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Game of June 15, 2011 at 08:18, 8 players
1. Faeythe -366
2. sunshine12 -528
3. annelhynz -549

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?beeepu   H8    24    24   ephebe
 2. adegoor   I9    26    50   oared
 3. aegorvy   G2    68   118   voyager
 4. eilnstw  14B    84   202   wintles
 5. egortwy   J9    41   243   owre
 6. ?ikmrtu   5E    48   291   trankum
 7. aegossu   L3    81   372   gaseous
 8. ilorsty  15A    49   421   rosy
 9. aceiotv   2A    86   507   vocative
10. adehqru   4A    50   557   quare
11. aiijntu   A4    45   602   quinta
12. hlnoopx   1H    87   689   phlox
13. addelno  10A    30   719   landed
14. adehitt  13B    40   759   thae
15. abdinot   3I    26   785   dingbat
16. giimnoz   O3    51   836   tozing
17. ffiilmn   6J    26   862   mien
18. cffiijl   1D    23   885   fil

Remaining tiles: cfiij

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5739 FileFaeythe     3 19:18  -366  519     1.6283 sunshine12  1 17:05  -528  357 
  2.6283 Filesunshine12  1 17:05  -528  357            Group: novice
  3.4951 Fileannelhynz   0 18:25  -549  336     1.5739 Faeythe     3 19:18  -366  519 
  4.3346 Filemanfred     0 15:06  -749  136            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filebabboon     0  4:39  -844   41     1.4951 annelhynz   0 18:25  -549  336 
  6.4390 Filelyndyloo    0  1:18  -847   38     2.3346 manfred     0 15:06  -749  136 
  7.3968 FileRudi        0  0:49  -863   22     3.  -  babboon     0  4:39  -844   41 
  8.  -  Fileponyclub    0  0:43  -875   10     4.4390 lyndyloo    0  1:18  -847   38 
                                             5.3968 Rudi        0  0:49  -863   22 
                                             6.  -  ponyclub    0  0:43  -875   10 

On 1st draw, EP(H)EBE H8 24 --- EPHEBE a young man of ancient Greece [n]
Other tops: BEEPE(D) H4 24, BEEPE(R) H4 24, BE(W)EEP H4 24, BE(W)EEP H7 24, BU(R)PEE H4 24, EP(H)EBE H3 24
Other moves: BEEP(S) H4 22, B(L)EEP H4 22, B(L)EEP H8 22, PUBE(S) H4 22, P(L)EBE H4 22
BEEPE(R) H4 24 Faeythe
BEEP(S) H4 22 lyndyloo

On 2nd draw, OARED I9 26 --- OAR to propel with oars (long, broad-bladed poles) [v]
Other moves: BADGER 12H 20, BARGED 12H 20, BODEGA 12H 20, BODGER 12H 20, BODRAG 12H 20
RADE I11 18 Faeythe
AGREED 11E 16 lyndyloo
DEAR I11 16 annelhynz

On 3rd draw, VOYAGER G2 68 --- VOYAGER one that voyages [n]
Other moves: AYRE J9 41, VOYAGE J6 40, YAG J10 37, AYE J9 35, OYE J9 35
AYE J9 35 Faeythe
GREEDY 13E 12 babboon

On 4th draw, WINTLES 14B 84 --- WINTLE to stagger [v]
Other moves: WINTLES J5 76, TOWLINES 3F 74, WESTLIN J4 73, LAWNIEST 5F 72, WESTLIN F7 70
WETS J10 40 Faeythe
WET G13 21 annelhynz

On 5th draw, OWRE J9 41 --- OWRE rock containing a valuable metal [n]
Other tops: TYRE J9 41, WEY J10 41, WRY J10 41, WYE J9 41
Other moves: GOETY J6 39, TOWY J7 39, YOWE J8 39, TOWERY J7 37, TYG J9 37
WEY J10 41 Faeythe
G*Y J8 33 sunshine12
WET 15A 25 annelhynz

On 6th draw, TRA(N)KUM 5E 48 --- TRANKUM a trinket [n]
Other moves: MIRK(S) K7 42, MURK(S) K7 42, TURK(S) K7 38, IRK(S) K8 36, MURKI(L)Y 4A 36
MURK K7 26 Faeythe
KET G13 25 sunshine12

On 7th draw, GASEOUS L3 81 --- GASEOUS pertaining to gas [adj]
Other moves: OUTGASES E3 59, GASES L1 29, GAUSS L1 29, GUESS L1 29, USAGES L4 29
GAES L2 23 sunshine12
GASES 6J 23 Faeythe
SOG L5 17 manfred

On 8th draw, ROSY 15A 49 --- ROSY rose-colored [adj] --- ROSY to redden [v]
Other moves: OSIERY 6I 33, LYRIST M6 30, STORY K11 30, STROY K11 30, STYLI K11 30
STONY D11 24 manfred
LUSTY 8K 24 sunshine12
TINY D12 22 Rudi
MOY K5 15 Faeythe
OY 7L 9 annelhynz

On 9th draw, VOCATIVE 2A 86 --- VOCATIVE a grammatical case used in some languages [n]
Other moves: VAE 13C 32, VOE 13C 32, VOICE 4A 30, CAVIE 4A 28, OVERREACT 11F 28
CUTIE 8K 21 sunshine12
GAVE 3L 16 Faeythe, babboon
ACTIVE 2C 13 annelhynz

On 10th draw, QUARE 4A 50 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other moves: HARED 1H 48, HEARD 1H 48, QUARE 8K 42, HADE 1H 39, HAED 1H 39
HEARD 1H 48 annelhynz
QUARE 8K 42 Faeythe, sunshine12

On 11th draw, QUINTA A4 45 --- QUINTA a country estate in Portugal or Latin America [n]
Other tops: QUAINT A4 45
Other moves: QUANT A4 42, QUINA A4 42, QUINT A4 42, JUT 1D 39, JA 1D 36
QUAINT A4 45 sunshine12, Faeythe
JA D1 17 annelhynz
GUN 3L 8 manfred

On 12th draw, PHLOX 1H 87 --- PHLOX a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: HOX 1H 54, HEX H1 48, POX 1H 48, PHONO 1H 45, XENO(N) H1 44
HOX 1H 54 annelhynz, Faeythe
HOX M2 41 sunshine12
OXO 7L 18 manfred
PHONE 7C 13 babboon

On 13th draw, LANDED 10A 30 --- LAND to set down upon land (solid ground) [v]
Other tops: LOADED 10A 30
Other moves: LOANED 10A 29, NODDLE 10A 28, UNDEAD B4 28, LOADEN 10A 27, CLADODE C2 26
OLDEN M9 17 manfred
DA B6 16 Faeythe
DEAD B9 11 annelhynz
NOD K12 10 sunshine12

On 14th draw, THAE 13B 40 --- THAE these; those [adj]
Other moves: HATTED M9 37, HATED M9 35, HAED 6J 33, HEED 6J 33, HIED 6J 33
HAED 6J 33 Faeythe
HEID 11B 32 annelhynz
HATE B9 12 manfred
POOHS 9H 10 sunshine12

On 15th draw, DINGBAT 3I 26 --- DINGBAT a typographical ornament [n]
Other moves: BAIT 11B 25, BOAT 11B 25, BUNDT 8K 24, TOAD 11B 23, BINGO 3I 22
BOT M2 18 annelhynz
AN 6I 14 Faeythe
NOB M8 11 sunshine12
TOD K12 10 manfred

On 16th draw, TOZING O3 51 --- TOZE to tease out [v]
Other moves: ZIG 1D 49, MOZING M8 45, ZITI O1 42, MAZING N2 40, ZIT O1 36
ZIT O1 36 Faeythe, annelhynz
ZANY D12 32 sunshine12
ZOOM 7K 16 manfred

On 17th draw, MIEN 6J 26 --- MIEN demeanor [n]
Other moves: FEM G13 23, FIL 1D 23, IF 11D 23, FINI M6 22, FLAM N1 22
FEM G13 23 Faeythe
MI N6 22 sunshine12
FILM K12 18 annelhynz
P**FS 9H 10 ponyclub
FIN C8 7 manfred

On 18th draw, FIL 1D 23 --- FIL a coin of Iraq and Jordan [n]
Other tops: IF 11D 23
Other moves: FERRIC 11G 22, JAI N2 22, FE G13 20, FED 13G 20, FIEF E8 20
JA N2 18 sunshine12, Faeythe, annelhynz
FIN C8 7 manfred

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