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Game of June 17, 2011 at 01:46, 2 players
1. TwoFold -408
2. msfiles -860

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeilort   H2    66    66   troelie
 2. ?acehyz   6D    49   115   hazelly
 3. imnouwy   5C    31   146   moy
 4. ?eekoou   4A    38   184   kueh
 5. ainqrsu   2D    71   255   quintars
 6. adelpst   G5    75   330   pedestal
 7. afginpt   1K    35   365   aping
 8. aehilou   A4    36   401   kehua
 9. delmnos  13A    85   486   dolmens
10. bceiirt  11F    74   560   rabietic
11. afglorw   J8    75   635   garefowl
12. acdiort  15C    86   721   dicrotal
13. einnstv   8J    42   763   givens
14. deginot  A10    33   796   godden
15. aabenrv   5J    27   823   brave
16. aeiintx   6N    50   873   xi
17. aefjnow   7M    39   912   wof
18. aeinotu  12D    30   942   utile

Remaining tiles: ajnot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6262 FileTwoFold     3 18:42  -408  534     1.6262 TwoFold     3 18:42  -408  534 
  2.3947 Filemsfiles     0  4:00  -860   82            Group: not rated
                                             1.3947 msfiles     0  4:00  -860   82 

On 1st draw, TROELIE H2 66 --- TROELIE a leaf of the bussu palm [n]
Other tops: TROELIE H3 66, TROELIE H4 66, TROELIE H6 66, TROELIE H7 66, TROELIE H8 66
Other moves: TROELIE H5 64, ETOILE H3 14, ETOILE H4 14, ETOILE H7 14, ETOILE H8 14
RETILE H4 14 TwoFold

On 2nd draw, HAZEL(L)Y 6D 49 --- HAZELLY yellowish brown [adj]
Other moves: ZE(P)HYR 3C 48, Z(I)LCH 6F 46, HAZY G7 44, H(A)ZY G7 42, HAZE G7 41
HAZY G7 44 TwoFold

On 3rd draw, MOY 5C 31 --- MOY a measure [n]
Other moves: WINO 7C 29, YOM 5C 29, YUM 5C 29, MINO 7C 27, NOY 5C 27
MOY 5C 31 TwoFold
WIT 2F 14 msfiles

On 4th draw, KUE(H) 4A 38 --- KUEH a Malaysian, Indian or Chinese cake [n]
Other tops: KEE(F) 4A 38, KEE(N) 4A 38, KEE(P) 4A 38, KUE(S) 4A 38
Other moves: KO(R)O 7C 34, (B)OKO 7C 34, (M)OKO 7C 34, (T)OKO 7C 34, OK(A) 7D 32
OK(A) 7D 32 TwoFold
TOKE 2H 18 msfiles

On 5th draw, QUINTARS 2D 71 --- QUINTAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: SQUINY J1 38, YANQUIS E5 38, ASQUINT 2B 36, QUAIRS 9C 34, QUINAS 9C 34
RANKS A1 27 TwoFold
QUAINT 2C 17 msfiles

On 6th draw, PEDESTAL G5 75 --- PEDESTAL to provide with an architectural support or base [v]
Other moves: SPALTED 9H 72, STAPLED 9H 70, SPALTED I8 66, STAPLED I8 64, PEDESTAL 8E 62
KELPS A4 33 msfiles
PADI 7E 33 TwoFold

On 7th draw, APING 1K 35 --- APE to mimic [v]
Other moves: FAIK A1 33, FANK A1 33, FINK A1 33, KAING A4 30, KIANG A4 30
FINK A1 33 TwoFold

On 8th draw, KEHUA A4 36 --- KEHUA (Maori) a ghost or spirit [n]
Other tops: HAIKU A1 36
Other moves: H**L* H11 35, HAIK A1 33, HOIK A1 33, HOLK A1 33, HULK A1 33
HULK A1 33 TwoFold

On 9th draw, DOLMENS 13A 85 --- DOLMEN a prehistoric monument [n]
Other moves: DOLMENS B8 77, LODESMAN 11A 72, MODEL H11 34, MODES H11 34, MOLDS H11 34
MODELS 13B 33 TwoFold

On 10th draw, RABIETIC 11F 74 --- RABIES an infectious virus disease [adj] --- RABIETIC pertaining to rabies [adj]
Other moves: BIRDIE A10 30, BRIDIE A10 30, CREDIT A10 30, BIER 14B 28, NITRIC N1 28
BICE 5J 23 TwoFold

On 11th draw, GAREFOWL J8 75 --- GAREFOWL the great auk [n]
Other moves: PEAFOWL 5G 39, WARDOG A10 36, FAG 10J 33, WAG 10J 33, FLOOR B10 32
WAG 10J 33 TwoFold

On 12th draw, DICROTAL 15C 86 --- DICROTAL having a double pulse beat [adj]
Other moves: CORDIAL 15D 39, COTIDAL 15D 39, TRICLAD 15F 36, DIOTA 14B 34, LICTOR 15J 33
TAILOR 15G 21 TwoFold

On 13th draw, GIVENS 8J 42 --- GIVEN something assigned as a basis for a calculation [n]
Other moves: VENDIS A10 33, VINOS B10 32, VISON B10 32, EVICTS M8 30, INVENIT L6 28
GIVENS 8J 42 TwoFold

On 14th draw, GODDEN A10 33 --- GODDEN good-even [coll] --- GODDEN good-evening [interj]
Other tops: GEDDIT A10 33
Other moves: GENOCIDE M7 30, DODGE A11 27, TINDED A10 27, DEVOTING L6 26, TWINGED 14I 26
DEN A13 12 TwoFold

On 15th draw, BRAVE 5J 27 --- BRAVE showing courage [adj] --- BRAVE to face with courage [v]
Other tops: BRAVA 5J 27
Other moves: BORANE 13I 22, UNBAR 7A 22, VAE 7C 22, VAR 7C 22, WAVER 14J 22
CAVER M11 20 TwoFold

On 16th draw, XI 6N 50 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EX 14A 36, OX B13 36, ANILE 12D 30, WAXEN 14J 30, EXINE N5 28
XI 6N 50 TwoFold

On 17th draw, WOF 7M 39 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: WOOF B11 38, JAI I9 37, JAW 7C 36, FON 7M 33, WON 7M 33
JAI I9 37 TwoFold

On 18th draw, UTILE 12D 30 --- UTILE useful [adj]
Other tops: ANILE 12D 30
Other moves: ANIL 12D 21, AUE 4J 20, TOURIE 3E 20, TWONIE 14I 20, AUE 12C 18
WAITE 14J 16 TwoFold

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