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Game of June 20, 2011 at 14:03, 9 players
1. 547 pts kellybelly
2. 472 pts margalang
3. 451 pts arlo805

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdeegr   H2    78    78   rebadge
 2. ?cinrst   8H    86   164   enticers
 3. ?abeitw   N7    78   242   writable
 4. ailpstt   3C    74   316   platiest
 5. adefimr   K5   106   422   ramified
 6. aenorsw   F2    65   487   stoneraw
 7. eglotuy   J5    34   521   eyot
 8. deilntv   L1    38   559   vinted
 9. iinostu   1K    24   583   ovist
10. aegikln  J10    45   628   kaing
11. deimoru   D3    74   702   lemuroid
12. aegoqrx   C8    41   743   oxer
13. acehlno  15H    53   796   leach
14. aaefhqv  M11    36   832   haaf
15. egnopuy  B10    48   880   pogey
16. eijlnoz  O14    48   928   zo
17. ejllnou   A8    43   971   jeon
18. ilnquuv  12F    26   997   liquid

Remaining tiles: lnuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7121 Filekellybelly  1 11:33  -450  547     1.7121 kellybelly  1 11:33  -450  547 
  2.6201 Filemargalang   0 18:20  -525  472            Group: intermediate
  3.6080 Filearlo805     1 20:26  -546  451     1.6201 margalang   0 18:20  -525  472 
  4.6001 Fileuna         2 17:01  -559  438     2.6080 arlo805     1 20:26  -546  451 
  5.4324 FileGrace_Tjie  1 16:27  -658  339     3.6001 una         2 17:01  -559  438 
  6.4890 Fileannelhynz   0 15:05  -747  250     4.6182 miaanne     0  2:53  -920   77 
  7.  -  FileLamplugh    0  8:12  -851  146            Group: novice
  8.6182 Filemiaanne     0  2:53  -920   77     1.5039 naomiari    0  1:06  -969   28 
  9.5039 Filenaomiari    0  1:06  -969   28            Group: not rated
                                             1.4324 Grace_Tjie  1 16:27  -658  339 
                                             2.4890 annelhynz   0 15:05  -747  250 
                                             3.  -  Lamplugh    0  8:12  -851  146 

On 1st draw, REBADGE H2 78 --- REBADGE to market a product under a new brand name [v]
Other moves: REBADGE H7 76, REBADGE H8 76, REBADGE H3 74, REBADGE H4 74, REBADGE H6 74
REBADGE H2 28 arlo805
BARGED H4 26 una
BADGER H4 26 kellybelly, miaanne
BREAD H4 22 margalang
BREED H8 20 Grace_Tjie
EAGER H6 12 Lamplugh

On 2nd draw, ENTIC(E)RS 8H 86 --- ENTICER one that entices [n]
Other tops: CR(E)ATINS 5E 86, C(E)RATINS 5E 86, C(U)RTAINS 5D 86, IN(F)ARCTS 5E 86, IN(F)RACTS 5D 86, T(U)RACINS 5E 86, (A)RCANIST 5E 86
Other moves: ENT(E)RICS 8H 80, TRIC(O)RNS 2G 80, CENTRIS(M) 3G 76, CENTRIS(T) 3G 76, CENTRI(E)S 3G 76
TRI(A)CS 9C 23 margalang
CIST(E)RN 9F 22 arlo805
SC(A)NT 9H 21 kellybelly
STR(A)IN 9H 19 annelhynz
STIC(K)ER 3C 18 una
NICEST 3E 12 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, WRITAB(L)E N7 78 --- WRITABLE capable of being expressed in writing [adj] --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [adj]
Other tops: WRITAB(L)E 2G 78
Other moves: BAWTIE(S) 9B 74, WARBIE(S)T 2F 72, WARBIE(S)T N6 72, BAWDIE(S)T 6E 67, BAW(D)IEST O2 66
WAB G3 29 kellybelly, miaanne
(A)BATE G2 26 arlo805
WAITE(R) K6 16 margalang
WED 6F 15 una
WET J6 14 annelhynz

On 4th draw, PLATIEST 3C 74 --- PLATY split into thin, flat pieces [adj]
Other moves: TALIPATS 5C 70, TALIPATS 5G 70, TAILS O11 28, TAITS O11 28, PELTAST 3G 26
TAILS O11 28 kellybelly
PLASTIC L2 22 miaanne
PAILS 9D 20 Grace_Tjie
ALP O13 18 margalang
PATS J6 12 una
RAPT 2H 12 annelhynz
SPI(L)L 13K 12 Lamplugh
PA G5 11 arlo805

On 5th draw, RAMIFIED K5 106 --- RAMIFY to divide into branches [v]
Other moves: FRAIM 4A 40, MAIRE O11 36, DEAF 9H 32, DEIF 9H 32, DREAM 4A 32
MAIRE O11 36 kellybelly
FILMED D1 32 una
FARMED 5G 24 Grace_Tjie
AIM 4C 22 margalang
RAID 4B 21 arlo805
ME O14 16 annelhynz

On 6th draw, STONERAW F2 65 --- STONERAW a lichen [n]
Other moves: WEANS O11 40, WEARS O11 40, RESAW L11 32, RESOW L11 32, SEROW L11 32
WEARS O11 40 kellybelly
SWEAR 4A 28 margalang
WALES D1 24 Lamplugh
ROWS 9E 23 arlo805
SEW L4 19 Grace_Tjie
AW O14 17 una
WIN 10J 14 annelhynz

On 7th draw, EYOT J5 34 --- EYOT a small island [n]
Other moves: GOETY J10 33, EULOGY E6 31, STOGY O8 31, YET J6 31, TOEY J3 30
YET J6 31 kellybelly
OY J5 28 annelhynz
AYE E3 21 una
YOU E8 16 margalang
YO E8 15 arlo805
OYE L3 14 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, VINTED L1 38 --- VINT to strip of grapes [v]
Other moves: TEIND O11 31, VIALED E1 31, LIVED L11 30, VLEI 4A 30, DEVIL L11 29
DEVIL L11 29 margalang
VEND L3 26 arlo805
VILE D1 22 Lamplugh, una
DIVE L2 19 kellybelly
VIN 10J 14 annelhynz
VIEW 9C 14 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, OVIST 1K 24 --- OVIST a believer that the ovum has the germ of all future generations [n]
Other moves: INTIS 10B 23, IONS O12 23, OINT O12 23, OINTS 10B 23, TONUS 10B 23
VINO 1L 21 kellybelly
VINT 1L 21 arlo805, Grace_Tjie
VINS 1L 21 una, margalang
OUT G9 10 annelhynz

On 10th draw, KAING J10 45 --- KA to serve [v]
Other moves: KAEING J10 44, KNAG J10 40, KAIE J10 39, KAIL J10 39, KAIN J10 39
KAIN J10 39 kellybelly
KALE D1 26 una
KILN D1 26 margalang
KILL D1 26 Lamplugh
LEAKING D3 26 arlo805
KIN 10J 17 annelhynz
LAKE D3 16 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, LEMUROID D3 74 --- LEMUROID a lemur [n]
Other moves: ERODIUM G9 68, MOIRE O11 36, IMIDO 2J 35, UREMIA 8A 33, REMOUD E6 31
MOLDER D1 24 margalang
MILDER D1 24 una, arlo805
MOER M11 24 kellybelly
MODE E8 23 annelhynz
DIMES O4 15 Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, OXER C8 41 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other moves: AXE E3 40, AXE O13 40, OX C8 36, XI 9M 33, (E)X M8 33
OXER C8 41 kellybelly
AXE O13 40 arlo805
OX C8 36 margalang
EX O14 29 una
AX O14 29 annelhynz
AXED 10A 28 Lamplugh
QAID 12H 24 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, LEACH 15H 53 --- LEACH to subject to the filtering action of a liquid [v]
Other tops: LOACH 15H 53
Other moves: LOCHAN 15F 44, CHELA 15F 41, CHOLA 15F 41, ENHALO 15G 41, H**L* O11 40
LEACH B10 32 una
HAE M11 23 kellybelly
HE O14 20 annelhynz
HO O14 20 margalang
LACHES O3 17 arlo805
ECHO G9 16 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, HAAF M11 36 --- HAAF a deep sea fishing region [n]
Other moves: FAVA B10 35, FAVE B10 35, FAH B10 34, FEH B10 34, FAA B10 31
FAVE B10 35 kellybelly, margalang, arlo805
FEH B10 34 annelhynz
QAID 12H 24 Grace_Tjie
EF O14 17 una

On 15th draw, POGEY B10 48 --- POGEY any form of government relief [n]
Other tops: PONGY B10 48
Other moves: PEONY B10 46, PONEY B10 46, PENGO B10 42, OPEN O12 37, PYE O13 37
PONEY B10 46 kellybelly, margalang
PONY B10 29 arlo805
YE O14 24 una
SOY N1 12 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, ZO O14 48 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: JIZ B6 47, L*Z O13 44, JEON A8 43, JEEZ 13A 40, JOLE O11 39
ZO O14 48 una, Grace_Tjie
L*Z O13 44 margalang
ZOL B6 35 kellybelly
JOE O11 32 arlo805

On 17th draw, JEON A8 43 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other tops: JELLO A6 43
Other moves: JO O11 29, JOL B6 29, JUN B6 29, JEUNE 6B 28, JOE 14F 28
JOL B6 29 kellybelly
JO O11 29 arlo805
JOULE 6B 28 naomiari
JOE 14F 28 una
JO 2B 22 margalang
JELL 13A 22 Lamplugh
JELL B5 16 Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, LIQUID 12F 26 --- LIQUID a substance that flows freely [n]
Other moves: QUID 12H 24, QUIN 13G 24, SUQ N1 24, LUV C13 21, LEVIN 13A 16
LIQUID 12F 26 arlo805, una
QUIN 13G 24 kellybelly, Grace_Tjie, margalang

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