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Game of June 17, 2011 at 21:27, 7 players
1. 561 pts SuperH
2. 545 pts yab
3. 422 pts FourShores

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ablnory   H8    30    30   bornyl
 2. ?efqstv  14H    43    73   suq
 3. ?aaegix   I8    41   114   axe
 4. adeotvy   J8    46   160   dove
 5. egilrtu  12J    25   185   regilt
 6. ?defirt   O8   149   334   refitted
 7. ceghltu   N6    29   363   chute
 8. aaelopt  12B    24   387   apetaly
 9. cefimoy  B10    42   429   foamy
10. acdegop   A6    41   470   peacod
11. egilrrt  13B    28   498   merit
12. eknnnor   B2    32   530   kronen
13. aeilnno   E7    68   598   lineation
14. aeioosv   6E    26   624   aviso
15. aabdguw   C4    32   656   bawd
16. agiimnu   H1    33   689   animus
17. eghjssu   D1    50   739   jugs
18. aehirtz   2F    40   779   zenith
19. aeiiors   L1    31   810   osier

Remaining tiles: agiuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6401 FileSuperH      3 17:45  -249  561     1.7000 bonggalita  0  3:26  -727   83 
  2.6526 Fileyab         6 22:52  -265  545            Group: intermediate
  3.6111 FileFourShores  1 21:03  -388  422     1.6401 SuperH      3 17:45  -249  561 
  4.6993 Filemusdrive    1  3:50  -626  184     2.6526 yab         6 22:52  -265  545 
  5.5930 Filearlo805     2  8:55  -638  172     3.6111 FourShores  1 21:03  -388  422 
  6.7000 Filebonggalita  0  3:26  -727   83     4.6993 musdrive    1  3:50  -626  184 
  7.4701 Filenarisa      0  1:40  -795   15            Group: novice
                                             1.5930 arlo805     2  8:55  -638  172 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4701 narisa      0  1:40  -795   15 

On 1st draw, BORNYL H8 30 --- BORNYL an alcohol used in perfumes [n]
Other tops: BARONY H7 30
Other moves: BARNY H8 28, BARONY H4 28, BARYON H4 28, BORNYL H4 28, NOBLY H8 28
BARONY H7 30 yab, musdrive
BRAY H8 18 SuperH

On 2nd draw, S(U)Q 14H 43 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other tops: Q(I)S 14F 43
Other moves: F(A)VEST 14D 31, F(A)VES 14D 30, F(I)VES 14D 30, FE(S)TS 14F 28, Q(A)T G7 28
Q(I)S 14F 43 SuperH
EF I8 22 musdrive

On 3rd draw, AXE I8 41 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other tops: GA(L)AX I5 41, (N)IXE I7 41, (S)AXE I7 41
Other moves: G(O)X I7 40, G(R)EX I6 40, (F)AIX I6 40, AX(E) I8 39, A(P)EX I6 39
AXE I8 41 SuperH, yab, arlo805
G(O)X I7 40 musdrive, FourShores

On 4th draw, DOVE J8 46 --- DOVE a bird of the pigeon family [n] --- DOVE to stun [v]
Other moves: OVATELY 13C 44, DOVE G7 39, OVA J9 38, TYDE J8 38, YODE J8 38
DOVE G7 39 musdrive, FourShores
YODE J8 38 SuperH, arlo805
TOYED J4 23 yab

On 5th draw, REGILT 12J 25 --- REGILD to gild once more [v]
Other tops: REGULI 12J 25
Other moves: RUNLET 11F 23, RUTILE 12J 23, LITURGY 12B 22, TIGERLY 12B 22, INLET 11G 21
GUILTY 12C 20 musdrive
GUILE K4 19 arlo805
TIGER 15I 19 SuperH
TILER 15I 18 yab
GIRLY 12D 18 FourShores

On 6th draw, REFITT(E)D O8 149 --- REFIT to prepare and equip for additional use [v]
Other tops: R(E)FITTED O8 149
Other moves: REFITT(E)D O7 83, R(E)FITTED O7 83, TRE(N)DIFY 12A 80, DRIFTIE(R) M7 78, D(R)IFTIER M7 78
REFITT(E)D O8 99 yab
R(E)FITTED O8 99 SuperH
FRITTED O9 33 musdrive
FRITTED O8 33 arlo805
F(L)IRTED O8 30 FourShores

On 7th draw, CHUTE N6 29 --- CHUTE to convey by chute (a vertical passage) [v]
Other moves: TEUGHLY 12B 28, CHUTE K4 27, HUGELY 12C 26, TECHY 12D 26, UNLET 11G 25
CHUTE N6 29 FourShores, arlo805
TEUGHLY 12B 28 yab
HET K11 22 SuperH

On 8th draw, APETALY 12B 24 --- APETALY the state of having no petals [n]
Other moves: PALATE K3 23, TALPAE K3 23, TEAPOY 12C 22, OLPAE K4 21, PAT M8 21
APETALY 12B 24 yab
PO N14 17 SuperH
PEON 11E 12 FourShores
PLAN 11E 12 arlo805

On 9th draw, FOAMY B10 42 --- FOAMY covered with foam [adj]
Other moves: MYOPIC C9 36, YOM 13B 33, FEY 11D 32, FYCE K5 31, MYOPE C9 30
LIFE N12 27 FourShores
MICE 15I 23 yab
MOY 11B 21 SuperH

On 10th draw, PEACOD A6 41 --- PEACOD a pea pod [n]
Other moves: CAPED A7 38, COPED A7 38, PACED A7 38, COOPED 11A 37, CAGED A7 35
CAPED A7 38 SuperH
PACED A7 38 FourShores
COPED A7 38 yab

On 11th draw, MERIT 13B 28 --- MERIT to earn [v]
Other tops: MERIL 13B 28, MILER 13B 28, MITER 13B 28
Other moves: PIER C12 25, PIET C12 25, MERI 13B 24, MILE 13B 24, MIRE 13B 24
PIER C12 25 SuperH
LITRE K4 17 yab

On 12th draw, KRONEN B2 32 --- KRONE a former monetary unit of Austria [n]
Other moves: KOINE M10 28, KRONE B2 28, KO A14 27, KEIR M10 26, KRONE K4 25
KRONEN B2 32 yab
KEN B5 17 FourShores
KEN 11F 16 SuperH

On 13th draw, LINEATION E7 68 --- LINEATION [n]
Other moves: ELAN M7 25, EOAN M7 25, EOAN C3 21, LIEN C1 20, INLAND 15J 19
NAE C1 16 yab
INN 15J 15 SuperH
NIL 15I 15 FourShores
LINE N12 15 narisa

On 14th draw, AVISO 6E 26 --- AVISO advice [n]
Other tops: AVISE 6E 26, OAVES 6D 26, VAES C1 26, VIES C1 26, VOES C1 26
Other moves: AVES 6E 25, AVOS 6E 25, SAVE 6D 25, AVE 6E 24, AVO 6E 24
VAES C1 26 SuperH
VOES C1 26 yab
SI 15I 14 FourShores

On 15th draw, BAWD C4 32 --- BAWD a female brothel-keeper [n]
Other moves: ADAW C6 25, ADAW D7 24, BAWD 5I 24, WOAD 4A 24, BAD M8 23
BAWD 5I 24 yab
GAD M8 21 FourShores
WAB 5I 21 SuperH

On 16th draw, ANIMUS H1 33 --- ANIMUS a feeling of hostility [n]
Other tops: ANIMIS H1 33, GAMIN D1 33, MUNGAS H1 33
Other moves: GAMINS H1 30, MAGI D1 30, MAGNUS H1 30, MANI D1 28, MINA D1 28
ANIMIS H1 33 yab
NAM F8 25 bonggalita
MING 15I 23 SuperH, FourShores

On 17th draw, JUGS D1 50 --- JUG to put into a jug (a large, deep container with a narrow mouth and a handle) [v]
Other moves: JESS D1 48, JEHUS J2 44, JOBES 4A 44, JEHU G1 42, JOBE 4A 42
JOBS 4A 42 FourShores
JUN 2F 26 bonggalita
JIG 3G 21 yab
JOB 4A 20 SuperH

On 18th draw, ZENITH 2F 40 --- ZENITH the highest point [n]
Other moves: HAZE K5 39, ZANIER 2F 37, ZANTE 2F 36, RITZ 15I 35, ZAIRE K4 35
ZIN 2F 32 bonggalita, SuperH
HEAT F10 30 FourShores
ZITHER 3G 29 yab

On 19th draw, OSIER L1 31 --- OSIER a European tree [n]
Other moves: OSAR L1 29, SERAI L2 29, SOARE L2 29, SAIR L2 27, SARI L2 27
SORE L2 27 SuperH
SIRE L2 27 FourShores
OSIER 1K 23 yab

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