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Game of June 15, 2011 at 09:48, 7 players
1. sunshine12 -322
2. lyndyloo -443
3. miaanne -596

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. emoopru   H4    24    24   proem
 2. eflrtuy   G7    31    55   yuft
 3. ?aaetux   4H    98   153   plateaux
 4. ?adiosv  11E   101   254   disavow
 5. ddoorst  L11    27   281   stood
 6. aeeiorv   O1    36   317   orixa
 7. aaegipt   8A    42   359   patagium
 8. aeejnrt  10J    51   410   ja
 9. ehilnns  15F    33   443   shinned
10. eelnotu   N1    28   471   toluene
11. eeinnor  14B    25   496   ronnie
12. agiilry  13C    52   548   gaily
13. bdeilnw   B4    68   616   windable
14. abeeqrs   8L    35   651   base
15. cdefilu  15A    35   686   cedi
16. elortuv   O7    64   750   revolute
17. cefikru   C2    32   782   kief
18. ehmruwz   M7    40   822   haze
19. cgmqrru   J2    34   856   quag

Remaining tiles: cmrrw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6270 Filesunshine12  4 21:09  -322  534     1.6270 sunshine12  4 21:09  -322  534 
  2.4424 Filelyndyloo    2 21:06  -443  413     2.6268 miaanne     1 15:49  -596  260 
  3.6268 Filemiaanne     1 15:49  -596  260            Group: not rated
  4.4110 Fileremij       0 15:42  -618  238     1.4424 lyndyloo    2 21:06  -443  413 
  5.  -  FileCeltichic   1 10:26  -676  180     2.4110 remij       0 15:42  -618  238 
  6.4963 Fileannelhynz   0  9:43  -680  176     3.  -  Celtichic   1 10:26  -676  180 
  7.  -  Filehamid       0  9:27  -795   61     4.4963 annelhynz   0  9:43  -680  176 
                                             5.  -  hamid       0  9:27  -795   61 

On 1st draw, PROEM H4 24 --- PROEM an introductory statement [n]
Other tops: EPROM H8 24, MOPER H4 24, PROEM H8 24, PROMO H4 24
Other moves: EPROM H4 20, MOPER H8 20, PROMO H8 20, RUMPO H4 20, RUMPO H8 20
MOPER H4 24 lyndyloo
PROMO H4 24 miaanne, sunshine12

On 2nd draw, YUFT G7 31 --- YUFT a Russian leather [n]
Other tops: FYLE I7 31
Other moves: FEY G7 30, FEY I7 30, PREYFUL 4H 30, PUTREFY 4H 30, FELTY G7 29
YULE G7 25 sunshine12
FLURRY 5E 24 miaanne
YET G7 24 hamid
FELTY 7G 16 lyndyloo

On 3rd draw, P(L)ATEAUX 4H 98 --- PLATEAU a level stretch of elevated land [n]
Other moves: (B)ATEAUX F6 85, (G)ATEAUX F6 85, EUTAX(I)A F9 74, EUTAX(I)A F1 71, (B)ATTEAUX 10D 68
EX I6 40 sunshine12, miaanne
AXE(S) 11D 30 lyndyloo
EAT F9 14 hamid

On 4th draw, DISAVO(W) 11E 101 --- DISAVOW to disclaim responsibility for [v]
Other moves: ADVISO(R) F6 88, ADVISO(R) 11C 81, ADVISO(R) F2 74, DIS(F)AVOR 5A 72, ADVISO(R) F1 71
VOIDS 11C 29 lyndyloo
AVIS(E)D 11D 29 sunshine12
ED L4 3 hamid

On 5th draw, STOOD L11 27 --- STAND to assume or maintain an upright position [v]
Other moves: DOO 3M 25, DORTS 5J 25, SORDO L11 25, DODS 5J 24, ODDS 5K 24
SORT L11 19 lyndyloo
DADS M3 12 sunshine12
DUD N3 5 hamid

On 6th draw, ORIXA O1 36 --- ORIXA a Yoruba deity [n]
Other moves: AVODIRE 15I 33, AVOIDER 15H 33, VARE F6 31, OVERED 15G 30, REAVED 15G 30
VARIED 15G 30 sunshine12
ROVED 15H 27 miaanne
DIVE 15L 24 lyndyloo
DOVE 15L 24 remij
AX O3 9 hamid

On 7th draw, PATAGIUM 8A 42 --- PATAGIUM a wing membrane of a bat [n]
Other moves: APAGE H11 33, APAGE F5 31, AGAPE H11 30, PAGE F6 30, GETUP N1 29
GAPED 15H 27 lyndyloo, sunshine12
PAGE M3 14 remij
AGE M4 4 hamid

On 8th draw, JA 10J 51 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: NAARTJE M2 44, JEANED 15G 42, JETON 13I 40, JANE 3J 39, JEAN 3J 39
JA 10J 51 sunshine12
JEAN 3J 39 miaanne
JAR M3 20 remij
JAR 2M 20 lyndyloo
AN M4 2 hamid

On 9th draw, SHINNED 15F 33 --- SHIN to climb by gripping and pulling alternately with the hands and legs [v]
Other moves: SHIELD 15G 30, SHINED 15G 30, ASHEN H11 27, EHS 6M 27, EISH 5J 27
SHINNED 15F 33 sunshine12
SHINED 15G 30 lyndyloo
HIS 5J 23 remij
SHINE 12A 21 Celtichic

On 10th draw, TOLUENE N1 28 --- TOLUENE a solvent derived from coal tar [n]
Other moves: ELUENT N2 24, ELUTE 3I 24, ELUTE N2 22, LUNETTE 10B 20, NOULE 14E 20
TEEN 5J 18 remij
TETE 12J 16 sunshine12
TET 12J 15 annelhynz
TEN 12D 11 miaanne
TONE K4 8 lyndyloo

On 11th draw, RONNIE 14B 25 --- RONNIE (Irish) a moustache [n]
Other moves: IONONE 14I 24, NERINE O7 23, RONNIE O7 23, IRONER 5G 21, IRONE 14J 20
RETINE 12J 19 sunshine12
RIN 5J 14 remij
NINE O7 14 annelhynz
PREEN A8 8 lyndyloo
INNER 7K 6 Celtichic

On 12th draw, GAILY 13C 52 --- GAILY in a gay manner [adv]
Other moves: AIRILY O7 41, AGILITY C3 32, GYRAL 13F 31, GYAL 13F 30, GYRI 13F 30
GAY 13A 26 sunshine12, annelhynz
GLARY J2 21 lyndyloo
YANG D12 20 remij

On 13th draw, WINDABLE B4 68 --- WIND to pass around an object or fixed center [adj] --- WINDABLE able to be wound [adj]
Other moves: WEND 15A 42, BLEW 12A 40, BEND 15A 39, LEND 15A 33, BLED 12A 32
WEB 15A 32 annelhynz, miaanne, sunshine12
WELDING E2 24 lyndyloo
WAND D12 20 remij
BAWLED B7 14 Celtichic

On 14th draw, BASE 8L 35 --- BASE morally low [adj] --- BASE to found [v]
Other moves: BERE 15A 31, AEROBES 14I 30, AEROBE 14I 28, RESEAT C3 27, ABORE 14J 26
BASE 8L 35 sunshine12
QATS K2 26 remij
SABRE O7 23 miaanne
BEERS 8J 16 Celtichic
TOLUENES N1 8 lyndyloo

On 15th draw, CEDI 15A 35 --- CEDI a monetary unit of Ghana [n]
Other moves: DEFLEA 5J 34, FUCOID 13I 32, CLEF C2 28, FED 15A 28, DEF 5J 26
FED 15A 28 sunshine12, miaanne
WIFED 4B 24 lyndyloo
FE M13 22 annelhynz
FOLD 14K 21 Celtichic
FAND D12 20 remij

On 16th draw, REVOLUTE O7 64 --- REVOLUTE rolled backward or downward [adj]
Other moves: LEVO A1 30, VETO A1 30, VELOUR 13I 26, VETO C3 23, VOLET C1 23
VETO A1 30 sunshine12
REVOLT 13I 20 Celtichic
LOVE C1 19 annelhynz
LOVER 13K 16 lyndyloo
VOTE K2 14 remij
REVOLT O7 12 miaanne

On 17th draw, KIEF C2 32 --- KIEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other tops: FRACK J2 32
Other moves: FAKE M7 30, KEF C3 30, WRECK 4B 28, WRICK 4B 28, FIKE C1 27
FAKE M7 30 sunshine12
TICK K4 20 lyndyloo, Celtichic
KO 10N 16 annelhynz
FE 14N 10 remij

On 18th draw, HAZE M7 40 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: HEM N10 35, WEM N10 35, HERTZ K1 34, MEW N12 32, ZEA J2 32
ZO 10N 31 lyndyloo
HUMOR 13I 28 Celtichic
ZHO 13J 15 sunshine12
ZA J3 11 remij

On 19th draw, QUAG J2 34 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUA J2 32, ROQUE 14K 30, GUM N12 25, MUCOR 13I 24, MURR N12 22
QUAG J2 34 Celtichic, lyndyloo
QUA J2 32 annelhynz, sunshine12
GUT K2 4 remij

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