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Game sheet of jonb5 (file), Game of June 15, 2011 at 19:51

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEEPTU PEAT(S) H4 18 -54 18 1/6 EPU(R)ATE H3 72 72 1/6
2 ?AEIMNS MANIS G7 23 -63 41 1/9 SEMUN(C)IA 5E 86 158 1/9
3 AKLOSSU KAS M3 24 -10 65 5/8 SKOAL 4K 34 192 3/9
4 DEIIJSU JEDIS G7 47 -1 112 1/9 JUDIES G7 48 240 1/10
5 DEFHNOR HONED 4B 23 -24 135 6/8 RHONE H11 47 287 1/10
6 ADEPRSW PLEADS O3 27 -68 162 3/9 PERSWADE 15A 95 382 2/10
7 EIINORT RENT I7 25 -45 187 2/10 ERIONITE B8 70 452 2/11
8 DEILNRT LINTED A3 33 -50 220 1/11 TRINDLE A2 83 535 1/12
9 CEFLMOT ME I7 25 -8 245 2/10 MELT I7 33 568 1/13
10 EFIOOWY FOWL O1 30 -6 275 8/10 FLOOEY O3 36 604 2/14
11 DEFIINU DEF N6 28 -58 303 5/11 UNFINISHED 12A 86 690 2/14
12 AHILTTW WHAT N6 41   344 2/11       731 1/14
13 AEGGGOR GAR M8 15 -15 359 6/9 GAGGER M8 30 761 1/14
14 ABCOTUZ BEZ F4 34 -38 393 2/12 AZON 14E 72 833 1/14
15 ABCCIOT CAB 4D 20 -12 413 5/11 TICTOC 2A 32 865 1/14
16 INORUXY OXO 13H 38 -18 451 5/10 YUNX L12 56 921 2/14
17 ABILOVV IO K14 13 -11 464 6/8 VIOL M2 24 945 2/14
18 AABBORV BOA K13 21 -11 485 4/10 BRAVO 2J 32 977 2/14

Total: 485/977 or -492 for 49.64%
Rank: 5621

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