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Game of June 16, 2011 at 08:54, 9 players
1. rn.roselle -476
2. jimbo -562
3. naomiari -588

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?diorxz   H8    50    50   dorize
 2. ?eehlor   8A    86   136   freehold
 3. aeenrrv   9H    66   202   overnear
 4. deiortt  14H    87   289   dottier
 5. adfgosy   O7    48   337   forsay
 6. adgiptw  13L    26   363   twa
 7. adelopy  11E    40   403   oedipal
 8. aegiist  13B    73   476   gaieties
 9. aenoquw  12A    60   536   quean
10. binnopw   7H    28   564   own
11. cdelpsu   M3    82   646   decuples
12. begilrv   C3    30   676   belive
13. aegimrt   4F    78   754   remigate
14. eikmnsu  15L    44   798   neks
15. abfhnty  10B    41   839   banty
16. hijmnox   3G    55   894   hox
17. acfgimo   D1    38   932   coif
18. aijmnuu   1D    42   974   cajun

Remaining tiles: giimu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6477 Filern.roselle  1 17:35  -476  498     1.7102 kellybelly  2  8:15  -681  293 
  2.4317 Filejimbo       0 25:49  -562  412            Group: intermediate
  3.4927 Filenaomiari    0 14:33  -588  386     1.6477 rn.roselle  1 17:35  -476  498 
  4.7102 Filekellybelly  2  8:15  -681  293     2.6406 Davina      1  7:15  -711  263 
  5.6406 FileDavina      1  7:15  -711  263            Group: novice
  6.4519 Filelyndyloo    0 11:36  -758  216     1.5405 Bez         0  7:11  -811  163 
  7.2852 Fileleonora     0 14:07  -802  172     2.5210 Oasthouse1  0  1:06  -947   27 
  8.5405 FileBez         0  7:11  -811  163            Group: not rated
  9.5210 FileOasthouse1  0  1:06  -947   27     1.4317 jimbo       0 25:49  -562  412 
                                             2.4927 naomiari    0 14:33  -588  386 
                                             3.4519 lyndyloo    0 11:36  -758  216 
                                             4.2852 leonora     0 14:07  -802  172 

On 1st draw, DORIZ(E) H8 50 --- DORIZE to become like the Dorians [v]
Other moves: ZO(O)ID H4 48, Z(O)OID H4 48, ZORI(L) H4 46, ZORI(S) H4 46, R(A)DIX H8 40
Z(E)X H7 36 rn.roselle
DOZI(E)R H4 34 Bez
Z(E)RO H5 24 jimbo

On 2nd draw, (F)REEHOLD 8A 86 --- FREEHOLD a form of tenure of real property [n]
Other tops: HO(L)LERED 8A 86, O(V)ERHELD 8A 86
Other moves: HOL(L)ERED 8A 83, HOLE(Y)ER 7G 81, HOLE(Y)ER I3 70, HO(M)ELIER 11C 70, HO(T)ELIER 11C 70
(D)OH I11 29 rn.roselle
OH I12 28 naomiari
ZEROE(S) 12H 28 Bez, jimbo
ZERO(S) 12H 26 lyndyloo

On 3rd draw, OVERNEAR 9H 66 --- OVERNEAR too near [adj]
Other moves: OVERNEAR F8 65, RAVENER B8 36, VENERER C7 30, V(E)NERER 13G 28, ENERVE C3 26
HEAVEN E8 24 naomiari
NARE I11 20 rn.roselle
RAVINE 11E 18 jimbo
RAVER 10H 16 lyndyloo
RAV(E)N 13E 12 Bez

On 4th draw, DOTTIER 14H 87 --- DOTTY crazy [adj]
Other moves: INTORTED L8 74, TERATOID N6 63, ROZITED 12F 34, DORIZE 12D 32, DORTER O4 27
RORTED O7 27 Bez
RIOTED 14C 26 jimbo
TRIED 14D 25 lyndyloo
TRIED O8 24 naomiari
ZERO 12H 13 rn.roselle

On 5th draw, FORSAY O7 48 --- FORSAY to forbid [v]
Other moves: GRODY O8 42, FORAYS O7 39, AZYGOS 12G 38, FRAYS O8 36, FYRDS O7 36
GRAYS O8 30 naomiari, jimbo
FROGS O8 30 rn.roselle, leonora
SHADY E7 24 lyndyloo
FAR O7 18 Bez

On 6th draw, TWA 13L 26 --- TWA two [n]
Other tops: DAWTING L4 26, GAWPED D4 26, WHIPT E7 26
Other moves: TAWPIE C3 24, WAID 15I 24, WIDTH E4 24, WIGHT E5 24, P(E)W 13G 23
WIGHT E5 24 Bez
WADY 12L 22 naomiari
ADO I12 21 rn.roselle
WRAPT K8 20 lyndyloo
WIDGET C4 14 jimbo
GRIT K8 10 leonora

On 7th draw, OEDIPAL 11E 40 --- OEDIPAL pertaining to the libidinal feelings in a child toward the parent of the opposite sex [adj]
Other moves: YEP 15M 36, DYE 15M 34, OPALED 7H 32, DEY 15M 31, PYE 15L 31
YEP 15M 36 rn.roselle
DEY 15M 31 naomiari
PLOYED D4 24 lyndyloo
LOOPY F6 20 Bez
LAZY 12F 16 jimbo
YEAR 10E 9 leonora

On 8th draw, GAIETI(E)S 13B 73 --- GAIETY festive activity [n]
Other moves: GAIETIES C2 72, GAIETIES M3 70, GAIETIES D2 68, GAIETIES C5 61, GEST 15L 36
SETA 15L 28 Davina
TEG 15M 21 rn.roselle
ZIG 12H 20 naomiari
FORSAYS O7 20 lyndyloo
STAGE D4 12 jimbo
GEAR K6 5 leonora

On 9th draw, QUEAN 12A 60 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUENA 10B 42, QUENA 14A 40, QUAG B10 34, WONGA B10 34, OWER 10E 33
QUAG B10 34 Davina, rn.roselle
NEW 15M 27 Oasthouse1
QUEEN M7 24 naomiari
QI D12 22 jimbo
QUEEN M6 15 leonora
QUEEN D5 14 lyndyloo

On 10th draw, OWN 7H 28 --- OWN to have as a possession [v]
Other moves: OW 7H 27, OBI 7H 26, OB 7H 25, OP 7H 25, BOR 10F 24
OW 7B 20 rn.roselle
WO 7C 20 Davina
WEB C7 15 leonora
BOWL G5 13 jimbo
WOE M7 10 naomiari

On 11th draw, DECUPLES M3 82 --- DECUPLE to increase tenfold [v]
Other moves: DECUPLES C2 80, DECUPLES D2 76, PECS 15L 52, PEDS 15L 48, SCULPED C3 34
PEDS 15L 48 kellybelly
PULSER K4 23 naomiari
PUDS K4 21 rn.roselle
DEODORIZ(E)D H5 21 jimbo
PEEL M8 6 leonora

On 12th draw, BELIVE C3 30 --- BELIVE immediately [adv]
Other tops: VELIGER 4H 30
Other moves: BEG 15M 29, GLIB L1 29, VERB 10C 29, VIER L1 29, BELIVE 4H 28
BEG 15M 29 kellybelly, rn.roselle
VICE 5K 18 naomiari
LIVER 4J 16 jimbo
BEIGE C4 10 leonora

On 13th draw, REMIGATE 4F 78 --- REMIGATE to row [v]
Other moves: EMIGRATE 4C 74, EMIGRATE 4F 74, REMIGATE 4B 74, MIGRATED 3F 64, GETA 15L 36
EMIGRATE 4C 74 jimbo
GRIM D1 30 Davina
MEG 15M 29 kellybelly
TRAM N1 19 leonora
GREAT 4A 16 naomiari
MARGE 4I 16 lyndyloo
MERE 4L 14 rn.roselle

On 14th draw, NEKS 15L 44 --- NEK a mountain pass [n]
Other moves: NEK B4 37, MECKS 5K 36, M*CKS 5K 36, SEMI 15L 36, KUES D1 34
M*CKS 5K 36 naomiari
KUES N1 31 lyndyloo, kellybelly
SKIM H1 30 jimbo
MES N2 25 rn.roselle

On 15th draw, BANTY 10B 41 --- BANTY a bantam [n]
Other moves: FAUGH B10 40, FAH 3G 39, YAH 3G 39, YACHT 5K 38, FAH B4 37
YAH 3G 39 Davina
FAH B4 37 rn.roselle
YAH B4 37 kellybelly
THEY 4A 22 naomiari
TRAY F3 15 leonora
ABET 4A 14 jimbo

On 16th draw, HOX 3G 55 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: HOX D2 48, JOIN D1 46, MIX D2 46, NIX 5I 43, NOX 3G 43
HOX 3G 55 kellybelly
HOX D2 48 Davina, rn.roselle
JINX 6B 34 jimbo, naomiari
JAM K3 24 leonora

On 17th draw, COIF D1 38 --- COIF to style the hair [v]
Other tops: FOAM D1 38
Other moves: GOAF D1 34, CAMO D2 30, COMA D2 30, GIF D2 28, OGAM D1 28
FOAM D1 38 Davina, rn.roselle, kellybelly
FAT L2 9 leonora
T*M F13 7 jimbo

On 18th draw, CAJUN 1D 42 --- CAJUN pertaining to the Cajun traditions [adj]
Other moves: NAM B4 29, UNJAM K1 28, CUMIN 1D 27, JIN 6B 26, MICA 5K 26
JIN 6B 26 kellybelly, Davina, rn.roselle
JAM K3 24 naomiari
MAXI I1 13 jimbo
TIN F13 5 leonora

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