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Game of June 20, 2011 at 14:47, 11 players
1. 665 pts ste11a
2. 584 pts sunshine12
3. 400 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?anortv   H4    76    76   venator
 2. adeeiin   I5    25   101   aedine
 3. abbenrr  J10    29   130   barber
 4. ?aijmos  11B    90   220   romajis
 5. gioosyy  12D    40   260   ygo
 6. adinrty  15H    39   299   tardy
 7. efhnopu   J6    39   338   fop
 8. denopqr  B10    26   364   proner
 9. eimnort   L8    78   442   enormity
10. adellst   M2    71   513   stalled
11. aiilsuw   L1    30   543   wail
12. enqrstu   2J    68   611   quass
13. aeflnos  A12    40   651   safe
14. ehiinou  C13    25   676   eh
15. cginrtu  15H    39   715   tardying
16. deinuvx  N11    30   745   vixen
17. aehlotz   A8    49   794   zho
18. aeglruw  13E    24   818   awe
19. cdeeiot   7A    29   847   deceit
20. ciklruu   B2    28   875   rickle
21. ginotuu   1A    22   897   utu

Remaining tiles: ginou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7669 Fileste11a      7 21:58  -232  665     1.7669 ste11a      7 21:58  -232  665 
  2.6393 Filesunshine12  4 21:46  -313  584            Group: intermediate
  3.4783 Filenarisa      1 22:17  -497  400     1.6393 sunshine12  4 21:46  -313  584 
  4.5039 Filenaomiari    0 23:19  -520  377     2.6208 margalang   0 13:41  -693  204 
  5.5988 Fileuna         2 10:19  -619  278            Group: novice
  6.6208 Filemargalang   0 13:41  -693  204     1.5039 naomiari    0 23:19  -520  377 
  7.  -  FileLamplugh    0  9:21  -745  152     2.5988 una         2 10:19  -619  278 
  8.4083 Filetonikay     0  6:09  -812   85     3.5244 Oasthouse1  0  4:14  -842   55 
  9.3997 Filestana       0  5:51  -832   65            Group: not rated
 10.5244 FileOasthouse1  0  4:14  -842   55     1.4783 narisa      1 22:17  -497  400 
 11.  -  FileJennyB      0  3:37  -867   30     2.  -  Lamplugh    0  9:21  -745  152 
                                             3.4083 tonikay     0  6:09  -812   85 
                                             4.3997 stana       0  5:51  -832   65 
                                             5.  -  JennyB      0  3:37  -867   30 

On 1st draw, V(E)NATOR H4 76 --- VENATOR a huntsman [n]
Other moves: V(E)NATOR H2 70, V(E)NATOR H6 70, V(E)NATOR H7 70, V(E)NATOR H8 70, (P)ROVANT H2 70
V(E)NATOR H4 26 ste11a
VOT(E)R H4 22 una, narisa, naomiari
TROV(E) H4 16 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, AEDINE I5 25 --- AEDINE pertaining to an aedes [adj]
Other tops: AEDINE G5 25
Other moves: EANED G5 22, EANED I5 22, AIDE G7 20, AIDE I7 20, AVIDIN 4G 20
AEDINE I5 25 ste11a
DINE I7 20 sunshine12
VINED 4H 18 naomiari
VIAND 4H 18 una
EVADE 4G 9 narisa
RADE 10H 9 Lamplugh

On 3rd draw, BARBER J10 29 --- BARBER to shave or cut the hair [v]
Other moves: BARBE J10 28, NEB J8 28, BARB J3 27, BARREN J10 27, EBB J9 27
NEB J8 28 sunshine12
BARB J3 27 ste11a
BARER 10F 15 narisa
BEAR J2 14 naomiari
REB 10H 11 una

On 4th draw, (R)OMAJIS 11B 90 --- ROMAJI a system of transliterating Japanese into the Latin alphabet [n]
Other moves: (R)OMAJIS K4 86, ROJA(K)S 15J 60, JAMBO(K)S 13G 56, JORAMS 15H 54, ROMAJI 15J 54
JORAMS 15H 54 ste11a
MAJORS 15F 45 Lamplugh
JARS 15H 33 una, narisa
JO(E)S 11E 30 sunshine12
JANES 6F 30 naomiari

On 5th draw, YGO 12D 40 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: GORSY 15H 39, GOOSY K7 34, GYROS 15H 30, OOSY K8 30, OYS 12C 30
YGO 12D 40 ste11a
GYROS 15H 30 una
GORY 15H 24 sunshine12
YO 12E 19 naomiari
BOYS 13J 18 narisa
MY D11 14 Lamplugh

On 6th draw, TARDY 15H 39 --- TARDY an instance of being late [n] --- TARDY late [adj] --- TARDY to retard [v]
Other tops: DIRTY 15H 39
Other moves: TARRY 15H 36, TRINARY 15I 33, YAIRD J2 31, RARITY 15H 30, RARITY 15J 30
DIRTY 15H 39 narisa
TARDY 15H 39 una
RARITY 15J 30 ste11a
DAIRY 15G 27 sunshine12
Y*D 13F 21 naomiari
RAY 12J 12 Lamplugh

On 7th draw, FOP J6 39 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other moves: FOE J6 35, FON J6 35, HOUF J3 34, UFO J5 34, POUF J3 33
FON J6 35 ste11a
POH G5 30 sunshine12
PHONEY L10 28 una
PHONY L11 26 naomiari, Lamplugh
HONEY L11 22 narisa

On 8th draw, P(R)ONER B10 26 --- PRONE lying with the front or face downward [adj]
Other moves: P(R)ONE B10 24, P(R)ORE B10 24, BEDROP 13J 22, DOPEY L11 22, PERDY L11 22
P(R)ONER B10 26 una
ORD 13E 20 ste11a
PONY L12 18 narisa, margalang
ERN 13E 18 sunshine12
TIPPED 8H 12 Oasthouse1
RODE 12J 10 Lamplugh

On 9th draw, ENORMITY L8 78 --- ENORMITY a grave offense against decency [n]
Other moves: MENO A12 44, MINE A12 44, MINO A12 44, MIRE A12 44, MIRO A12 44
MORE A12 44 ste11a
MOTE A12 44 una
TOME A12 36 sunshine12
TRIMER 15A 33 narisa
TRIM 15A 27 naomiari, Oasthouse1

On 10th draw, STALLED M2 71 --- STALL to come to a standstill [v]
Other moves: STALLED M4 68, DATE A12 36, LADE A12 32, SADE A12 32, LATE A12 28
DATE A12 36 sunshine12, ste11a
TRADES 15A 27 una, margalang
TREADS 15A 24 naomiari
DREST 15A 21 narisa
BAILED 13J 18 Lamplugh

On 11th draw, WAIL L1 30 --- WAIL to utter a long, mournful cry [v]
Other tops: WAUL L1 30
Other moves: WAILS N4 27, AWLS 13E 25, AWL 13E 24, WAILS K2 23, WALIS K2 23
AWLS 13E 25 ste11a
SWAIL 4K 18 Lamplugh
SAW A12 17 narisa
WAIL 4L 16 Oasthouse1, naomiari
JOWS F11 16 sunshine12
WAIS 2J 15 stana
SAW 2M 12 margalang

On 12th draw, QUASS 2J 68 --- QUASS a Russian beer [n]
Other moves: SUQ N8 36, SURE A12 28, TUNE A12 28, STREW 1H 24, UNSEW 1H 24
QUASS 2J 68 sunshine12, ste11a
QUITS 3J 14 stana
QUAG E9 14 naomiari
SLUR 5L 12 narisa

On 13th draw, SAFE A12 40 --- SAFE a metal receptacle for storing valuables [n] --- SAFE free from danger [adj] --- SAFE to make secure [v]
Other tops: SOFA A12 40
Other moves: TARDYONS 15H 36, FREONS 15A 30, LANE A12 28, LENO A12 28, LONE A12 28
SAFE A12 40 sunshine12
SOFA A12 40 ste11a
FA M13 22 margalang
BOIL 13J 12 narisa

On 14th draw, EH C13 25 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v] --- EH used to express doubt or surprise [interj]
Other moves: EOTHEN 14J 21, EUOI M11 20, HI 3I 20, HOI N4 20, EH 13F 19
EH C13 25 sunshine12
HI 3I 20 narisa, margalang, naomiari
EH 13F 19 ste11a

On 15th draw, TARDYING 15H 39 --- TARDY to retard [v]
Other moves: CRU A8 19, CRINE 14F 17, BRING 13J 16, GI 3I 16, GIN 13F 16
GI 3I 16 sunshine12, margalang
BRING 13J 16 ste11a, naomiari
GUT 13F 16 narisa

On 16th draw, VIXEN N11 30 --- VIXEN a shrewish woman [n]
Other moves: EX 1N 29, XI 3I 28, EX 13F 27, VEXING O10 25, EXING O11 21
EX 1N 29 naomiari, sunshine12, narisa
XI 3I 28 ste11a, margalang
REMIX 12J 14 stana
LAX 4L 10 tonikay

On 17th draw, ZHO A8 49 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: LAZO A7 43, AZO A8 40, ZOEAE 14F 38, ZEA 14F 34, ZOA 14F 34
ZHO A8 49 ste11a, sunshine12
HAZE 14G 29 margalang
LAZE 4L 14 tonikay, stana
ZAG E10 13 naomiari

On 18th draw, AWE 13E 24 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: AWL 13E 24
Other moves: ALEW 13E 22, AREW 13E 22, AW 13E 22, AGER 13E 21, AGLU 13E 21
AWE 13E 24 ste11a
AW 1N 17 sunshine12
JOW F11 13 naomiari
WON 9G 10 narisa
LEA 14F 7 tonikay

On 19th draw, DECEIT 7A 29 --- DECEIT the act of deceiving [n]
Other moves: DICOT 7A 28, DECO 7A 27, DICE 7A 27, DICT 7A 27, DEICE 7A 26
DI O12 19 ste11a, sunshine12
JOWED F11 18 naomiari
DI 3I 16 tonikay, narisa, margalang

On 20th draw, RICKLE B2 28 --- RICKLE a loose heap [n]
Other tops: LUCKIE B2 28, LUCKIER D2 28, RUCKLE B2 28
Other moves: ICKLER D3 26, LICKER D3 26, ICKER D4 24, LUCKIE D2 24, RICKLE D2 24
KI 3I 22 sunshine12, tonikay, narisa
LUKE B4 18 naomiari
LIKE B4 18 ste11a
LACK 4L 15 JennyB

On 21th draw, UTU 1A 22 --- UTU retribution [n]
Other moves: TIGON 1B 21, TING O12 20, TOING 1B 20, TUNG O12 20, IT 1A 19
UTU 1A 22 ste11a
IT 1A 19 naomiari
KING 5B 18 sunshine12
GI 3I 16 narisa, tonikay
GOT A1 16 margalang
EDIT 8L 15 JennyB
INGOT F3 8 stana

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