D 22 johnny55
HA J6 18 Faeythe, kellybelly
RAGES 11D 12 slebbarc

On 5th draw, (H)AUGHTY 1F 51 --- HAUGHTY arrogant [adj]
Other tops: (N)AUGHTY 1F 51, (P)AUGHTY 1F 51
Other moves: GASH(L)Y 1G 48, GYT(R)ASH 1D 45, S(C)HUYT 1H 45, (C)USHTY 1G 45, GHAST(L)Y 1I 42
GUSHY 1G 36 Lucylulu
T(R)ASHY 1F 33 Faeythe
Y(E)AH 1G 27 slebbarc
STAY 14G 26 kellybelly
GAYS 5I 16 johnny55

On 6th draw, LEGUAANS 5E 86 --- LEGUAAN (South Africa) a very large lizard [n]
Other moves: ANGELUS 14A 81, LAGUNES 14A 81, LANGUES 14A 81, LAGUNES 2A 75, LANGUES 2A 75
GLEANS 14B 29 kellybelly
GLEAMY 12C 24 Lucylulu
SEAMY 12D 20 slebbarc
ANGLES 5J 14 Faeythe
ANGELS 5J 14 johnny55

On 7th draw, KIRTLE J10 39 --- KIRTLE a man's tunic or coat [n]
Other tops: KILTER J10 39
Other moves: KETOL J10 38, KIORE J10 38, KITER J10 38, KEIR J10 35, KELT J10 35
KILTER 4A 34 kellybelly
KET J10 34 Faeythe
YORKS L1 24 lyndyloo, Lucylulu
YIKES L1 24 slebbarc
LIKEN 13C 18 johnny55
LIKE 4B 18 annelhynz

On 8th draw, BOEUF 15H 42 --- BOEUF as in boeuf bourguignon, a casserole of beef, herbs etc cooked in red wine. [adj]
Other moves: FOUTRED 15E 33, OBTRUDE 15D 33, REDOUBT 15I 33, DOF 6D 30, DOUBTER 15E 30
FORTED 15F 30 kellybelly, lyndyloo
BORED 15G 24 annelhynz
BRED 15H 21 Lucylulu, Faeythe
TOURED 15F 21 johnny55
FOE 15H 18 slebbarc

On 9th draw, OVERLOAD 3G 78 --- OVERLOAD to load to excess [v]
Other moves: LOAVED 2B 30, LOAVED 4A 27, VOLAE 4A 26, VOLAE 6B 24, LAEVO 2B 23
OVAL 4L 20 kellybelly
DOVES 11D 18 slebbarc
ROVED 12J 18 johnny55
DE K11 14 Faeythe

On 10th draw, ZAIRE 4A 50 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: ZEA 2M 41, ZIT 2M 41, ZA 2M 39, DARZI N3 35, ZAIRE 2B 35
ZIT 2M 41 kellybelly
REZ F4 32 slebbarc
RAZER 12J 28 johnny55

On 11th draw, CHEZ A1 54 --- CHEZ at the home of [prep]
Other moves: CEAZE A1 48, TEAZE A1 42, AWATCH B2 40, RECHEW 12J 36, TEACH B2 36
TEAZE A1 42 kellybelly
HAZE A2 16 johnny55
RAW 12J 12 slebbarc

On 12th draw, JUST O1 49 --- JUST acting in conformity with what is morally good [adj] --- JUST en engage in personal combat [v]
Other moves: JUS O1 43, JOUST 6B 37, JOR 2M 35, JOT 2M 35, JUST K8 34
JUST O1 49 lyndyloo, slebbarc
JOT 2M 35 kellybelly
JUTES 11D 24 johnny55

On 13th draw, TEABOXES 11A 34 --- TEABOX a box for storing tea leaves [n]
Other moves: EX 4L 33, OX 4L 33, TEABOX 13J 30, HEBONA 2A 29, AXE F13 28
BOXES 11D 28 kellybelly
HEX 2A 26 slebbarc
TAXES 11D 24 johnny55

On 14th draw, INARM B2 38 --- INARM to encircle with the arms [v]
Other tops: ENARM B2 38
Other moves: MEANER B2 36, MEANIE B2 36, MEANE B2 34, MEARE B2 34, ENAMOR B2 32
MINTER A8 27 kellybelly
MENTOR A8 27 annelhynz
TIMER A11 24 johnny55, Faeythe
REMIT A7 21 slebbarc

On 15th draw, QADIS C10 30 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAIDS C10 30
Other moves: INDIE C1 28, QADI C10 28, QAID C10 28, DITONES A9 27, DIES 12B 25
QAIDS C10 30 Faeythe, kellybelly
STONED A10 24 johnny55
TENDS A11 21 slebbarc

On 16th draw, PATRIOT A9 30 --- PATRIOT one who loves his country [n]
Other moves: RIBA D9 29, POTATO A7 27, PRAT 4L 27, BIOTA D11 26, ORDO 12A 25
TROOP A11 24 slebbarc
PART A8 18 Faeythe
PORT A8 18 johnny55

On 17th draw, VIBE D9 35 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other moves: REDIP 12A 30, DEW 12C 27, PIET 4L 27, DIP 12C 24, WE B13 22
DEW 12C 27 kellybelly
BIT D11 18 Faeythe
RIVEL 12J 16 johnny55
REV 12J 12 slebbarc

On 18th draw, WOE B13 26 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other tops: WEE B13 26
Other moves: WE B13 22, WO B13 22, OW 4L 21, EINE 4J 19, ENEW 14L 19
EWE 14L 17 kellybelly
OWE 14L 17 Faeythe
TWINE 13J 16 johnny55
TWEEN 13J 16 slebbarc

On 19th draw, STOLIDER L5 70 --- STOLID showing little or no emotion [adj]
Other moves: DIET 4L 23, EIDE 4J 23, EDIT 4L 22, DEI C2 21, LOITER 14J 19
EDIT 4L 22 Faeythe
TREIF L11 16 slebbarc
ROLF L12 14 kellybelly
TOILED 13J 14 johnny55

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