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Game of June 18, 2011 at 14:21, 9 players
1. 511 pts narisa
2. 443 pts SuperH
3. 408 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdeopqu   H5    30    30   quop
 2. beegstu   5F    36    66   bequest
 3. ?aeefrt   8H    98   164   praefect
 4. ?cefkyz   6B    50   214   fezzy
 5. aillnos   N7    68   282   scallion
 6. adinnsu  15H    85   367   indunas
 7. ademnor   C6    80   447   enamored
 8. acertvw  B10    52   499   water
 9. bdhioty  15A    51   550   hyoid
10. eiortvw   8A    48   598   reavow
11. adgjlor  14D    34   632   gajo
12. ceimnrt  13H    76   708   intercom
13. aghilpr   D3    36   744   phiz
14. aciilos   M1    33   777   laics
15. biiortu   1L    27   804   blot
16. eeiknov  12H    49   853   koine
17. adeglrx  D11    41   894   ex
18. adegilt  E10    27   921   gat
19. agilruv   C1    20   941   vau
20. degiilr   1A    36   977   livider

Remaining tile: g

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4698 Filenarisa      2 22:10  -466  511     1.6435 SuperH      3 12:02  -534  443 
  2.6435 FileSuperH      3 12:02  -534  443     2.6071 reyna       0 30:58  -642  335 
  3.4070 Filetonikay     1 23:29  -569  408     3.6070 dannyboy    0  1:49  -937   40 
  4.4974 Fileannelhynz   1 18:20  -583  394            Group: novice
  5.6071 Filereyna       0 30:58  -642  335     1.5244 Oasthouse1  0  1:34  -953   24 
  6.  -  FileLydia5      0  8:49  -883   94            Group: not rated
  7.6070 Filedannyboy    0  1:49  -937   40     1.4698 narisa      2 22:10  -466  511 
  8.5244 FileOasthouse1  0  1:34  -953   24     2.4070 tonikay     1 23:29  -569  408 
  9.  -  Filewordchaser  0  4:00  -958   19     3.4974 annelhynz   1 18:20  -583  394 
                                             4.  -  Lydia5      0  8:49  -883   94 
                                             5.  -  wordchaser  0  4:00  -958   19 

On 1st draw, QUOP H5 30 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other tops: QUEP H5 30, QUEP H6 30, QUEP H7 30, QUEP H8 30, QUOP H6 30, QUOP H7 30, QUOP H8 30
Other moves: QUOD H5 28, QUOD H6 28, QUOD H7 28, QUOD H8 28, OUPED H8 20
BODE H8 14 narisa
PED H6 12 tonikay
POD H8 12 reyna

On 2nd draw, BEQUEST 5F 36 --- BEQUEST a legacy [n]
Other moves: QUEEST 5H 30, SQUEG 5G 30, BEGETS 9C 29, QUEST 5H 28, BUSTEE 9F 26
QUEEST 5H 30 annelhynz
BEGS 9E 25 narisa
SET 9H 20 tonikay
GOBS 7G 12 reyna

On 3rd draw, PRAEFE(C)T 8H 98 --- PRAEFECT an ancient Roman official [n]
Other moves: PERFE(C)TA 8H 89, FEA(S)TER M2 88, AFREET(S) 9B 79, FEAT(H)ER I7 78, FEAT(U)RE I7 78
FEAR(S) M1 32 narisa
FEAR I7 25 annelhynz
F(L)EET L1 22 reyna
FA 4J 12 tonikay

On 4th draw, FEZ(Z)Y 6B 50 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [adj] --- FEZZY like a FEZ, a red brimless cap [adj]
Other tops: FE(Z)ZY 6B 50, ZEK(S) M2 50
Other moves: C(O)ZEY 6B 47, FYKE(S) M1 46, F(A)KEY 6B 45, FECK(S) M1 44, C(A)KEY 6B 42
ZE(S)TY L2 32 narisa
KEY(S) M7 19 reyna
R(A)ZE I8 12 tonikay

On 5th draw, S(C)ALLION N7 68 --- SCALLION an onion-like plant [n]
Other moves: STALLION O7 59, ANISOLE M2 35, INSOLE M3 33, LAZOS D4 30, NAZIS D4 30
NAILS M1 29 narisa, tonikay, SuperH
NO 7C 17 annelhynz
LANES C3 12 reyna

On 6th draw, INDUNAS 15H 85 --- INDUNA a South African tribal councillor [n]
Other moves: INDUNAS 9B 76, DISANNUL 11G 68, DISANNUL 10G 61, DUANS M1 31, NIDUS M1 31
DISA 15L 29 SuperH
DINS M2 29 narisa
DUNS M2 29 tonikay
INNS 15K 13 reyna

On 7th draw, ENAMORED C6 80 --- ENAMOR to inspire with love [v]
Other moves: DEMEANOR C3 76, DEMEANOR C5 65, MAZED D4 38, MOZED D4 38, MAZER D4 34
MAZED D4 38 narisa
DOZEN D4 32 SuperH
MAE 4J 20 tonikay
DEER K7 5 reyna

On 8th draw, WATER B10 52 --- WATER to sprinkle with water (a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid) [v]
Other moves: AWAVE 8A 45, CRAVAT 8A 45, CRAVE 8A 42, CRAW 8A 39, TAWER B8 39
CRAVE 8A 42 annelhynz, tonikay
CRAZE D3 34 narisa
WAE B10 31 SuperH
WEAVER 12B 24 reyna

On 9th draw, HYOID 15A 51 --- HYOID a bone of the tongue [n]
Other moves: DITZY D3 41, DOZY D4 39, DOTY A8 36, ODAH 8A 36, BY 15A 33
BY 15A 33 SuperH, reyna
BOY A13 32 annelhynz
HOTTY L2 22 narisa
ZO D6 13 tonikay

On 10th draw, REAVOW 8A 48 --- AVOW to declare openly [v] --- REAVOW to vow again [v]
Other moves: ZOWIE D6 42, VIZOR D4 41, OVERENAMORED C2 36, TOWZE D3 36, TRAVE 8A 36
TRAVE 8A 36 annelhynz
WET D8 29 SuperH
WEAR 8A 24 tonikay
WOE 13M 12 narisa
TWIN I12 11 reyna

On 11th draw, GAJO 14D 34 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other moves: JOLED J2 33, FJORD L8 32, JAG A11 31, JAGER J2 31, JODEL J2 31
JOG 14F 30 annelhynz
JADE J2 28 narisa
JAIL 12L 24 reyna, Oasthouse1
JO 13M 18 SuperH
JAG J7 11 tonikay

On 12th draw, INTERCOM 13H 76 --- INTERCOM a type of communication system [n]
Other moves: TEC D10 29, CREMINI 12H 28, MIZ D4 28, NERTZ D2 28, EMIC 4L 26
MIZ D4 28 SuperH
MICE 13G 21 annelhynz
MINCED J10 19 narisa
MINER J2 15 reyna
CENT L2 12 tonikay

On 13th draw, PHIZ D3 36 --- PHIZ a face or facial expression [n]
Other moves: UGH 6H 31, HIPS 7K 29, HI 6J 28, PIGHT L1 28, GRAIP 4I 27
HAIL 4J 25 SuperH
HA 12H 20 tonikay
HILL 11K 14 reyna
EH J5 13 annelhynz
PART L2 12 narisa
PLAT L2 12 Lydia5

On 14th draw, LAICS M1 33 --- LAIC a layman [n]
Other tops: ALCOS M1 33, CALOS M1 33, CIAOS M1 33, COALS M1 33, COILS M1 33, COLAS M1 33
Other moves: COLS M2 31, LACS M2 31, OCAS M2 31, CIS M3 29, COS M3 29
LACS M2 31 narisa, tonikay
COPALS 3B 22 SuperH
SPOIL 3C 16 annelhynz, Lydia5
COLES J2 15 reyna
LOST L2 8 wordchaser

On 15th draw, BLOT 1L 27 --- BLOT to spot or stain [v]
Other tops: BLUR 1L 27, BRULOT 1J 27
Other moves: OBIIT 12G 23, RIBS 7K 23, ROBS 7K 23, BOUT 12H 22, BRIOS 7J 22
BLOT 1L 27 SuperH, tonikay, narisa
BLUR 1L 27 annelhynz
COB 4M 10 reyna
ART 2M 6 wordchaser

On 16th draw, KOINE 12H 49 --- KOINE a type of dialect [n]
Other tops: KEENO 12H 49
Other moves: EKE D10 33, KEN D10 33, OKE D10 33, EVOKE 12E 30, KEEN 12H 30
KI 12H 24 SuperH
KEEP 3A 20 narisa
WIVE F8 18 annelhynz
KNOT J10 18 Lydia5
KNIVE 3K 12 reyna
KEEN I10 8 tonikay
TONE O1 5 wordchaser

On 17th draw, EX D11 41 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: AXE 2M 40, AX 2M 36, OX N1 36, WAXED F8 32, WAXER F8 31
EX D11 41 SuperH
AXE 2M 40 dannyboy, reyna
WAXED F8 32 annelhynz, narisa
DEX J4 27 tonikay
APEX 3C 26 Lydia5

On 18th draw, GAT E10 27 --- GAT a pistol [n]
Other moves: ELIAD 2J 26, DIACT 4J 25, EAT E10 25, LAT E10 25, VITEX D8 25
GAT E10 27 SuperH, narisa
ACED 4L 22 Lydia5
TEX D10 16 tonikay
DEI E2 13 annelhynz
TARED 11A 12 reyna

On 19th draw, VAU C1 20 --- VAU the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other tops: LAARI 2K 20
Other moves: WAIL F8 19, WAIR F8 19, WAUL F8 19, WAUR F8 19, LAIRS 7J 18
VILER J2 18 narisa
VIA E2 15 SuperH
WAI F8 13 tonikay
GAVE J2 12 annelhynz

On 20th draw, LIVIDER 1A 36 --- LIVID having the skin abnormally discolored [adj]
Other moves: GIVED 1A 33, VERLIG 1C 33, DEVIL 1A 30, DIVER 1A 30, GIVER 1A 30
GIVED 1A 33 SuperH
GIVER 1A 30 narisa, tonikay
DIVER 1A 30 annelhynz, reyna

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