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Game of June 17, 2011 at 13:57, 4 players
1. 270 pts ceosickey
2. 187 pts Oasthouse1
3. 23 pts Mughal

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eehisuw   H4    24    24   weise
 2. acdefit   5E    52    76   faceted
 3. ?aehios   G2    80   156   coachies
 4. acefhlr   I3    45   201   fetch
 5. ?ilnrrv   3I    22   223   flavin
 6. akopsxz   F8    49   272   zax
 7. diorstu   O3    36   308   studio
 8. aaeorty   4A    29   337   yarto
 9. egilnow   K5    76   413   doweling
10. aeirstt   E9    76   489   ratites
11. aeinnor  15B    77   566   raisonne
12. abderuy  14I    83   649   daubery
13. abjkmru   D9    50   699   brak
14. aemoopq  O12    36   735   mayo
15. eegnopt  13C    31   766   netop
16. eggintu   A3    30   796   tyeing
17. dillopv   L1    28   824   vivo
18. ellpruu   J8    25   849   rep
19. dgjmquu   N8    34   883   jugum

Remaining tiles: dllq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6606 Fileceosickey   0 11:59  -613  270     1.6606 ceosickey   0 11:59  -613  270 
  2.5235 FileOasthouse1  0  6:31  -696  187            Group: novice
  3.  -  FileMughal      0  2:47  -860   23     1.5235 Oasthouse1  0  6:31  -696  187 
  4.3197 Filecailah      0  2:25  -866   17            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Mughal      0  2:47  -860   23 
                                             2.3197 cailah      0  2:25  -866   17 

On 1st draw, WEISE H4 24 --- WEISE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other moves: HEWS H5 20, HEWS H6 20, HEWS H7 20, HEWS H8 20, SHEW H5 20

On 2nd draw, FACETED 5E 52 --- FACET to cut small plane surfaces on [v]
Other moves: DAFTIE G3 30, FACETED 5C 26, WAFTED 4H 26, WAIFED 4H 26, FIATED 9C 25

On 3rd draw, (C)OACHIES G2 80 --- COACHY a coachman [n]
Other moves: ACHIO(T)ES G4 78, ADHESIO(N) K4 72, HOA(G)IES 9B 70, TOISEA(C)H I5 69, HOA(G)IES G8 66
SHA(D)E J1 15 Mughal

On 4th draw, FETCH I3 45 --- FETCH to go after and bring back [v]
Other moves: FLETCH I2 43, FRATCH I2 43, RACH F4 41, LATCH I3 39, LETCH I3 39
FLARE E5 8 Mughal

On 5th draw, FL(A)VIN 3I 22 --- FLAVIN a yellow pigment [n]
Other tops: FRIV(O)L 3I 22, (E)VIL F7 22
Other moves: RIVL(I)N F8 21, FIV(E)R 3I 20, LIVR(E) 4A 20, LIVR(E) F8 20, LIV(E)N F8 20
VIRL F8 17 ceosickey

On 6th draw, ZAX F8 49 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: ZAS O1 48, ZOS O1 48, POZ F8 41, SAZ F8 37, KAZOO 3C 36
KOP 2M 28 ceosickey

On 7th draw, STUDIO O3 36 --- STUDIO an artist's workroom [n]
Other tops: STROUD O3 36
Other moves: SUITOR O3 33, URSID O1 33, DOST O1 30, DUST O1 30, ROSIT O1 30
DOUR E9 23 ceosickey

On 8th draw, YARTO 4A 29 --- YARTO an endearment [n]
Other moves: TAYRA E9 28, TEARY E9 28, TOYER E9 28, AERY E9 26, RAYA E9 26
RAYA E9 26 ceosickey

On 9th draw, DOWELING K5 76 --- DOWEL to fasten with wooden pins [v]
Other moves: ROWELING C4 64, YOWLING A4 42, WYLING A3 39, YOWING A4 39, WONGI E9 33
LOWING E9 32 ceosickey

On 10th draw, RATITES E9 76 --- RATITE a flightless bird [n]
Other tops: TASTIER E9 76, TERTIAS E9 76
Other moves: ATTIRES N6 70, IRATEST N8 70, STRAITER C2 70, STRIATE N8 70, STRIGATE 12G 70
AIR E10 15 Oasthouse1

On 11th draw, RAISONNE 15B 77 --- RAISONNE arranged systematically [adj]
Other moves: YONNIE A4 27, NONANE N1 25, RANINE N1 25, ERASION 15B 24, INSANER 15C 24
SNORE 15E 15 Oasthouse1

On 12th draw, DAUBERY 14I 83 --- DAUBERY a bad or inexpert painting [n]
Other tops: DAUBERY N8 83
Other moves: DAUBRY L10 43, BEADY J10 40, BREADY B1 40, BEADY B2 38, BRAD D9 38
BRAYED A1 36 ceosickey, Oasthouse1

On 13th draw, BRAK D9 50 --- BRAK a breed of dog [n]
Other moves: JAMBE 14A 44, MAK D10 44, JURY A1 42, RAKU D10 42, MAK J8 41
JURY A1 42 Oasthouse1
JAMBE M10 32 ceosickey

On 14th draw, MAYO O12 36 --- MAYO mayonnaise [n]
Other tops: MOYA O12 36
Other moves: POMO F12 35, MOPY A1 33, QORMA C2 32, PAM 13M 31, P*M 13M 31
QI 10J 31 Oasthouse1, ceosickey

On 15th draw, NETOP 13C 31 --- NETOP friend; companion [n]
Other moves: POGY A1 30, PETTO 13C 27, PONY A1 27, YOGEE A4 27, NEP J8 25
PONY A1 27 ceosickey
PET 13C 21 Oasthouse1
KITE 12D 8 cailah

On 16th draw, TYEING A3 30 --- TYE to wash in a trough [v]
Other moves: EGGY A1 27, TEGU J8 22, TINY A1 21, TUNY A1 21, GIVE L1 20
EGGY A1 27 Oasthouse1
TYING A3 9 cailah

On 17th draw, VIVO L1 28 --- VIVO lively [adj]
Other moves: DIPLOE M9 22, DIPOLE M9 22, PI J10 22, PO J10 22, POD L6 22
PILLED M10 18 ceosickey

On 18th draw, REP J8 25 --- REP a cross-ribbed fabric [n] --- REP to act as a commercial representative [v]
Other moves: PE J10 22, PURGE 12H 22, LIPE 2K 21, PILE 2K 21, POLO F12 21

On 19th draw, JUGUM N8 34 --- JUGUM a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf [n]
Other moves: JUGUM 12I 30, JUDGE M10 28, JUD N8 24, JUG N8 24, GJU N7 23

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