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Game of June 17, 2011 at 12:20, 6 players
1. 581 pts blue.sand
2. 501 pts woofy1
3. 379 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeosxy   H4    46    46   xylose
 2. agiloot   4G    26    72   oxtail
 3. ?deeein   8A    77   149   nereides
 4. efgnqru   J2    36   185   quare
 5. aeortuy   7G    37   222   yourt
 6. adejlpv   3C    39   261   japed
 7. eelossw   1J    55   316   sowles
 8. degilnr   N1    78   394   engirdle
 9. abdootv   4A    39   433   adobo
10. agimnpu   O7    53   486   amping
11. aegostt   C6    70   556   garottes
12. aceflno   5E    34   590   lacy
13. achimnr  12H    88   678   marching
14. aefiiot  D12    28   706   fiat
15. beknoor  N10    38   744   bonne
16. aeiruuz  H12    45   789   maze
17. hinoruv   6E    32   821   oh
18. efinrvw   9E    37   858   fewer
19. iknrtuv  15L    47   905   kuti
20. iinruvv   A1    30   935   viva

Remaining tiles: inru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6661 Fileblue.sand   4 14:25  -354  581     1.6661 blue.sand   4 14:25  -354  581 
  2.6348 Filewoofy1      4 25:31  -434  501     2.6348 woofy1      4 25:31  -434  501 
  3.4298 FileGrace_Tjie  1 17:06  -556  379            Group: novice
  4.4148 Fileremij       0 17:08  -561  374     1.5396 Bez         1 13:20  -683  252 
  5.5396 FileBez         1 13:20  -683  252            Group: not rated
  6.4657 Filelyndyloo    0  5:53  -806  129     1.4298 Grace_Tjie  1 17:06  -556  379 
                                             2.4148 remij       0 17:08  -561  374 
                                             3.4657 lyndyloo    0  5:53  -806  129 

On 1st draw, XY(L)OSE H4 46 --- XYLOSE a type of sugar [n]
Other tops: EX(T)ASY H3 46, OXEY(E)S H3 46, OX(E)YES H3 46, (D)ESOXY H8 46
Other moves: AXO(N)ES H3 40, EX(T)ASY H7 38, SAXO(N)Y H7 38, SO(R)EX H8 38, XY(L)OSE H3 38
E(P)OXY H8 36 remij
SEXY H5 28 lyndyloo, Bez
SEXY H8 28 Grace_Tjie
SEXY H7 28 blue.sand

On 2nd draw, OXTAIL 4G 26 --- OXTAIL the tail of an ox [n]
Other moves: LOGIA I1 22, AGIO I2 21, AGLOO G1 21, IGLOO G1 21, GIO I3 20
GOA G3 20 blue.sand
AGO G2 15 Grace_Tjie
TA G3 12 Bez
AXIL 4G 11 remij
GLOATS 8C 8 lyndyloo

On 3rd draw, NE(R)EIDES 8A 77 --- NEREIS a marine worm [n]
Other tops: ENDEI(X)ES 8A 77, SE(L)ENIDE 8H 77, (R)EDENIES 8A 77
Other moves: NEEDIE(R) G7 67, DE(T)AINEE J1 62, NEEDIE(R) G9 62, NEEDIE(R) I9 62, NEED(L)IE(R) 6D 61
DEN(S)E M1 23 lyndyloo
(P)EENED 3B 21 blue.sand
DINE K3 10 remij
(L)INED K3 10 Grace_Tjie
TE I4 7 Bez

On 4th draw, QUARE J2 36 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other tops: QUEEN B6 36, QUEER B6 36, QUERN B6 36, QUERY 5D 36
Other moves: FIQUE E7 34, FIQUE K3 34, QUAG J2 34, QUEY 5E 34, QUERN 3C 33
QUEER B6 36 blue.sand
QUEEN B6 36 Bez
QUINE K2 28 lyndyloo
QUIN K2 26 Grace_Tjie
FIGURE K3 20 remij
OF G4 13 woofy1

On 5th draw, YOURT 7G 37 --- YOURT a light tent of skins [n]
Other moves: YOUR 7G 36, QUERY 2J 34, QUYTE 2J 34, OTARY 3C 33, TEARY 3C 33
QUYTE 2J 34 blue.sand
QUERY 2J 34 Bez
QUART 2J 28 lyndyloo, woofy1
QUOTE 2J 28 Grace_Tjie
QUEY 2J 16 remij

On 6th draw, JAPED 3C 39 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JAVEL 3C 35, JIVED E7 32, PAVED 3C 31, JEEP B6 29, JAILED E6 28
JAPED 3C 39 blue.sand
JIVED E7 32 Bez
JEEP B6 29 remij
PEDAL 9G 24 woofy1
JO G3 17 Grace_Tjie
JADE B5 14 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, SOWLES 1J 55 --- SOWLE to pull by the ears [v]
Other tops: SEWELS 1J 55
Other moves: LOWSES 1G 46, SWEELS 1J 46, LOWSES 1E 43, SEWELS 1E 43, SOWLES 1E 43
LOWE 4B 37 blue.sand
SLOW 4A 35 woofy1
WEELS 9G 26 Bez
PEWS E3 18 remij

On 8th draw, ENGIRDLE N1 78 --- ENGIRDLE to secure with a belt [v]
Other tops: ENGIRDLE B8 78, REEDLING B7 78
G(R)INDER C7 22 remij
DINER 9E 21 woofy1
GRANDE D1 20 blue.sand
LEDGER D7 16 Bez
GEAR D1 14 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, ADOBO 4A 39 --- ADOBO a Philippine dish of fish or meat [n]
Other moves: BOYARD 5F 36, ADOBO O7 35, DOAB 4A 35, DOOB 4A 35, ADOBO O8 33
BOOT 4A 31 blue.sand
*B* 4C 31 Bez
DOB 4B 29 woofy1
TAV O8 24 remij
VET 8M 18 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, AMPING O7 53 --- AMP to get excited (Australian slang) [v]
Other moves: IMPUGN O7 50, GAMP 5C 48, AMPING O8 42, GAM 5C 42, GAP 5C 42
GAM 2D 33 blue.sand
MAGI O8 33 woofy1
AMP O8 27 remij
GEM 8M 18 Grace_Tjie
PANG A3 7 Bez

On 11th draw, GA(R)OTTES C6 70 --- GAROTTE to execute by strangling [v]
Other moves: TOASTY 5C 47, TOGATE 5A 45, GETAS 5A 43, TOGAS 5A 43, TOEAS 5A 40
GOATS N10 32 blue.sand, woofy1
POGO E3 14 remij
GOES M8 12 Grace_Tjie
STAG 12L 10 Bez

On 12th draw, LACY 5E 34 --- LACY resembling lacework [adj]
Other moves: FALCON M8 32, FLACON M8 32, FAE 2F 31, FAN 2F 31, FA 2F 30
FAN 2F 31 blue.sand
FONE 9E 23 woofy1
FLEA A1 21 remij
FLAB D1 13 Bez
ACT 10A 11 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, MARCHING 12H 88 --- MARCH to walk in a formal military manner [v]
Other tops: CHARMING 12H 88
Other moves: MICH D12 40, HAEMIC 12A 34, AHEM 9F 32, HARMIN M8 32, HEMIC 9G 32
CHARMING 12H 38 woofy1
HA N10 28 blue.sand
HAM B12 23 Grace_Tjie
MI 10N 10 remij

On 14th draw, FIAT D12 28 --- FIAT an authoritative order [n] --- FIAT to sanction [v]
Other moves: AFT D11 26, EFT D11 26, OAF D10 26, OFT D11 26, EF 13L 25
IF 13L 25 blue.sand
OF 13L 25 woofy1
MEAT H12 18 remij
MATE H12 18 Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, BONNE N10 38 --- BONNE a French maid [n]
Other tops: BONER N10 38
Other moves: KENO N10 36, KEN N10 35, KON N10 35, BORAK A1 33, BREAK A1 33
BONER N10 38 woofy1
TONKER 15D 30 blue.sand
MOOK H12 30 Grace_Tjie
BOOT 15A 18 remij

On 16th draw, MAZE H12 45 --- MAZE to bewilder [v]
Other moves: RIZA A1 39, DAZER F8 35, AZURE 13F 34, AZURE J9 34, DAZE F8 34
MAZE H12 45 Grace_Tjie, blue.sand, woofy1
ZIT 15B 12 remij

On 17th draw, OH 6E 32 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other moves: HEROIN 9G 27, UNHAIR A1 27, VIZOR 14F 27, HERON 9G 26, VOUCH K9 26
HERON 9G 26 woofy1
HINT 15A 21 remij
HURT 15A 21 blue.sand
HUNT 15A 21 Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, FEWER 9E 37 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: NEWER 9E 31, WEFT 15A 30, EWER 9F 28, INFARE A1 27, VEZIR 14F 27
FEWER 9E 37 woofy1
WEFT 15A 30 remij
VAW 13G 26 blue.sand
VICE K10 18 Grace_Tjie

On 19th draw, KUTI 15L 47 --- KUTI female dog (India) [n]
Other moves: VIRTU 15K 35, KIVA A1 33, NIKAU A1 27, INVAR A1 24, KINA A1 24
KNIT 15A 24 woofy1
VAN 13G 14 blue.sand
RINK J12 10 remij
HIT L12 6 Grace_Tjie

On 20th draw, VIVA A1 30 --- VIVA a shout or cry used to express approval [n] --- VIVA to examine orally [v]
Other moves: VIZIR 14F 27, INVAR A1 24, VIRTU 15A 24, RIVA A1 21, URVA A1 21
VIVA A1 30 blue.sand, woofy1
VINT 15A 21 Grace_Tjie
VAIN A3 7 remij

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