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Game of June 16, 2011 at 20:28, 13 players
1. SuperH -403
2. arlo805 -421
3. Gypsylady -439

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeeilm   H4    20    20   melee
 2. acennpt   G6    26    46   epact
 3. egjnovx   6D    31    77   voxel
 4. adeirru  H10    26   103   arride
 5. deiiors   I3    37   140   dorse
 6. aeeenrt   D2    74   214   enervate
 7. bbilosz   8A    48   262   blitz
 8. gnoosuw  12G    74   336   wrongous
 9. eflmops   5B    37   373   forme
10. ?aiinrs   K5    82   455   araising
11. acknsuw   8J    45   500   nikaus
12. ?cdhiuw   1A    54   554   whid
13. abcginr   O1    98   652   bracings
14. aeefgtu   2J    34   686   feater
15. lnoptuv   1F    31   717   pulton
16. ?adilqy  N10    70   787   qasida
17. ilottvy  O13    38   825   toy
18. ailtuvy   3B    32   857   vanity
19. ghijlou  M11    38   895   jug

Remaining tiles: hilou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6390 FileSuperH      2 21:21  -403  492     1.6390 SuperH      2 21:21  -403  492 
  2.6000 Filearlo805     2 21:28  -421  474     2.6000 arlo805     2 21:28  -421  474 
  3.6489 FileGypsylady   1 21:50  -439  456     3.6489 Gypsylady   1 21:50  -439  456 
  4.6044 Filescrab21     1 19:39  -441  454     4.6044 scrab21     1 19:39  -441  454 
  5.6316 Filewoofy1      1  9:48  -615  280     5.6316 woofy1      1  9:48  -615  280 
  6.6766 Filemylover81   2  8:11  -701  194     6.6766 mylover81   2  8:11  -701  194 
  7.  -  Filetbhic13     0  9:42  -713  182     7.6606 ceosickey   0  5:12  -783  112 
  8.5768 FileFaeythe     0 13:57  -713  182     8.6070 dannyboy    0  1:46  -865   30 
  9.3459 Filemanfred     0 10:25  -757  138            Group: novice
 10.6606 Fileceosickey   0  5:12  -783  112     1.5768 Faeythe     0 13:57  -713  182 
 11.  -  FileMughal      0  6:39  -840   55            Group: not rated
 12.6070 Filedannyboy    0  1:46  -865   30     1.  -  tbhic13     0  9:42  -713  182 
 13.  -  FileEpicChap    0  0:42  -889    6     2.3459 manfred     0 10:25  -757  138 
                                             3.  -  Mughal      0  6:39  -840   55 
                                             4.  -  EpicChap    0  0:42  -889    6 

On 1st draw, MELEE H4 20 --- MELEE a confused struggle [n]
Other tops: LE(X)EME H8 20, MEE(M)IE H4 20, MEI(K)LE H4 20, MELEE(S) H4 20, ME(A)LIE H4 20, MIEL(I)E H4 20, M(I)ELIE H4 20, (D)ELIME H8 20
Other moves: E(X)EEM H8 18, ILE(U)M H8 18, MELE(E) H4 18, MELI(C) H4 18, MELI(K) H4 18
MILE(S) H4 18 SuperH, scrab21
MILE H8 12 arlo805

On 2nd draw, EPACT G6 26 --- EPACT the difference between the lengths of the solar and lunar years [n]
Other moves: ENCAMP 4D 24, PECAN G7 24, TAPEN G5 24, PACE G7 23, PACT G7 23
PACE G7 23 Gypsylady
CAPE G3 21 Faeythe
PEAT G7 19 scrab21
PECAN 5G 18 SuperH
PEA G3 14 arlo805

On 3rd draw, VOXEL 6D 31 --- VOXEL a three dimensional equivalent to a pixel (a point in a computer image) [n]
Other moves: GOV F6 30, VEX I3 30, VEXT 10D 30, VOX I3 30, EXOGEN 5H 28
VEX I3 30 scrab21, SuperH, Faeythe
VOX I3 30 Gypsylady, arlo805
MOVE 4H 9 Mughal

On 4th draw, ARRIDE H10 26 --- ARRIDE to please [v]
Other tops: ARIDER H10 26, ARRIVED D2 26
Other moves: DRIVER D3 22, RAVED D4 22, RIVED D4 22, DA 5E 21, DE 5E 21
ARRIVED D2 26 scrab21
DRIVER D3 22 SuperH
DUPER 7E 21 arlo805
DA 5E 21 Faeythe, Gypsylady

On 5th draw, DORSE I3 37 --- DORSE a small cod [n]
Other moves: IODISER E5 32, DORIES I1 30, IRIDS I2 30, DIES I3 29, DOERS I2 29
DOERS I2 29 scrab21
DOES I3 29 SuperH
RODS I3 29 Gypsylady
ERS I4 25 arlo805
MORSE 4H 14 Mughal
DESIRE 15G 8 Faeythe

On 6th draw, ENERVATE D2 74 --- ENERVATE to deprive of strength or vitality [v]
Other tops: VENERATE D6 74
Other moves: NERVATE D3 22, TEENER I10 22, VETERAN D6 22, ENTERED 14B 20, TAVERN D4 20
RAVEN D4 18 scrab21
NEVER D4 18 SuperH
NE 5E 17 Gypsylady
NEAR J2 17 Faeythe
TEEN I10 15 arlo805
TRAINEE 13E 9 Mughal

On 7th draw, BLITZ 8A 48 --- BLITZ to wage a bombing attack from the air [v]
Other moves: ZOLS J2 44, ZOS 10B 44, ZOL J2 40, ZOS J2 40, BIZ J2 37
ZOS J2 40 SuperH, scrab21
ZO J2 34 Gypsylady
BIZ 13G 27 arlo805
ZA 7C 21 Faeythe
BOILS 13F 9 Mughal

On 8th draw, WRONGOUS 12G 74 --- WRONGOUS unjust [adj]
Other moves: W*GS J2 28, GNOW C1 27, OWNS 10A 27, SORGO 5B 27, SWOON J1 27
WOOS J2 26 SuperH
GOWN J2 26 arlo805
WOS 10B 26 Faeythe
WOS J2 22 scrab21
GOWNS 3A 18 Gypsylady
ROWS 11H 14 Mughal

On 9th draw, FORME 5B 37 --- FORME an assemblage of printing type secured in a metal frame [n]
Other moves: IMPELS C8 33, IMPOSE C8 33, FOSSE N10 32, ZEPS E8 32, FEMS J2 30
FOPS J2 30 arlo805
SLEEP 2B 26 Gypsylady
FOES J2 26 SuperH
POS 10B 23 Faeythe
SLOP J7 18 scrab21

On 10th draw, AR(A)ISING K5 82 --- ARAISE to raise [v]
Other tops: AS(P)IRING K5 82, A(G)RISING K5 82, (A)RAISING K5 82, (B)RAISING K5 82, (F)RAISING K5 82, (P)RAISING K5 82
Other moves: BAIRNIS(H) A8 80, BINARIS(M) A8 80, BINARI(E)S A8 80, BIRIAN(I)S A8 80, BIR(I)ANIS A8 80
BRAISIN(G) A8 30 dannyboy
ZA(T)IS E8 28 SuperH
RINS(E) 10A 18 scrab21
(F)AIRINGS K6 16 Gypsylady
RA(G)S J2 15 Faeythe
RAN J2 13 arlo805
AIR(L)INES 15B 8 tbhic13

On 11th draw, NIKAUS 8J 45 --- NIKAU a New Zealand palm tree [n]
Other moves: IKANS 8K 42, SNECK 2B 42, ZACKS E8 42, ZACK E8 40, SNEAK 2B 38
SNEAK 2B 38 arlo805
KAW J2 31 woofy1
WAKENS 2A 30 scrab21
WAKES 2A 24 tbhic13
SEA 9C 18 SuperH

On 12th draw, WHID 1A 54 --- WHID to move quickly and quietly [v]
Other tops: WHID(S) 1A 54
Other moves: CHID 1A 51, CHID(E) 1A 51, DICH(T) 1D 51, DI(T)CH 1D 51, DUCH(Y) 1D 51
CH(E)W J1 29 woofy1
HUN(T) J10 29 Gypsylady
WI(T)CH 10J 28 scrab21
HID(E)D 14F 21 tbhic13
W(E)D L3 15 SuperH
WISH O6 10 manfred

On 13th draw, BRACINGS O1 98 --- BRACING a brace or reinforcement [n]
Other moves: ANERGIC 2B 40, BASIC N10 30, BASING N10 30, CASING N10 30, BANING J10 29
BRACINGS O1 48 arlo805, woofy1, Gypsylady
BAG J2 21 SuperH
ANE 2B 18 scrab21
CRAN L2 14 mylover81
BARGAIN M4 13 tbhic13
CRAB M6 12 manfred

On 14th draw, FEATER 2J 34 --- FEAT skillful [adj]
Other moves: FESTA N10 32, FUSEE N10 32, GANEF J10 30, FEAGUED 14B 28, GAUFER 2J 28
FAG J2 24 arlo805, ceosickey
FEG J2 24 SuperH
EA 2A 19 tbhic13
IF C8 18 mylover81
SAG 9K 17 woofy1
FADE 14F 16 Gypsylady
GET J2 16 scrab21
GEAT L2 12 manfred
TAR 2M 6 EpicChap

On 15th draw, PULTON 1F 31 --- PULTON an Indian regiment [n]
Other tops: PLUTON 1F 31
Other moves: PUTON 1G 28, PUNTO J10 27, PUNTO 1F 26, VAULT L1 26, VAUNT L1 26
PUNTO J10 27 ceosickey
VAULT L1 26 tbhic13
PLOT 1H 25 mylover81, arlo805, woofy1
PUNT J10 24 Gypsylady
VANT L1 22 SuperH
UNSTOP N10 20 manfred
PANT L1 18 scrab21

On 16th draw, Q(A)SIDA N10 70 --- QASIDA an Arabic poem of praise or mourning [n]
Other tops: QASID(A) N10 70, QINDA(R) J10 70
Other moves: QADI 10B 49, QAD(I) 10B 48, Q(A)DI 10B 48, QA(D)I 10B 45, QI(S) 10B 44
QUAY M11 32 scrab21
QIS N10 32 woofy1, mylover81
ZA(N)Y E8 32 SuperH
QI 10J 31 Gypsylady, arlo805
(S)QUID M10 28 tbhic13, manfred
QUID M11 28 ceosickey

On 17th draw, TOY O13 38 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v]
Other moves: ZLOTY E8 36, OY O14 33, VIAL 15L 33, OY 6A 29, LOVAT 15K 27
TOY O13 38 SuperH, mylover81, arlo805, woofy1, Gypsylady
OY O14 33 scrab21
VIAL 15L 33 ceosickey
VITAL 15K 27 tbhic13
TOTAL 15K 18 manfred

On 18th draw, VANITY 3B 32 --- VANITY inflated pride in oneself [n]
Other moves: AVIDLY 14E 29, AY 6A 29, ZATI E8 28, AUNTLY 3B 26, SAY 9K 25
AY 6A 29 mylover81, SuperH, woofy1
AVIDLY 14E 29 Gypsylady
YA 3L 19 arlo805
WAIT G12 16 tbhic13
LAY B8 14 scrab21
LADY 14F 10 manfred

On 19th draw, JUG M11 38 --- JUG to put into a jug (a large, deep container with a narrow mouth and a handle) [v]
Other tops: JOG 7M 38
Other moves: JUDOGI 14F 35, HONGI J10 34, HING J10 31, HONG J10 31, HUNG J10 31
JOG 7M 38 SuperH, arlo805, mylover81
HONG J10 31 woofy1
JUDO 14F 28 manfred
JUD 14F 27 scrab21
JIG 10J 27 Gypsylady

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