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Game of June 19, 2011 at 05:34, 1 player
1. 630 pts Ansuyah

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adelnru   H8    70    70   launder
 2. aeglmnt  10G    69   139   gunmetal
 3. eghnott  11K    29   168   hog
 4. beistuv  15D    69   237   vibes
 5. aghilor  13C    32   269   laigher
 6. ?bciost   O4   101   370   biotics
 7. eeinosx  14H    62   432   rexines
 8. aeentuz   N6    66   498   zea
 9. eejloot  12A    44   542   jeel
10. afinnrt   M3    38   580   infant
11. aeinooy  A12    42   622   joey
12. adoqruv  13K    49   671   quoad
13. ?aadeor   G2    61   732   deodara
14. aimnstw   H1    46   778   wasm
15. dioptuw   F4    31   809   dop
16. einrtvy   8C    66   875   vernality
17. ciiortu   L1    24   899   cito
18. efikprw   1J    45   944   wicker
19. fiopruu   K4    22   966   fop

Remaining tiles: irtuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7289 FileAnsuyah     3 18:42  -336  630     1.7289 Ansuyah     3 18:42  -336  630 

On 1st draw, LAUNDER H8 70 --- LAUNDER to wash clothes [v]
Other moves: LAUNDER H2 68, LAUNDER H3 68, LAUNDER H4 68, LAUNDER H6 68, LAUNDER H7 68
LAUNDER H8 20 Ansuyah

On 2nd draw, GUNMETAL 10G 69 --- GUNMETAL a dark grey colour [n]
Other moves: GATEMEN 13C 28, MELANGE 13G 28, MELTAGE 13G 28, RAGMENT 14H 28, MANGLER 14B 24
MANGLED 12B 22 Ansuyah

On 3rd draw, HOG 11K 29 --- HOG to take more than one's share [v]
Other moves: GHETTO L7 28, HEN 11K 26, HET 11K 26, HOE 11K 26, HON 11K 26
HOG G13 22 Ansuyah

On 4th draw, VIBES 15D 69 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other moves: BITES 15D 57, BUTES 15D 57, STIVE 15H 54, VIBS 15E 54, TUBES 15D 51
VIBES 15D 69 Ansuyah

On 5th draw, LAIGHER 13C 32 --- LAIGH sunken [adj]
Other moves: NOAH I10 25, GAIR 12L 24, GAOL 12L 24, GARI 12L 24, GOAL 12L 24
HAG 9M 24 Ansuyah

On 6th draw, BIOT(I)CS O4 101 --- BIOTICS a life science [n]
Other tops: B(I)OTICS O4 101
Other moves: LOBSTIC(K) 8H 86, BISCOT(T)I E6 72, BISCO(T)TI E6 72, BIS(E)CT O8 48, BO(R)SIC O7 48
BIOT(I)CS O4 51 Ansuyah

On 7th draw, REXINES 14H 62 --- REXINE a strong, coated cloth used as a covering material for books -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: OREXIS 14G 37, EX 12D 31, REXINE 14H 31, NOX 12L 30, OXEN 12A 30
TOXINS L10 28 Ansuyah

On 8th draw, ZEA N6 66 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZA N6 64, ZA 12D 46, NAZE 12L 38, ZETA 12B 34, AZO 6M 32
ZA N6 64 Ansuyah

On 9th draw, JEEL 12A 44 --- JEEL to congeal [v]
Other moves: JO 12D 38, JEEL 12B 30, JETON 11D 27, JEE 12B 26, JET 12B 26
JO 12D 38 Ansuyah

On 10th draw, INFANT M3 38 --- INFANT a child in the earliest stages of life [n]
Other moves: RAFT M5 35, AFT M6 34, IFTAR M3 34, JANN A12 33, JINN A12 33
JINN A12 33 Ansuyah

On 11th draw, JOEY A12 42 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: JANE A12 33, JEAN A12 33, JEON A12 33, JIAO A12 33, JOIN A12 33
JOIN A12 33 Ansuyah

On 12th draw, QUOAD 13K 49 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other moves: QUA 13K 41, ROQUE B8 34, VROU L1 28, DAUR 12L 24, DOUR 12L 24
ROQUE B8 34 Ansuyah

On 13th draw, (D)EODARA G2 61 --- DEODARA an East Indian cedar [n]
Other tops: DEO(D)ARA G2 61, DEO(D)ARA I2 61, (D)EODARA I2 61
Other moves: ADORA(B)LE 8B 59, (P)ROBIOT(I)CS O1 36, R(O)DEO L1 24, (M)ADRONA 11C 24, (M)ADRONE 11C 24
(P)ROBIOT(I)CS O1 36 Ansuyah

On 14th draw, WASM H1 46 --- WASM an outmoded policy [n]
Other moves: STAMINAL 8A 39, TOWNSMAN 4F 34, ASWIM H2 33, SWAM H3 31, SWIM H3 31
SAM F4 26 Ansuyah

On 15th draw, DOP F4 31 --- DOP to dip [v]
Other tops: DIP F4 31
Other moves: TIP F4 29, TOP F4 29, POD F6 28, PUD F6 28, POD F4 27
DOP F4 31 Ansuyah

On 16th draw, VERNALITY 8C 66 --- VERNALITY
Other moves: INTERVAL 8A 36, VEINY 11E 30, VITE L1 28, YETI L1 28, YITE L1 28
PARTY 6F 18 Ansuyah

On 17th draw, CITO L1 24 --- CITO quickly [adv]
Other moves: OUTCRY K3 22, CITO N1 19, CITY K5 18, COIF 5J 18, CORF 5J 18
COIF 5J 18 Ansuyah

On 18th draw, WICKER 1J 45 --- WICKER a slender, pliant twig or branch [n]
Other moves: PICKER 1J 42, KEF 7I 36, KIF 7I 36, WIFEY K4 34, ICKER 1K 33
WICKER 1J 45 Ansuyah

On 19th draw, FOP K4 22 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other moves: FURY K5 20, PROFIT J3 19, ERF 14A 18, FIR K4 18, FOR K4 18
FIR K4 18 Ansuyah

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