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Game of June 15, 2011 at 19:03, 13 players
1. scrab21 -467
2. jonb5 -511
3. margalang -540

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiorsu   H8    64    64   ouriest
 2. beeinrs  13C    74   138   nebrises
 3. afiltty   G3    83   221   fattily
 4. eejlops  12A    52   273   jeep
 5. aegiksu  A12    45   318   jake
 6. dfiioop   I7    29   347   fop
 7. adeiory   H1    50   397   dray
 8. ?adenrt   1H    83   480   darndest
 9. ahhnsuu  14J    51   531   huhus
10. bdginot  15K    34   565   tigon
11. adiimno  13L    35   600   amid
12. eiiiltz  B10    32   632   zee
13. cemorsw   O8    39   671   crowed
14. aeglotv   C6    25   696   galvo
15. ceiinno   D1    75   771   inconie
16. eegnouv  14A    30   801   keeno
17. dgimoqs   A8    31   832   mid
18. agoqstu   J6    51   883   qats
19. abgilot  11E    94   977   obligati
20. alruvwx   1A    45  1022   wuxia

Remaining tiles: lrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6049 Filescrab21     4 15:49  -467  555     1.7641 ste11a      4 16:35  -616  406 
  2.5657 Filejonb5       4 20:43  -511  511            Group: intermediate
  3.6090 Filemargalang   2 18:27  -540  482     1.6049 scrab21     4 15:49  -467  555 
  4.6621 Fileceosickey   3 17:06  -586  436     2.6090 margalang   2 18:27  -540  482 
  5.7641 Fileste11a      4 16:35  -616  406     3.6621 ceosickey   3 17:06  -586  436 
  6.4651 Filenarisa      1 21:27  -697  325     4.6404 rn.roselle  0  2:27  -954   68 
  7.3335 Filemanfred     0 19:51  -752  270            Group: novice
  8.4110 Fileremij       0 22:08  -759  263     1.5657 jonb5       4 20:43  -511  511 
  9.3115 Filecailah      0 20:49  -828  194            Group: not rated
 10.  -  Filebuddy1      0 27:07  -849  173     1.4651 narisa      1 21:27  -697  325 
 11.  -  Filepoetb.7     0 10:19  -937   85     2.3335 manfred     0 19:51  -752  270 
 12.6404 Filern.roselle  0  2:27  -954   68     3.4110 remij       0 22:08  -759  263 
 13.  -  Filemaggiemoo   0  4:41  -957   65     4.3115 cailah      0 20:49  -828  194 
                                             5.  -  buddy1      0 27:07  -849  173 
                                             6.  -  poetb.7     0 10:19  -937   85 
                                             7.  -  maggiemoo   0  4:41  -957   65 

On 1st draw, OURIES(T) H8 64 --- OURIE shivering with cold [adj]
Other tops: OURE(B)IS H2 64, OURE(B)IS H3 64, OURE(B)IS H4 64, OURE(B)IS H6 64, OURE(B)IS H7 64, OURIES(T) H2 64, OURIES(T) H3 64, OURIES(T) H4 64, OURIES(T) H7 64, SERIOU(S) H2 64, SERIOU(S) H3 64, SERIOU(S) H4 64, SERIOU(S) H7 64, SERIOU(S) H8 64, SOI(L)URE H2 64, SOI(L)URE H3 64, SOI(L)URE H4 64, SOI(L)URE H6 64, SOI(L)URE H7 64, SOI(L)URE H8 64, SOU(P)IER H2 64, SOU(P)IER H3 64, SOU(P)IER H4 64, SOU(P)IER H6 64, SOU(P)IER H7 64, SOU(P)IER H8 64, S(C)OURIE H2 64, S(C)OURIE H4 64, S(C)OURIE H6 64, S(C)OURIE H7 64, S(C)OURIE H8 64, S(T)OURIE H2 64, S(T)OURIE H4 64, S(T)OURIE H6 64, S(T)OURIE H7 64, S(T)OURIE H8 64, URI(N)OSE H2 64, URI(N)OSE H3 64, URI(N)OSE H4 64, URI(N)OSE H6 64, URI(N)OSE H7 64, URI(N)OSE H8 64, (B)OUSIER H2 64, (B)OUSIER H3 64, (B)OUSIER H6 64, (B)OUSIER H7 64, (B)OUSIER H8 64, (C)OURIES H2 64, (C)OURIES H3 64, (C)OURIES H6 64, (C)OURIES H7 64, (C)OURIES H8 64, (H)OUSIER H2 64, (H)OUSIER H3 64, (H)OUSIER H6 64, (H)OUSIER H7 64, (H)OUSIER H8 64, (L)OURIES H2 64, (L)OURIES H3 64, (L)OURIES H6 64, (L)OURIES H7 64, (L)OURIES H8 64, (L)OUSIER H2 64, (L)OUSIER H3 64, (L)OUSIER H6 64, (L)OUSIER H7 64, (L)OUSIER H8 64, (M)OUSIER H2 64, (M)OUSIER H3 64, (M)OUSIER H6 64, (M)OUSIER H7 64, (M)OUSIER H8 64, (P)OURIES H2 64, (P)OURIES H3 64, (P)OURIES H6 64, (P)OURIES H7 64, (P)OURIES H8 64, (S)ERIOUS H2 64, (S)ERIOUS H3 64, (S)ERIOUS H6 64, (S)ERIOUS H7 64, (S)ERIOUS H8 64, (T)OURIES H2 64, (T)OURIES H3 64, (T)OURIES H6 64, (T)OURIES H7 64, (T)OURIES H8 64, (T)OUSIER H2 64, (T)OUSIER H3 64, (T)OUSIER H6 64, (T)OUSIER H7 64, (T)OUSIER H8 64
Other moves: OURE(B)IS H5 62, OURE(B)IS H8 62, OURIES(T) H5 62, OURIES(T) H6 62, SERIOU(S) H5 62
S(T)OURIE H6 14 ceosickey
(G)ROUSE H7 12 scrab21
SURE(S) H4 10 narisa
REUS(E) H4 10 margalang
RIO(T)S H8 10 cailah
SURE H6 8 buddy1
(P)ROSE H4 8 manfred
RES(T) H6 6 remij

On 2nd draw, NEBRISES 13C 74 --- NEBRIS a fawn-skin cape [n]
Other moves: NEBRISES 13A 72, NEBRIS G9 25, BRENS I8 21, BENES I7 20, BERES I7 20
BRINES 12D 16 scrab21, margalang
BRINES 11F 16 jonb5
BIER G12 15 ceosickey
RIBS 10H 12 remij, narisa
BEERS 10E 9 cailah
SURE 9G 6 buddy1

On 3rd draw, FATTILY G3 83 --- FATTILY in a fatty manner [adv]
Other moves: FATTILY 7C 79, FATTILY G2 70, FATTILY I2 70, FLAY 12A 40, FAY 12B 30
FLAY 12A 40 margalang
FAIRY F10 27 jonb5
FLIRTY 10E 22 manfred
FATTILY I2 20 ceosickey
TARTY 10F 18 scrab21
FELT D12 16 buddy1
FAULTY 9F 14 narisa
FRAIL 10G 10 cailah
FRAT 10G 9 remij

On 4th draw, JEEP 12A 52 --- JEEP to travel by a small type of motor vehicle [v]
Other moves: JEEL H1 44, JEES H1 44, JOES H1 44, JOLES F2 43, JEES F2 36
JEES F2 36 scrab21
JOE F2 33 margalang
JOBS E11 26 jonb5, buddy1
JOLTS 5D 24 cailah
JET 5E 20 narisa
JAPS 4F 16 remij

On 5th draw, JAKE A12 45 --- JAKE a yokel [n] --- JAKE all right; fine [adj]
Other tops: JAKS A12 45, JAUK A12 45, JUKE A12 45
Other moves: SKAG H1 43, SKEG H1 43, UKASE H1 40, JAGS A12 36, JIGS A12 36
JAKE A12 45 jonb5
JUKE A12 45 scrab21
JAUK A12 45 ceosickey
JUGS A12 36 remij
KEGS J10 19 cailah
KITES 5E 18 margalang
KISS J11 10 manfred
SAT 6E 5 buddy1

On 6th draw, FOP I7 29 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other moves: P**F 11C 28, FOID 11C 27, FOOD 11C 27, FOP 11C 27, IF B14 27
FOP I7 29 ceosickey, jonb5
OF B14 27 scrab21
FID F2 23 margalang
FOPPED D9 14 manfred
FOODS J9 11 narisa
FAD 4F 9 remij
FEND C11 8 cailah

On 7th draw, DRAY H1 50 --- DRAY to transport by dray (a low, strong cart) [v]
Other tops: DREY H1 50
Other moves: ROADIE H1 41, YEAD H1 40, IRADE H1 36, DYER H1 35, OYER H1 32
DRAY H1 50 scrab21
DREY H1 50 jonb5
YARD 11C 27 ceosickey
DIRTY 5D 18 margalang
FRY 3G 13 narisa
DRYS J10 12 manfred
DIARY 4E 10 cailah
FORD 3G 9 remij
FEAR 7I 7 buddy1

On 8th draw, DARNDE(S)T 1H 83 --- DARNDEST damndest [n]
Other moves: AR(O)INTED 11E 82, RATI(O)NED 11E 82, (O)RDINATE 11E 82, DRA(U)NTED 1H 80, ENDART(E)D 1A 80
(S)TRANDED 1A 30 ceosickey
DAN(S) J6 25 ste11a
TRADE(R) 14J 20 scrab21
DART 11C 19 margalang
R(I)DE J4 13 jonb5
FADE 3G 10 buddy1
PEND D12 9 narisa
TRADED 1E 8 remij
AD(V)ENT C9 7 cailah
TENT 6D 6 manfred

On 9th draw, HUHUS 14J 51 --- HUHU a hairy New Zealand beetle [n]
Other moves: HASH F4 32, HUH I3 32, HUSH F4 32, HAHS 11C 31, HAHS 14J 31
HUH I3 32 ste11a
HAHS 11C 31 scrab21
HASH 11C 31 margalang, narisa
HAH 11C 29 ceosickey
AH B14 27 jonb5
HUSH J11 18 cailah
SHUNT 5C 16 maggiemoo
FAHS 3G 14 manfred
THAN O1 8 remij
SUN J13 5 buddy1

On 10th draw, TIGON 15K 34 --- TIGON the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion [n]
Other moves: BETING 12G 30, BAYTING 4F 26, INTO 15L 25, BIGHT L11 24, BOND 11C 24
BONG 11C 24 ceosickey
BOND 11C 24 ste11a
GOB 15M 23 jonb5
NOB 15M 19 margalang
ON B14 18 scrab21
BINGO 11G 16 manfred
BINDS N10 14 narisa
DOING L1 14 remij
BAYING 4F 12 cailah
FAINT 3G 9 maggiemoo
BAY 4F 8 buddy1

On 11th draw, AMID 13L 35 --- AMID a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: AMIN 13L 33, AMI 13L 31, DEMAIN 12G 31, MEDIAN 12G 31, MEDINA 12G 31
AMID 13L 35 scrab21
MID 13M 27 ste11a
MAID F4 26 manfred
MAID 11C 24 narisa, ceosickey
DAM 11C 21 margalang
DAM J6 21 jonb5
ADMIT 5C 16 maggiemoo
DAMN L1 14 buddy1
MUG M13 12 remij
ADMIT 6C 10 cailah
LOOM 8G 6 poetb.7

On 12th draw, ZEE B10 32 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: DITZ L1 28, FAZE 3G 26, ZITI 11E 26, (S)IZEL N1 26, ZIT 5E 24
ZEE B10 32 margalang, narisa, ste11a
FAZE 3G 26 scrab21, jonb5
(S)IZE N1 24 ceosickey
RITZ J1 15 manfred
ZIT 6E 14 poetb.7, remij
(S)TILE N1 8 maggiemoo
TILT O1 5 buddy1

On 13th draw, CROWED O8 39 --- CROW to boast [v]
Other tops: SCOWED O8 39, SCROMED O7 39, SOWCED O8 39, SOWMED O8 39, WORMED O8 39
Other moves: COWERS J4 37, MOWERS J4 37, WEMS J6 37, CROMED O8 36, COMERS J4 34
CROWED O8 39 ceosickey, jonb5, scrab21
WORMED O8 39 margalang
SCOWED O8 39 ste11a
WORTS 5D 25 narisa
WORST 5C 16 maggiemoo
SWAYER 4E 12 cailah
FARMS 3G 11 remij
SWAY 4E 10 manfred
WORST 6C 10 buddy1
SET 5E 6 poetb.7

On 14th draw, GALVO C6 25 --- GALVO an instrument for measuring electric current [n]
Other tops: LOVAT J4 25, VEGA C7 25, VEGO C7 25
Other moves: LAEVO C6 24, LEVA C7 23, LEVO C7 23, VAT J6 23, VELA C7 23
VAT J6 23 ste11a
AGO N9 22 scrab21
VIOLATE 11G 20 ceosickey
AVE 11D 17 margalang
VOLT 5D 14 narisa
VET 5E 12 jonb5
DELT L1 10 buddy1
RAVE J1 9 cailah
GLOW 11L 8 manfred, remij

On 15th draw, INCONIE D1 75 --- INCONIE delicate and pretty [adj]
Other moves: CONIINE 11E 36, FACONNE 3G 30, COLIN 8A 24, OZONIC 10A 23, COLE 8A 21
COLIN 8A 24 scrab21
COLE 8A 21 margalang, narisa, ste11a
OZONE 10A 14 jonb5
ZONE 10B 13 buddy1, cailah
ZOON 10B 13 manfred
FACE 3G 12 remij

On 16th draw, KEENO 14A 30 --- KEENO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: VEGIE 1A 27, VOGIE 1A 27, EVEN J5 24, GUV I3 24, KEEN 14A 24
KEEN 14A 24 ste11a
EVEN J5 24 margalang
VENGE 2B 22 jonb5
VOL 8A 18 scrab21
GENIE 1A 18 manfred
DOVEN L1 18 narisa
FAG 3G 9 remij
VOW 11M 9 cailah
BEG E13 6 poetb.7
GIG 6C 5 buddy1

On 17th draw, MID A8 31 --- MID the middle [n]
Other tops: MOD A8 31
Other moves: GID A8 28, GOD A8 28, IODISM 1A 27, GISM F4 26, MO N10 25
MOD A8 31 ste11a
QI C1 24 jonb5, scrab21, margalang, ceosickey
ZOOM 10B 15 manfred
DIMS L1 14 narisa
QIS 1C 12 remij
PEND D12 9 poetb.7
DOG L1 5 buddy1

On 18th draw, QATS J6 51 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: SQUASH J9 47, QUOIST 1A 45, QUOITS 1A 45, QUAIS 1A 42, QUOIT 1A 42
QATS J6 51 ste11a
QUOIST 1A 45 remij
QUOITS 1A 45 jonb5
SQUIT 1A 42 scrab21
QUOIT 1A 42 ceosickey
QUAIS 1A 42 manfred
GATS J6 27 margalang
QUITS 1B 14 rn.roselle
QUIT 11F 13 narisa
STUNG 2A 12 poetb.7
DOGS L1 12 buddy1
TOW 11M 6 cailah

On 19th draw, OBLIGATI 11E 94 --- OBLIGATO an important musical part [n]
Other moves: GLIB K4 33, GIB K5 31, BIG K5 30, BAIT K4 29, LIB K5 29
GLIB K4 33 ste11a, rn.roselle
GIB K5 31 scrab21, jonb5
BIG K5 30 margalang, ceosickey
BINGO 2B 20 poetb.7
TANGO 2B 16 narisa
GLOW 11L 8 cailah
AGO 10M 8 manfred
TO O1 2 buddy1

On 20th draw, WUXIA 1A 45 --- WUXIA (Chinese) a genre of Chinese fiction involving the adventures of sword-wielding heroes [n]
Other tops: VARIX 1A 45
Other moves: XU I3 44, XU E4 31, AW N9 28, CARFAX 3D 26, WAUL F4 26
XU I3 44 ste11a
FAX 3G 21 rn.roselle, scrab21
AX 2L 21 jonb5
AX 10K 20 margalang
WARN 2A 14 narisa
WO 10N 13 manfred
FAX 7I 13 remij
VAN 2B 12 poetb.7
LOW 4C 6 buddy1

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