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Game of June 20, 2011 at 08:42, 9 players
1. 613 pts kellybelly
2. 474 pts jimbo
3. 384 pts reyna

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. degiloo   H4    20    20   goodie
 2. ?ijlnsu   4A    96   116   justling
 3. aenstvw   A4    36   152   janes
 4. adeorxz  10F    46   198   zerda
 5. eehnort  11A    83   281   thereon
 6. abmopst   K4    92   373   bampots
 7. abilotu   J4    33   406   aboulia
 8. ?adeetw  12G    80   486   sweated
 9. finortu   F1    65   551   fruition
10. deoprsv   8J    39   590   lovers
11. aaciknw  B10    50   640   whack
12. aghiort  15A    54   694   goth
13. acentxy  H12    51   745   waxy
14. deiinrt   O1    80   825   inditers
15. aeilmqr   1F    51   876   faqir
16. aeimnpy   N1    45   921   pieman
17. fgilouy   L1    46   967   fogy
18. ceeiluv   C2    26   993   vesicle

Remaining tiles: lu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7112 Filekellybelly  3 17:52  -380  613     1.7112 kellybelly  3 17:52  -380  613 
  2.4532 Filejimbo       0 22:07  -519  474            Group: intermediate
  3.5909 Filereyna       0 20:52  -609  384     1.6492 woofy1      2 13:43  -620  373 
  4.3782 Filemanfred     0 18:07  -610  383            Group: novice
  5.6492 Filewoofy1      2 13:43  -620  373     1.5909 reyna       0 20:52  -609  384 
  6.4427 FileCruiser     1 11:00  -685  308     2.5693 Faeythe     0  7:35  -813  180 
  7.4204 Fileremij       1  8:47  -698  295            Group: not rated
  8.5693 FileFaeythe     0  7:35  -813  180     1.4532 jimbo       0 22:07  -519  474 
  9.  -  Filefeebz       0  0:58  -982   11     2.3782 manfred     0 18:07  -610  383 
                                             3.4427 Cruiser     1 11:00  -685  308 
                                             4.4204 remij       1  8:47  -698  295 
                                             5.  -  feebz       0  0:58  -982   11 

On 1st draw, GOODIE H4 20 --- GOODIE a desirable thing [n]
Other moves: DOGIE H4 18, DOOLIE H4 18, GELID H4 18, GELID H8 18, GEOID H4 18
GLIDE H4 18 reyna
OGLED H8 18 jimbo
LODGE H4 16 kellybelly
GOODIE H6 16 manfred

On 2nd draw, JUS(T)LING 4A 96 --- JUSTLE to jostle [v]
Other moves: JUN(G)LIS 10B 90, JUNGLIS(T) 4E 80, JON(Q)UILS 5G 78, JON(Q)UILS 6G 66, (P)UNJIS 10C 37
JUS(T) 10F 35 kellybelly, jimbo
JUN I3 23 reyna
SUN 10H 14 manfred
USE 9F 4 feebz

On 3rd draw, JANES A4 36 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other tops: JEANS A4 36, JEATS A4 36
Other moves: WAVES 10D 28, VESTA 10F 27, WASTE 10F 27, WEANS I5 26, NAVES 10D 25
JEANS A4 36 kellybelly
WAVES 10D 28 jimbo
STEW 10H 18 manfred
JAWS A4 14 reyna
VAN G2 7 feebz

On 4th draw, ZERDA 10F 46 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: DAZER 10D 44, DOZER 10D 44, RAZED 10H 44, ZAX G6 44, ZEX G6 44
ZAX G6 44 kellybelly
ZED 9G 25 jimbo

On 5th draw, THEREON 11A 83 --- THEREON on that [adv]
Other moves: THEREON B8 76, THEREON B7 69, HEREINTO 8D 65, DETHRONE 7H 64, ETHERION 8C 62
HERON 11C 29 kellybelly
HOT 11E 25 reyna
ZONER F10 16 jimbo
HOST C2 14 manfred

On 6th draw, BAMPOTS K4 92 --- BAMPOT a fool [n]
Other moves: SPAMBOT 12G 85, SAMBO K10 34, STAMP K10 34, STOMP K10 34, PHOTS B10 32
STAMP K10 34 jimbo
TOMBS A11 30 reyna
BOAST K7 30 kellybelly
OS 12F 17 manfred

On 7th draw, ABOULIA J4 33 --- ABOULIA loss of willpower [n]
Other moves: OBIA L4 32, BLOAT L1 30, OBOLI 8K 30, ABOUT J4 29, BIOTA L2 28
BLOAT L1 30 kellybelly
BLEAT C9 20 reyna
TOTAL A11 18 manfred
BALLOT E2 16 jimbo
ZOO F10 12 Cruiser

On 8th draw, (S)WEATED 12G 80 --- SWEAT to perspire [v]
Other moves: DEWATE(R) 12G 76, WASTE(R)ED C2 76, WATER(B)ED D7 74, WA(I)TERED D6 72, WA(S)TERED D6 72
WH(I)TED B10 40 kellybelly
TWEED A11 39 woofy1, reyna
LOWE(S)T 8J 36 manfred
WATERED D7 24 jimbo
T(R)EAD A11 15 Cruiser
LOW 8J 10 remij
*B(*) 4J 8 Faeythe

On 9th draw, FRUITION F1 65 --- FRUITION the accomplishment of something desired [n]
Other moves: FUTON L1 39, FINO L1 32, FON L3 27, FOR L3 27, FONDU M9 26
OFT 13H 26 woofy1
FOUR 13L 25 kellybelly
FORT 13L 25 Faeythe
WORN H12 21 Cruiser
TOR 13L 14 manfred
FIND M9 12 jimbo
LOFT 8J 11 remij

On 10th draw, LOVERS 8J 39 --- LOVER one that loves another [n]
Other moves: DROPS L2 38, PRODS L2 37, DOPS L3 36, EPHODS B9 36, PODS L3 35
LOVERS 8J 39 woofy1
LOPERS 8J 33 Faeythe
WOVE H12 30 Cruiser, remij
PODS L1 30 kellybelly
FORDS 1F 27 manfred
PROVERS D6 26 jimbo
FORES 1F 24 reyna

On 11th draw, WHACK B10 50 --- WHACK to strike sharply [v]
Other moves: TWANK A11 48, TWINK A11 48, CHAWK B10 46, ACHKAN B9 42, KAWA L1 42
WHACK B10 50 kellybelly
TWINK A11 48 jimbo, reyna
WICK H12 39 Cruiser
WACK H12 39 remij
FINK 1F 33 manfred
WINK H12 33 woofy1

On 12th draw, GOTH 15A 54 --- GOTH someone into gothic music or fashion [n]
Other moves: TORAH 15A 45, HOAR 15A 42, HORA 15A 42, HORI 15A 42, FRIGHT 1F 39
FRIGHT 1F 39 kellybelly, jimbo
HAG C13 34 woofy1
FROTH 1F 33 Faeythe
WITH H12 30 Cruiser
WHAT H12 30 remij
FAGOT 1F 27 manfred
HOI 7M 23 reyna

On 13th draw, WAXY H12 51 --- WAXY resembling wax [adj]
Other moves: EXACT 13K 45, CANY L1 40, EX 13H 39, FANCY 1F 39, FAX 1F 39
WAXY H12 51 remij, Cruiser, kellybelly, woofy1
FAX 1F 39 jimbo, Faeythe
FANCY 1F 39 manfred

On 14th draw, INDITERS O1 80 --- INDITER one that indites [n]
Other tops: NITRIDES O1 80
Other moves: DISINTER C2 72, DISINTER O6 60, RINDIEST O2 60, ANTIRED 13H 33, NIFTIER 1D 33
FRIEND 1F 30 manfred, woofy1
FINED 1F 27 remij
FINITE 1F 27 kellybelly
FRIED 1F 27 Cruiser, jimbo
XI 14H 9 reyna

On 15th draw, FAQIR 1F 51 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: FLAMIER 1F 39, MAILER N1 39, QI N1 37, REFILM 1D 36, AIMER N2 35
QI N1 37 kellybelly, reyna, remij, woofy1
FILMER 1F 33 Cruiser
FLAMER 1F 33 jimbo
FAME 1F 27 manfred
FRAIL 1F 24 Faeythe

On 16th draw, PIEMAN N1 45 --- PIEMAN someone who sells pies [n]
Other moves: MANY L1 40, MINY L1 40, PINY L1 40, PAYER N4 39, EPENDYMA M8 38
PAYER N4 39 kellybelly
YAR N6 29 woofy1
RAINE 2F 26 reyna
PANSY C1 20 Cruiser
EXAM 14G 19 manfred
MAXI 14F 19 jimbo
MAX 14F 18 Faeythe
RAMP N8 14 remij

On 17th draw, FOGY L1 46 --- FOGY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: FOY L3 36, GULY L1 36, UGLILY E2 36, FIGO L1 34, FLY L2 34
FOGY 13L 33 kellybelly, woofy1, reyna
FOXY 14F 25 jimbo, remij
DOGY M12 18 manfred
LOUSY C1 16 Cruiser

On 18th draw, VESICLE C2 26 --- VESICLE a small bladder [n]
Other moves: VEXIL 14F 25, CULEX 14D 23, CLEVER 2A 22, CULVER 2A 22, CUVEE C7 22
LIVE 13L 22 kellybelly, woofy1
VEX 14F 21 remij
DIVE M12 16 manfred
VEE C9 15 reyna
VIES C1 14 Cruiser
VEILER D6 10 jimbo

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