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Game of June 19, 2011 at 01:46, 4 players
1. 337 pts hulusian
2. 324 pts Faeythe
3. 52 pts Klonimous

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efhinos   H4    32    32   foehns
 2. ?aailuv   8H    80   112   navicula
 3. ?deissw   K7    72   184   sidewise
 4. aaeelnt  13H    68   252   elastane
 5. aefiruz  O10    57   309   frieze
 6. deostty   N2    78   387   sottedly
 7. deinoor   O1    31   418   rodeo
 8. acejnot  14B    88   506   jaconet
 9. aegkort  12D    40   546   tarok
10. aghiruw  15G    56   602   haw
11. aeelpqu  11B    40   642   quep
12. agiilnv  15A    33   675   vag
13. gimnopr   5D   102   777   promoing
14. bdeiruy   6F    43   820   reedy
15. bbgilmu  14M    30   850   luz
16. egimnox  J10    42   892   moxa
17. abegint   9A    64   956   beatings
18. bcilnru   B2    78  1034   runcible

Remaining tiles: eiii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4400 Filehulusian    0 20:20  -697  337     1.6099 dannyboy    1  1:19 -1001   33 
  2.5706 FileFaeythe     0 12:41  -710  324            Group: novice
  3.5901 FileKlonimous   0  3:35  -982   52     1.5706 Faeythe     0 12:41  -710  324 
  4.6099 Filedannyboy    1  1:19 -1001   33     2.5901 Klonimous   0  3:35  -982   52 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4400 hulusian    0 20:20  -697  337 

On 1st draw, FOEHNS H4 32 --- FOEHN a warm, dry wind [n]
Other moves: FOEHN H4 30, FOHNS H4 30, FOEHNS H3 26, FOEHNS H7 26, FOEHNS H8 26
FINES H4 24 Klonimous

On 2nd draw, NAVI(C)ULA 8H 80 --- NAVICULA an incense-boat [n]
Other moves: AVAILFU(L) 4C 76, AVAI(L)FUL 4C 76, AL(L)UVIA G9 67, A(L)LUVIA G9 67, VA(G)INULA 8D 64
VIE(W) 6F 14 hulusian
OVAL 5H 14 Klonimous

On 3rd draw, SID(E)WISE K7 72 --- SIDEWISE towards or from one side [adv]
Other tops: SIDES(H)OW 5B 72, SIDEWIS(E) K3 72, SIDEWIS(E) K7 72, SID(E)WISE K3 72
Other moves: WILD(N)ESS N6 69, DEWI(N)ESS 6C 65, DEWI(N)ESS 6G 65, WIDE(N)ESS 6C 65, WIDE(N)ESS 6E 65
F(U)SSED 4H 18 hulusian
OWES 5H 14 Klonimous

On 4th draw, ELASTANE 13H 68 --- ELASTANE a synthetic fibre that retains its shape after being stretched [n]
Other moves: TALEAE J10 26, EATEN J10 25, TALEA J10 25, VENAL J8 23, TELAE G3 22
FLEET 4H 16 hulusian

On 5th draw, FRIEZE O10 57 --- FRIEZE a coarse woolen fabric [n] --- FRIEZE to put a decorative band on the top edge of a wall [v]
Other moves: FRIZE 12D 39, FURZE 12D 39, FRAZIL N3 38, ZARF I3 38, FUZEE 6D 37
F(E)Z 10J 22 hulusian

On 6th draw, SOTTEDLY N2 78 --- SOTTED besotted [adv] --- SOTTEDLY in a drunken manner [adv]
Other moves: TODAYS J10 44, TODAY J10 43, YETIS 12H 41, TYEES H11 36, YEDE H12 36

On 7th draw, RODEO O1 31 --- RODEO to participate in a rodeo (an exhibition of cowboy skills) [v]
Other moves: REZ 14M 30, ROOTED L10 30, OORIE O1 27, RONEO O1 27, NIDE O1 26
RIDE O1 26 Faeythe
FINED 4H 18 hulusian

On 8th draw, JACONET 14B 88 --- JACONET a cotton cloth [n]
Other moves: JACONET 12B 87, JACONETS 9A 71, EJECT H11 66, JACONET 5E 64, JEAN H12 57
JETE H12 57 Faeythe
JEAN H12 57 hulusian

On 9th draw, TAROK 12D 40 --- TAROK a card game [n]
Other tops: TROAK 12D 40
Other moves: KETA H12 39, KETE H12 39, KETO H12 39, RAKE 15G 35, TAKE 15G 35
KA 15A 27 Faeythe
FAKER 4H 24 hulusian

On 10th draw, HAW 15G 56 --- HAW to turn left [v]
Other moves: HAG 15G 50, HAIR 15G 50, HA 15G 44, RAH 15G 44, RAW 15G 44
HAW 15A 41 Faeythe
HOD 3M 14 hulusian

On 11th draw, QUEP 11B 40 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other moves: PLAQUE 6C 37, QUALE 11B 36, QUEP 6F 35, EQUAL 11A 34, QUELEA G2 32
PLAQUE 6C 37 hulusian
QUOD 3L 28 Faeythe

On 12th draw, VAG 15A 33 --- VAG a vagrant [n] --- VAG to arrest someone for vagrancy, VAGS, VAGGED, VAGGING [v]
Other moves: VIGA M1 32, VAN 15A 29, VINA M1 28, VIG M1 27, GILA M1 24
VAG 15A 33 dannyboy
VAN 15A 29 Faeythe
VIE 6F 14 hulusian

On 13th draw, PROMOING 5D 102 --- PROMO to give a promo [v]
Other moves: MOZ 14M 36, OGAM J11 31, PIUM M6 30, GIP M1 27, MAP J12 27
MOZ 14M 36 Faeythe
MOPING 5G 22 hulusian

On 14th draw, REEDY 6F 43 --- REEDY abounding in reeds [adj]
Other moves: BEZ 14M 36, YEED 6F 36, YEED 14J 34, BAY J12 33, DUPERY D3 32
BIPED D3 20 hulusian
YIP D3 16 Faeythe

On 15th draw, LUZ 14M 30 --- LUZ a bone [n]
Other moves: BIB M1 29, MIB M1 29, BLIMP D1 28, BAM J12 27, GIB M1 27
BLIMP D1 28 Faeythe
GLIB 7C 14 hulusian

On 16th draw, MOXA J10 42 --- MOXA a Chinese plant [n]
Other moves: OGAM J11 31, EXO 4B 28, XI 12A 28, OXIME G2 27, EXPO D3 26
OX E14 9 hulusian

On 17th draw, BEATINGS 9A 64 --- BEATING a defeat [n]
Other moves: BIGA M1 30, BATHE 7E 27, GIB M1 27, TAUBE M6 27, BI 13C 26
BEATINGS 9A 14 hulusian
ATE 15M 9 Faeythe

On 18th draw, RUNCIBLE B2 78 --- RUNCIBLE as in runcible spoon, a spoon with fork tines [adj]
Other moves: BLURB A5 27, BI 13C 26, LIB M1 25, NIB M1 25, RIB M1 25
BLURB A5 27 Faeythe
CRIB A6 24 hulusian

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