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Game of June 19, 2011 at 00:16, 6 players
1. 593 pts FourShores
2. 256 pts dannyboy
3. 244 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeeirr   H3    64    64   rearise
 2. ainopsu   3G    26    90   pruinas
 3. eeilrty   K2    72   162   entirely
 4. aooopst   2J    28   190   tepas
 5. efknotu   G7    40   230   kef
 6. ?bgilrv   8A    42   272   verbiles
 7. cegghos   4J    41   313   etch
 8. deghnou   1M    33   346   hod
 9. beilnuv   8K    27   373   liven
10. aenortw   O6    62   435   wantoner
11. bcemstu   E5    44   479   subitem
12. aainsty   C2    82   561   sanitary
13. degilou   J9    68   629   ouglied
14. aefgnrz   N7    77   706   feaze
15. elnortw  13E    66   772   townlier
16. adijnou   D1    46   818   jiao
17. adgimno   1D    45   863   jading
18. cdmoqux  14D    55   918   cox
19. dgmooqu  15G    42   960   quod

Remaining tiles: dgmo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6197 FileFourShores  4 15:42  -367  593     1.6197 FourShores  4 15:42  -367  593 
  2.6070 Filedannyboy    2  7:12  -704  256     2.6070 dannyboy    2  7:12  -704  256 
  3.3798 Filegmills0     0 15:21  -716  244            Group: not rated
  4.  -  Filealipali     0  4:38  -923   37     1.3798 gmills0     0 15:21  -716  244 
  5.4738 Filenarisa      0  1:19  -934   26     2.  -  alipali     0  4:38  -923   37 
  6.  -  FileSgragirena  0  6:20  -937   23     3.4738 narisa      0  1:19  -934   26 
                                             4.  -  Sgragirena  0  6:20  -937   23 

On 1st draw, REARI(S)E H3 64 --- REARISE to arise again [v]
Other tops: ARRIE(R)E H2 64, ARRIE(R)E H3 64, ARRIE(R)E H4 64, ARRIE(R)E H6 64, ARRIE(R)E H8 64, AR(R)IERE H3 64, AR(R)IERE H4 64, AR(R)IERE H6 64, AR(R)IERE H7 64, AR(R)IERE H8 64, A(R)RIERE H2 64, A(R)RIERE H4 64, A(R)RIERE H6 64, A(R)RIERE H7 64, A(R)RIERE H8 64, EAR(L)IER H2 64, EAR(L)IER H3 64, EAR(L)IER H4 64, EAR(L)IER H6 64, EAR(L)IER H7 64, EAR(L)IER H8 64, REARI(S)E H2 64, REARI(S)E H4 64, REARI(S)E H6 64, REARI(S)E H8 64, REA(D)IER H2 64, REA(D)IER H3 64, REA(D)IER H4 64, REA(D)IER H6 64, REA(D)IER H7 64, REA(D)IER H8 64, REA(M)IER H2 64, REA(M)IER H3 64, REA(M)IER H4 64, REA(M)IER H6 64, REA(M)IER H7 64, REA(M)IER H8 64, RERAI(S)E H2 64, RERAI(S)E H3 64, RERAI(S)E H4 64, RERAI(S)E H6 64, RERAI(S)E H8 64, RERE(M)AI H2 64, RERE(M)AI H3 64, RERE(M)AI H4 64, RERE(M)AI H6 64, RERE(M)AI H7 64, (C)ARIERE H2 64, (C)ARIERE H3 64, (C)ARIERE H6 64, (C)ARIERE H7 64, (C)ARIERE H8 64, (L)EARIER H2 64, (L)EARIER H3 64, (L)EARIER H6 64, (L)EARIER H7 64, (L)EARIER H8 64, (P)EREIRA H2 64, (P)EREIRA H3 64, (P)EREIRA H6 64, (P)EREIRA H7 64, (P)EREIRA H8 64, (T)EARIER H2 64, (T)EARIER H3 64, (T)EARIER H6 64, (T)EARIER H7 64, (T)EARIER H8 64, (W)EARIER H2 64, (W)EARIER H3 64, (W)EARIER H6 64, (W)EARIER H7 64, (W)EARIER H8 64
Other moves: ARRIE(R)E H5 62, ARRIE(R)E H7 62, AR(R)IERE H2 62, AR(R)IERE H5 62, A(R)RIERE H3 62
REARE(R) H8 12 narisa
RE(W)IRE H4 12 FourShores
ARRI(V)E H3 12 gmills0
RA(K)E H7 6 alipali

On 2nd draw, PRUINAS 3G 26 --- PRUINA a powdery bloom upon the surface of plants [n]
Other moves: PIANOS G7 23, UPON G6 23, INPOURS 3C 22, OUPAS G7 22, PIANO G7 22
SAP 10H 18 FourShores
PAINS 5G 14 narisa
APRON 6F 11 alipali
(S)PUN 8H 5 Sgragirena

On 3rd draw, ENTIRELY K2 72 --- ENTIRELY completely [adv]
Other moves: TILERY 2J 32, YITE 4L 28, AERILY L3 26, ARTILY L3 26, YETI 4K 25
REALTY L1 20 gmills0
REALITY 5F 20 alipali
YE 4K 19 FourShores
STEEL M3 6 Sgragirena

On 4th draw, TEPAS 2J 28 --- TEPA a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: PLOATS 8J 27, PIAS J2 26, PISO J2 26, LOOPS 8K 24, ATOP G6 23
LOOPS 8K 24 FourShores, gmills0
LOOT 8K 5 Sgragirena

On 5th draw, KEF G7 40 --- KEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: KEF 1M 39, TOKEN G5 34, FLUENT 8J 30, KEN 1M 30, KET 1M 30
KEF G7 40 FourShores
KNOT(S) 8D 13 gmills0
KAS M1 7 Sgragirena

On 6th draw, V(E)RBILE(S) 8A 42 --- VERBILE one whose mental imagery consists of words [n]
Other moves: GRIB(B)LE(S) 8A 36, VIRG(U)LE(S) 8A 36, VIG 1M 29, GLIBL(Y) 8J 27, GRI(B)BLE(S) 8A 27
V(E)G 1M 25 FourShores
BRI(N)G 6J 17 gmills0

On 7th draw, ETCH 4J 41 --- ETCH to engrave with acid [v]
Other tops: SHOG 1L 41
Other moves: SHOE 1L 38, ETHS 4J 36, LOCHS 8K 33, CHEGOES 4C 32, HOC 1M 32
HOG 1M 29 FourShores
COVES A6 10 gmills0

On 8th draw, HOD 1M 33 --- HOD a portable trough [n] --- HOD to bob [v]
Other tops: HOG 1M 33, HUG 1M 33
Other moves: DOH 1M 31, DUH 1M 31, HEN 1M 30, HOE 1M 30, HON 1M 30
HOG 1M 33 FourShores
LOUGH 8K 30 gmills0

On 9th draw, LIVEN 8K 27 --- LIVEN to make lively [v]
Other tops: LEVIN 8K 27
Other moves: LIBEL 8K 24, UNLIVE L9 23, UNVEIL L9 23, VEINUL(E) B2 22, UNLIVE I9 21
LIVEN 8K 27 FourShores
NUBILE D6 8 gmills0

On 10th draw, WANTONER O6 62 --- WANTONER one that wantons [n]
Other tops: WANTONER O3 62
Other moves: WANTER I9 27, WATER I9 26, WRATE I9 26, WROTE I9 26, WANE I9 24
WROTE I9 26 FourShores
WINTER E7 18 gmills0

On 11th draw, SUBITEM E5 44 --- SUBITEM an item that forms a subdivision of a larger topic [n]
Other moves: BUTES N10 42, MUTES N10 42, BESMUT N7 36, SEBUM N10 34, CUBES 1F 31
MUTES 14K 26 FourShores
CRUMBS C7 16 gmills0

On 12th draw, SANITARY C2 82 --- SANITARY a public urinal [n]
Other moves: MAINSTAY 11E 76, YIN N10 31, ABSTAIN D7 30, AYINS 12A 30, SATAY N10 30
YIN N10 31 FourShores
MAINSTAY 11E 26 gmills0

On 13th draw, OUGLIED J9 68 --- OUGLIE to make ugly (pr p OUGLIEING) [v]
Other moves: OILED D1 26, DOGE D1 25, GELID B1 25, DOGIE F10 24, GUDE N10 24
DOGIE D10 21 FourShores
GLIDER 13J 16 gmills0

On 14th draw, FEAZE N7 77 --- FEAZE to unsettle [v]
Other moves: ZEA N10 67, ZA N10 64, FAZED 15F 54, GRAZED 15E 51, ZANDER 15G 51
ZA N10 64 FourShores
GAZE B1 45 dannyboy
GAZE N5 34 gmills0

On 15th draw, TOWNLIER 13E 66 --- TOWNLY townish [adj]
Other moves: LETDOWN 15G 45, DOWLNE 15J 42, DOWNER 15J 42, ENDOW 15H 39, WELDOR 15G 33
DOWNER 15J 42 FourShores, dannyboy

On 16th draw, JIAO D1 46 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: NINJA H11 39, ADJOIN 14A 38, JANN 4A 38, JINN 4A 38, JUDO 15H 36
JUD 15H 33 dannyboy
JIN B1 26 FourShores

On 17th draw, JADING 1D 45 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other tops: GODDAMN 15G 45
Other moves: GODDAM 15G 42, DIAMOND 15D 39, DOMING 15J 39, GODDAMN 15H 39, JINGO 1D 39
JINGO 1D 39 FourShores
DOMING 15J 39 dannyboy

On 18th draw, COX 14D 55 --- COX to steer a racing rowboat [v]
Other moves: XU F10 54, OX 14E 52, CRUX L12 42, QUOD 15G 42, MUX D10 32
COX 14D 55 FourShores, dannyboy

On 19th draw, QUOD 15G 42 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other tops: DOGDOM 15G 42
Other moves: DOGDOM 15J 39, MOOD 15E 36, DOOM 15E 35, DOUM 15E 35, GOOD 15E 32
QUOD 15G 42 dannyboy
MOOD 15E 36 FourShores

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