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Game of June 17, 2011 at 04:48, 9 players
1. margalang -342
2. Bez -453
3. johnny55 -516

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deehlrv   H4    34    34   helved
 2. aeglnrt   5E    86   120   regental
 3. ?aioruz   K5    82   202   azoturia
 4. aadorst   3C    32   234   troads
 5. deeipry   2B    54   288   reedy
 6. ?beeiks  13E    83   371   kebbies
 7. aafghno  14B    53   424   ganof
 8. aejlntu   4A    47   471   jean
 9. acdeiiw   A4    48   519   jawed
10. eiinosu  15A    33   552   nisei
11. eenostt  11G    58   610   teosinte
12. cinooru   L3    33   643   coloni
13. ilmoruy   1F    36   679   rumly
14. afiooqt  10F    33   712   qi
15. abhopuw   1A    36   748   haw
16. agilmpt  N10    34   782   megilp
17. aabfipt  O13    37   819   faa
18. iooprux  14I    52   871   ox
19. bioprtu   O6    25   896   bitou
20. ciprtuv   C9    20   916   urticas

Remaining tiles: pv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6121 Filemargalang   4 22:23  -342  574     1.6121 margalang   4 22:23  -342  574 
  2.5400 FileBez         3 17:38  -453  463     2.6312 lastlea     1  6:37  -804  112 
  3.4632 Filejohnny55    1 20:56  -516  400            Group: novice
  4.3058 Fileleonora     0 23:52  -629  287     1.5400 Bez         3 17:38  -453  463 
  5.3671 Filegmills0     0 13:12  -736  180            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Filesherryanne  1 13:39  -741  175     1.4632 johnny55    1 20:56  -516  400 
  7.  -  FileNOTNobody   0 13:02  -781  135     2.3058 leonora     0 23:52  -629  287 
  8.6312 Filelastlea     1  6:37  -804  112     3.3671 gmills0     0 13:12  -736  180 
  9.4593 Filelyndyloo    0  2:16  -864   52     4.  -  sherryanne  1 13:39  -741  175 
                                             5.  -  NOTNobody   0 13:02  -781  135 
                                             6.4593 lyndyloo    0  2:16  -864   52 

On 1st draw, HELVED H4 34 --- HELVE to provide with a handle [v]
Other moves: HELVE H4 30, HELVED H7 30, HELVED H3 28, HELVED H8 28, HEDER H4 26
HELVED H4 34 Bez, margalang
LEVER H8 18 gmills0
HELD H8 16 johnny55
HEEL H7 14 leonora

On 2nd draw, REGENTAL 5E 86 --- REGENT one who rules in the place of a sovereign [adj] --- REGENTAL pertaining to a regent [adj]
Other moves: REGENTAL 5G 68, TANGLER G8 66, TANGLER I8 66, REGENTAL 8E 60, REGENTAL 8G 60
HANGER 4H 20 margalang
HALTER 4H 18 johnny55
GENERAL 5G 16 leonora
VALET 7H 9 gmills0

On 3rd draw, AZO(T)URIA K5 82 --- AZOTURIA an excess of nitrogenous substances in the urine [n]
Other moves: AZOTURI(A) J2 70, (A)ZOTURIA J2 68, ZORIL(L)A L1 50, ZO(N)ULAR L1 50, ZORIL L1 48
ZAIR(E) 4K 41 margalang
RITZ J3 33 Bez
ZO(O) 4D 25 leonora
RAZE F2 15 gmills0
LAZ(E) L5 12 johnny55

On 4th draw, TROADS 3C 32 --- TROAD a track [n]
Other moves: RASTA 13I 29, SAROD 13K 29, SORDA 13K 29, STRAD 13K 29, TASAR 13I 29
STAR 13K 25 margalang
(T)OADS 8K 18 johnny55, Bez
DRATS 10J 12 gmills0
AORTAS 10I 10 leonora

On 5th draw, REEDY 2B 54 --- REEDY abounding in reeds [adj]
Other moves: (T)YPED 8K 42, PYE 2E 36, (T)YRED 8K 36, REDYE L9 35, DYE 2E 34
(T)YPED 8K 42 gmills0
(T)RIPY 8K 30 Bez
YEP L12 26 margalang
PRAYED 12I 24 johnny55
DEEP J11 18 leonora

On 6th draw, KEB(B)IES 13E 83 --- KEBBIE a rough walking stick [n]
Other moves: KE(B)BIES 13E 80, BEKIS(S)ED 9A 70, BEKI(S)SED 9A 70, KE(R)BSIDE 9B 67, KEBS 1A 44
BIKES 13G 36 johnny55
SEEK 13K 33 margalang
S(T)(R)IKE 8J 24 gmills0
BAKE(R)S 12J 24 leonora
(T)(R)IKE 8K 21 Bez

On 7th draw, GANOF 14B 53 --- GANOF a thief [n]
Other moves: HAAF 4A 43, HAAF 14F 41, AFGHAN 14A 40, FOHN 4A 40, AGHA A1 38
OAF 14D 33 Bez
HA 14F 30 margalang
HONK E10 22 johnny55
FRAG 10J 16 gmills0
GROAN 10J 12 leonora

On 8th draw, JEAN 4A 47 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: JUTE 15A 44, TAJ 1A 42, TAJ 13A 41, JANE 4B 36, TAJ 15F 36
JA 1A 29 margalang
JEAN C12 22 johnny55
(B)ET H13 6 sherryanne
RANT 10K 6 gmills0
TULE 9J 5 leonora

On 9th draw, JAWED A4 48 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: DECLAW L2 40, (T)WICE 8K 39, WIDE 15A 36, CLADE L4 34, CLAW L4 34
JAWED A4 48 Bez, margalang, johnny55, lastlea
WADE 12J 21 gmills0
(B)ID H13 9 sherryanne
AWE 8F 6 leonora

On 10th draw, NISEI 15A 33 --- NISEI one born in America of immigrant Japanese parents [n]
Other moves: NOISE 15C 24, EONS 15C 23, IONS 15C 23, LOSEN L5 23, LOUIS L5 23
SLOE L4 21 lastlea
NOBS G11 16 johnny55
(T)UNES 8K 15 margalang, Bez
URINES 10J 10 leonora
WINS 6A 9 NOTNobody
WINE 6A 9 gmills0
(B)IN H13 6 sherryanne

On 11th draw, TEOSINTE 11G 58 --- TEOSINTE an annual grass [n]
Other moves: NEST 1A 26, TEST 1A 26, TOST 1A 26, ETENS L8 24, LOSEN L5 23
SLOE L4 21 lastlea
LONE L5 20 margalang
ZONES 6K 18 leonora
(T)ENET 8K 15 Bez
(T)OTES 8K 15 johnny55
DENOTE 8A 8 gmills0
(B)ET H13 6 sherryanne
NAS C13 6 NOTNobody

On 12th draw, COLONI L3 33 --- COLONUS a freeborn serf [n]
Other moves: CEROON N10 28, URIC 1E 28, COLON L3 27, COLOR L3 27, OZONIC 6J 27
CLON L4 25 margalang
(T)ONIC 8K 21 sherryanne
ZOO 6K 14 leonora
COOL L2 12 johnny55
WIN 6A 8 NOTNobody

On 13th draw, RUMLY 1F 36 --- RUMLY in a rum manner [adv]
Other moves: MOLY 6F 33, RIMY 1F 33, YOM 1A 32, YUM 1A 32, OY M6 31
YOM 1A 32 margalang
YO 10N 26 Bez
LIMEY N8 16 johnny55
MICO 3J 16 leonora
CUM 3L 14 NOTNobody
MO 1A 14 sherryanne

On 14th draw, QI 10F 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: FILA 6F 33, FILO 6F 33
Other moves: FIL 6F 30, OOF 14H 30, AFT 10M 29, IF 10M 28, OF 14I 28
QI 10F 33 sherryanne, Bez
FA 10N 26 margalang
FOOT G8 17 leonora
FEAT N10 15 johnny55
WOOT 6A 9 NOTNobody

On 15th draw, HAW 1A 36 --- HAW to turn left [v]
Other tops: HOW 1A 36
Other moves: WHO M2 34, BOW 1A 33, HULA 6F 33, PAW 1A 33, POW 1A 33
HOB 1A 32 margalang
CHOW 3L 24 johnny55
WHO 6A 17 Bez
WEB N10 16 leonora
WOW 6A 11 NOTNobody
BUT M9 8 sherryanne

On 16th draw, MEGILP N10 34 --- MEGILP a substance with which pigments are mixed in painting [n]
Other moves: PELMA N10 30, METAL N10 26, PELTA N10 26, PETAL N10 26, TAM J5 26
METAL N10 26 Bez
AMP 10M 25 margalang
CAMP 3L 20 johnny55
DAMP 8A 12 NOTNobody
PELT N10 12 sherryanne
AGILE N7 8 leonora

On 17th draw, FAA O13 37 --- FAA to fall (Scots) [v]
Other moves: FILA 6F 33, PAPA 15L 33, PIPA 15L 33, FIL 6F 30, TAPPA 15K 30
FAA O13 37 margalang
PIPA 15L 33 NOTNobody
PAPA 15L 33 sherryanne
PITA J3 22 lastlea
TAPA 15L 21 leonora
PACT 3J 16 johnny55
APT 15M 15 Bez

On 18th draw, OX 14I 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OXO O8 34, ROUX B7 32, OXO B6 31, EXPO F5 29, EXO B4 28
OX 14I 52 margalang
(B)OX H13 27 sherryanne, leonora, Bez
COX 3L 24 johnny55, lyndyloo
PIPA 15L 11 NOTNobody

On 19th draw, BITOU O6 25 --- BITOU as in bitou bush, a sprawling woody South African shrub. [adj]
Other tops: TURBO O6 25
Other moves: BIRO O7 22, BITO O7 22, BRIO O7 22, PTUI O7 22, PURI O7 22
BRO O8 19 Bez
CROP 3L 16 johnny55
CRIB 3L 16 lyndyloo
ZOO 6K 12 margalang
PIPA 15L 11 NOTNobody

On 20th draw, URTICAS C9 20 --- URTICA a plant of the nettle genus [n]
Other tops: PICRAS C10 20
Other moves: PICAS C11 18, PURI 10I 18, CURIAS C10 16, RIVAS C11 16, RUC 9J 16
UP 2J 13 Bez
CURT 3L 12 lyndyloo
CRIT 3L 12 margalang
PIPA 15L 11 NOTNobody
DRIP 8A 10 johnny55
VIPER 8E 10 leonora

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