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Game of June 15, 2011 at 22:07, 5 players
1. SuperH -449
2. poetb.7 -626
3. Andy1990 -659

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?benoor   H4    72    72   borneol
 2. aelnopr   8G    61   133   peroneal
 3. ?deflru   5E    94   227   fluoride
 4. adejksw   M1    44   271   jakes
 5. deeimtz   1M    57   328   jiz
 6. aeiiowy   4A    35   363   yowie
 7. aabcdmt   4K    35   398   abeam
 8. aghilny   A3    42   440   nylghai
 9. cginott   N7    76   516   clotting
10. ceehmos  15K    54   570   chose
11. deilnnr   C2    24   594   rewind
12. eeinotv  13I    26   620   voteen
13. deinssy   B8    84   704   endysis
14. aeiopuw  12J    32   736   paw
15. aeeilrt   D7    69   805   atelier
16. airttuu   2K    25   830   riata
17. admtuvx  13A    50   880   vitraux
18. dgimoqu  A12    35   915   ovum

Remaining tiles: dfgiqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6340 FileSuperH      1 14:38  -449  466     1.6340 SuperH      1 14:38  -449  466 
  2.3394 Filepoetb.7     0 15:26  -626  289     2.6613 ceosickey   0  1:57  -860   55 
  3.4478 FileAndy1990    1 13:19  -659  256            Group: not rated
  4.4621 Filenarisa      0  3:57  -841   74     1.3394 poetb.7     0 15:26  -626  289 
  5.6613 Fileceosickey   0  1:57  -860   55     2.4478 Andy1990    1 13:19  -659  256 
                                             3.4621 narisa      0  3:57  -841   74 

On 1st draw, BORNEO(L) H4 72 --- BORNEOL an alcohol used in perfumes [n]
Other tops: BOONER(S) H4 72
Other moves: BOONER(S) H2 68, BOONER(S) H3 68, BOONER(S) H7 68, BOONER(S) H8 68, BORNEO(L) H2 68
BOONER(S) H4 22 SuperH
BORNE H7 14 poetb.7

On 2nd draw, PERONEAL 8G 61 --- PERONEAL pertaining to the fibula [adj]
Other tops: PERONEAL 8C 61
Other moves: ARPEN G7 24, OLPAE I7 24, PAEON G5 23, PEARL G5 23, PAREO I3 22
PORE I3 17 SuperH
PORN 6F 12 poetb.7

On 3rd draw, FLUOR(I)DE 5E 94 --- FLUORIDE a compound of fluorine [n]
Other tops: DE(A)RNFUL K4 94, FL(O)UNDER K4 94, U(N)FOLDER 5E 94
Other moves: (T)RADEFUL M6 78, DEAR(N)FUL M6 76, FELD(G)RAU M2 76, FER(R)ULED L2 72, FER(R)ULED L7 72
FUEL(S) 11D 22 SuperH
F(O)OLED J6 19 poetb.7

On 4th draw, JAKES M1 44 --- JAKES an outhouse [n]
Other tops: KAWED 4J 44
Other moves: JAKS M2 42, WEAK 4L 42, DAWKS 4J 41, JAK 7M 41, JAKES 11D 41
WEAK 4L 42 SuperH
SKEW L3 22 poetb.7

On 5th draw, JIZ 1M 57 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: DITZ 7J 52, MZEE 7L 52, ZED 7M 46, ZEE 7M 45, MILTZ N6 42
JIZ 1M 57 SuperH
JET 1M 30 poetb.7

On 6th draw, YOWIE 4A 35 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other moves: WYE 7L 29, YAW 9K 29, YEW 9K 29, YOWIE 4B 29, IWI N1 28
YEW 4L 28 SuperH
WAY M7 17 poetb.7

On 7th draw, ABEAM 4K 35 --- ABEAM at right angles to the keel of a ship [adv]
Other moves: BAM 3B 32, TAMBAC 7J 32, AMEBA 4K 31, BEAM 4L 30, BEAMED L4 30
MAD 3B 29 SuperH
CA(L)M 10F 13 Andy1990
BAY A2 8 poetb.7

On 8th draw, NYLGHAI A3 42 --- NYLGHAI a large antelope [n]
Other moves: YAH 3B 38, HYALIN A3 36, AGONY B2 34, GYNY A1 33, LINHAY 7J 33
YAWING C2 30 narisa
HILLY N6 27 Andy1990
HAG 9M 22 SuperH
YAWN C2 20 poetb.7

On 9th draw, CLOTTING N7 76 --- CLOT to form into a clot (a thick mass) [v]
Other moves: C(L)OTTING 10G 66, GITANO 2J 37, COTAN 2J 30, CATTING M7 28, COWING C2 28
COWING C2 28 narisa
GIT 9M 13 SuperH
CAG M7 11 poetb.7
GLINT N7 8 Andy1990

On 10th draw, CHOSE 15K 54 --- CHOSE a piece of personal property (law) [n]
Other moves: COSH 15L 48, MESH 15L 48, MOSH 15L 48, HOSE 15L 45, SMEECH 10A 42
CHOSE 15K 54 Andy1990
OH 3C 25 SuperH
COWS C2 18 poetb.7

On 11th draw, REWIND C2 24 --- REWIND to wind again [v] --- WIND to pass around an object or fixed center [v]
Other tops: ENWIND C2 24
Other moves: ELIAD 2J 22, DINNER B9 21, DINNLE B9 21, DWILE C3 20, DWINE C3 20
DEW C2 14 poetb.7
DI M12 13 SuperH
HIDER 7A 11 Andy1990

On 12th draw, VOTEEN 13I 26 --- VOTEEN a devotee [n]
Other moves: OINT B6 23, ENVOI B8 20, EON B6 20, ERVEN 2B 20, ION B6 20
TROVE 2B 20 Andy1990
VEIN 12L 16 poetb.7

On 13th draw, ENDYSIS B8 84 --- ENDYSIS
Other moves: ENDYSIS 11B 81, ENDYSIS 11D 81, ENDYSIS D7 77, Y*D 14J 40, SNIDEY 10A 35
YE 14J 31 SuperH
DYES 11E 25 ceosickey
YENS 11E 23 Andy1990
YET K11 12 poetb.7

On 14th draw, PAW 12J 32 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other tops: PEW 12J 32
Other moves: WAP 12J 31, WE 14J 31, WO 14J 31, PAW A13 30, PEW A13 30
WE 14J 31 SuperH
PAW A13 30 Andy1990
POW A13 30 ceosickey
PAVE I11 9 poetb.7

On 15th draw, ATELIER D7 69 --- ATELIER a workshop or studio [n]
Other moves: RETAILER 2C 62, RELATA 2J 31, ALERT 11J 27, ARETT 11J 27, EALE 11I 25
TARE 11I 25 SuperH
STEALER 12B 16 Andy1990
SEAL 12B 8 poetb.7

On 16th draw, RIATA 2K 25 --- RIATA a lasso [n]
Other moves: RATA 2L 23, UTA 11J 23, RAIT 11K 20, TAIT 11K 20, TART 11K 20
RATA 2L 23 SuperH
POT J12 7 Andy1990
STEAR 12B 5 poetb.7

On 17th draw, VITRAUX 13A 50 --- VITRAIL stained glass [n]
Other moves: MAX A13 42, MUX A13 42, DUX A13 38, DUMA 11I 35, UVA 11J 35
MAX A13 42 SuperH
POX J12 28 poetb.7
MAD A13 24 Andy1990

On 18th draw, OVUM A12 35 --- OVUM the female reproductive cell of animals [n]
Other moves: QUOIT 10J 34, MID 14F 31, MIG 14F 31, MUD 14F 31, MUG 14F 31
QUAT K10 26 poetb.7
QAT K11 24 SuperH
VID A13 23 Andy1990
QUID F12 16 narisa

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