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Game of June 20, 2011 at 12:29, 9 players
1. 552 pts woofy1
2. 474 pts reyna
3. 445 pts Bez

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeiopw   H4    28    28   waspie
 2. enoptuz   6C    36    64   ponzus
 3. afgilmr   D2    30    94   aliform
 4. abdorst   2A    28   122   tabards
 5. efiorsy   1G    41   163   osiery
 6. aefhntv   8A    36   199   vehm
 7. aeentuy   E4    34   233   tyne
 8. afhinrt  10F    38   271   firth
 9. ?egnoqr  11B    31   302   roque
10. abklosv   A1    42   344   atoks
11. adeimou  12F    80   424   miaoued
12. aeegiot  12C    28   452   oi
13. annrttu   G9    25   477   titian
14. deiltwx  H12    47   524   axed
15. adegilu   7C    25   549   urea
16. adeenno   2J    29   578   neoned
17. egirstu  15H    83   661   durgiest
18. abelnvw   O1    39   700   advew
19. aceijln  A11    41   741   cline
20. abgijlo  N10    30   771   biogas

Remaining tiles: cgjlln

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6511 Filewoofy1      1 24:36  -219  552     1.6511 woofy1      1 24:36  -219  552 
  2.5865 Filereyna       2 28:53  -297  474     2.6487 bobadamdan  1 16:26  -476  295 
  3.5385 FileBez         0 23:19  -326  445            Group: novice
  4.5472 Filebabsbedi    1 25:59  -381  390     1.5865 reyna       2 28:53  -297  474 
  5.3528 Fileleonora     0 17:55  -428  343     2.5385 Bez         0 23:19  -326  445 
  6.6487 Filebobadamdan  1 16:26  -476  295     3.5472 babsbedi    1 25:59  -381  390 
  7.  -  FileJennyB      0 17:42  -539  232     4.5999 una         0  2:38  -710   61 
  8.4888 Fileannelhynz   0  7:19  -618  153            Group: not rated
  9.5999 Fileuna         0  2:38  -710   61     1.3528 leonora     0 17:55  -428  343 
                                             2.  -  JennyB      0 17:42  -539  232 
                                             3.4888 annelhynz   0  7:19  -618  153 

On 1st draw, WA(S)PIE H4 28 --- WASPIE a ladies' corset [n]
Other tops: WEAPO(N) H4 28, WO(O)PIE H4 28, W(O)OPIE H4 28
Other moves: PI(L)AW H8 26, PI(L)OW H8 26, POW(N)IE H4 26, WIPE(D) H4 26, WIPE(R) H4 26
WEAPO(N) H4 28 babsbedi, reyna
WIPE(S) H4 26 leonora, woofy1
PAWE(D) H4 24 Bez

On 2nd draw, PONZU(S) 6C 36 --- PONZU (Japanese) a type of sauce made from orange juice, sake, sugar, soy sauce and red pepper [n]
Other tops: PUTZE(S) 6C 36
Other moves: PEZANT 5E 34, TOUZE(S) 6C 34, POZ G3 33, TOZE(S) 6D 33, TOPAZ 5E 32
POZ G3 33 woofy1
ZO(S) 6F 31 Bez
ZO G5 23 reyna
ZONE 9E 14 leonora
ZAP 5G 14 babsbedi

On 3rd draw, ALIFORM D2 30 --- ALIFORM shaped like a wing [adj]
Other moves: AMP 7F 28, FARM 10F 28, FIRM 10F 28, FARL 10F 26, FARMING E1 26
AMP 7F 28 woofy1, Bez
FIRM G9 22 reyna
FROM D4 18 babsbedi
FROG D4 16 leonora

On 4th draw, TABARDS 2A 28 --- TABARD a sleeveless outer garment [n]
Other tops: ABORDS 10E 28, ABORDS C8 28, BARDOS 10F 28
Other moves: ABORTS 10E 27, BARDO 10F 27, BARDS 10F 27, BARMS 8A 27, BORDS 10F 27
BARMS 8A 27 woofy1
DORMS 8A 24 babsbedi
DRAMS 8A 24 leonora, reyna
BOAST 2B 18 Bez

On 5th draw, OSIERY 1G 41 --- OSIERY osier-work [n]
Other moves: SYNE E4 34, FERMIS 8A 33, FORMES 8A 33, STEY A1 33, FOYERS 10D 31
FORMES 8A 33 babsbedi
FORMS 8A 30 leonora
FIRMS 8A 30 woofy1, Bez
IF 1A 26 reyna

On 6th draw, VEHM 8A 36 --- VEHM a medieval German court [n]
Other tops: FEHM 8A 36
Other moves: FEAT 2J 35, HEAT 2J 35, HETMAN 8A 33, VATMEN 8A 33, FANE E4 31
FANE E4 31 woofy1
THEM 8A 27 Bez, reyna
HAVEN G9 25 babsbedi
FEAR 7A 13 leonora

On 7th draw, TYNE E4 34 --- TYNE to lose [v]
Other moves: TEENY 2J 31, YALE 3B 29, EYEN E8 27, EYNE E8 27, UREA 7C 27
TEENY 2J 31 woofy1
YET G9 19 reyna
ANY 2L 17 babsbedi
NEAT 2J 17 Bez
YEAN L1 14 leonora

On 8th draw, FIRTH 10F 38 --- FIRTH an inlet of the sea [n]
Other moves: AIRTH 10F 29, INFRA I7 29, FAITH G9 28, FAITH I9 28, FIRTH G9 28
FAITH I9 28 Bez, babsbedi
AH 1A 26 bobadamdan, reyna, woofy1
FEAR 9G 12 leonora

On 9th draw, ROQ(U)E 11B 31 --- ROQUE a form of croquet [n]
Other moves: ROQ(U)E K1 26, OGEE(S) 9F 25, TORQ(U)E I10 24, ERGON(S) K5 23, GENRO(S) K5 23
GEN 11E 15 woofy1
GORE 11C 15 babsbedi
Q(U)INE 8F 13 Bez
ENG 11J 13 JennyB

On 10th draw, ATOKS A1 42 --- ATOK a skunk [n]
Other tops: KRABS B10 42
Other moves: ATOK A1 39, SKA 1A 37, BISK G9 34, BRAKS B10 34, BRAVOS B10 34
SKA 1A 37 woofy1
BASK K8 32 reyna
STALK A1 30 bobadamdan
SOB K10 22 JennyB
OAKS 11J 21 babsbedi
STALK I9 18 Bez

On 11th draw, MIAOUED 12F 80 --- MIAOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: DIME 12C 48, DIM 12C 40, MI 12C 34, QUOAD D11 34, DI 12C 31
DIME 12C 48 una, woofy1
MI 12C 34 reyna, babsbedi
QUID D11 28 Bez
QUAD D11 28 bobadamdan
DREAM B10 24 JennyB
QI D11 22 leonora

On 12th draw, OI 12C 28 --- OI used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: QAT D11 24, GOATEE 13A 23, QI D11 22, ETAGE 13B 21, TOGAE 13B 21
OI 12C 28 woofy1
QI D11 22 leonora, Bez, reyna
TOGA 11K 17 babsbedi, JennyB
YOGA L1 16 bobadamdan
GET I3 13 una

On 13th draw, TITIAN G9 25 --- TITIAN a reddish-brown colour [n]
Other tops: UREA 7C 25
Other moves: TITI G9 22, NAUNT 13G 19, TAUNT 13G 19, ORAL 3A 18, BAN C2 17
NANA B1 14 woofy1
AUNT 2L 13 bobadamdan
AUNT 9J 10 reyna
NOON C10 8 leonora, babsbedi
DRAT L12 6 JennyB

On 14th draw, AXED H12 47 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXEL H12 44, WEX 11K 39, EXILED J1 34, EXITED J1 34, WEXED K11 32
AXED H12 47 reyna, bobadamdan
AXEL H12 44 woofy1
WEX 11K 39 babsbedi
EXITED J1 34 JennyB
AWED H12 31 Bez
WEX K11 26 leonora
EX J1 25 annelhynz

On 15th draw, UREA 7C 25 --- UREA a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: DEAL 2J 23, ABED C1 22, GLADE 13J 22, GLIDE 13J 22, ODAL 3A 21
DEAL 2J 23 annelhynz
WAGED 4H 20 leonora, bobadamdan
DEAL 11K 19 reyna
OE I12 14 woofy1
AGED 9J 13 JennyB
HAULED J10 12 Bez
GLIDED L7 10 babsbedi

On 16th draw, NEONED 2J 29 --- NEON a gaseous element [adj] --- NEONED having a gaseous element [adj]
Other moves: ODEA 2I 25, DEAN 2J 23, DEEN 2J 23, ABED C1 22, DEE 2J 22
DEAN 2J 23 annelhynz, JennyB, woofy1
ODAL 3A 21 reyna
WANNED 4H 20 bobadamdan
DEAN 11K 19 Bez
DONNED 15H 9 babsbedi
NEED 14G 9 leonora

On 17th draw, DURGIEST 15H 83 --- DURGY dwarfish [adj]
Other tops: DURGIEST O2 83
Other moves: DUGITES O2 33, GETS 13A 28, GITS 13A 28, GURS 13A 28, GUTS 13A 28
EDITS O1 21 woofy1
WRITES 4H 18 Bez
GRITS K6 18 babsbedi
RE 1N 17 reyna
AXES 13G 17 JennyB
YOGI L1 16 leonora
WREST 4H 16 bobadamdan
URGE 9J 11 annelhynz

On 18th draw, ADVEW O1 39 --- ADVEW to view [v]
Other moves: WAVE 11K 33, WALE 3L 32, WANE 3L 32, WENA 3L 32, BALE 3L 29
WAVE 11K 33 Bez, bobadamdan
WE 1N 29 annelhynz, reyna, woofy1
WAN 11K 25 JennyB
RENEWAL K1 20 leonora
BAWLED L7 13 babsbedi

On 19th draw, CLINE A11 41 --- CLINE a series of changes within a species [n]
Other tops: CLEAN A11 41
Other moves: WILJA 4H 30, YOJAN L1 30, CLEANS N10 28, CLINES N10 28, VINCA A8 28
CLEANS N10 28 leonora
JAILS N11 24 Bez, reyna
JANE 4L 22 bobadamdan
JEE M13 20 woofy1
JILT O12 19 babsbedi
JAILED L7 15 JennyB
JAW 5M 13 annelhynz

On 20th draw, BIOGAS N10 30 --- BIOGAS fuel gas produced by organic waste [n]
Other tops: WILJA 4H 30
Other moves: JOB I3 29, JOG I3 27, GAJOS N11 26, JABS N12 26, JIBE 4L 26
JOB I3 29 annelhynz
JOG I3 27 woofy1
JAILS N11 24 reyna, bobadamdan, Bez
BIG 11K 23 leonora
BAIL 11K 23 JennyB

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