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Game of June 17, 2011 at 18:29, 12 players
1. 511 pts kellybelly
2. 505 pts yab
3. 464 pts Ansuyah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einnpty   H8    28    28   piney
 2. bceimst  12G    26    54   mystic
 3. aaamnrs   J7    64   118   marantas
 4. ceeorxy   G7    44   162   cox
 5. aadeklo  I11    31   193   asked
 6. eirstwy   M9    46   239   wristy
 7. eeorstz  15D    78   317   zeroed
 8. ??adilo  10A    72   389   ordalian
 9. defilot   D6    74   463   foliated
10. abelnrv   A8    33   496   above
11. eeinort   B3    65   561   orienter
12. eilnoru   A1    25   586   oriel
13. aaaeghn   C1    26   612   hang
14. anoptuu   L4    23   635   tupuna
15. deeiqvw   E2    34   669   viewed
16. aefggrt   F4    32   701   feg
17. agnoqst   5K    30   731   quags
18. jnoortu   O5    42   773   sojourn

Remaining tiles: bhiltu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7124 Filekellybelly  3 13:09  -262  511     1.7124 kellybelly  3 13:09  -262  511 
  2.6504 Fileyab         7 21:10  -268  505     2.7187 Ansuyah     4 15:08  -309  464 
  3.7187 FileAnsuyah     4 15:08  -309  464     3.7633 ste11a      4 11:36  -536  237 
  4.6165 Filemargalang   1 16:37  -333  440            Group: intermediate
  5.4687 Filenarisa      2 16:07  -390  383     1.6504 yab         7 21:10  -268  505 
  6.3551 Filemanfred     0 20:04  -491  282     2.6165 margalang   1 16:37  -333  440 
  7.6442 Filebobadamdan  2 12:07  -508  265     3.6442 bobadamdan  2 12:07  -508  265 
  8.4447 Filemaddie      0 25:20  -522  251     4.6585 monthree    0  0:57  -706   67 
  9.7633 Fileste11a      4 11:36  -536  237            Group: novice
 10.4156 Fileremij       0 14:38  -608  165     1.5770 Faeythe     0  1:57  -733   40 
 11.6585 Filemonthree    0  0:57  -706   67            Group: not rated
 12.5770 FileFaeythe     0  1:57  -733   40     1.4687 narisa      2 16:07  -390  383 
                                             2.3551 manfred     0 20:04  -491  282 
                                             3.4447 maddie      0 25:20  -522  251 
                                             4.4156 remij       0 14:38  -608  165 

On 1st draw, PINEY H8 28 --- PINEY covered with pine trees [adj]
Other tops: PENNY H8 28, PIETY H8 28, PINNY H8 28
Other moves: NINETY H7 26, PENNY H4 26, PIETY H4 26, PINEY H4 26, PINNY H4 26
PINNY H8 28 kellybelly
PENNY H8 28 yab
NINETY H7 26 Faeythe, narisa, margalang
PITY H5 18 maddie
TYPE H5 18 manfred

On 2nd draw, MYSTIC 12G 26 --- MYSTIC one who professes to have had mystical experiences [n]
Other moves: MIB G9 23, BETIMES 11C 22, BETIMES 11G 22, BITES I7 22, CITES I7 22
MYSTIC 12G 26 yab
MINCES 10F 18 narisa
MICE 11E 16 kellybelly
CENTS 10F 15 manfred
MICE 9G 14 Faeythe, maddie
BITES 11E 14 margalang

On 3rd draw, MARANTAS J7 64 --- MARANTA a tropical plant [n]
Other tops: AMARANTS J6 64
Other moves: MASA M10 26, SAMA M12 26, ASANA M11 24, MARMS G9 24, SAM M12 24
SAM M12 24 kellybelly, narisa, margalang, Ansuyah
MANAS M8 22 yab
MANS 10F 12 manfred

On 4th draw, COX G7 44 --- COX to steer a racing rowboat [v]
Other tops: ORYX K5 44
Other moves: OXEYE K5 41, COREY 13C 39, COXY K4 39, OXEYE K4 39, OX G8 38
COX G7 44 kellybelly, margalang, yab
CRY K5 23 Ansuyah
MY G12 11 manfred, maddie

On 5th draw, ASKED I11 31 --- ASK to inquire or request [v]
Other moves: LAKED K4 27, OAKED K4 27, ASK I11 26, SKEO I12 26, SKOL I12 26
LAKED K4 27 kellybelly, margalang
OAKED K4 27 Ansuyah
KOALA 13C 25 yab
OIL K11 12 manfred
COKE L12 11 maddie
COLD L12 9 narisa

On 6th draw, WRISTY M9 46 --- WRISTY making extensive use of the wrists [adj]
Other moves: WRISTY 13B 43, WISTED 15D 42, STEWY 13C 41, WRYEST M8 40, WREST M9 38
WRISTY 13B 43 Ansuyah
WISTED 15D 42 yab
WREST M9 38 kellybelly
WYN 10F 33 manfred
WIRED 15E 27 narisa, margalang
ARTIES 8J 21 bobadamdan

On 7th draw, ZEROED 15D 78 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other tops: ZESTED 15D 78
Other moves: ROZETED 15C 54, ZEROES N6 48, TOZED 15E 45, ZED 15G 39, ZERO N6 38
ZEROED 15D 78 bobadamdan, Ansuyah
ZESTED 15D 78 yab, narisa
TOZED 15E 45 kellybelly
ZED 15G 39 margalang
YES 14M 12 manfred
STOP 8E 6 maddie

On 8th draw, O(R)D(A)LIAN 10A 72 --- ORDALIAN pertaining to ordalium [adj]
Other moves: O(R)DALI(A)N 10A 71, (C)A(B)ILDO L3 71, A(M)(Y)LOID K2 69, DA(R)IOL(E) K3 69, DIA(B)(O)LO 13A 69
DI(T)Z D12 26 kellybelly
DI(P)LO(M)A 13A 19 yab
AD N14 16 margalang
DIALO(G)(U)E E8 14 Ansuyah
ADZ D13 13 maddie
(B)LAD(E) 13C 11 bobadamdan
YA(P) 14M 10 narisa

On 9th draw, FOLI(A)TED D6 74 --- FOLIATE to hammer into thin plates [v]
Other moves: FOLIOED A6 39, FOLIOED A9 36, FOOTLED A8 36, FOOTLED A9 36, FLOOD A8 33
FOLIOED A6 39 yab
FLOOD A8 33 narisa, margalang
FOOLED A8 33 kellybelly
LIFTED K3 27 Ansuyah
FO(A)LED D8 26 bobadamdan
FOOD A8 24 remij
YET 14M 12 maddie
FRIT 10L 9 manfred

On 10th draw, ABOVE A8 33 --- ABOVE something that is above (in a higher place) [n]
Other tops: VERONAL A7 33
Other moves: BEVOR A7 30, BRAVO A6 30, BALDER C7 29, DEBAR C10 28, VERBAL K3 28
ABOVE A8 33 narisa
BRAVO A6 30 Ansuyah, yab
VALOR A7 24 kellybelly
BARON A7 21 manfred
VEAL 8A 21 bobadamdan
BEANO A6 21 ste11a
VAN E5 19 margalang
VE(R)BAL B8 10 maddie
ROVE A9 8 remij

On 11th draw, ORIENTE(R) B3 65 --- ORIENTER one who helps another to adjust to surroundings [n]
Other moves: INTERFOLI(A)TED D1 34, TRIFOLI(A)TED D3 28, NERITE C3 24, NORITE C3 24, RETINE C3 24
DINER C10 22 kellybelly
ENTER E3 17 margalang
TENOR K4 16 Ansuyah
OE N13 16 bobadamdan
TRINE K3 14 maddie
YET 14M 12 manfred
TIT 11D 12 remij
DONE 13D 11 ste11a
RIDE 13B 10 narisa
EDIT 13C 10 yab

On 12th draw, ORIEL A1 25 --- ORIEL a type of projecting window [n]
Other moves: DINER C10 22, ENDURO 13B 21, INDOLE 13B 21, NODULE 13B 21, DENI C10 20
DINER C10 22 kellybelly, ste11a
LONE A1 20 bobadamdan
LINER E3 17 margalang
LINER K4 16 Ansuyah
ORIEL K4 16 maddie
NEROLI K2 16 yab
URINE 4A 12 manfred
LYE 14L 12 narisa
YEN 14M 12 remij

On 13th draw, HANG C1 26 --- HANG to attach from above only [v]
Other moves: HAG C12 25, AAH N13 24, HAE C12 23, HAN C12 23, HEN C12 23
HANG C1 26 bobadamdan, ste11a, Ansuyah, yab
HAEN E4 21 margalang
HAN E5 19 kellybelly
GANE N6 14 narisa, manfred
YEN 14M 12 remij
MANAGE 7J 10 maddie

On 14th draw, TUPUNA L4 23 --- TUPUNA (Maori) an ancestor [n]
Other moves: OUP N13 22, PONTES 14E 22, POTAES 14E 22, TUPUNA E1 21, DATO C10 20
DATO C10 20 ste11a
TAP E5 19 Ansuyah, kellybelly
OP N14 18 yab
PAN E5 17 margalang, remij
YAP 14M 16 manfred, maddie
PAD 13B 12 narisa

On 15th draw, VIEWED E2 34 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: DEWED C10 33, WIVED E3 32, EQUID 5J 30, VIEW E4 30, QUID 5K 28
VIEWED E2 34 yab
DEWED C10 33 kellybelly, ste11a
QUID 5K 28 Ansuyah, margalang, manfred, narisa, maddie, remij
QI M3 24 bobadamdan

On 16th draw, FEG F4 32 --- FEG a segment of an orange (also FIG) [n]
Other moves: DEFAT C10 31, FLARE E9 30, FRET F3 29, RETAG M3 29, GAGER M3 28
FEG F4 32 ste11a
FAG C12 25 margalang
DATER C10 22 kellybelly
FATE M3 22 bobadamdan
FARE N6 21 Ansuyah
FATE N6 21 narisa
YAG 14M 14 manfred
YET 14M 12 remij
EGG 4E 5 maddie

On 17th draw, QUAGS 5K 30 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QAT M3 28, QUAG 5K 28, QUANT 5K 28, QUATS 5K 28, QUOTA 5K 28
QUAGS 5K 30 kellybelly, Ansuyah, ste11a, yab
QUANT 5K 28 monthree, margalang, narisa
SQUAT 5J 28 manfred
QUATS 5K 28 remij
QUAG 5K 28 maddie

On 18th draw, SOJOURN O5 42 --- SOJOURN to stay temporarily [v]
Other moves: JOURS O1 39, GJU N5 27, JUNTO I3 26, JONG N2 24, JUDO 13B 24
SOJOURN O5 42 Ansuyah, ste11a
JOURS O1 39 monthree, kellybelly, maddie
RUNTS O1 18 margalang
ROOTS O1 18 yab
STOUR O5 15 manfred
JOTS O2 12 remij

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