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Game of June 17, 2011 at 23:43, 4 players
1. 396 pts gmills0
2. 373 pts Faeythe
3. 257 pts msfiles

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einnoru   H2    66    66   reunion
 2. ?gowwxy   1H    60   126   poxy
 3. iknopst   9E    79   205   inkspot
 4. aeefhls   8A    47   252   halfs
 5. aeeirtv   C6    76   328   relative
 6. aclnooy  10B    34   362   atony
 7. aimrsuu   5E    90   452   uraniums
 8. ?abdeem   B1    86   538   endameba
 9. adeghot   A1    54   592   head
10. abgorsu   K7    72   664   outbrags
11. adeirtv   3H    82   746   evirated
12. fgilotw   O1    45   791   godwit
13. egilnpt  12H    82   873   pleating
14. ceinotw  N10    36   909   wince
15. acefltz   N2    55   964   zeal
16. deeloqr  11B    34   998   lieder
17. cefijot   O8    35  1033   joe
18. cfinoqt   L2    26  1059   qats

Remaining tiles: cfino

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.3705 Filegmills0     0 23:13  -663  396     1.5770 Faeythe     0 16:20  -686  373 
  2.5770 FileFaeythe     0 16:20  -686  373            Group: not rated
  3.3947 Filemsfiles     0 14:47  -802  257     1.3705 gmills0     0 23:13  -663  396 
  4.4687 Filenarisa      0  4:07 -1020   39     2.3947 msfiles     0 14:47  -802  257 
                                             3.4687 narisa      0  4:07 -1020   39 

On 1st draw, REUNION H2 66 --- REUNION a reuniting of persons after separation [n]
Other moves: NOUNIER H5 64, REUNION H5 64, NEURON H3 14, NEURON H4 14, NEURON H7 14
INNER H4 12 narisa
INRUN H8 12 msfiles
RUIN H5 8 gmills0

On 2nd draw, (P)OXY 1H 60 --- POXY afflicted with a pox [adj]
Other moves: (P)YX 1H 57, (P)OX 1H 48, OXY I6 45, (O)XY I6 43, (P)OGY 1H 42
WEX 3G 25 gmills0
GROW(N) 2G 16 msfiles
GOO(F)Y 7F 9 narisa

On 3rd draw, INKSPOT 9E 79 --- INKSPOT a small ink stain [n]
Other moves: INKPOTS 9B 73, INKPOTS G8 67, INKSPOT G8 67, SKIP G6 33, KIPS G7 31
INKPOTS 5G 26 gmills0
SKIP 9H 23 msfiles
KNITS 6F 21 Faeythe
KNOTS 5G 18 narisa

On 4th draw, HALFS 8A 47 --- HALF one of two equal parts [n]
Other tops: SHEAF 8K 47, SHELF 8K 47
Other moves: FLASHER 2B 42, FLESHER 2B 42, FLASH 8A 41, FLESH 8A 41, ALEFS 8A 38
FLASHER 2B 42 gmills0
FAHS 10J 33 Faeythe
FEELS L5 23 msfiles

On 5th draw, RELATIVE C6 76 --- RELATIVE one who is connected with another by blood or marriage [n]
Other moves: LEVIRATE C8 74, AVENTRE 5E 40, AVIETTE K5 40, AVERT 8K 38, EVERT 8K 38
AVERT 8K 38 msfiles
RAVEN 5D 16 gmills0
AT 9A 9 Faeythe

On 6th draw, ATONY 10B 34 --- ATONY muscular debility [n]
Other moves: YA 10F 32, YO 10F 32, TONY 10C 31, AY 10I 30, CAVY 12A 30
CAVY 12A 30 Faeythe
COLONY 5D 22 gmills0
CORY 2F 20 msfiles

On 7th draw, URANIUMS 5E 90 --- URANIUM a radioactive element [n]
Other moves: AURUMS L4 36, URANISM 5E 36, URANIUM 5E 36, MAURIS 8J 33, MIURUS 8J 33
SAIM L9 26 msfiles
MARS 10J 24 Faeythe
ROMS J8 12 gmills0

On 8th draw, E(N)DAMEBA B1 86 --- ENDAMEBA a parasitic amoeba [n]
Other tops: BEMEA(N)ED 3G 86
Other moves: BEMEA(N)ED 3B 78, EMBA(L)ED 11F 78, EMBA(S)ED 11F 78, EMBA(Y)ED 11F 78, EMB(R)EAD 11F 78
BEAMED 8J 42 Faeythe
BEARED F2 17 msfiles
MATED K7 16 gmills0

On 9th draw, HEAD A1 54 --- HEAD to be chief of [v]
Other tops: HAED A1 54, HOED A1 54
Other moves: DEATH A1 53, DOETH A1 53, HAET A1 46, HEAT A1 46, HATED 6J 40
HEDGE 1A 36 gmills0
HAVE 12A 28 msfiles
HATED 8J 17 Faeythe

On 10th draw, OUTBRAGS K7 72 --- OUTBRAG to surpass in bragging [v]
Other moves: BIOGS 11B 38, GARBOS 8J 35, BOURGS 10J 31, BIOG 11B 30, BOURG 10J 30
GARBOS 8J 35 Faeythe
SOUR L9 22 msfiles
ROBES 3E 11 gmills0

On 11th draw, EVIRATED 3H 82 --- EVIRATE to castrate [v]
Other moves: DERIVATE 3G 80, VARIATED 12G 76, TAIVERED 3D 67, DERIVATE 13B 64, DEVIATE 3G 34
VARIED 12J 24 gmills0
BRAVE 10K 18 msfiles
DRAVE 12I 18 Faeythe

On 12th draw, GODWIT O1 45 --- GODWIT a wading bird [n]
Other moves: TUFOLI 8J 41, GIF 4L 29, DIGLOT O3 27, FIDO O1 27, WIT L12 27
GOD O1 15 gmills0
SLOW 14K 14 msfiles

On 13th draw, PLEATING 12H 82 --- PLEAT to fold in an even manner [v]
Other moves: PELTING N5 72, PELTINGS 14D 67, LUPINE 8J 35, PULING 8J 34, PUNGLE 8J 34
LUPINE 8J 35 gmills0
PULING 8J 34 Faeythe

On 14th draw, WINCE N10 36 --- WINCE to flinch [v]
Other moves: TWONIE N9 34, OUTWIN 8J 32, TWINE 11A 31, TWINGE O8 30, WIGEON O10 30
OWING O8 27 Faeythe
COGENT O10 27 gmills0

On 15th draw, ZEAL N2 55 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ZEA N2 51, ZEK G7 49, CZAR 2E 35, FEZ B13 35, TZAR 2E 33
DAZE 4A 28 gmills0
ZEE 14M 12 Faeythe

On 16th draw, LIEDER 11B 34 --- LIED a German song [n]
Other moves: DERE 15L 32, DERO 15L 32, DORE 15L 32, REDE C1 32, DELO 11E 30
LORD 15L 29 Faeythe
PLOD H12 21 gmills0

On 17th draw, JOE O8 35 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JOR 2F 26, JUCO 8J 25, JOE 4D 24, JUICE 8J 24, PICE H12 24
JUT 8J 20 Faeythe
JOIST 14H 14 gmills0

On 18th draw, QATS L2 26 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI 13G 25, FOP I7 23, FICO M7 22, QI 11M 22, QI M11 22
QI M11 22 Faeythe
PONT H12 18 gmills0

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