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Game of June 17, 2011 at 06:20, 5 players
1. margalang -450
2. leonora -585
3. mylover81 -739

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaijmnq   H6    24    24   jam
 2. ?delors   8H    86   110   moulders
 3. dehhoos   M3    40   150   hooshed
 4. aagiopt   K4    94   244   topalgia
 5. begnnsy  J10    36   280   benny
 6. efilntv   N2    33   313   fient
 7. ?deiior  12G    79   392   ironside
 8. abfotwy  H11    42   434   frowy
 9. aiinort   4D    68   502   antiriot
10. degiopr   O1    30   532   ped
11. aberttz   3A    45   577   braze
12. aegrttu   5D    33   610   geat
13. aaeilnu   B1    70   680   aurelian
14. eeinrtx   A5    58   738   extine
15. aegiluv   1A    33   771   vagile
16. cklosuu  O12    43   814   suck
17. acloqrw  11E    49   863   waqf
18. elmortu   2F    77   940   moulter

Remaining tiles: crsuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6142 Filemargalang   2 18:02  -450  490     1.6142 margalang   2 18:02  -450  490 
  2.3200 Fileleonora     1 17:36  -585  355     2.6759 mylover81   1  8:39  -739  201 
  3.6759 Filemylover81   1  8:39  -739  201            Group: novice
  4.4639 Filelyndyloo    1  8:45  -792  148     1.5772 Faeythe     0  1:56  -900   40 
  5.5772 FileFaeythe     0  1:56  -900   40            Group: not rated
                                             1.3200 leonora     1 17:36  -585  355 
                                             2.4639 lyndyloo    1  8:45  -792  148 

On 1st draw, JAM H6 24 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other tops: JAM H7 24, JAM H8 24
Other moves: QI H7 22, QI H8 22, JAI H6 20, JAI H7 20, JAI H8 20
JAM H8 24 leonora
JAM H6 24 lyndyloo
JA H7 18 margalang

On 2nd draw, MO(U)LDERS 8H 86 --- MOULDER to turn to dust by natural decay [v]
Other moves: MODEL(E)RS 8H 83, MOD(E)LERS 8H 83, MORSEL(E)D 8H 83, MORS(E)LED 8H 80, LO(A)DERS I4 77
LOSED I5 25 margalang
SL(I)DER 9H 21 lyndyloo
JER(K)S 6H 13 leonora

On 3rd draw, HOOSHED M3 40 --- HOOSH to shoo away [v]
Other moves: SHH 9H 39, HOOSH 9E 38, DOSH 9F 35, DOSEH 9F 31, SH 9H 31
HOODS 9D 24 lyndyloo
HOOD 9J 24 leonora
HODS I7 23 margalang

On 4th draw, TOPALGIA K4 94 --- TOPALGIA pain in a particular spot [n]
Other moves: IGAPO L1 33, OTALGIA K5 32, GAPO L2 29, PITARA N4 28, ATAP L1 27
GAP L2 25 margalang
JAG 6H 15 lyndyloo
GOAT I7 13 leonora

On 5th draw, BENNY J10 36 --- BENNY an amphetamine tablet [n]
Other moves: BY 9H 35, GYBE 9F 33, BENNY L11 32, BEYS N2 30, BYES J10 30
BY 9H 35 lyndyloo
BYES J10 30 leonora
BEYS N2 30 margalang
SNEB N1 21 Faeythe

On 6th draw, FIENT N2 33 --- FIENT a fiend [n]
Other tops: FEINT N2 33
Other moves: FLETTON 4H 28, DENTIL L8 27, LIEF N2 26, LIFE N2 26, NEIF N2 26
FINE N2 23 margalang
FIN N2 19 Faeythe
FELTY 14F 19 leonora
VENT 4H 11 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, IRON(S)IDE 12G 79 --- IRONSIDE a man of great strength [n]
Other moves: IODYRI(T)E 14G 72, IRONI(S)ED 13G 70, IRONI(Z)ED 13G 70, IRON(S)IDE 13G 70, RE(S)INOID 13F 70
RED O1 24 margalang, leonora
RED(S) 9E 18 lyndyloo

On 8th draw, FROWY H11 42 --- FROWY of timber, soft and brittle [adj]
Other moves: TOBY 9F 38, ABY 9G 37, BY 9H 35, TARBOY H10 33, FY O1 32
FAT O1 29 margalang
AWAY 7F 27 leonora

On 9th draw, ANTIRIOT 4D 68 --- ANTIRIOT designed to prevent or end riots [adj]
Other moves: ADIT L7 21, NAT O1 20, OAT O1 20, RAN O1 20, RAT O1 20
RAT O1 20 margalang, leonora

On 10th draw, PED O1 30 --- PED a natural soil aggregate [n]
Other moves: GEOID 3C 29, PREED N10 28, REP O1 28, GED O1 27, DOP 3G 25
PED O1 30 margalang
SIR O8 3 leonora

On 11th draw, BRAZE 3A 45 --- BRAZE to solder together [v]
Other moves: BEZ 3B 39, RAZE 3B 39, TZAR H1 39, ZEBRA 5A 38, RAZEE N8 37
ZEBRA N11 32 leonora
ZEE N10 32 margalang

On 12th draw, GEAT 5D 33 --- GEAT the hole for pouring into a mould [n]
Other moves: TARGE 5A 31, ABUTTER A2 30, BAGUET A3 30, TUBAGE A1 30, RAGE 5B 29
TUBAGE A1 30 mylover81
TUBER A1 24 margalang
GREAT N10 20 leonora

On 13th draw, AURELIAN B1 70 --- AURELIAN one who studies moths and butterflies [n]
Other moves: ABELIAN A2 30, ENTAIL F2 27, NEBULA A1 27, NUBILE A1 27, UNBALE A1 27
LUBE A1 21 margalang
LIB A1 15 mylover81
NEWLY 14F 13 leonora

On 14th draw, EXTINE A5 58 --- EXTINE the outer layer of some spores [n]
Other tops: EXTERN A5 58
Other moves: EXTERN A8 48, EXTINE A8 48, EXERT A8 45, EXINE A8 45, NEXT 3G 45
TAXER 1A 39 mylover81, margalang
TAX F4 26 leonora

On 15th draw, VAGILE 1A 33 --- VAGILE free to move about [adj]
Other tops: GAVIAL 1A 33, LAVAGE 1A 33
Other moves: GAVEL 1A 30, VAGAL 1A 30, VAGUE 1A 30, GLEAVE N10 28, GAVE 1A 27
VAGUE 1A 30 leonora
VALUE 1A 27 margalang, mylover81

On 16th draw, SUCK O12 43 --- SUCK to draw in by establishing a partial vacuum [v]
Other tops: SOCK O12 43
Other moves: KOELS N10 38, SKOL O12 37, SOUK O12 37, SULK O12 37, SCULK 11A 36
SUCK O12 43 mylover81, margalang
DOC M12 12 leonora

On 17th draw, WAQF 11E 49 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: AWOL I6 30, LOW I11 27, CALO 3G 25, COAL 3G 25, LOOR I11 25
QI I3 21 margalang
WO 3G 21 mylover81
CLAW 14E 11 leonora

On 18th draw, MOULTER 2F 77 --- MOULTER one that molts [n]
Other moves: MERLOT B10 38, MOLTER B10 38, MOUTER B10 38, METOL B10 36, METRO B10 36
MOTEL B10 36 margalang
ROM 10D 26 mylover81
MOW 14F 14 leonora

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