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Game of June 16, 2011 at 12:41, 10 players
1. sunshine12 -381
2. remij -523
3. babsbedi -587

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cdenoru   H4    76    76   crunode
 2. eilmost  11B    79   155   motiles
 3. ?aaijst  12A    49   204   jafas
 4. emnpsxy  A12    63   267   jynx
 5. egnorsv  13D    70   337   governs
 6. ?deghoy   5E   110   447   hydrogen
 7. abfiorr   4D    33   480   rabic
 8. aegiilu   3E    27   507   lag
 9. behinst   J1    74   581   benights
10. efiopru   1H    36   617   rebop
11. aaceiov   C3    32   649   cavie
12. demnooq   6B    31   680   qi
13. aadefiw   4L    26   706   adaw
14. enoprtu   8A    38   744   unrope
15. eeikltu   O4    36   780   welke
16. efiltuw   N1    28   808   fluate
17. aefmntw   M4    31   839   damn
18. adfitwz   N8    40   879   fiz
19. diortuw   9L    20   899   irid
20. aeiottw  14J    26   925   tawtie

Remaining tiles: iiootu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6322 Filesunshine12  4 17:25  -381  544     1.6322 sunshine12  4 17:25  -381  544 
  2.4113 Fileremij       1 20:21  -523  402     2.6455 rn.roselle  1 10:13  -679  246 
  3.5427 Filebabsbedi    0 16:45  -587  338     3.6288 lastlea     0  4:20  -860   65 
  4.6455 Filern.roselle  1 10:13  -679  246            Group: novice
  5.4262 FileGrace_Tjie  2  8:51  -685  240     1.5427 babsbedi    0 16:45  -587  338 
  6.3127 Filecailah      0 15:36  -774  151     2.5764 Faeythe     0  1:02  -890   35 
  7.  -  FileMatinatsa   0  9:10  -828   97            Group: not rated
  8.  -  Filebabboon     0  6:35  -842   83     1.4113 remij       1 20:21  -523  402 
  9.6288 Filelastlea     0  4:20  -860   65     2.4262 Grace_Tjie  2  8:51  -685  240 
 10.5764 FileFaeythe     0  1:02  -890   35     3.3127 cailah      0 15:36  -774  151 
                                             4.  -  Matinatsa   0  9:10  -828   97 
                                             5.  -  babboon     0  6:35  -842   83 

On 1st draw, CRUNODE H4 76 --- CRUNODE a point at which a curve crosses itself [n]
Other moves: CRUNODE H7 74, CRUNODE H2 72, CRUNODE H3 72, CRUNODE H6 72, CRUNODE H8 72
CODER H4 22 sunshine12
CRUDE H4 22 remij
CRONE H4 20 Faeythe
CRUDE H8 18 cailah

On 2nd draw, MOTILES 11B 79 --- MOTILE one whose mental imagery consists chiefly of inner feelings of action [n]
Other moves: MOTILES G8 71, MOTILES I8 71, MESOLITE 10A 64, MESOLITE 10G 64, MISLETOE 10A 64
MISTLE 11F 27 sunshine12
MOTELS 11C 27 babsbedi
MOS I6 15 Faeythe
TEEMS 10G 13 remij
LINES 7F 7 cailah

On 3rd draw, JA(F)AS 12A 49 --- JAFA a person from Auckland New Zealand (offensive - just another f**ing Aucklander), cf RONZER [n]
Other moves: JA(F)A 12A 45, JA(R)TAS D8 40, (F)AJITA 10A 39, JA(R)TA D8 38, JI(L)TS D8 38
JA(D)ES G8 26 sunshine12
JA(D)E G8 25 babsbedi
J(U)TS D9 20 remij
A(D)JUST 6E 14 cailah

On 4th draw, JYNX A12 63 --- JYNX the wryneck, a bird related to the woodpecker [n]
Other moves: PYXES I6 50, PYX I6 41, PYNES I6 36, PREXY 5G 34, PYNE I6 33
JYNX A12 63 sunshine12
EX G5 20 babsbedi
TAX D11 10 remij, cailah

On 5th draw, GOVERNS 13D 70 --- GOVERN to rule or direct [v]
Other moves: CORVES 4H 22, COVENS 4H 22, COVERS 4H 22, GONER I6 22, GORES I6 22
GOVERNS 5D 22 babsbedi
GROVES 5G 20 remij
GONE G6 19 sunshine12
GROOVES 8E 11 cailah

On 6th draw, HYDROGE(N) 5E 110 --- HYDROGEN a gaseous element [n]
Other tops: HYDROGE(L) 5E 110
Other moves: HYD(R)OGEL F4 71, HYD(R)OGEN 7A 68, HEDGY 14J 55, HOYDE(N) 14J 53, HOYED 14J 53
HO(R)SY J10 26 babsbedi
HO(U)SEY J10 21 remij
HEY 14G 21 sunshine12
YODE(L) 8G 8 cailah

On 7th draw, RABIC 4D 33 --- RABIC pertaining to rabies [adj]
Other tops: FIBRO 4A 33
Other moves: FRAB 4C 30, FIBRO 4K 29, FAB 4D 28, FOB 4D 28, BARRO 4A 25
FRAB 4C 30 babsbedi
FABS J10 17 remij
FA 6D 10 sunshine12
ABHOR E3 10 cailah

On 8th draw, LAG 3E 27 --- LAG to stay or fall behind [v]
Other moves: GULA 3C 26, GAE 6D 22, GIE 6D 22, UGALI C2 22, LIE 6D 21
GAE 6D 22 sunshine12
GABY F2 14 cailah
A(N)GEL L4 12 remij
GALS J10 9 babsbedi
GALES J9 8 Matinatsa

On 9th draw, BENIGHTS J1 74 --- BENIGHT to be overtaken by night [v]
Other moves: HENBIT 14J 51, HEIST 14J 45, HENTS 14J 45, HINTS 14J 45, NEBISH M1 38
HEIST 14J 45 sunshine12
THINGS J1 20 babsbedi
BEHINDS 9C 18 cailah
HEIST J10 18 remij
BEHEST 10G 17 Matinatsa
RIB H13 15 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, REBOP 1H 36 --- REBOP a type of music [n]
Other moves: FIBER 1H 33, FIBRE 1H 33, FIBRO 1H 33, UPBORE 1H 33, SURFIE 8J 30
FIBRE 1H 33 sunshine12, babsbedi, remij
PROBE 1G 27 Matinatsa
FIB 1H 24 rn.roselle
PUB 1H 21 Grace_Tjie
PROOFS 8E 11 cailah

On 11th draw, CAVIE C3 32 --- CAVIE a hen coop [n]
Other moves: CAVA C1 28, CAVA C3 28, CAVE C3 28, I(N)CAVE L4 28, I(N)CAVO L4 28
PAVE(N) L1 18 babsbedi, rn.roselle, remij
REV H13 18 sunshine12
ROC H13 15 Matinatsa
VA(N)E L3 12 Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, QI 6B 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: SOOMED 8J 30, MEND B6 25, MODE B6 25, MOOD B6 25, EMEND 2J 24
QI 6B 31 rn.roselle, sunshine12, Grace_Tjie, remij
MOOD B6 25 babsbedi
DEMON 10G 13 Matinatsa

On 13th draw, ADAW 4L 26 --- ADAW to daunt [v]
Other moves: WIFE G8 25, I(N)DEW L4 24, FAW 10A 23, AWED 4L 22, DAW 10A 21
FEW 2I 19 sunshine12
RAW H13 18 Grace_Tjie
REF H13 18 rn.roselle
AWED 12J 18 babsbedi
WEED 10G 17 Matinatsa
WI(N)ED L3 16 remij
FADE 9F 10 babboon

On 14th draw, UNROPE 8A 38 --- UNROPE to loose from a rope [v]
Other moves: PERN 8A 32, PERT 8A 32, PORE 8A 32, PORN 8A 32, PORT 8A 32
PROW O1 27 sunshine12, babsbedi, remij, rn.roselle
PROUD 9D 9 babboon
NEAT N2 8 Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, WELKE O4 36 --- WELKE to wither [v]
Other tops: WELKT O4 36
Other moves: SELKIE 8J 33, EEK 3L 28, EIK 3L 28, TEALIKE N2 26, SETULE 8J 21
WELKE O4 36 sunshine12
KITS J10 18 babsbedi, remij
KID M2 16 Grace_Tjie
WEEK O4 11 rn.roselle
SLEEK 8J 10 babboon

On 16th draw, FLUATE N1 28 --- FLUATE a fluoride [n]
Other moves: WIFED 9D 27, FET 3L 25, FIE 3L 25, FIL 3L 25, FIT 3L 25
FLAW N2 25 Grace_Tjie
WIFE N8 23 rn.roselle, sunshine12
WIFE 8L 14 remij

On 17th draw, DAMN M4 31 --- DAMN to curse [v]
Other tops: DAME M4 31
Other moves: DAM M4 29, DATE M4 27, DAE M4 25, FAMED 9D 25, FEWMET 10G 25
EA O1 23 remij
FAW N8 22 rn.roselle
FAME N8 20 babsbedi
WAME N8 20 sunshine12
REF H13 18 babboon
RAW H13 18 Grace_Tjie
ST J13 4 lastlea

On 18th draw, FIZ N8 40 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other tops: WIZ N8 40
Other moves: RIZ H13 36, ADZ N8 35, ZITS J10 33, ADZ 12J 28, FAD 9M 25
WIZ N8 40 Grace_Tjie
FIZ N8 40 sunshine12
RIZ H13 36 rn.roselle
ZITS J10 33 remij
ADZ 12J 28 lastlea
EWE G11 6 babboon

On 19th draw, IRID 9L 20 --- IRID a plant of the iris family [n]
Other moves: RID 9M 19, TID 9M 19, OWT O10 18, ROW H13 18, UDO I7 18
ROW H13 18 Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle, sunshine12, remij
WIZ 10L 15 babboon, cailah
OUT O10 15 lastlea

On 20th draw, TAWTIE 14J 26 --- TAWTIE tatty [adj]
Other tops: TWAITE 14J 26
Other moves: TAWIE 14J 24, TEWIT 14J 24, TOWIE 14J 24, TWITE 14J 24, AI O1 23
TWITE 14J 24 sunshine12
ROW H13 18 remij, Grace_Tjie, rn.roselle, lastlea
WITS J10 15 babboon
WETS J10 15 cailah

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