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Game of June 15, 2011 at 20:35, 12 players
1. rn.roselle -327
2. sunshine12 -357
3. tonikay -446

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einnstx   H8    26    26   exist
 2. aelnoow   G8    27    53   wale
 3. aacemtv  11E    44    97   amesace
 4. deeiknt   H8    45   142   existent
 5. acfioor   F6    34   176   coof
 6. ?inrtyz  12A    57   233   zinky
 7. definrt   A8    51   284   fritz
 8. egillrs   L5    71   355   gillers
 9. ?inortt  15H    74   429   trotting
10. deensuy  14F    36   465   ennuye
11. aeimoru  15A    35   500   uremia
12. aabdors   I2    72   572   abroads
13. adgiior   C6    74   646   radioing
14. aeglsuw   J2    36   682   waes
15. adhnotv   H1    32   714   tho
16. adelouu   B6    24   738   odea
17. bilnopv   G3    21   759   bop
18. deejnpu  13K    36   795   jupe
19. egiklqu   8K    30   825   kluge
20. dilnqvv   D3    20   845   vild

Remaining tiles: hnnqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6406 Filern.roselle  4 22:46  -327  518     1.6406 rn.roselle  4 22:46  -327  518 
  2.6318 Filesunshine12  5 26:46  -357  488     2.6318 sunshine12  5 26:46  -357  488 
  3.3954 Filetonikay     3 21:10  -446  399     3.6754 mylover81   1 12:04  -596  249 
  4.2716 Filepoetb.7     0 20:19  -546  299            Group: novice
  5.4921 Filenaomiari    0 19:52  -551  294     1.5663 jonb5       0  1:58  -821   24 
  6.3074 Filecailah      0 24:56  -587  258            Group: not rated
  7.6754 Filemylover81   1 12:04  -596  249     1.3954 tonikay     3 21:10  -446  399 
  8.  -  Filearlo805     1 15:53  -609  236     2.2716 poetb.7     0 20:19  -546  299 
  9.4630 Filenarisa      0  8:59  -660  185     3.4921 naomiari    0 19:52  -551  294 
 10.4295 Filejimbo       1  3:53  -730  115     4.3074 cailah      0 24:56  -587  258 
 11.5663 Filejonb5       0  1:58  -821   24     5.  -  arlo805     1 15:53  -609  236 
 12.  -  FileMillicent   0  1:40  -830   15     6.4630 narisa      0  8:59  -660  185 
                                             7.4295 jimbo       1  3:53  -730  115 
                                             8.  -  Millicent   0  1:40  -830   15 

On 1st draw, EXIST H8 26 --- EXIST to have actual being, to live [v]
Other tops: EXIST H4 26, EXITS H4 26, EXITS H8 26, NEXTS H4 26, NEXTS H8 26, NIXES H4 26, NIXES H8 26, SIXTE H4 26, SIXTE H8 26
Other moves: EXIST H5 24, EXIST H6 24, EXIST H7 24, EXITS H5 24, EXITS H6 24
EXIST H4 26 sunshine12
NEXTS H8 26 arlo805
EXITS H4 26 tonikay
EXIST H7 24 cailah
NEXTS H6 24 rn.roselle
EXITS H7 24 jonb5
SEX H7 20 poetb.7

On 2nd draw, WALE G8 27 --- WALE to mark with welts [v]
Other moves: AWOL G7 26, WEAL G7 26, WOOL G7 26, ALOWE G5 25, LOWNE G5 25
WALE G8 27 rn.roselle, sunshine12
WOOL G7 26 tonikay
AWE G7 23 naomiari
WOOLEN I3 16 arlo805
WAX 9F 14 poetb.7
WAI 10F 14 cailah

On 3rd draw, AMESACE 11E 44 --- AMESACE bad luck [n]
Other moves: CAVEAT F4 35, ACME I6 31, VACATE I4 30, CAME I6 29, MEAT F6 28
CAME I6 29 rn.roselle
MET I8 28 sunshine12
CAM F7 25 naomiari, arlo805
MATE I6 25 tonikay
AXE 9G 11 cailah
TEAM 12H 6 poetb.7

On 4th draw, EXISTENT H8 45 --- EXISTENT something that exists [n]
Other moves: KEET F6 34, KITED 12A 33, KNEED 12A 33, DETAIN I8 32, KENTE 12A 30
KEET F6 34 rn.roselle
KITE I6 27 arlo805
KINE I6 27 sunshine12
DE I8 22 tonikay
MINK F11 20 naomiari
MEND F11 11 poetb.7
WEED 8G 8 cailah

On 5th draw, COOF F6 34 --- COOF a dolt [n]
Other moves: FIAR F6 31, FARCI 12A 30, ROOF F6 28, FARCI 12K 27, OAF F7 25
COOF F6 34 rn.roselle
ROOF F6 28 sunshine12
FA I13 20 arlo805
FACE 13E 12 poetb.7
FA F7 11 naomiari
FACE K8 9 tonikay
WEAR 8G 7 cailah

On 6th draw, ZIN(K)Y 12A 57 --- ZINKY resembling zinc [adj]
Other tops: ZIN(C)Y 12A 57, ZIN(G)Y 12A 57
Other moves: Z(A)YIN 12A 54, N(E)RTZ 12K 48, (F)RITZ 12K 47, RITZY 12K 44, ZIN(C)Y 14F 44
ZIN(C)Y 12A 57 rn.roselle
ZIN(C)Y 14F 44 sunshine12
ZIT(S) L8 33 jimbo
ZIN(C) 14F 32 poetb.7
ZIN 14F 32 arlo805
ZE(S)TY 13G 26 cailah
RAZ(E) E10 12 tonikay

On 7th draw, FRITZ A8 51 --- FRITZ a non functioning state, out of order [n]
Other moves: NERTZ A8 42, ZEIN A12 39, ZINE A12 39, ZITE A12 39, FRIEND B10 36
FRITZ A8 51 sunshine12
ZITE A12 39 poetb.7
ZINE A12 39 rn.roselle
ZEIN A12 39 tonikay, naomiari
FRIED B10 34 narisa
FEINT B10 32 cailah
DEFINER K6 11 jimbo
FITTED 15F 10 arlo805

On 8th draw, GILLERS L5 71 --- GILLER one that gills (catches fish in a gill) [n]
Other tops: GRILLES L5 71
Other moves: GILLERS I2 67, GRILLES I2 67, GRILSE L7 28, GRISE L8 28, SILER L11 24
GRILLES L5 71 jimbo, tonikay
GRILLES L5 21 sunshine12
SILL L11 20 naomiari
FRITZES A8 19 rn.roselle
FAXES 9F 16 narisa
SELLING 14C 10 cailah
RICE J9 8 poetb.7
STILLER 15G 8 arlo805

On 9th draw, TROTTIN(G) 15H 74 --- TROT to drive at a pace between walking and running [v] --- TROTTING harness racing [n]
Other moves: T(O)RTONI M1 72, TORT(O)NI M1 71, TRITON(E) B2 70, NOTT(U)RNI 14H 68, NOTT(U)RNI C6 68
TROTTIN(G) 15H 24 arlo805
LINT 8L 12 naomiari, sunshine12
NOR I6 11 narisa
TON(E)R I4 11 rn.roselle
(B)INGO 5I 10 tonikay
(S)CORN J10 8 poetb.7
ROTTIN(G) 15E 6 cailah

On 10th draw, ENNUYE 14F 36 --- ENNUYE oppressed with ennui [adj]
Other tops: YEED 14J 36
Other moves: DEYS 13B 33, UNEYED B5 33, SEYEN 13B 32, SUEDE 14J 31, YES 14J 31
YEED 14J 36 sunshine12
YES 14J 31 mylover81
EYED 13C 30 arlo805
YE 14J 28 rn.roselle
FRITZES A8 19 tonikay
SUNNY C10 16 narisa, poetb.7
SNIDEY 6J 14 cailah
YO J14 13 naomiari

On 11th draw, UREMIA 15A 35 --- UREMIA an abnormal condition of the blood [n]
Other moves: MUREIN N10 28, MORAINE C7 26, ROMAINE C7 26, MAINOUR C9 24, MOINEAU C9 24
MOANER C9 22 narisa
LIME 8L 18 sunshine12, rn.roselle, arlo805
LAME 8L 18 mylover81
MORE 13K 17 poetb.7
MINER C10 14 tonikay
FOAM 8A 12 naomiari
FRAU 8A 8 cailah

On 12th draw, ABROADS I2 72 --- ABROAD anywhere foreign [n]
Other moves: SCARABOID 6E 70, ABROAD K1 27, DOBRAS K1 26, DORBAS K1 26, BROAD K2 25
BLADS 8K 24 sunshine12, rn.roselle
BRAND C9 22 narisa
ABROADS I2 22 mylover81
BAD K4 21 tonikay
LABS 8L 18 naomiari
LOAD 8L 15 Millicent
BOWERS 8E 11 cailah
FAR 8A 6 poetb.7

On 13th draw, RADIOING C6 74 --- RADIO to transmit by radio (an apparatus for wireless communication) [v]
Other moves: ADAGIO 2I 24, DRAGON N10 24, GRADIN N10 24, GRADINI C7 24, GRADINO C7 24
ADO H1 19 rn.roselle
GRAND C9 18 narisa
DA J2 18 mylover81
LAID 8L 15 naomiari
AD H1 12 sunshine12
ROAD 2G 9 poetb.7
BRAG 3I 7 cailah

On 14th draw, WAES J2 36 --- WAE woe [n]
Other moves: WAE J2 33, AWE J1 31, WE J2 30, SWAGE K3 29, WE J6 29
AWE J1 31 rn.roselle, mylover81
WAGES 13K 24 poetb.7
WE H1 17 sunshine12
WE 13K 11 tonikay
EWE 9L 10 naomiari
WEELS 9J 9 cailah

On 15th draw, THO H1 32 --- THO though [conj]
Other tops: AVO H1 32, OVA H1 32
Other moves: NOAH H2 29, NOAH M6 28, HONDA B2 26, HAO H2 25, HOA H2 25
OVA H1 32 rn.roselle
HAO H2 25 tonikay
OH H1 24 naomiari
HONDA 13K 24 mylover81
AH H1 24 sunshine12
THAW 2G 10 cailah
HORN 6A 9 poetb.7

On 16th draw, ODEA B6 24 --- ODEUM a theater or concert hall [n]
Other moves: OLEA B6 22, DOULA B4 21, LADE B5 21, LODE B5 21, LUDE B5 21
LOUD 8L 15 rn.roselle, naomiari
LODE 8L 15 mylover81
DALE B3 11 sunshine12
FADE 8A 9 cailah
DEALT 1D 8 poetb.7
AN N14 4 tonikay

On 17th draw, BOP G3 21 --- BOP to dance to pop music [v]
Other tops: BLIP 13K 21
Other moves: VINO 13K 20, VIOL 13K 20, BIN G3 19, BIO G3 19, BOI G3 19
BO 14M 16 sunshine12
LOIN 8L 12 mylover81
BIN A4 11 rn.roselle
PORN 6A 6 poetb.7
LIB 6K 5 tonikay
OIL 6K 3 cailah

On 18th draw, JUPE 13K 36 --- JUPE a woman's jacket [n]
Other tops: JEEP 13K 36
Other moves: JEEP D4 35, JEED 13K 34, JEUNE 13K 34, JEED D4 32, JUD 13K 32
JEEP 13K 36 mylover81, tonikay
JUN N13 20 sunshine12, rn.roselle
JEEPED 9J 19 poetb.7
LEEP 8L 18 narisa
JEEP 9K 14 cailah
JAY E10 13 naomiari

On 19th draw, KLUGE 8K 30 --- KLUGE kludge [n] --- KLUGE to fix by clumsy makeshift methods [v]
Other tops: GLIKE 8K 30, KLIEG 8K 30
Other moves: KLIEG D3 28, QUEEN N11 28, KUGEL D3 27, KEEL 13F 24, LEKU 8L 24
GLIKE 8K 30 sunshine12
QUEEN N11 28 poetb.7, rn.roselle, narisa, mylover81
QUILT 1D 24 cailah
QUIET 1D 24 naomiari
QUIT 1E 13 tonikay

On 20th draw, VILD D3 20 --- VILD vile [adj]
Other tops: VIVO 4D 20
Other moves: VID D4 18, VIVE N10 18, LOD 7E 17, NOD 7E 17, DWALE G7 16
VIVE N10 18 rn.roselle
VIDE N10 16 sunshine12
VEIN N12 14 mylover81
QI 6K 11 tonikay, cailah
VINT 1E 7 poetb.7

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