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Game of June 16, 2011 at 06:38, 4 players
1. jimbo -659
2. dadalee -724
3. kellybelly -767

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ghnorw   H3    84    84   whoring
 2. egoprsu   6H    71   155   regroups
 3. abeiotu   H1    51   206   bewhoring
 4. ?aadeen   3G    76   282   awakened
 5. aefiilr   K5    40   322   frailer
 6. eimottu   L8    81   403   timeout
 7. aenorst  15F    85   488   atoners
 8. ginortv   O6    39   527   stoving
 9. adeelny  14A    49   576   needly
10. ehmostu   1H    98   674   bemouths
11. ceinvwz  A12    75   749   zinc
12. bdklosu  N10    49   798   bouks
13. aeeipty  14H    35   833   pay
14. defiior  13C    35   868   fier
15. adiloqx   4L    44   912   oxid
16. acejltw  13J    33   945   waulk
17. aadiltv   2A    80  1025   validate
18. aeijnqr   1D    45  1070   qi
19. aceijnr   A1    30  1100   avenir

Remaining tiles: cj

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.4308 Filejimbo       1 21:32  -659  441     1.7100 kellybelly  2  6:28  -767  333 
  2.5945 Filedadalee     1 15:33  -724  376            Group: intermediate
  3.7100 Filekellybelly  2  6:28  -767  333     1.6757 mylover81   2  4:42  -940  160 
  4.6757 Filemylover81   2  4:42  -940  160            Group: novice
                                             1.5945 dadalee     1 15:33  -724  376 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4308 jimbo       1 21:32  -659  441 

On 1st draw, WHOR(I)NG H3 84 --- WHORE to consort with prostitutes [v]
Other tops: WHOR(I)NG H4 84
Other moves: WHOR(I)NG H6 80, WHOR(I)NG H2 78, WHOR(I)NG H7 78, WHOR(I)NG H5 76, WHOR(I)NG H8 76
GROW(T)H H7 32 jimbo

On 2nd draw, REGROUPS 6H 71 --- REGROUP to group together once more [v]
Other tops: GROUPERS 6B 71
Other moves: GROUP(I)ES 7C 66, GROUPERS 6G 65, P(I)ROGUES 7G 65, REGROUPS 6E 65, POGOERS 5E 40
ROGUES 5G 14 jimbo

On 3rd draw, BEWHOR(I)NG H1 51 --- BEWHORE to call someone a whore [v]
Other moves: TAUBES O1 33, BASTE O4 30, BASTI O4 30, BASTO O4 30, BESAT O4 30
ABOUTS O1 27 jimbo

On 4th draw, AWA(K)ENED 3G 76 --- AWAKEN to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: (G)ADARENE K2 66, (T)APENADE N4 64, ANEA(R)ED G9 62, A(M)ENAGED 9C 62, ENDA(M)AGE 9B 62
AS(C)END O5 18 dadalee
SENDE(R) O6 18 jimbo

On 5th draw, FRAILER K5 40 --- FRAIL fragile [adj]
Other moves: FERAL 4K 32, FERIA 4K 32, ALEF 4L 31, ALIF 4L 31, FERAL 2K 31
SAFER O6 24 dadalee
R(I)F 7G 19 jimbo

On 6th draw, TIMEOUT L8 81 --- TIMEOUT a brief suspension of activity [n]
Other moves: MESTO O4 30, MOSTE O4 30, MUSET O4 30, MUSIT O4 30, MOTET 2K 28
SMITE O6 21 dadalee
STEM O6 18 jimbo

On 7th draw, ATONERS 15F 85 --- ATONER one that atones [n]
Other tops: TREASON 15H 85
STAR 15L 26 jimbo
STONERS O6 24 dadalee

On 8th draw, STOVING O6 39 --- STOVING drying paint with heat quickly [n]
Other moves: VISON O4 36, VISOR O4 36, VISTO O4 36, TOING M9 34, SORTING O6 30
STORING O6 30 jimbo
SING O6 15 dadalee

On 9th draw, NEEDLY 14A 49 --- NEEDLY like needles [adj]
Other moves: DEELY 14B 47, DELAY 14B 47, DELAY 14F 47, DENAY 14B 47, DENAY 14F 47
NEEDY 14B 47 dadalee
BLAND 1H 10 jimbo

On 10th draw, BEMOUTHS 1H 98 --- BEMOUTH to mouth about [v]
Other moves: HOUSE N10 50, HOUTS N10 50, MOUTHS N10 49, MOUTH N10 47, METHOS 14J 46
HOMES 2K 37 dadalee
MOUNT A11 24 jimbo

On 11th draw, ZINC A12 75 --- ZINC to coat with zinc (a metallic element) [v]
Other moves: ZINE A12 69, ZINE M11 46, WIZ J10 42, ZIN M11 42, WIVE J10 37
ZINC A12 75 dadalee, jimbo
ZINE A12 69 kellybelly

On 12th draw, BOUKS N10 49 --- BOUK bulk [n]
Other moves: BUDOS M9 45, DOUKS N10 40, ZOUKS 12A 36, BULKS 13K 34, KO N10 34
KO N10 34 kellybelly
BLOKES C10 24 jimbo
DOUBLES C9 24 dadalee

On 13th draw, PAY 14H 35 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [v]
Other moves: TAPETIS 14H 31, TAY 14H 31, YAP 14H 31, YATES 14J 31, YEP 14H 31
YET 14J 29 kellybelly
YA 13C 23 dadalee
PAYED D10 22 jimbo

On 14th draw, FIER 13C 35 --- FIE doomed [adj] --- FIER a companion [n]
Other moves: FED J10 34, FID J10 34, FER J10 33, FIE J10 33, FIR J10 33
FED J10 34 kellybelly
FE 13I 25 dadalee
FIRED D10 18 jimbo

On 15th draw, OXID 4L 44 --- OXID oxide [n]
Other moves: QI G7 43, AXIL 4L 40, (I)XIA 7H 38, XI G7 35, AX 4L 31
QI G7 43 mylover81, dadalee, kellybelly
OXIDE 2D 18 jimbo

On 16th draw, WAULK 13J 33 --- WAULK to full cloth [v]
Other tops: WAE J10 33, WAT J10 33, WET J10 33
Other moves: WE J10 32, AWE 13H 31, AWL 13H 31, JEWEL E10 30, AJEE 2E 29
WAT J10 33 mylover81
WET J10 33 kellybelly
WIDE D12 18 jimbo

On 17th draw, VALIDATE 2A 80 --- VALIDATE to give legal force to [v]
Other moves: VIA B10 25, TAVAH 4D 24, VALETA 2E 24, DIVA B9 21, DETAIL I5 20
VIA B10 25 kellybelly
V(I)D 7G 17 mylover81
LAID D11 10 jimbo

On 18th draw, QI 1D 45 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI G7 43, AVENIR A1 30, QAID D11 28, AVINE A1 27, INJERA B7 26
QI 1D 45 kellybelly, mylover81
Q(I) 7G 20 jimbo

On 19th draw, AVENIR A1 30 --- AVENIR future [n]
Other tops: CAJON 5E 30
Other moves: AVINE A1 27, INJERA B7 26, JERID D10 26, REJON 5E 26, AVER A1 24
JEEL E11 22 mylover81
J(I)N 7G 21 kellybelly
RANCID D9 18 jimbo

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