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Game of June 15, 2011 at 22:51, 7 players
1. monthree -323
2. narisa -463
3. gmills0 -480

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aegiov   H4    26    26   vogie
 2. deelnru   7B    62    88   underlie
 3. abenprs   8A    36   124   spear
 4. ?nnostz   J1    77   201   tenzons
 5. aekntuw   9C    37   238   knawe
 6. egnstuw   4J    26   264   zest
 7. gioprsu   1C    86   350   groupist
 8. ?abeoqr   N2    29   379   baser
 9. abeenot   1L    34   413   beat
10. ddefimt   O5    36   449   metif
11. aaceity   E4    40   489   acierate
12. ghinoru   2F    33   522   hin
13. adoouvy  12B    32   554   vaudoo
14. addgnow  13F    27   581   dwang
15. adioryy  14B    35   616   yaird
16. efiooty  15A    37   653   foy
17. aehilot   M3    33   686   ethal
18. ceilmoo  11G    28   714   coelom
19. ilqrtux   K4    36   750   ex
20. ijlqrtu   N8    27   777   qi
21. iijlrtu  J13    27   804   gju

Remaining tiles: iilrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6572 Filemonthree    2 24:01  -323  481     1.6572 monthree    2 24:01  -323  481 
  2.4621 Filenarisa      0 20:31  -463  341            Group: not rated
  3.3564 Filegmills0     0 27:21  -480  324     1.4621 narisa      0 20:31  -463  341 
  4.3445 Filepoetb.7     0 21:47  -516  288     2.3564 gmills0     0 27:21  -480  324 
  5.3997 Filetonikay     0 26:28  -530  274     3.3445 poetb.7     0 21:47  -516  288 
  6.  -  Filemakatavese  0 23:34  -554  250     4.3997 tonikay     0 26:28  -530  274 
  7.3094 Filecailah      0 16:42  -589  215     5.  -  makatavese  0 23:34  -554  250 
                                             6.3094 cailah      0 16:42  -589  215 

On 1st draw, VOGIE H4 26 --- VOGIE vain [adj]
Other tops: G(L)AIVE H8 26, VAGI(L)E H4 26, VI(R)AGO H4 26, VI(S)AGE H4 26, VOGIE(R) H4 26, VO(L)AGE H4 26, VO(Y)AGE H4 26
Other moves: GA(N)EV H8 24, VAG(U)E H4 24, VEGA(N) H4 24, VEGA(S) H4 24, VEGI(E) H4 24
VAG(U)E H4 24 poetb.7
VO(Y)AGE H8 22 gmills0
GIVE(N) H4 20 narisa
G(L)OVE H4 20 tonikay
G(R)AVE H4 20 monthree
GAVE(L) H6 16 cailah

On 2nd draw, UNDERLIE 7B 62 --- UNDERLIE to lie under [v]
Other moves: UNREELED 8E 61, UNREELED 8B 60, UNREELED 8D 60, VELURED 4H 22, NUDER G5 21
VENDER 4H 20 monthree, narisa
DELVER 4E 10 gmills0
RULED I8 9 tonikay
RIDE 7G 8 poetb.7
GELD 6H 8 cailah

On 3rd draw, SPEAR 8A 36 --- SPEAR to pierce with a spear (a long, pointed weapon) [v]
Other tops: SPAER 8A 36, SPEAN 8A 36
Other moves: BRAES 8A 34, SPAE 8A 31, BRAE 8A 29, BARPS J3 25, BRAES J6 25
RAPS J4 22 narisa
APE 8A 21 monthree
DEBARS D7 20 gmills0
REAP F7 12 makatavese
PADRE D5 9 poetb.7
EARS I7 7 tonikay

On 4th draw, T(E)NZONS J1 77 --- TENZON a competition in verse [n]
Other moves: S(I)TZ J7 42, ZUP(A)NS B6 38, ZUP(A)N B6 37, ZUP(A)S B6 37, G(A)ZONS 6H 36
SNOOZ(E) 5F 28 gmills0
ERS(A)TZ E7 28 monthree
ZON(E)S J3 23 narisa
ZONES C5 15 cailah
TORS F5 14 makatavese

On 5th draw, KNAWE 9C 37 --- KNAWE a cornfield weed of the chickweed family [n]
Other moves: WEKA 9C 36, AWE K4 35, KNEW 9C 35, KNAWE 3I 34, KENT 9C 32
KNUT 1G 24 gmills0
WATE 1H 21 tonikay
WANT 1G 21 narisa
WET 1H 18 makatavese
KNEW C6 15 poetb.7
SNEAK A8 14 cailah

On 6th draw, ZEST 4J 26 --- ZEST to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) [v]
Other moves: NEWTS 1G 24, UNWET 1F 24, VOGIEST H4 24, WENTS 1G 24, WE K5 22
ZEST 4J 26 monthree
WENTS 1G 24 tonikay
WENT 1G 21 makatavese, poetb.7
WEST 1G 21 narisa
STEWS A8 9 cailah
STUNG A8 8 gmills0

On 7th draw, GROUPIST 1C 86 --- GROUPIST someone who belongs to a group [n]
Other moves: GROUPI(E)S 2D 62, PIROGU(E)S 2D 62, INPOURS 3I 30, PIGOUTS 1E 30, SITUP 1H 30
PROS N1 26 monthree
SIP N4 25 makatavese
GRIS N1 24 narisa
POUTS 1G 21 tonikay
GRITS 1G 18 gmills0
POTS 1H 18 poetb.7
SPOT M1 12 cailah

On 8th draw, BA(S)ER N2 29 --- BASE morally low [adj]
Other tops: BO(Y)AR N2 29
Other moves: Q(U)ATRE M1 28, Q(U)OTER M1 28, ONBEA(T) 3I 26, Q(U)ATE M1 26, Q(U)OTA M1 26
Q(U)OTER M1 28 narisa, monthree
Q(U)ATE M1 26 poetb.7
Q(U)AT M1 24 tonikay
QAT(S) M2 24 cailah
SQ(U)ARE A8 15 gmills0
GRAB C1 14 makatavese

On 9th draw, BEAT 1L 34 --- BEAT to strike repeatedly [v]
Other tops: BEAN 1L 34, BOAT 1L 34
Other moves: BOTTE M1 24, NAB O1 23, NEB O1 23, NOB O1 23, TAB O1 23
BET O1 21 tonikay
NEAT O5 16 monthree
GET C1 8 poetb.7
RANT D1 8 narisa
BESOT L2 7 gmills0
STONE A8 6 makatavese

On 10th draw, METIF O5 36 --- METIF a child of a white and a quadroon [n]
Other moves: FETID O5 34, EMIT 2E 30, DEFI O5 29, DEFT O5 29, DEIF O5 29
FETID O5 34 monthree
GIFT C1 16 makatavese, narisa, cailah
REFIT D1 16 gmills0
WIFE F9 12 poetb.7
SIDE L4 5 tonikay

On 11th draw, ACIERATE E4 40 --- ACIERATE to turn into steel [v]
Other moves: ACERATE E5 36, AY 6A 29, DANCEY D7 24, EYE K4 24, TYEE K2 24
AY 6A 29 monthree
RACY D1 18 narisa
YUP B6 16 cailah
GAY C1 14 poetb.7, makatavese
WAIT F9 9 gmills0
SCAT L4 6 tonikay

On 12th draw, HIN 2F 33 --- HIN a Hebrew unit of liquid measure [n]
Other tops: HON 2F 33, RHO 2E 33
Other moves: HI 2F 30, HO 2F 30, OH 6A 29, UH 6A 29, OH 2E 28
BRUSHING L1 16 cailah
HAG 4D 14 narisa
GROIN C1 12 makatavese
HINGER 11A 10 tonikay
HIRE 11B 7 poetb.7
SHIN L4 7 gmills0

On 13th draw, VAUDOO 12B 32 --- VAUDOO a primitive religion [n] --- VAUDOO to bewitch [v]
Other moves: VODOU 12C 30, AY 6A 29, OY 6A 29, YAUD 12B 28, DAVY 12E 27
GOODY C1 20 narisa
AY D3 20 monthree
DAY 4D 14 poetb.7
GOD C1 10 gmills0
DOVE 11B 8 makatavese, tonikay

On 14th draw, DWANG 13F 27 --- DWANG a reinforcing strut [n]
Other moves: WONGA 4A 26, DOWD N8 25, DOWNA N8 25, GOWAN N8 25, GOWD N8 25
WAD 13G 22 monthree
AVOW B11 20 cailah
VOW B12 18 poetb.7
WAGON C11 18 tonikay
DAWN C11 16 makatavese
GOWN C1 16 gmills0
WAND C11 16 narisa

On 15th draw, YAIRD 14B 35 --- YAIRD a garden [n]
Other moves: AROID 14B 29, AY 6A 29, OY 6A 29, DYER K2 27, YAIRD 11G 27
OY 6A 29 monthree
IVORY B11 22 gmills0
OVARY B11 22 narisa
Y*D 11G 16 tonikay
GRAY C1 16 makatavese
RANDY I11 9 poetb.7

On 16th draw, FOY 15A 37 --- FOY a parting entertainment or gift [n]
Other tops: FEY 15A 37, TOYO 15A 37
Other moves: FY 6A 32, OY 6A 29, TOY 15A 28, TOEY K2 27, FY D3 26
FOY 15A 37 monthree
GOOFY C1 24 narisa
YE 15A 20 tonikay
SOFTY L4 15 gmills0
BOOST L1 7 cailah
FONT I11 7 poetb.7

On 17th draw, ETHAL M3 33 --- ETHAL cetyl alcohol [n]
Other moves: AH 6A 29, EH 6A 29, EOLITH 14I 29, OH 6A 29, EOLITH N9 27
OH 6A 29 monthree
AHA H13 18 poetb.7
SLOTH L4 12 gmills0
HAT 4D 12 makatavese
GATE C1 10 narisa
ATE H13 9 tonikay
THINE I10 8 cailah

On 18th draw, COELOM 11G 28 --- COELOM a body cavity in some animals [n]
Other moves: CELOM 11G 26, CLIME 11G 26, MELIC 11G 26, COOLIE 11G 24, TELOMIC 10E 24
ROOM D1 20 monthree
GLOOM C1 16 makatavese, gmills0
MAC 4D 14 narisa
CAM 4D 14 poetb.7
COOF 9L 10 cailah
MON I11 5 tonikay

On 19th draw, EX K4 36 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: OX 5J 36
Other moves: XI 12K 35, XU 12K 35, TIX N8 33, QI N8 27, MIXT L11 26
XI 12K 35 monthree
MIX L11 24 cailah, gmills0
QI 8N 11 poetb.7
SIX A8 10 tonikay

On 20th draw, QI N8 27 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: GJU J13 27
Other moves: QUAI 4C 26, QUAT 4C 26, QI 2B 25, QUEINT I9 25, QUIM L8 25
QUIM L8 25 poetb.7, monthree
JAR 4D 20 makatavese
JOT K10 10 tonikay
RUM L9 5 gmills0

On 21th draw, GJU J13 27 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: JURAL 4B 24, JURAT 4B 24, JUT 10K 23, GJU C1 22, JURA 4B 22
JAR 4D 20 gmills0
RUT 12K 16 monthree
JOT K10 10 poetb.7, tonikay
GIRL C1 10 makatavese

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