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Game of June 16, 2011 at 10:22, 11 players
1. jimbo -378
2. margalang -378
3. lyndyloo -446

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ablrvw   H4    28    28   warble
 2. acegior  10F    27    55   corgi
 3. abdefit   4H    26    81   waifed
 4. ehirssw   K8    85   166   wishers
 5. ?adfoov  13G    42   208   favored
 6. abknosz   9G    47   255   zea
 7. abdeegi   3I    39   294   abide
 8. deeimno  14B    81   375   dominee
 9. ailnpsx  15A    48   423   pax
10. celnouy   M6    66   489   uncloyed
11. aginqrt  13C    36   525   gat
12. nopttuv  N10    28   553   pot
13. aeeills   O6    29   582   allies
14. aeehmtu  H12    39   621   haem
15. aegiinr   6A    63   684   grainier
16. enoorsv   A4    39   723   vegos
17. ejnttuy   E4    30   753   jenny
18. enorrtu   2K    24   777   ronte
19. einqrtu   C4    69   846   quainter

Remaining tiles: kottuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4325 Filejimbo       3 23:54  -378  468     1.6089 margalang   0 21:29  -378  468 
  2.6089 Filemargalang   0 21:29  -378  468     2.6426 Davina      1  4:12  -659  187 
  3.4534 Filelyndyloo    1 20:06  -446  400     3.6492 rn.roselle  0  8:19  -711  135 
  4.5757 FileFaeythe     3 14:22  -460  386            Group: novice
  5.5947 Fileksong       1 20:40  -502  344     1.5757 Faeythe     3 14:22  -460  386 
  6.4057 Filefatcat      0 11:55  -576  270     2.5947 ksong       1 20:40  -502  344 
  7.2934 Fileleonora     0 24:07  -587  259            Group: not rated
  8.6426 FileDavina      1  4:12  -659  187     1.4325 jimbo       3 23:54  -378  468 
  9.6492 Filern.roselle  0  8:19  -711  135     2.4534 lyndyloo    1 20:06  -446  400 
 10.4636 Filejohnny55    0  1:37  -831   15     3.4057 fatcat      0 11:55  -576  270 
 11.  -  Filebabboon     0  1:44  -837    9     4.2934 leonora     0 24:07  -587  259 
                                             5.4636 johnny55    0  1:37  -831   15 
                                             6.  -  babboon     0  1:44  -837    9 

On 1st draw, WARBL(E) H4 28 --- WARBLE to sing with melodic embellishments [v]
Other tops: BARL(O)W H7 28, B(Y)RLAW H7 28, V(E)RBAL H4 28, WAV(E)R H4 28
Other moves: ABL(O)W H8 26, BARL(O)W H4 26, BAWL(E)R H4 26, BRAWL H4 26, BRAWL(S) H4 26
WAV(E)R H4 28 Davina
WARBL(E) H4 28 jimbo
BRAWL H4 26 margalang
BRAW(N) H4 24 ksong
BRAV(E) H4 24 lyndyloo
WAR H7 12 leonora

On 2nd draw, CORGI 10F 27 --- CORGI a short-legged dog [n]
Other tops: CARGO 10F 27
Other moves: CERIA 10F 26, CORIA 10F 26, GAWCIER 4F 26, GRACE 10G 25, GRICE 10G 25
CORE 10F 23 Davina
WAGER 4H 18 margalang, ksong, jimbo
GRACE 6G 14 lyndyloo
G(E)AR 9G 7 leonora

On 3rd draw, WAIFED 4H 26 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other tops: BAREFIT 6F 26, WAFTED 4H 26
Other moves: FIATED 11J 25, B(E)AD 9G 24, WIFED 4H 24, DAFTIE 11J 23, FATED 11J 23
WAFTED 4H 26 lyndyloo
FATED 11J 23 Davina
FADE 11J 21 ksong, margalang
BRIEF 6G 12 jimbo
WEB 4H 8 leonora

On 4th draw, WISHERS K8 85 --- WISHER one that wishes [n]
Other tops: SWISHER K7 85
Other moves: SWISHIER J8 66, WISHES 11C 45, HAWSER 5G 43, HAWSES 5G 43, HAWSE 5G 39
WISHERS K8 85 jimbo
SWISHER K7 35 Davina
WISHERS K8 35 margalang
SHREWS K10 33 lyndyloo
WAR I3 12 leonora

On 5th draw, FAVOR(E)D 13G 42 --- FAVOR to regard with approval [v]
Other moves: FADO 5J 37, FADO(S) 5J 37, WAV(E)D 8K 36, FAD(E) 5J 34, FAD(O) 5J 34
WAV(E)D 8K 36 ksong, lyndyloo
FAD(E) 5J 34 Davina
WOOF(S) 8K 33 margalang
FOVEA 12H 30 leonora
FORD(S) 13I 24 jimbo
DOV(E) 3L 23 Faeythe

On 6th draw, Z(E)A 9G 47 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: KABS H12 45, KOBANS 3J 45, ZA 3I 44, ZO 3I 44, KOBAN 3J 43
KABS H12 45 Faeythe
ZA 3I 44 Davina
ZONES L1 24 leonora
ZONAL 8D 24 jimbo
ZA I3 21 margalang

On 7th draw, ABIDE 3I 39 --- ABIDE to accept without objection [v]
Other moves: DEBAG 3J 36, GIBED 3J 36, WAGED 8K 33, WEDGE 8K 33, BEDE 3J 32
WAGED 8K 33 lyndyloo, ksong
WEDGE 8K 33 Faeythe, fatcat
BADE H12 30 margalang
GADE H12 24 leonora
BADGER 6C 14 jimbo

On 8th draw, DOMINEE 14B 81 --- DOMINEE an Afrikaner church minister [n]
Other moves: DOMINEE 12B 80, DOMINEE 12A 79, DOMINEE 14A 79, DOMINEER 6A 65, EMODIN 2H 38
WOMEN 8K 33 fatcat, ksong
DIME 2K 31 Faeythe
MADE H12 30 margalang
MAID H12 30 lyndyloo
DEMON 12J 28 leonora
MONIED M8 10 jimbo

On 9th draw, PAX 15A 48 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other tops: PIX 15A 48
Other moves: PAX 13C 45, LAX 15A 42, NIX 15A 42, SAX 15A 42, SIX 15A 42
PAX 15A 48 Faeythe, ksong
SIX 15A 42 fatcat
SAX 15A 42 margalang
AXION C11 24 jimbo
POX C13 24 lyndyloo
PAD M11 6 leonora

On 10th draw, UNCLOYED M6 66 --- CLOY to gratify beyond desire [adj] --- UNCLOYED not cloyed [adj]
Other moves: CEL 13C 40, COL 13C 40, COLE 13A 40, CONE 13A 40, LONE 13A 36
LOX C13 20 Faeythe, lyndyloo, margalang
LIFE K2 14 jimbo
COB 7F 8 fatcat
DOC M13 6 leonora

On 11th draw, GAT 13C 36 --- GAT a pistol [n]
Other moves: NAG 13C 35, NAT 13C 32, NA 13C 28, GIRN 2K 25, GIRT 2K 25
NAG 13C 35 margalang
QUIT 6L 15 lyndyloo, Faeythe, ksong
QUIN 6L 15 fatcat
CAN 8M 15 leonora
CAR 8M 15 jimbo

On 12th draw, POT N10 28 --- POT to put in a pot (a round, fairly deep container) [v]
Other tops: PUN N10 28, PUT N10 28, V(E)TO L12 28
Other moves: PO N10 25, V(E)T L12 24, UPO N5 23, OP N9 22, PO N6 22
PO N6 22 ksong
CUP 8M 21 jimbo, rn.roselle
COP 8M 21 margalang
POT 15E 18 lyndyloo
CUT 8M 15 leonora
PORT 6F 12 fatcat

On 13th draw, ALLIES O6 29 --- ALLY to unite in a formal relationship [v]
Other tops: ALLEES O6 29
Other moves: SALLE O11 28, AS 11G 26, EALES O7 26, LABELS 7F 24, LIBELS 7F 24
ALLIES O6 29 Faeythe
ALLIES O5 23 jimbo
AISLE O6 20 ksong
LAS N1 15 margalang
LIFE K2 14 fatcat
LAS 2M 10 rn.roselle
SELLER 6C 8 lyndyloo
LED M2 4 leonora

On 14th draw, HAEM H12 39 --- HAEM a component of hemoglobin [n]
Other tops: MUTHA 11C 39
Other moves: HAET H12 33, HALM 8F 27, MEATH 11B 27, HEMAL 8D 26, MAUTHER 6B 26
HAET H12 33 margalang, Faeythe
MET 2M 16 lyndyloo
MAT 2M 16 rn.roselle
HADE L1 12 ksong
HEATER 6C 11 jimbo
HEART 6E 10 fatcat
BEE 7H 6 leonora

On 15th draw, GRAINIER 6A 63 --- GRAINY granular [adj]
Other moves: GIRN 2K 25, RING 2K 24, REGINAL 8B 22, RINE 2K 22, GERMAN 15E 21
GIN 2K 19 Faeythe
GRAM D11 14 fatcat
GRAINER 6B 14 rn.roselle
RIFE K2 14 lyndyloo
GEN 2M 13 margalang
RANGIER 6B 12 jimbo
RAG 2M 12 ksong
NA 5G 2 leonora

On 16th draw, VEGOS A4 39 --- VEGO a vegetarian [n]
Other moves: GOVERNS A6 36, GROOVES A6 36, GOVERN A6 30, GROOVE A6 30, GROVES A6 30
GROOVES A6 36 fatcat, rn.roselle, lyndyloo, margalang, jimbo, Faeythe, ksong, leonora

On 17th draw, JENNY E4 30 --- JENNY a female donkey [n]
Other tops: JENNY E3 30
Other moves: TENUITY D2 28, UNJAM D10 28, ENTITY D3 26, JAM D12 24, JUNTA C2 24
JENNY E4 30 Faeythe
JAM D12 24 rn.roselle, fatcat, margalang, lyndyloo
JUNTA C2 24 jimbo
JUN E4 20 leonora

On 18th draw, RONTE 2K 24 --- RONTE the smallest of a litter [n]
Other moves: RONE 2K 22, RONT 2K 22, RORE 2K 22, RORT 2K 22, ROTE 2K 22
UNTO F1 15 margalang
RIFT K2 14 fatcat, lyndyloo
ORE 2L 14 ksong, rn.roselle
JO 4E 9 Faeythe
RAN C5 4 leonora
TAN C5 4 jimbo

On 19th draw, QUAINTER C4 69 --- QUAINT pleasingly old-fashioned or unfamiliar [adj]
Other moves: QUINATE C2 34, QUINTAR C1 34, EQUANT C3 32, QINTAR C2 32, QUEAN C3 30
QUAINTER C4 69 jimbo
QUART C4 15 lyndyloo, fatcat
RENT O1 15 Faeythe, johnny55
TEN O1 9 babboon

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