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Game of June 18, 2011 at 08:52, 9 players
1. 451 pts jimbo
2. 414 pts Cruiser
3. 322 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cioprsu   H7    26    26   psoric
 2. ??aeeit  11E    74   100   aegirite
 3. aeglrvy  10B    42   142   vealy
 4. aeinrst   8H    77   219   starnies
 5. ablrsty  12A    36   255   labrys
 6. aghorsu  10J    35   290   haros
 7. ainoovx  13A    39   329   oxo
 8. begiiou  14A    45   374   bego
 9. adeelno   K1    68   442   oleander
10. ademntu  15D    86   528   untamed
11. aegiprw   L1    41   569   parge
12. deijluv  12J    40   609   devil
13. aginqtu   N2    72   681   antique
14. ffnoruz   C7    30   711   fuze
15. ehinouw   1H    39   750   whoop
16. ceinntw   D3    25   775   twice
17. efgimor   8A    36   811   four
18. dgimntu  15A    39   850   id
19. egimntu  14I    31   881   meting

Remaining tiles: ijknu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4403 Filejimbo       3 21:19  -430  451     1.5392 Bez         0 10:37  -638  243 
  2.4401 FileCruiser     0 13:53  -467  414     2.5703 Faeythe     0  3:50  -749  132 
  3.4109 Filefatcat      2 21:50  -559  322            Group: not rated
  4.4577 Filemarigold    0 18:11  -619  262     1.4403 jimbo       3 21:19  -430  451 
  5.5392 FileBez         0 10:37  -638  243     2.4401 Cruiser     0 13:53  -467  414 
  6.4572 FileLucylulu    1  6:39  -710  171     3.4109 fatcat      2 21:50  -559  322 
  7.5703 FileFaeythe     0  3:50  -749  132     4.4577 marigold    0 18:11  -619  262 
  8.4908 Filewllchp      0  5:44  -802   79     5.4572 Lucylulu    1  6:39  -710  171 
  9.3181 FileZEHAVARON   0  3:48  -856   25     6.4908 wllchp      0  5:44  -802   79 
                                             7.3181 ZEHAVARON   0  3:48  -856   25 

On 1st draw, PSORIC H7 26 --- PSORIC pertaining to psora [adj]
Other tops: CORPUS H4 26, CROUPS H4 26, CROUPS H8 26, PSORIC H4 26
Other moves: CORPS H4 24, COUPS H4 24, CRISP H4 24, CRISP H8 24, CROPS H4 24
CROUPS H4 26 jimbo
CORPUS H7 22 marigold
PIOUS H4 20 Cruiser
SPUR H8 12 fatcat

On 2nd draw, AE(G)I(R)ITE 11E 74 --- AEGIRITE a green mineral [n]
Other tops: A(S)EITIE(S) 11E 74, (M)ETAI(R)IE 11D 74
Other moves: AI(L)ET(T)ES 8A 71, AI(L)E(T)TES 8A 71, AT(H)EI(S)ES 8A 71, AT(H)EI(Z)ES 8A 71, A(R)IET(T)ES 8A 71
C(R)EATE(S) 12H 14 jimbo
(S)PE(C)IATE 7G 10 marigold
(S)PITE 7G 7 fatcat
T(R)AP(S) 7E 6 Cruiser

On 3rd draw, VEALY 10B 42 --- VEALY immature [adj]
Other moves: GARVEY 10A 38, VEALY 12A 35, AGLEY 10B 34, EARLY 10B 33, GRAVY 12A 33
GRAVELY L7 30 jimbo
VERY L10 20 Cruiser
YEAR F10 15 fatcat
GROVEL 9F 15 marigold

On 4th draw, STARNIES 8H 77 --- STARNIE a star [n]
Other moves: ANESTRI M8 73, ANTSIER M8 73, NASTIER M9 73, RESIANT M9 73, RETSINA M8 73
TRAINEES L5 68 jimbo
AVERTS B9 18 Cruiser
INVEST B8 9 fatcat
STRAINS 8B 8 marigold

On 5th draw, LABRYS 12A 36 --- LABRYS a double-headed axe [n]
Other moves: BAYTS 10J 35, RYBATS 12A 33, BAYS 10J 32, BAYT 10J 32, BLAYS 12B 32
YEAST C9 24 marigold
BAY 10L 20 Bez
BLEARY N6 19 Cruiser
BARLEY N4 13 fatcat
BLASTER N3 11 jimbo

On 6th draw, HAROS 10J 35 --- HARO a cry claiming legal redress [interj]
Other moves: GURSH 10J 32, HARO 10J 32, HERBOUS C9 32, HAO 10J 31, RAHS 10H 31
LASH A12 21 Cruiser, Bez, Faeythe, marigold
ASHORE N3 11 jimbo
HORSE C6 10 fatcat

On 7th draw, OXO 13A 39 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other tops: OXO 7L 39
Other moves: VOX 12L 38, XI 12L 38, AX 7L 36, OX 7L 36, XI 13B 35
XI 12L 38 Faeythe
XI 13B 35 Bez
BOX C12 24 fatcat
AXIONS O3 21 jimbo
REX L10 20 Cruiser, marigold

On 8th draw, BEGO 14A 45 --- BEGO to beset [v]
Other moves: BEG 14A 43, GEO 14A 37, EGO 14B 34, BE 14A 33, BIOG 12L 28
BEG 14A 43 Faeythe
GLOBE A11 24 marigold, Bez, Cruiser, jimbo
AXE B12 20 Lucylulu
BEGIN L4 16 fatcat

On 9th draw, OLEANDER K1 68 --- OLEANDER a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: ED 15A 39, OD 15A 39, EL 15A 35, DONEE 15D 29, DEAL 9C 28
ED 15A 39 Cruiser, marigold, Bez
ED 12K 17 jimbo
DELAY E8 9 fatcat

On 10th draw, UNTAMED 15D 86 --- TAME to make tame [adj] --- UNTAME to make untame [v]
Other tops: UNMATED 15D 86
Other moves: UNTEAMED 3H 74, UNTEAMED 3E 63, MANED 15D 40, MATED 15D 40, MAUND 15D 40
ED 15A 39 Cruiser
DEMOUNT 1H 33 jimbo
MATE L1 33 Bez
MOANED 1J 30 Faeythe
REMADE L10 20 fatcat
DEMENT 3J 18 marigold

On 11th draw, PARGE L1 41 --- PARGE to cover with plaster [v]
Other moves: PEW 12J 39, WARE L1 39, WIRE L1 39, OWRIE 1K 36, WARP 12L 36
REWRAP L10 28 Lucylulu
GLOBE A11 24 Cruiser
PROW 1I 13 Bez
GROW 1I 12 jimbo
GRAPE C6 12 fatcat
GRAPES O3 10 marigold

On 12th draw, DEVIL 12J 40 --- DEVIL to prepare food with pungent seasoning [v]
Other moves: ED 15A 39, ID 15A 39, DEV 12J 36, EL 15A 35, JEDI 14G 35
ED 15A 39 Cruiser
JIVE C7 26 Lucylulu, fatcat
LOBE A12 18 jimbo

On 13th draw, ANTIQUE N2 72 --- ANTIQUE to give the appearance of age to [v]
Other moves: QUERN 3I 48, QUINATE N2 36, ANTIQUER 3E 28, GNAT M2 27, TOPING 1J 27
TOPING 1J 27 Cruiser
QUITS O4 24 Lucylulu
QUINS O4 24 jimbo
AQUA D7 23 fatcat
QUINTS O3 16 marigold

On 14th draw, FUZE C7 30 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other tops: UNFROZE C4 30
Other moves: FORZE C6 28, FROZE C6 28, FURZE C6 28, OFF 9C 28, ZO J4 27
FROZE C6 28 Cruiser
ZONE C7 24 fatcat
ZONER 3H 15 jimbo
ZAG 4J 13 marigold

On 15th draw, WHOOP 1H 39 --- WHOOP to utter loud cries [v]
Other moves: WHO O1 34, INHOOP 1G 33, UNHOOP 1G 33, HOWE 14G 31, HOA D8 30
WHOOP 1H 39 fatcat, Lucylulu, jimbo
WHO B5 22 marigold
LOBE A12 18 Cruiser
WHIP 7E 13 wllchp

On 16th draw, TWICE D3 25 --- TWICE two times [adv]
Other tops: INCENT 14J 25, WINCE D3 25
Other moves: WICE D4 23, TWIN B5 22, WINCE 14I 22, TWICE B3 21, TWINE D3 21
TWICE D3 25 fatcat
WINCE B3 21 Bez
LOBE A12 18 Cruiser
WINTER 3G 14 jimbo
LICE N12 12 wllchp

On 17th draw, FOUR 8A 36 --- FOUR a number [n]
Other moves: GRIEF E1 35, FROE O1 31, FEERING 3I 30, FROM 2F 29, FIGS O5 27
FOUR 8A 36 jimbo
FOE 2F 19 Bez
FORT 3A 14 wllchp
LIFE N12 14 fatcat
FIFE 7A 10 Cruiser

On 18th draw, ID 15A 39 --- ID a part of the psyche [n]
Other moves: MIDGUT 14I 33, MUTING 14G 26, DIMS O5 25, TUMID 14G 25, GLOBI A11 24
MUTING 3B 22 jimbo, Lucylulu
TIMING 5C 18 wllchp
TIMING 5A 18 Bez
MIG 5C 12 Cruiser
MINT 5C 12 fatcat

On 19th draw, METING 14I 31 --- METE to distribute by measure [v]
Other moves: MINUET 14I 29, MINUTE 14I 29, MEERING 3I 26, METING 14G 26, MUTING 14G 26
MUTING 3B 22 wllchp
GNU O1 16 jimbo
MINT 3A 12 Cruiser, Lucylulu
MENU G4 12 fatcat

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