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Game of June 21, 2011 at 01:34, 4 players
1. 534 pts TwoFold
2. 352 pts tonikay
3. 225 pts pcrivest

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afilstv   H4    26    26   vistal
 2. aceeiru   6E    64    90   causerie
 3. ?aeehku   G8    77   167   heureka
 4. ?fnnost  11E    86   253   fornenst
 5. einoprt  14G    74   327   atropine
 6. aehilwz   5K    46   373   hazel
 7. adeggnr   O1    36   409   raggled
 8. adegilt  15K    37   446   ideal
 9. aelorst  15D    38   484   torse
10. adempry  12C    50   534   drapey
11. adijmou   4J    40   574   jam
12. beiqrst  13B    28   602   qi
13. aelortx   E3    32   634   exactor
14. cdemouv   D1    44   678   come
15. bginoww   C4    82   760   wingbow
16. fiostuv  14B    43   803   ifs
17. biinouv   1D    30   833   covin
18. bdeotuy   8A    45   878   yobbo
19. deilntu   A1    89   967   unitedly

Remaining tile: u

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6287 FileTwoFold     1 18:28  -433  534     1.6287 TwoFold     1 18:28  -433  534 
  2.4145 Filetonikay     0 20:15  -615  352            Group: not rated
  3.3139 Filepcrivest    0 19:15  -742  225     1.4145 tonikay     0 20:15  -615  352 
  4.  -  Fileharbour     0  8:37  -906   61     2.3139 pcrivest    0 19:15  -742  225 
                                             3.  -  harbour     0  8:37  -906   61 

On 1st draw, VISTAL H4 26 --- VISTAL pertaining to a vista [adj]
Other tops: VITALS H4 26
Other moves: FAILS H4 24, FASTI H4 24, FIATS H4 24, FLATS H4 24, FLITS H4 24
FAILS H4 24 TwoFold, tonikay

On 2nd draw, CAUSERIE 6E 64 --- CAUSERIE an informal conversation [n]
Other moves: CRUIVE 4D 22, VAREC 4H 20, VICAR 4H 20, VRAIC 4H 20, CESURAE 6F 17
RACE I8 12 tonikay
CRAVE 4E 10 TwoFold

On 3rd draw, HEU(R)EKA G8 77 --- HEUREKA a brilliant discovery [n]
Other moves: KEELHAU(L) 9E 69, KEE(L)HAUL 9A 66, HEUREKA(S) J3 64, KHE(D)A 5K 39, KEHUA 5K 38
(S)HAKE M6 30 TwoFold
KA(N)E F5 7 tonikay

On 4th draw, FO(R)N(E)NST 11E 86 --- FORNENST directly opposite [adv]
Other moves: FONT(I)NAS 14A 74, NONF(A)CTS E1 74, FO(R)NENST 12C 72, FO(R)NENST L2 72, FONTIN(A)S K2 70
F(R)OST 15D 47 TwoFold
SOFT(E)N 15G 41 tonikay
F(R)OST 11F 7 pcrivest

On 5th draw, ATROPINE 14G 74 --- ATROPINE a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade [n]
Other moves: POINTIER K1 70, POITRINE K1 70, PEREON 12D 29, INEPT 5H 28, OPTER 5J 26
POINT 5K 24 TwoFold
ONE H13 17 tonikay
PORT L8 9 pcrivest

On 6th draw, HAZEL 5K 46 --- HAZEL a shrub [n]
Other moves: HAZEL 12K 45, HAZE 5K 44, WHAIZLE K3 44, WALTZ L8 42, HAZE 12K 41
WALTZ L8 42 TwoFold
WIZ K5 30 pcrivest

On 7th draw, RAGGLED O1 36 --- RAGGLE to cut a groove in masonry [v]
Other tops: GARGLED O1 36
Other moves: DAGGLE O1 33, DANG 15L 33, DANGLER O1 33, DARG 15L 33, DANGLE O1 30
LAGGED O5 27 TwoFold
ANGEL O1 21 tonikay
DAGGER N10 13 harbour
REAL O2 5 pcrivest

On 8th draw, IDEAL 15K 37 --- IDEAL a standard of perfection [n]
Other moves: GRADIENT J5 31, DALE 15L 30, DALI 15L 30, DALT 15L 30, DATE 15L 30
GADI 13L 22 tonikay
GAD 13L 20 TwoFold
LAGER 1K 7 pcrivest

On 9th draw, TORSE 15D 38 --- TORSE a wreath of twisted silks [n]
Other tops: AROSE 15D 38
Other moves: ALSO 15E 32, *RS* 15E 32, LASE 15E 32, LOSE 15E 32, RASE 15E 32
ROSE 15E 32 TwoFold
LEARS 15C 20 tonikay
LOTE L9 8 pcrivest
HILT K5 7 harbour

On 10th draw, DRAPEY 12C 50 --- DRAPEY characterized by graceful folds [adj]
Other tops: VAMPY 4H 50
Other moves: EMPAYRE 12A 40, DAMPY 12A 38, PREMADE 12A 38, PREMY 12A 38, MARDY 12A 36
YOM F10 33 TwoFold
MERCY E3 24 tonikay
MACED E4 20 harbour
PACED E4 20 pcrivest

On 11th draw, JAM 4J 40 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JA N2 39, JIZ M3 38, OUIJA 10K 32, OUIJA N7 31, DAM 4J 28
JA N2 39 TwoFold
JOUR 1L 19 pcrivest
JOIN J8 13 harbour
JAR 1M 10 tonikay

On 12th draw, QI 13B 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: BRIES 13A 28
Other moves: BEST 13L 27, BETS 13L 27, BIER 13B 26, QIS 14B 26, BES 13L 25
BRIE 13A 20 TwoFold
QIS K9 12 tonikay, pcrivest

On 13th draw, EXACTOR E3 32 --- EXACTOR one that exacts [n]
Other tops: TAXER 12K 32, TAXOL 12K 32, TAXOR 12K 32
Other moves: OXCART E4 30, AXEL 12L 28, AXLE 12L 28, EXACT E3 28, OXER 12L 28
XU G5 18 TwoFold, pcrivest
EXO 10L 14 tonikay
LONE M12 8 harbour

On 14th draw, COME D1 44 --- COME to move toward someone or something [v]
Other moves: CODE D1 41, MODE D1 41, DEMO D1 40, DOME D1 40, COED D2 37
COME D1 44 TwoFold
CODEX 4A 36 tonikay
DOVE 3B 16 pcrivest

On 15th draw, WINGBOW C4 82 --- WINGBOW a mark on the wing of a domestic fowl [n]
Other moves: WIG 14A 41, GIB 14A 40, BIG 14A 39, NIB 14A 38, WIN 14A 38
COWING 1D 36 TwoFold
BINGO 8A 30 pcrivest
WOW C4 22 tonikay

On 16th draw, IFS 14B 43 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: FITS 14A 42, SIF 14A 41, IF 14B 39, FIT 14A 38, VIS 14A 38
EF N5 26 TwoFold
QIS B13 24 tonikay
FITS L9 14 pcrivest

On 17th draw, COVIN 1D 30 --- COVIN a conspiracy to injure or defraud [n]
Other moves: BUNCO 1A 27, EBON N5 25, BIB 8A 21, BOB 8A 21, BUB 8A 21
BIB 8A 21 tonikay
BOB 8A 21 TwoFold
NIB 8A 15 pcrivest

On 18th draw, YOBBO 8A 45 --- YOBBO a lout [n]
Other moves: DUBBO 8A 39, BEY 13L 34, BOY 13L 34, EYED N5 32, DEY 13L 31
YOB 8A 24 TwoFold
BOB 8A 21 tonikay
YEW 10A 11 pcrivest

On 19th draw, UNITEDLY A1 89 --- UNITE to bring together so as to form a whole [adv] --- UNITEDLY in a united manner [adv]
Other moves: VIDE F1 30, VILE F1 28, VINE F1 28, VITE F1 28, TEEND I5 26
DE A14 17 TwoFold
IN J10 4 pcrivest
RUIN J6 4 tonikay

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