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Game of June 16, 2011 at 01:58, 7 players
1. kellybelly -324
2. FourShores -389
3. ksong -449

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efgintt   H4    80    80   fetting
 2. ceioort   5E    36   116   coterie
 3. ?arrrsv   J2    70   186   arrivers
 4. aegillm   8J    33   219   remail
 5. aeinsux   9L    38   257   ax
 6. beiorss   2F    62   319   isobares
 7. adelnor   E5    72   391   colander
 8. aabnnot   1D    40   431   baton
 9. ?degilt   7B    66   497   gillnetted
10. egjnpqu   L1    42   539   jeep
11. aeiinqv   1L    44   583   jive
12. eiilouw   7M    31   614   woe
13. aginpwy   M7    42   656   waxwing
14. eefnpsu  14K    38   694   fusee
15. dinootz  O10    51   745   zooned
16. aehlouu   6N    30   775   he
17. aachilu  15H    32   807   chia
18. amnopqu   3C    35   842   quop
19. aaiklmu   4A    49   891   kaim
20. adlnuuy   A1    42   933   dankly

Remaining tiles: atuuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7098 Filekellybelly  4 21:10  -324  609     1.7098 kellybelly  4 21:10  -324  609 
  2.6082 FileFourShores  3 19:59  -389  544            Group: intermediate
  3.5968 Fileksong       3 27:04  -449  484     1.6082 FourShores  3 19:59  -389  544 
  4.6315 Filesunshine12  0 12:23  -518  415     2.6315 sunshine12  0 12:23  -518  415 
  5.6282 Filelastlea     1 19:38  -582  351     3.6282 lastlea     1 19:38  -582  351 
  6.  -  Fileleonora     0 25:23  -705  228            Group: novice
  7.4638 Filejohnny55    0  0:43  -906   27     1.5968 ksong       3 27:04  -449  484 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  leonora     0 25:23  -705  228 
                                             2.4638 johnny55    0  0:43  -906   27 

On 1st draw, FETTING H4 80 --- FET to fetch [v] --- FETT to fetch [v]
Other moves: FETTING H6 76, FETTING H2 74, FETTING H3 74, FETTING H7 74, FETTING H8 74
FETTING H4 30 kellybelly, FourShores, lastlea
FIG H7 14 leonora
TINGE H8 14 ksong

On 2nd draw, COTERIE 5E 36 --- COTERIE an exclusive circle [n]
Other moves: COORIE G2 22, COOTIE G2 22, FICTOR 4H 22, FECIT 4H 20, FOOTIER 4H 20
FORCE 4H 20 lastlea, FourShores
FOOTER 4H 18 leonora
COOTIE 5C 16 ksong
COOF 4E 9 kellybelly

On 3rd draw, ARRIV(E)RS J2 70 --- ARRIVER one that arrives [n]
Other moves: ARRIV(E)RS 8E 61, VAR(A)S L1 32, VAR(E)S L1 32, VAR(U)S L1 32, VA(I)RS L1 32
VAR(E)S L1 32 kellybelly, lastlea
RAV(E)S L1 26 FourShores
VAS(E) L3 22 ksong
VISA J4 9 leonora

On 4th draw, REMAIL 8J 33 --- MAIL to send by a governmental postal system. [v] --- REMAIL to post again [v]
Other moves: FERMI 4H 26, GREMIAL 3I 24, MAT 6F 23, MET 6F 23, FERAL 4H 20
MAT 6F 23 kellybelly
REMAIL 4J 20 lastlea
GRIME 3I 20 ksong
MAGIC E1 10 leonora
MAIL 2I 6 FourShores

On 5th draw, AX 9L 38 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX 9L 38
Other moves: NEXUS L1 36, NIXES L1 36, AXES L2 32, AXIS L2 32, AXITES G2 32
AX 9L 38 FourShores, kellybelly
EX 9L 38 lastlea, ksong
SANG 10E 7 leonora

On 6th draw, ISOBARES 2F 62 --- ISOBARE a type of atom [n]
Other moves: BIERS L1 30, BIROS L1 30, BISES L1 30, BORES L1 30, BREIS L1 30
BORES L1 30 kellybelly, FourShores
BRIES L1 30 ksong
REBS 10L 27 lastlea
BIG 10F 12 leonora

On 7th draw, COLANDER E5 72 --- COLANDER a kitchen utensil for draining off liquids [n]
Other tops: CONELRAD E5 72
Other moves: RELOAD 1C 37, ENODAL 1C 35, LARDON 1C 35, LOADEN 1C 35, RONDEL 1C 35
ADORE 1K 33 kellybelly
DARE 1L 28 FourShores, ksong
RADE 1L 23 sunshine12
DEN 1F 23 lastlea
ORDEAL O3 8 leonora

On 8th draw, BATON 1D 40 --- BATON a short rod [n] --- BATON to strike with a truncheon [v]
Other moves: BANT 1L 36, BOAT 1L 36, BONA 1L 36, BOTA 1L 36, BONA 1F 34
BATON 1D 40 FourShores
BOAT 1L 36 sunshine12, ksong
BANT 1L 36 kellybelly
BON 1F 27 lastlea
BEAN L1 18 leonora

On 9th draw, GILL(N)ETT(E)D 7B 66 --- GILLNET to catch fish in a gillnet [v]
Other moves: (S)IGMATED L5 31, EDIL(E) 1K 30, EDIT(S) 1K 30, EDI(C)T 1K 30, (E)DILE 1K 29
DELT 1L 28 sunshine12
DIG(S) 1L 28 FourShores
DI(N)E 1L 25 kellybelly
TIGER 12A 14 leonora

On 10th draw, JEEP L1 42 --- JEEP to travel by a small type of motor vehicle [v]
Other moves: PUNG 1L 39, JUN 8A 35, QUEP 3C 35, MANQUE L8 34, JUPE 2A 30
JEEP L1 42 ksong, kellybelly
QUEEN 11C 14 leonora
QI N7 11 sunshine12

On 11th draw, JIVE 1L 44 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: QI 8A 36, JANE 1L 35, JEAN 1L 35, QAID 10B 34, NAEVI 10K 31
JIVE 1L 44 kellybelly, ksong
QI 8A 36 sunshine12
JEAN 1L 35 FourShores
JANE 1L 35 lastlea
VEIL O5 7 leonora

On 12th draw, WOE 7M 31 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other moves: LOW(N)E F4 30, LEW 10L 29, WO 7M 28, LOW(N) F4 27, LWEI 10K 27
WOE 7M 31 FourShores, kellybelly
LEW 10L 29 sunshine12, lastlea
WOE D11 21 ksong
WEEL 11D 7 leonora

On 13th draw, WAXWING M7 42 --- WAXWING a type of passerine bird [n]
Other moves: GYP 10L 38, POW(N)Y F4 38, WYN 10L 36, YAWPING B1 36, YAWPING C3 36
YAWN D11 29 FourShores
YAW 10M 28 sunshine12, lastlea
WAY D11 27 kellybelly
PIN 8A 20 ksong
WAND 10B 16 leonora

On 14th draw, FUSEE 14K 38 --- FUSEE a large-headed friction match [n]
Other moves: FEES 14J 37, FENS 14J 37, FEUS 14J 37, FUNS 14J 37, FUSE 14K 36
FUSE 14K 36 sunshine12, kellybelly, FourShores
PUNS 13B 24 ksong
FREES 12D 18 leonora

On 15th draw, ZOONED O10 51 --- ZOON to zoom [v]
Other moves: DIZEN O11 48, DOZEN O11 48, OOZED O11 48, TOZED O11 48, TROOZ 12D 48
ZONED O11 48 kellybelly, sunshine12
OOZED O11 48 ksong
ZED O13 39 FourShores
POND 4L 9 leonora

On 16th draw, HE 6N 30 --- HE a male person [n]
Other moves: H**L* 15G 29, LEHUA 15G 29, H**L* D11 27, HALE 15H 26, HALERU 12A 26
HALE 15H 26 FourShores, kellybelly
HOLE 15H 26 sunshine12
HULA 15H 26 ksong
EH 15K 23 lastlea
GOAL B7 7 leonora

On 17th draw, CHIA 15H 32 --- CHIA a Mexican herb [n]
Other moves: URACHI 12D 30, CHALAN 12H 28, HUIC D11 27, ACHIRAL 12A 26, AULIC D11 26
CHAIR 12A 26 kellybelly
LAH 15J 24 sunshine12
CHI 2B 20 FourShores
HA D11 19 ksong
CHILD 10A 19 lastlea
CHILE 11A 10 leonora

On 18th draw, QUOP 3C 35 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: QUAD 10B 34, QUOD 10B 34, MAQUI 11I 32, MAQUI C3 32, QORMA 12C 32
QUA 2B 28 FourShores, sunshine12
MOP D11 22 kellybelly
ARM 12D 10 leonora

On 19th draw, KAIM 4A 49 --- KAIM a ridge of gravel or sand left by a glacier [n]
Other moves: MALIK D11 40, KUMARA 12A 34, KUMARI 12A 34, KALIAN 12H 30, MALKIN 12H 30
AIM 4B 29 sunshine12
MAK D11 26 kellybelly
KI 8A 21 FourShores
ME 11D 4 leonora

On 20th draw, DANKLY A1 42 --- DANK unpleasantly damp [adv] --- DANKLY in a dank manner [adv]
Other moves: LANKY A1 36, YANK A1 33, YAULD D11 31, UNDY D12 28, DANK A1 27
LANKY A1 36 ksong
YANK A1 33 sunshine12, FourShores
DUNK A1 27 johnny55
YALD D11 25 kellybelly
YARD 12C 16 leonora

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