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Game sheet of rn.roselle (file), Game of June 16, 2011 at 14:15

Word find
Word played
1 ADGINOU DINGO H4 18 -2 18 1/2 AUDING H7 20 20 1/2
2 KLMNOOT KLONG 12D 20 -13 38 1/2 MOOK G7 33 53 1/2
3 ?AEELRU (S)NARE 11G 18 -51 56 1/2 LEA(S)URE 6H 69 122 1/2
4 AEGHLNR HAN 5J 21 -9 77 1/2 LAUGHER L4 30 152 1/2
5 EMNOSYY HOMY 8L 36 -10 113 2/2 MOSEY O4 46 198 1/2
6 ?EEOPTT             PO(P)ETTE K9 72 270 2/2
7 AILNQRU QUINE 15G 42 -33 155 2/2 REQUIN 15J 75 345 2/2
8 EFILPRZ ZEE 12J 24 -27 179 2/2 FRIEZE N1 51 396 2/3
9 ABDELNU BORED 10J 18 -16 197 3/3 ABUNE J9 34 430 2/3
10 ABEIOSW WIFE 1L 42   239 1/3       472 2/3
11 ABDILNY BEY I5 24 -13 263 1/3 DAILY M9 37 509 2/3
12 ACHINPR PACER I3 19 -69 282 3/3 PARCHING 12A 88 597 2/3
13 AEFGNSW SPAWN A11 30 -12 312 1/3 FAWNERS C7 42 639 2/3
14 ABDESTX DEX D6 41 -5 353 2/3 SAXE D6 46 685 2/3
15 CDILNOT CLOD E4 23 -16 376 1/2 COAX 8A 39 724 2/3
16 ABDENOT POND A12 21 -11 397 1/2 BATHED E9 32 756 2/3
17 IILORST SPORT A11 21 -48 418 1/2 ROILIEST I1 69 825 2/3
18 DIJNOTV JOR 1G 30 -6 448 1/2 JIRD 1G 36 861 2/3
19 GNOOTVV PONG A12 21   469 1/3 POGO A12   882 2/4

Total: 469/882 or -413 for 53.17%
Rank: 6478

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